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New 6th Edition rules

Started by fatolaf, April 11, 2012, 05:18:16 pm

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Some pictures from the new rulebook http://imgur.com/a/Fbh2R

No more denying it, psychic powers are in. Dark Eldar, SoB, Necrons and Orks don't get any. I wonder if they'll get some at a later stage, as not getting to play in one of the phases of the game seems a bit sily...
This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine.


Quote from: jansuza on June 20, 2012, 12:23:42 pm
Some pictures from the new rulebook http://imgur.com/a/Fbh2R

No more denying it, psychic powers are in. Dark Eldar, SoB, Necrons and Orks don't get any. I wonder if they'll get some at a later stage, as not getting to play in one of the phases of the game seems a bit sily...

SoB like Black Templars detest psykers, in fact its kinda the reason for their existence, burn the witch and all that. Don't think they'll be getting psykers any time soon...

Orks already have their own powers. Necrons are robots so somehow doubt they'll ever get any and I'm pretty sure Dark Eldar avoid it to you know stay alive. It does make me wonder though, what defences they'll be getting, otherwise shit could get messy.

As for allies, I hope to god they are optional extras. From what I've been told allies pretty much ruined 3rd ed with silly unforeseen combos. That idea can !@%$#%@ off to hell imo

Anyway, roll on the weekend!
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Guessin allies will be much like fantasy, a table to ignore for multiplayer games
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?

Tom Loyn

Weird that grey knights don't get telepathy, when their entire psychic ethos is built in telepathic power.


Quote from: maelzch on June 20, 2012, 01:00:50 pm
Guessin allies will be much like fantasy, a table to ignore for multiplayer games

Yep i reckon that will be it, an optional extra..

And yes, will be intrigued to see what defence Necrons get, as some of these powers are horrible, and our Gloom Prsym Spyder aint going to hack it, not with a poxy 3" range..

However though are Guass against Tanks, and our Tesla in overwatch, might make up for it

Angelus Mortifer

June 20, 2012, 08:52:14 pm #55 Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 08:58:03 pm by Angelus Mortifer
Apologies Ol for the dual post from what you quoted from Warseer, but here's a bit of extra meat to the bones plus some additional info too. From a mate of mine but it's pretty much common knowledge by now - also he's semi-dyslexic so that explains a bit.

Interestingly (though hardly surprising I guess) there are still some contradictions, and also stuff that needs the rest of the rulebook to better clarify, some of which I've noted at the bottom.

"-Allies Matrix: You need 1 HQ 2 Troop of your own army, then you can ally, need 1 HQ 1 Troop of that army.  Then can take other slots.
-Move, Shoot, Assault
-"Overwatch" called "Snapshot".  Basically Stand and Shoot from Fantasy, at BS 1.  Cannot use Template or Blast weapons, however CAN fire Heavy weapons (at BS 1.  Rumor has it that Clairvoyance has a power that lets you fire Snapshot on normal BS).
-Random charges 2d6 for foot, 3d6 drop lowest for jump pack troops.
-Looks like Jump Troops (unsure if Jump Packs only, or also applies to Winged troops);  "hammer of wrath" = impact hits, 1 attack each model at  I 10, normal weapon, normal attack.
-6 missions, and 3 deployment zones,  primary and 3 secondary objectives, Victory Points for Objectives.
-No more dawn of war, no more spearhead, looks like one might be Triangle deployment.  Short edge to short edge deployment type (Battle for the Pass go go go)
-there is a hull point systemm, damage chart changed,  1-2 shaked 3 = stuned 4 = weapon destroyed 5 = wrecked 6 = kablam
-terrain is a part of the FoC; (We heard this as Fortification.)  Looks like 1 piece per player, per side.  Things like the Aegis Defense Line are 50 points.
-Cover is indeed 5+.  Stealth/Bolster is going to own faces now
-rapid fire is half range not 12", not limited by movement"


"-The highest LD HQ is the Warlord and gets to roll on a Warlord Trait table, before the game you roll on one of 3 tables - Command, Personal or Strategic Traits, 2 examples are Inspiring Presence; Units within 12" use the Warlords LD. Another is Immovable Object allowing the Warlord to capture objectives solo.
-Flying Monstrous creatures can swoop 24" and perform a Vector Strike which is D3+1 hits at it's strength on a unit it flies over (in the example it says D3+2 I don't know if that's specific to Daemon princes as used in the boxed example or an error)
-The Fortifications have special rules too, the Bastion in the Bat rep had a quad gun which has the Interceptor rule which allows it to shoot at a unit as it arrives from reserve and the Skyfire rule which allows it to shoot flyers at normal BS rather than BS1.
-Monstrous creatures get the Smash ability which allows them to halve their attacks but strike at double strength.
-Bastions have AV14 all round and have a heavy bolter on each facing, they're automated and target the nearest enemy unit, can have a comms relay or a heavy weapon on the battlement.
-Tank traps are impassable terrain to all non skimmer vehicles, bikes can attempt to pass on a successful difficult terrain test, models behind it can get a 4+ cover save.
-Aegis defence lines are a 4+cover save but models behind it get +2 to cover save if they go to ground behind it.
-Mysterious forests are 5+ cover save, as soon as you enter you roll on the table to see what happens.  Ruins are difficult terrain and a 4+ cover save.  Wild undergrowth is a 5+ cover save and difficult terrain.
-Imperial Statuary is all imperial models within 2" of the terrain piece are fearless.
-Fuel Reserves 5+ cover save, each successful cover save roll a D6, on a 1 a barrel explodes doing a strength 3 hit on any models nearby.
-Impact craters are a 5+ cover save if the unit is within it's boundaries.
-Psykers can mix and match the new Psychic Disciplines, using the ones in their codex or by using the ones in the new rulebook, the example given is if space marine army had 2 librarians one could take codex powers and the other could take rulebook powers.
-HQ's can challenge in single combat
-Jump packs get to re-roll charge rolls, Jet packs get to "scoot" up to 2D6" away in the assault phase
-Rage is +2 attacks on the charge
-Dreadnoughts have 3 Hull points, Soul grinder, Ghost Arks and Land raiders have 4
-Land Speeders get Jink for a +5 cover save or 4+ if flat out
-Snipers can select targets if they roll a 6 to hit

Discipline of Biomancy - Haemorrage, warp charge 1, range 12". Haemorrage is a Focused witchfire power with a range of 12". The Target must pass a toughness test or suffer a wound with no armour saves or cover saves allowed. If the target is slain randomly select another model (friend or foe) within 2" of him. That model must pass a toughness test or suffer a wound with no armour or cover saves allowed. If that model dies, continue the process until a model survives or there are no suitable targets within range

Discipline of Divination - Scrier's Gaze, Warp charge 1. Scrier's Gaze is a Blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, you can roll 3 dice and choose the result you want when rolling for reserves, outflank or mysterious terrain.

Discipline of Pyromancy - Molten Beam, warp charge 2, range 12". Molten beam is a Beam with the following profile - S8 AP1 Assault, melta

Discipline of Telekinesis - Vortex of Doom, warp charge 2, range 12". Vortex of doom is a Witchfire power with the following profile - S10 AP1, Heavy1, Blast* *If the psychic test is failed centre the template on the psyker, it does not scatter.

Again, "Warp Charge" and its a "type of power".  Unknown what that means."

A few things I've noticed right off the bat, and I appreciate I'm influenced with some of them by what I play personally:
- Rage is +2 Attacks on the charge: so Death Company will have 6 Attacks each if you equip them with dual CC weapons!!!!!! Certainly mitigates the "controlled" movement of Rage, but....

How does that affect Jump Pack DC with the"Hammer of Wrath" rule of an impact hit at I10?

- Combining elements of Planetstrike with the terrain options, as Bastions are exactly the same in that rulebook for example.

- Snipers can pick out individuals if they roll a 6... what I have been waiting for as Marine ones are fairly dump.

- MC "Smash" ability, halving attacks but doubling strength (!). Is S10 not the maximum now, or could this be just against vehicles for example. S6 Nids for example would be S12..? What about their 2D6 armour pen?

- Do Monoliths have 4 Hull Points... because one would think they should?

- Landspeeders just got a little more durable with standard Jink cover of 5+

- I miss Dawn of War...

I'm sure you can pick out your own nuggets from the above. Overall, assuming these things are 98% in there, I'm liking a lot of what I'm hearing - even the stuff that nerfs BAs. Whilst we'll suffer with some of the other stuff that's mooted to change, there are a number of specific (and general) that will adequately compensate. Also, we still need the actual rulebook to fully understand how all of this interacts mechanically.

"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus


It all sounds good to me, what I really want to know is how psychic powers are cast, is it the same, is there an actual psychic phase?
Seems like this would have been leaked by now, which to me is a relief ...

Angelus Mortifer

Quote from: fatolaf on June 21, 2012, 09:25:50 am
It all sounds good to me, what I really want to know is how psychic powers are cast, is it the same, is there an actual psychic phase?
Seems like this would have been leaked by now, which to me is a relief ...

If they've thought about it, I'm guessing no actual Psychic phase but a pool of dice to use over Movement, Shooting and Assault - different from WHFB and a bit tactical too.
"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus


Wonder how psychic hoods will work then, or how Necrons, Orks etc defend against multiple psychic effects


My guess on psychics is that all Psykers will get the 'Mastery Level' that started appearing in recent Codexes, and the 'Warp Charge' will reflect the cost. So if you're a Mastery level 2, perhaps you get two powers, and contribute 2 tokens per turn. Then you can cast two cost 1, or one more powerful cost 2. Seems to make some sense, though I'm sure if it works that way we'll soon see the ability to do a TKs and get a billion dice for the one powerful caster to get some uber magic bombs off with!

Otherwise I don't want to take too much from these leaks, obviously there's lots in there we don't know about yet. But generally I'm really looking forward to release, if they've balance out (most of) the Codexes it might convince me to come back to GW for a while. Although Ol's selling my Dark Angels, I've kept a small Dark Eldar force which may be coming out. Though I'm sad that they have no psykers of their own ... :cry: