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New 6th Edition rules

Started by fatolaf, April 11, 2012, 05:18:16 pm

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Randomness just means the game is more about balancing the odds to be in your favour rather than knowing what 6/12/24" and  considering it a "skill".... Assumng they have pre-measuring, it becomes a non-issue. It works fine in Fantasy, so I can't see why it wouldn't work in 40k.

Psychic phase depends on the powers available, but lets be honest, when you have units of Termies etc with TH/SS running around capable of killing mulitple units/half an army in one combat phase, how much worse can any psychic powers be...

So far I'm yet to hear any rules rumours I don't like tbh! I can't wait!

I apologise for my positiveness   :wink;m::
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


It's ok. You'll get over all this positiveness O0
I too am quite looking forward to it.
Charge.  Flee.  Your Turn.


Quote from: Meals on June 13, 2012, 01:14:18 am
Randomness just means the game is more about balancing the odds to be in your favour rather than knowing what 6/12/24" and  considering it a "skill".... Assumng they have pre-measuring, it becomes a non-issue. It works fine in Fantasy, so I can't see why it wouldn't work in 40k.

Psychic phase depends on the powers available, but lets be honest, when you have units of Termies etc with TH/SS running around capable of killing mulitple units/half an army in one combat phase, how much worse can any psychic powers be...

So far I'm yet to hear any rules rumours I don't like tbh! I can't wait!

I apologise for my positiveness   :wink;m::

Agree 100%


I am just worried about them creating some uber spellz that have ruined WfB for me, so long as we don't see space 13th or horus razoor then I love the sound of all the rules so far.
Random charges combined with premeasuring worked great in WFb, will do the same for 40k IMO


Quote from: Meals on June 13, 2012, 01:14:18 am
Randomness just means the game is more about balancing the odds to be in your favour rather than knowing what 6/12/24" and  considering it a "skill".... Assumng they have pre-measuring, it becomes a non-issue. It works fine in Fantasy, so I can't see why it wouldn't work in 40k.

Psychic phase depends on the powers available, but lets be honest, when you have units of Termies etc with TH/SS running around capable of killing mulitple units/half an army in one combat phase, how much worse can any psychic powers be...

So far I'm yet to hear any rules rumours I don't like tbh! I can't wait!

I apologise for my positiveness   :wink;m::

Sorry if that did not come across right, I am also really positive about 6th and looking forward to the new rules.  :thumbsup:

What I don't like about random charges is that CC becomes more risky, because a unit jumping out of a Landraider or Stormraven or whatever that than fails the charge will get shot to pieces. We will then also see even less shooting before assaulting. This could be offset if you could consolidate into a new combat, but I doubt that will happen.

I for mine don't have a problem with psykers becoming a little stronger, just don't want to see Dreaded 13 or Gate equivalents where one high roll on a few dice can win you or lose you the entire game. That's what I mean with "bad randomness".

Other than that I am very open for changes, it will breathe some new life into the game and lists and tactics will have to change, which is a good thing. Can't wait to get games in and see how it plays.

++Thought of the day: Death is no excuse for failure++

"Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards"
- Publius Cornelius Tacitus

Angelus Mortifer

Some more for you (still not 100% confirmed of course, and possibly conflicting still) -

"-AP are on ccw but he says power weapons are ap 2, not 3.
-When you charge it's double your move, infantry move 6, bikes 8 cav 7 etc.
-It's move assault then shooting now!
-Fnp is 5+. Master crafted ccw give you a 5+ invuln save
-When you shoot you roll to hit depending on the speed of your target. Fast vehicles you always need a 6.
-A unit can't claim a object while inside a vehicle.
-There's new kinds of instance death. If your say strengh 8 vs a space marine captain toughness 4
you only do 2 wounds! Strengh (9?) or more would do 3 wounds & kill him.
-In kill point missions you get kill points based on what the units points cost, so for example a
landraider would be worth 5 kill points & a unit of marines 3pts."
"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus


Quote from: Angelus Mortifer on June 13, 2012, 04:21:04 pm
-In kill point missions you get kill points based on what the units points cost, so for example a
landraider would be worth 5 kill points & a unit of marines 3pts."

Early Planet OG rules FTW!  :thumbsup:


I wonder what the black templars?, necrons, dark eldar & tau are going to do in the psychic phase?
Charge.  Flee.  Your Turn.


Quote from: Garzini on June 13, 2012, 10:36:13 pm
I wonder what the black templars?, necrons, dark eldar & tau are going to do in the psychic phase?

Rumour is all units have a natural 6+ save vs psychic attacks/ effects..
Also Necronsdo have the spyder 4+ defence ability.
Tau however, with their crap ld are screwed if there any psychic attacks that affect ld....


I meant in their turn.. are they like fantasy dwarfs? (skipping the phase entirely) or will there be some "remains in play" effects that they could nullify (dispel).

I'm not completely against the idea of a phase, but those armies that don't use psychics now have something that they can actually feel that they are missing out on, rather than the current system which just just treats psychics as another ability that is used as and when needed.

also, how many powers (and trust me, I don't know most of them) would be be used "out of phase", like the Dark Angels Force Barrier, which allows a psychic test when the Librarian takes a wound.

psychic cards hohever, i'm all for, because I hate flicking through the rulebook during a game.
Charge.  Flee.  Your Turn.