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More OG purchases - Beastmen - for Bloodbowl

Started by Dave, April 19, 2010, 11:47:44 am

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Decided I wanted yet another project on the go, so have started up a bloodbowl team.  This one being a slightly more reasonable number of figures I'm hopeful that I might actually complete it at some point in the next year! 

I'm assuming everyone is familiar with Bloodbowl, if not it's the GW version of fantasty football being a violent take on an american football style game but without the stopping for a break every 30 seconds.  There is also a quite accurate re-creation in computer game form which is GW supported and provided the inspiration picture for my start to my team.

I used to play bloodbowl loads when I was younger and it's hugely popular down my local club.  So because of those things I figured I might as well get involved and get a team up and running.  Now I've always loved the chaos team.  Not because it's particularly good (in fact until it has been going for some time it's particularly mediocre) but because I like the feel of them and the balance they strike in the game of not being specialised to anything and you can mould them however you like (as long as it's mostly a bit bashy due to skills access).

The team models are now looking rather dated so I thought I'd set about building my own out of the fantasy box sets, so I picked up the Gors box as part of my purchases from the wonderful OG Games store (plug).  I've also got a load of the chaos stuff which I will be making a WoC army out of at some stage which I'll be using for bits, might even include some marauders instead of all beasts, will just see how things take me.  To supplement the shoulder & knee pads I'm also raiding my other bits box for pieces and discovered a bunch of good bits off the lizardmen sprues which i think are meant to be plates to add to the bone crests but with a bit of chopping make ideal knee pads!

Starting from the PC game we have some artwork:

And from OG Games we have a box of gors, box of marauders, box of free company and some other bits and bobs I've picked up.  Which gave rise to my first figure (mostly just using bits from the gors box).

Here's the intermediate painting stage, only took me 30-45mins to get to this:

And a bit later to this:

Think I might want to add some damage and dust to him as is rather pristine at the moment but I've not got much practice at painting battle damage and have my usual fear of wrecking a decent job so far.


Like the conversion. He looks really good and reasonably simple to do. Nice paint job too, turquoise seems to suit Chaos better than I'd expected.

Looking forward to seeing more.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


I tried the colour scheme out on the bloodbowl game just to see how it looked.  It was very nearly bright pink as that's what I've used in game for the last while but I decided to dial it down a notch.


Excellent, I have a Chaos Team I need to paint up and play also, so might be a handy tip for getting more beastmen players
2011 Record
Orks            W3, D2, L3
Empire         W1, D0, L6
High Elves    W1, D2, L4


The really fun part of the team will come once I've got the starting 11 out the way and can begin work on my normal mutation choices  :thumbsup:

I'll be needing at least
1-2 with extra arms
2 with prehensile tails
2 CWs with claws
possibly 2 beasts with claws
possibly a big hand


Looking really good so far mate, excellent job!


Quote from: Dave on April 19, 2010, 02:13:37 pm
I'll be needing at least
1-2 with extra arms
2 with prehensile tails
2 CWs with claws
possibly 2 beasts with claws
possibly a big hand

Magnetizing the arms could make this much easier!

Looking good so far!