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6th ED - Space Marine Army

Started by Dave, July 02, 2012, 09:55:41 am

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So I have a small Space Marine army and might well pull it out for a bit of 40k fun with the new rules, anyone have a feel for what makes a good 6th Ed army?

From the things I've read (basically a couple of posts on this forum) I should consider rocking out a few termies as CCW no longer removing all armour saves should make them a little more survivable, so should probably mix up Thunder Hammer and lighting claw combat termies again to take advantage of that.

Vehicles are likely to be less useful but I think there are still probably some nice tacticacl applications for line of sight blocking for focussed fire, having not seen the missions I'd imagine that flexible movement is still really important.

From everything I've seen assault squads with jump packs should provide some highly mobile assault and also the ability to consistently get the charge off with the ability to reroll the 2d6 or to just jump closer in the first instance.

So here's what I've got painted at present:

Command Squad - 4 plasma, apothecary- Razorback - heavy bolters
6 tactical squads - Rhinos
2 Assault squads - jump packs
2 Dev Squads - Rhinos
5 scouts - 4 sniper rifles & heavy bolter
5 termies Pfist &stormbolter, assault cannon
8 sternguard
1 Dread - MM & Fist
1 vindicator
1 landraider redeemer

And I'm just adding 5 TH&SS termies that I'd had sat around for ages and never finished.

Anyone care to tell me what's hot and what's not for things I might want to add to the army?

With the new psychic powers I'm guessing a librarian is a good add?


Small O0

To be honest, i'd take exactly what you would have previously and give it a go.
Charge.  Flee.  Your Turn.


QuoteTo be honest, i'd take exactly what you would have previously and give it a go
The problem is I only ever played 4 games of 5th so don't even know what I should have taken under that system!  This army was purely a painting project, I just wanted to do a marine company just cos it would be cool.

But I guess that's all part of the fun.  I think small games will be the way to go, learn a little bit of how it plays first and build from there if I'm going to get into 40k at all.


Nice army scheme, Dave. and are those old school rhinos

As for what to take in 6th... well, everyone is a noob right now. I have a couple ideas, you've listed most of them, (also think assault cannons are back in vogue, for dropping vehicles) but pretty much no idea how to balance it in an army. I suggest taking the stuff you like, see what happens and tell us if it works.... How much fun are the next couple months gonna be before everyone just reads the internet to be told what to use? :thumbsup: I'm loving it already!
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Quote from: Dave on July 02, 2012, 09:55:41 am
So I have a small Space Marine army

Not really that small buddy  :wink;m::

I would say go with Termies, Jump Packs and a Libby, all good ideas..
Don't give up on Tanks straight away, yes Land raiders can go down easier, but apart from Necrons, they are still AV14, so therefore rock hard to hurt, just keep them in cover when possible, and remember they can now move flat out and shoot all their weapons, so its a good compromise..
ONe thing you will need is a Storm talon, the little guys abilty to deal with other flyers will be key, and then he can buzz around shooting the enemy's ground forces.
Apart from that the world is your oyster, try as many combos as possible (and thats before you start trying out allies)..

PS: A Bastion with Quad gun is a very good focal point for your list IMO


I quite like the look of the budgie too, everyone complained that it wasn't very aerodynamic but I thought it looked like an attack helicopter and those things are ungainly as hell, so on that basis appropriate.

So my landraider varient is a redeemer, so moving flat out can it still shoot both flamestorm cannons, because not having to roll to hit that seems like a big advantage!

Quadgun you mean the thunderfire cannon right?

Jimbob - Yup 8 old hulls but the vindicator and razorback are new varients.


Quote from: Dave on July 02, 2012, 01:44:41 pm

So my landraider varient is a redeemer, so moving flat out can it still shoot both flamestorm cannons, because not having to roll to hit that seems like a big advantage!

With template weapons, you can't snap shot, so you will only be able to shoot with one using power of the machine spirit

Quoteyou mean the thunderfire cannon right?

No the quad gun is a special upgrade you can now get with some of the fortifications, this gun has the sky fire rule, letting you shoot at flyers using normal BS instead of BS1

Tom Loyn

Ol's talking about the extra rules at the back of the book Dave, they've given guidelines for adding fortifications and buildings to your army list which is quite cool!


July 05, 2012, 10:21:06 am #8 Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 10:28:11 am by Dave
Ahh thanks for clearing that up. 

I was on the door at our club last night (48 people turned up, it's always busy when I'm on!) so wasn't playing but it did give me a chance to watch a game going on next to me, looked like it was quite a smash up but very little combat seemed to be going on, partly down to the army lists I guess.

Got to see a dakka jet in the Waagh turn take out 10 kroot in a single turn and then somehow managed to survive getting hit by a rail gun (only +2 to damage table gave a 5 so just jammed his speed rather than killing it, seemed quite forgiving).  Hammerhead was definitely the star of the game destroying most of a boyz mob in a single turn and generally decimating stuff.  Some shoota guys with d3 shots were also pouring out the fire and glanced a devilfish to death in a single turns shooting.

Also saw crisis suits blowing the hell out of a unit of Nobz and warboss (why's he s's rather than z's?) as they somewhat futilely ran towards them before the final warboss and nob made it to combat and then the nob got shot down by the snapfire thing and the warboss chumped it up in combat to drag one suit down then die.

All in all it looked quite bloody and ended up a tie on primary objective but was decided by the 'first blood' objective as they both got into opponents deployment zone and did something else (I forget what).  Seems like that one is a bit unfair as getting the first turn and then blowing up a weak transport looks like an easy way to get some vps before your opponent even gets a turn.

All that was just an 800pts game too.  Has the force org selection thing changed at all, as I said I'd bring along a small force for next week to give it a try, presume I can just pick army as before but would be good to know if anything has changed?


Quote from: Dave on July 05, 2012, 10:21:06 am
All that was just an 800pts game too.  Has the force org selection thing changed at all, as I said I'd bring along a small force for next week to give it a try, presume I can just pick army as before but would be good to know if anything has changed?

Force Chart is the same apart from you can take one fortification and allies, but ignore that for now..

As for the game you watched, the reason there was no Combat is that Tau suck at it, and will die if any where near them (hence they can now take termie allies). So he will have just stayed as far back as possible and shoot, jump, shoot..(Very dull army)