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Battle for Planet OG - Part II - Sat September 10th

Started by fatolaf, July 27, 2011, 02:10:30 pm

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I was still waiting for my authorisation e-mail, but I thought I'd try my username and password, and it worked.  I must have missed the account authorisation e-mail.

Well it's nice to finally post on the forum (been reading the tournament updates for the last few weeks).

fatolaf:  I e-mailed you my list earlier today, let me know if there's any issues (I can always post my list here if there's any problems with the e-mail attachment).

A couple of quick questions regarding the missions:

Q1) Is player two allowed to try and sieze the initiative in any of the missions (it some missions it would seem too harsh to allow the possibility of stealing, say mission 1) ?

Q2)  In mission 2 the spy is just stated as being an enemy unit, therefore are vehicles a valid option ?

Q3) Does the scattering template in mission 3 follow the standard rule if the centre of the template is not on the vehicle (ie. the strength of the hit is halved to str 5) ?

Looking forward to meeting you all Saturday after next.



Quote from: rathstar on August 31, 2011, 03:52:41 pm
I was still waiting for my authorisation e-mail, but I thought I'd try my username and password, and it worked.  I must have missed the account authorisation e-mail.

Many of them get junked and then missed, but glad you are here finally Rob....
Got your list, looks horrible by the way... :wink;m::

With them missions, its best to forget about normal rules for 40K missions and just follow the instructions for the ones that are in play....

QuoteQ1) Is player two allowed to try and sieze the initiative in any of the missions (it some missions it would seem too harsh to allow the possibility of stealing, say mission 1) ?

No seizing allowed

QuoteQ2)  In mission 2 the spy is just stated as being an enemy unit, therefore are vehicles a valid option ?

No needs to be sentient, so could be a unit in a vehicle though of course, I will clarify this point though

QuoteQ3) Does the scattering template in mission 3 follow the standard rule if the centre of the template is not on the vehicle (ie. the strength of the hit is halved to str 5) ?

No the S is what is is, under the template means you have to allocate the most amount of wounds to that model, it is meant to hurt if you get hit....



probably still cant even if i do go to warrington, this is the 1st weekend girlfriend is back, sorry mate.
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


No probs Noah, it evens the numbers up, so all good...


Hi Ol,

I just emailed my list to your hotmail account (1498 pts Ultramarines), hope that was the right place to send it, if not let me know I can pm you or put it up here.




Hey Ol,

Total real life fail. Will send in list tomorrow. From a boat in Scotland...

Monk should send his via here. Will hassle him. He's had it ready for ages though, so it's just a matter of getting someone to bash the keys for him. Damn simian!



Just need lists from Tom W and James now please, got everyone elses...


There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!



Another quick question on the two Kill Point objectives.

Q4) In the kill points for mission 1, it says units that can move 12" in a phase are 3 kill points each, and then goes straight on to say that the winner is one getting the most of "these" kill points, ie. no mention of other units.  Do other units give up none or 1 kill point each ?

Q5) Just to clarifiy, as dedicated transports do not occupy a force organisation slot (ie. they are not an elites/troops/fast attack choice) every tournament I've been to has classed them as 1 kill point (in modified kill point missions).  Just checking this is the same for mission 3 ?

Answers won't make much difference for my army as I bleed kill points like it's the new fad, 29 kill points in mission 3, and either 30 or 38 kill points in mission 1 (depending on the ruling) - hehe, is there a prize for most kill points givien up...and don't say the wooden spoon :)



Quote from: rathstar on September 05, 2011, 03:05:13 pm
Q4) In the kill points for mission 1, it says units that can move 12" in a phase are 3 kill points each, and then goes straight on to say that the winner is one getting the most of "these" kill points, ie. no mention of other units.  Do other units give up none or 1 kill point each ?

Correct, no mention of other units means that they are not part of the mission, ie no kill points for them

QuoteQ5) Just to clarifiy, as dedicated transports do not occupy a force organisation slot (ie. they are not an elites/troops/fast attack choice) every tournament I've been to has classed them as 1 kill point (in modified kill point missions).  Just checking this is the same for mission 3 ?

As they not in the top 2 categories, they are indeed worth just 1KP

Quote- HQ units are worth 3 KP each.
- Elites / Heavy Support are worth 2 KP each
- Everything else is worth 1 KP each

But do remember the secondary missions only score a few TP's, it s the main missions that count and none of them use KP's, so I would not worry about it sir...