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Wargames New Year Resolutions 2011

Started by fatolaf, December 31, 2010, 02:02:17 pm

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roland murat

Not doing too well so far.

I fell at the final hurdle on the tale of OG gamers and didn't hit 2,000 but the Empire is done to greater than 2k.

The only thing left I can try for is the top 5 finish in a waagh - I may need to ffond some filth fast to achieve this and hope that the future ones don't clash with important things as virtually every event has this year.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


So as its approaching the end of 2011, lets see how we all did

1) Paint my Beast army and take it to at least one tournie (aiming for SCGT)

Fail, painted TK instead and took them to several tournies....
Beasts will be my WFB painting project early 2012

2) Assemble and Paint a WoC army (with a very different approach  :cool3:)

Yep did it, and did well in some one dayers, Army then sold, not for me, too linear...

Quote3) Assemble and Paint at least 1000 pts of my Tau army

Nope, changed to Grey Knights, which is now part of our tale of 6 gamers PLOG, loving 40k though, will play a lot more in 2012...

4) Paint my Bone Griffons fleet and play lots of Uncharted Seas

5) Learn to play Warmaster, paint my Tomb king army for it

Nah, fail, and not interested any more in those systems...

6) Break into top 100 of WFB rankings, and get a top 20 finish at a 70+ person event this year

Got to 106, but now could not care less where I finish, gone off the (big) tournie scene, has changed for the worse

Quote7) Play alot more of the AGOT LCG and actually have a clue what is going on

Never got going, played the excellent LOTR LCG instead, will show more people how to play that in 2012

Quote8) Play a BattleLore campaign and get at least a couple of club members into it

Again fail, must try again in 2012

Quote9) Take my LM to at least one Tournie with no slann but an Oldblood riding a Carnasaur as the general, win at least one game with this.... :thumbsup:

Oops, sold them by mistake  :cool3:

So not so good on my resolutions, but on the other hand have tried many other games, systems.

and the club has gone form strength to strength in 2011 and that beats everything... :thumbsup:


Quote from: Meals on January 01, 2011, 05:30:08 pm
Hmmm... tricky

1. Finish my Bretts before the ETC
2. Compete for New Zealand at the ETC and not embarrass myself, gaming-wise
3. Top 10 finish at a decent sized tournament
4. Finally try some NMM painting and work on other techniques...maybe some OSL

1) well they were table ready but I got bored of them so never finished to a satisfactory level
2) well I only got 48 pts due to an abysmal day 2, team also didn't do well overall, so fail. However we beat the Aussies so win! And I hooked up with a hot Italian chick, so bigger win!
3) failed, but I got top daemon player while using a daemon prince so basically that makes me all kinds of awesome ;-)
4) Check, project nmm is going well.
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Right, let's review this debacle of a year:
Quote1) See the Tale of OG gamers through to me having a fully painted empire/DoW army
Aiming to get them finished in 2012!

Quote2) Gain and paint more chaos dwarves (mantic and forgeworld)
Vague aims ftw! No FW stuff yet, but I got more painted and even took them to a tourney!

Quote3) Get my hordes faction painted and play more games of it!
Fail! Hordes aint for me.

Quote4) Paint twice as many models as I buy
Urrk, not quite, see my sig. Though the year's not done yet!

Quote5) Learn 40k and get some nids (maybe painted)
'Learn' is such a fuzzy term! Though Alice the trygon and the Tale of OG gamers are testament that I now both have nids and some are painted!

Quote6) Paint some of my warmaster
I painted one of them *facepalm*

Quote7) Make a lava board (with terrain) for the club
BAM! Achieved! (I didn't say I'd do terrain too, did I?)
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?

The Trampoline

Looked at my original set of resolutions and that was  complete fail. Here were my updated ones half way through.

1) No friviolous buying, only things to add to the following projects if needed (except for the new necromancer, he's ace.)

Ths I've been doing ok, I did buy the odd thing, such as off Ol at 25% off, and the new Necromancer, but I've been pretty good otherwise, my buying is a lot less than it used to be. also some space marine tanks dirt cheap off a mate, actually perhaps this one didn't go so well...

2) Complete 2999points of my Altdorf army for Tides, then another 2K of points so I can play a huge battle with it at somepoint.

Well I got a three colour minimum done, but not another 2K after that.

3) Finish my blue Dark Elves, this will be a concerted effect to paint all the dark elf models I have that will go into this army.

I have worked on my army a lot but still not finished, probably never will. Planning on selling most of it anyway now as I have enough mini's for two dark elf armies.

4) Paint a 1000points of Brets for a doubles competition.

Did not happen at all, probably never will.

5) Paint a 2400 Tomb king army, 12 skeleton achers started, a whole shedload left to do.

Done a lot of skeleton archers, but that is about it, probably knock this on the head as well.

6) Paint my Island of Blood Skaven and Abomination.

Again, nothing happened here.

7) Contiune to reduce my mini collection - anyone fancy buying a painted high elf army?

This is probably the best kept one, got rid of quite a lot of stuff I've decided I don;t want or will never use. Also decided to reduce the amount of metal models I have, no interest in keeping them , going to try going completely plastic/finecast if I can. Got rid of the High Elves as well.

Already thinking up some new ones to post and to try adn stick to them this time.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


Well, only managed 2 out of 3...
Will have to think of some new ones for next year...
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


1) Build my CSM army to 5000 points
Fail i sold them all

2) Finish painting all my skaven
Only 45 clanrats to do  :thumbsup:

3) Learn WFB rules
Achieved  :thumbsup:

4) Enter a tournament 40k/WFB
Achieved  :thumbsup:

5) Learn Apocalypse 40k rules
Fail as i sold the CSM and only just started SW

6) Make a Tower of skulls

7) Start 2 new armys 40k (orks) and WFB
Space wolves and warriors of chaos so WIN  :thumbsup:

8) be at every gaming night mon/thur
missed only a few nights

Over all didn't do to badly wonder what 2012 has in store

Brought : To much
Painted : not enough

roland murat

1) See through tale of OG gamers - came close but fell just short
2) Bring Empire up 2,000 pts - done
3) Top 5 in a waagh - hmm not yet relying on this weekend
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


December 16, 2011, 07:07:32 pm #48 Last Edit: December 16, 2011, 07:11:35 pm by Garzini
Quote from: Garzini on December 31, 2010, 04:03:11 pm
1. Play at least 12 tabletop games AND write battle reports for them
Did indeed play at least 12 tabletop games, wrote battle reports for 2 of them...

Quote from: Garzini on December 31, 2010, 04:03:11 pm2. Come better than last in a Wandsworth Waaargh
Win  :1st:

Quote from: Garzini on December 31, 2010, 04:03:11 pm3. Paint all of my scenery
Not even close. (I painted 1 wall section, and a Barrel) :endit:

Quote from: Garzini on December 31, 2010, 04:03:11 pm4. Paint up my Malifaux crew (Nicodem)
Win  :1st:

Quote from: Garzini on December 31, 2010, 04:03:11 pm5. Construct my Warhound Titan (out of wood and brass!)
erm, yeah, about that.  :blush:
Charge.  Flee.  Your Turn.

Wargame Website

So, here's my end of year review:

Quote1) Attend at least 4 WFB singles tournaments this year (wife and child permitting, which may mean it ends up being 4 total)

Achieved, plus one doubles.

Quote2) Achieve mid-table mediocrity in at least one tournament (by which I mean finish in the middle third of the competitors)


Quote3) Win at least two tournament games (preferably in the same tournament but lets not push it)


Quote4) Get at least 2000 points of my High Elf army "finished" (final washes & highlights, varnish and static grass) - not sure if this is being too ambitious or not enough. I've got over 3000 points worth to tournament+ standard (i.e. 3 colours plus some shades and highlights) but on the other hand I've decided to paint the armour slightly differently on the later stuff and so need to go back and bring the older stuff into line, which means I've got about 2500 points worth to bring up to the same standard.

Absolute, complete and utter fail.  Still haven't got any units to a finished standard and trying to get everything up to the same level with the new scheme is taking forever as about the only time I get for painting on a regular basis is during lunch at work. 

Quote5) Build and paint the scenery the wife bought me for my birthday and Christmas

Another epic fail.  I've got the Watchtower built, just needs some gaps filling with greenstuff, but the lack of progress on this is why I've not put any scenery on my Xmas list.

Quote6) Finalise my plans for the joint Skaven army I'm doing with the wife and get round to clipping out and building the Skaven models I've already bought.

Fail again.  Not having had time to do the scenery or High Elves, all the Skaven stuff is still in its box (just like my Storm of Magic book is still wrapped in its plastic)

Quote7) Try and play at least 2 games a month once the wife is back at work.

Just about managed this although in my defence not getting a game hasn't always been through lack of effort on my side due to people not being able to make it to the club
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