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South Coast GT - 16th/17th of April 2011

Started by fatolaf, December 06, 2010, 01:33:58 pm

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February 03, 2011, 01:28:04 pm #80 Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 01:30:02 pm by anavorn
Quote from: fatolaf on February 02, 2011, 04:36:26 pm
Has anyone actually read the SCGT comp???

Apart from the points limit on units, the rare cap (for some) and the shooting / PD cap, there is no comp..

So Book of Hoeth, Puppet, Drakenhoff, Pendant, cupped hands, banner of world dragon, siren song, all in baby...

Filth fest awaits.... :cry:

Whilst the obvious response is "You would say that" given i may take one of them but are these 2 items that bad?

With the comp on unit points limits you aren't going to see HE elites much over 20 models, so there isn't 1 deathstar unit you want to protect with the Banner.

The book means you've got a toughness 3 no save guy that is likely to be your general so giving up 460 VPs, who has only got 4 spells so may not get the 'game ending' spell which have been toned down by the comp anyway. Or you face someone who doesn't care about taking inititive/strength tests. Not saying it doesn't have th potential to ruin games but there are alot of things that can do that.

I may stick the book in my list on a life wizard to 'force through' the important buffs which keep the combat units alive long enough to reach and stay in combat (particularly important with armies with 90 shots or 7 warmachines on the table) but i think silver wand to increase the chances of getting the right spells may be the better choice.


At least you get a banned item, cant see many tournaments saying 'wood elves are filth! lets ban the hail of doom arrow'
Still, power creep and all that, i'm sure when/if a new book comes out for anyone it'll be horribly undertested and with something game breaking in it (anyone else think they didnt really play through with power scroll, just thought it was a good idea)

On a slightly stranger note, was listening to a podcast (possibly bad dice) yesterday while sticking magnets to treekin.
Anyone else hear about the guy who didnt know there was a new beastmen book?
got me wondering what it'd be like to play 8th with some of the old books, used to love the beasts ambush rule...
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


Ed there is nothing enjoybale facing up against the book of Hoeth, I possibly agree with you on the Banner but against a good HE player, who will protect the wizard from assasination attempts, he will hobby kill so many players wknds.

I can see what Dan is trying to do here, but the game is not balanced, this 'comp' has done nothing for Vamps, only slightly hampered the Slann's magic phase and demons can still run riot with the 400 point unit cap.. Those 3 races FTW IMO...

But dont get me wrong , it's my Bday that wknd, I intend to get very shedded with my mates and push toys warriors around whilst swearing at my opponents in a strong northern accent (which usually gets me best sports... :)))


I agree, the potential is there for hobby killing and unfortunately there are gonna be some purple sun ftw monkeys doing just that. I just think that it's not a fool proof plan and for that reason i'm sure the top players will all be pushing Vamps, Lizards and Daemons - plus ça change.

Quote from: fatolaf on February 03, 2011, 01:48:23 pm
But dont get me wrong , it's my Bday that wknd, I intend to get very shedded with my mates and push toys warriors around whilst swearing at my opponents in a strong northern accent (which usually gets me best sports... :)))

No matter how bent or soft an army i take, you know i'll be down in the 'special' room with a beer in hand - i've got my 128th placing from last year to defend!


Well looks like i will see you guys at the tournament, I can't say i really looking forward to playing against Slann with cupped hands (guess I will be hinding my wizard behind my units then lol, have a perfect true line of site abuser for that :D) or HE with book of hoth, I guess I will have to whip out my tzeentch sorcerer and caste pandemonium every turn.

I am slight annoyed by the 400pts unit cap however, no MoT or banner of rage for my knights :(


I'm now looking at a second halberdier block instead. I've figured out a possible way o shaving some points off for a warrior priest. It just isn't righ having a large block of troops in an Empire army and not having it led by a WP or AL IMHO. I might jiggle about with the unit sizes a bit and see if I can get 25 or so greatswords instead, they'd work well to secure a flank I'd say.


Quote from: MarkB on February 03, 2011, 08:52:38 pm
I am slight annoyed by the 400pts unit cap however, no MoT or banner of rage for my knights :(

Why how many are you using, I have 8 with MoT and it is just under the cap, with St + Mus


8, I normal have a champion so my jugger doesn't have have to fight challenges, even without the champion its 405pts with MoT + banner of rage :(


Do you think being forced to overrun / puruse with Knights is a good idea in 8th? I found against good opponets, this can be very easily exploited...


How often do you find Knights break units on the charge anyways? a unit of 10 with just MoT only have 15 attacks at strength 5 and cant use the banners that effect weapons, even if you slap a hero in the unit chances are after a round of combat they will trying to break a steadfast unit.

Thats not to say they are not a good unit but I found chaos warriors will break units far quicker.