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South Coast GT - 16th/17th of April 2011

Started by fatolaf, December 06, 2010, 01:33:58 pm

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Tom Hale

HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn

Steve H

On my iPhone so can't post a proper reply now but all I want to say is that I had a top weekend and.....

In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!

Steve H

.... Oh, and so are Mountain Chimeras!!!!

.... and daemonettes with Mindrazor!!!
In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!


Quote from: Julien on April 18, 2011, 11:19:25 am
game 4 NOTHING Ben Diesel soiled me with his ward saves.

Being soiled by Ben Diesel doesn't sound pleasant.  :))

Great weekend, loads of fun. Thanks for all the entertainment guys. I'll get on here later with a proper run-down.


Excellent event as ever.

1 Skaven, double grey seer - 15 - 5 win
2 DOC with Lord of Change - 2 - 18 Loss
3 Ogre Kingdoms death star - 20 - 0 Win
4 Tomb Kings double skull chucker & double king 20 - 0 Win
5 Dark Elves usual toys, he stayed on his table edge - 12 - 8 Win
6 Orge Kingdoms Death Star(Substitute) - 20 - 0 Win

I finished 8th overall & got the best WE general, just shows what a bit of luck & some favourable matches can do.



Ouch, 2ogre players with your list, you must have been rubbing your hands together mark!
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


As promised, here's what I got up to with my lizards at the weekend. First off, this is what I took:

Slann (Light magic, Loremaster, Free dice, Ethereal, Soul of stone, BSB, Forbidden Rod, Dragonbane, Stubborn Crown, Swiftness banner)
Priest (scroll, Ironcurse Icon)
Scar Vet (cold one, Burning blade, charmed shield, dawnstone)
Scar Vet (cold one, great weapon, dragonhelm, luckstone)

24 Saurus (spears, FC)
29 Skinks + 2 Kroxs (banner, muso)
2 x 10 blowpipes
7 Saurus cav (banner, muso)
2 x 5 camos
4 terradons
2 sallies + 1 sallie

I was very happy with the list, despite never using the ironcurse icon (I had 5 spare points). Forbidden rod on the slann was a bit of a wildcard (I didn't want to go for the obvious choice of cupping people all weekend). 4 out of 6 games it gave me a horrific magic phase with 12 PD vs 2/3 DD, I was too scared to use it in the last game in case the Slann killed himself (unlikely with a ward, but still...).

Game 1 vs. Gary Fisher's Beastmen - herdstone beastmen, good list but the saurus with light magic are brutal against unarmoured beasts. He went for shadow magic, so at least there were no mountain chimaeras making an appearance  :wink;m:: Skinkrox were awesome and ran through bestigors and gors with the beast banner. 20-0 win
Game 2 vs. Skaven - was lucky that the abom surged forward right into my face first turn, meaning I could take it out with saurus cav + burning blade. Less lucky when all my saurus disappeared due to dreaded 13th. Skinkrox spent ages hacking through slaves and getting no points, but the timewarping cav got round the flank and managed to roll up a couple of clanrat units with seer and warlord in them. 14-6 win
Game 3 vs. Andy Joyce's DoC - thirster, letters, horrors and seekers. Thirster killed stuff, but at least the saurus cav died slowly. Sadly he had no flaming attacks, which my scar vet was counting on! A mega grind between saurus and letters left just his khorne herald alive who refused to die. Slann was bricking himself when a single fiend survived to take him down to 1 wound, until the other scar vet came to the rescue. Couldn't get to the horrors in the end, making it an 11-9 win.
Game 4 vs. Matt Turnbridge's Skaven - standard list, with a furnace added in. The toys were brutal: doomrocket wiped out the skinkroxs from 24" away, 13th killed most of the saurus and they spent the game reversing towards my board edge. Turns out aboms don't like burning gaze - he was sensible and kept it back, but eventually I managed to get a ton of poison shots into it. Was looking good for me until the grey seer decided to go for it and ran out of a unit in front of my army - cracks call, irresistible, bye bye mister slann. I think all his characters were left on 1 wound (apart from the furnace got shot/magicked to death), clawing it back to a 10-10 draw.
Game 5 vs. Lizards - Solo slann with shadow magic, which was very scary for my saurus. Scar vet fell down a pit turn 1. I was rubbing my hands together when I realised I could channel a Banishment through my priest into his slann who was dancing around on a hill. Sadly I miscast on my first spell, lost 3 magic levels and forgot the spell! Bums! Was lucky to be able to take one of his saurus units out of the game, and get through his skinkrox with mine plus support from the saurus cav. It came down to an exciting showdown between our saurus blocks, each with a slann inside. Light magic won the day again, even with my frog being lvl 1, and he broke on the last turn, making a bit point swing for a 19-1 win.
Game 6 vs. Bryan Carmichael's DoC - I discovered the biggest drawback of saurus cav in this game: they can't flee! They were out of position for the whole game, and only survived thanks to a cheeky insane courage roll (with reroll - happens suprisingly often!). On the other flank things went my way, with shooting dropping the Tz herald on disc and enough fiends from his unit of 7 to let my skinkrox and scar vet take them out. Saurus timewarped their way to victory through a plaguebearer block. And the slann even beat a unit of furies in combat with his 1 WS10 attack! A 15-5 win.

Much as I love them, it might be time to pack up the saurus cav and paint more saurus. Don't think I'd change anything else - I've given up on Life, Light is the way to go!


April 19, 2011, 01:19:11 pm #317 Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 01:21:58 pm by fatolaf
I seem to have lost my brief notes on my games... :cry:

Okay from my (bad) memory  :cool3:

Game 1) James Carmichael - Skaven, 2 Grey Seers + Toys

Not the first time I have played Mr C Junior and with his Dad watching from afar, I mashed him up, non of his toys worked, I just ran everything at his two seers, and got one of them and the hellpit and eventually flanked the furnace with my Khorne marauders who chopped the snot out of the plague monks

18 -2 win

Game 2) Chris Tamplin - WoC

Did not fancy the match up, hid in a corner, I killed his Hellcannon, he killed my Disc lvl 2 and some chariots, all over in 30 mins, 12 -8 loss

Game 3) Dan Humpage - Skaven - Double Grey seer again!  :endit:

Lovely chap, but what is this obsession with double grey seer??

They lose so many points, they could be spending on more chaff, vital for Skaven..

Lots happened, but he ran away with his hellpit, and most stuff, very little actual combat..

10-10 draw

Game 4) John Broome, Ogre Deathstar

Was meant to try and hide from him, but due to lack of sleep, did not deploy well, his -1 ld drew my frenzied stuff in to his Deathstar from hell, his other 2 units hid all game.
His main unit was worth well over 1500 points and had 5 characters in, all abusing the make way lads rule, hate the rule abuse, hate the excuse that they are just Ogres and need to do this. No tactics required and no fun to play against.

Was over in about 40 minutes, 20-0 loss.

Game 5) Jon James - VS - Double Graveguard

Was meant to be playing the lesser TK list but a last minute swap got me drawn against John, a gent and a lovely player as per usual, filth list..

However he only had his lvl 4 and did not roll VDM, so I knew I could get a draw or a small win. So I hid my army in the corner and sent the disc lvl 2 flying out to kill the coach, aided by my Knights who were far out on the opposite flank. This they did but in the last few turns with John doing nothing and accepting a small loss, my BSB Barry got greedy and charged his wraiths, and then I forgot he had no magic attacks.... :thumbsup: :endit:

He dies and my knights fluffed against a Ghoul charge in the last turn and broke, giving John the win, 14-6 in the end..

Game 6) Tom - HE - Lvl 4 with Life and a Lord in a SILVER HELM BUS!

Great game ,absolute bloodbath with my proclaimed 'Birthday' chariot complete with flashing badge (ta Ritchie) took out his Bus in one go, classic..

My 15 Khorne Woc discovered a lot of plain when I like a mad man thought I could take on 22 Swordsmasters...

In the end not a lot left alive, Barry was terrorising his lvl 4 who had run out of archer units to hide in, My Bday chariot was in the flank of some other archers and Tom's Bsb had just failed to kill my lvl 4.

Superb game, much fun

12-8 win to me...

85th overall, not great but I had 4 fun games and a good Bday, and met up with lots of old friends and made some new ones....


Quote from: noahtonkin on April 19, 2011, 09:42:01 am
Ouch, 2ogre players with your list, you must have been rubbing your hands together mark!

These where obviously favourable match-ups, although I did not take them lightly as the Death Star builds are very hard to shoot down, the second game was a lot tighter, a couple of poor overun roll left units on the table that should have run of to safety. My favorite bit was when the gnoblars did two wounds to the treeman & won combat.

Working on the list for Tempest now.



April 20, 2011, 12:09:37 pm #319 Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 12:13:57 pm by noahtonkin
Have just noticed tempest are giving dice to everyone who comes along, guess it's in the price of the tickets. Wonder if this might be a way some tournaments go after SCGT?


Idiot, was looking at last year's pack. They are doing the same again this year though. Maybe a thought for the future, after all, how much are a bunch of dice? Am sure you can get them dirt cheap if needs be
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!