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Tale of OG Gamers - High Elves

Started by cunningmatt, September 02, 2010, 09:35:11 am

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Quote from: fatolaf on June 10, 2011, 02:58:07 pm
Agreed, Matt can T/O
What's the Comp?

Looking good matt, but like people said, we need another 400 points from you now!
In fairness you can do that in a couple of characters.

Paintaway sounds like an awesome show!
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


Quote from: noahtonkin on June 10, 2011, 03:01:51 pm
What's the Comp?

It's army swap, so you have to swap tape measures after round 1, and no Teclis.

Quote from: noahtonkin on June 10, 2011, 03:01:51 pm
Looking good matt, but like people said, we need another 400 points from you now!
In fairness you can do that in a couple of characters.

Except there isn't enough core to support another 400 points so I'd have to paint more units - it's just too much!

Quote from: noahtonkin on June 10, 2011, 03:01:51 pm
Paintaway sounds like an awesome show!

I don't object to "Paintaway" - I do object to the "Uncle Matt" part!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on June 10, 2011, 06:06:24 pm
I don't object to "Paintaway" - I do object to the "Uncle Matt" part!

Aunty Matt?  :wink;m::


Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Friday 17th June - WEEK 24

Before we get into the nitty gritty of The Tale of OG Gamers, I need to make a small announcement. I will no longer be playing the game of Warhammer. Why you may ask? Have I become an embittered "rage quitter"? No in fact the opposite, I have won four games in a row now, I'll say that again because I admit it does look like a misprint, I have won 4 (yes four) games in a row! I know! No one's more shocked than I am, to be honest I am happy with one win in a row, and four wins was my annual target!!!! It just goes to prove that old saying if you give enough monkeys a set of Warhammer models one day one of them will accidentally do well, it's pure statistics. Anyway this surely has to be the height of my Warhammer career I can't do better than this, and now I have the taste of victory I don't want to lose again. So I'm giving up. A plan with no drawbacks I'm sure you'll agree. On that note I will return you to your regular broadcast...

So we're really, nearly there for The Tale of OG Gamers, well in its original form at least. Next week will be the end of the 10 month run (well technically the week after, but I'm on holiday!) Thanks to all those who last week suggested, begged or in some cases downright demanded that I carry on the project for another X months. I find it odd you're giving me a far harder time for actually stopping this project at its conclusion, than you gave any of the people who failed to get past Month 1 of the project. You know who you are. In some cases you're the origin of the moaning!

Good news is that I've got further with the Dragon Princes, up to Stage 3 – just final stage to go (hopefully I can get it done next week or it will all be for nout!)

Stage 3 – Doris' Dragon Princes

Rocks: Drybrushed Codex Grey
Masonry: Overbrushed Khemri Brown
Hooves: *NO CHANGE*
Tail and Leg Fur: Drybrushed Skul White
Horse Body: Layered slightly watered down Skull White
Silver Metal: Highlighted Chaimail
Gold Metal: Washed Gryphonne Sepia
Reins: Highlighted Bestial Brown
White Cloth: Layered slightly watered down Skull White
Blue Cloth and Pennant: Highlighted 1:1 Ice Blue : Skull White
Yellow Cloth and Armour Trim: Layered Sunburst Yellow
Lance: Layered slightly watered down Bleached Bone
Flesh: Washed Ogyrn Flesh

If the Tale of OG Gamers - High Elves were a reality show, this week would be the semi-final. We'd be told this is the biggest week in geeky televisiual history ever, until next week, which of course will be even bigger. One model would be voted off, and would miss the chance to appear in the final week, unless of course they got saved by the judges in the exciting Paint Off. There would be tears, tantrums, arguments and of course someone would spill the pot of Mithril Silver in the VT of their rehearsal just before the live painting, making you think they might slip up in the real show. Next week of course would be the live final, there'd be more hype than has ever existed in the history of ever, the judges would be wearing their smart suits (hoping not to get paint on them) - but they'd have to say all the painters were good in case the rubbish one won and went into partnership with them for a £1 million pound painting and decorating contract. Plus of course there'd be a live performance from last year's winner, just in time to plug their new portfolio, and painting duets with already famous painters such as Michelangelo painting Wood Elves in the style of the Sistine Chapel.

Rambling as this statement clearly is, it does give me an idea for the next OG Gamers painting contest. All the entrants spend a month painting something, at the end of month everyone has to vote for their favourite painting. The one with the least votes is eliminated and everyone paints again until we have a final winner. Could work? I would organise it but, there are administrators on this forum and they need to have something to do!!!

However this week a different element of the reality TV show format has grabbed my attention, if this was a reality show, we'd be able to switch over to ITV2 for a behind the scenes support programme for die hard fans, with all the latest gossip, secrets and opinion. So I thought we should go behind the scenes of The Tale of OG Gamers - High Elves.

Like all reality support shows, it needs to have a spurious title which is sort of an extended pun of the original show. I mean who can forget "Celebrity Love Island: After Sun", "Dancing on Ice: Defrosted" and "Soapstar Superstar: Bonus Tracks" - all of which I'd like to add are genuine names, and the former of which was presented by Matt Brown - which amuses me because his name is actually a type of paint. Anyway we need a name for our behind the scenes show, in that vain, and I think it's going to be Tale of OG Gamers - High Elves: The Vanish. So without further ado, I ask you to switch over to ITV2 now for "The Varnish", probably presented by Stephen Mulhern - but let's hope not!

Tale of OG Gamers - High Elves: The Varnish

All support shows begin with a recap of what you've just seen over on ITV1, here's another chance to see Stage 3 of the Dragon Princes:

Stage 3 – Doris' Dragon Princes

Rocks: Drybrushed Codex Grey
Masonry: Overbrushed Khemri Brown
Hooves: *NO CHANGE*
Tail and Leg Fur: Drybrushed Skul White
Horse Body: Layered slightly watered down Skull White
Silver Metal: Highlighted Chaimail
Gold Metal: Washed Gryphonne Sepia
Reins: Highlighted Bestial Brown
White Cloth: Layered slightly watered down Skull White
Blue Cloth and Pennant: Highlighted 1:1 Ice Blue : Skull White
Yellow Cloth and Armour Trim: Layered Sunburst Yellow
Lance: Layered slightly watered down Bleached Bone
Flesh: Washed Ogyrn Flesh

See what I did there?!

You're probably wondering what a day in the life of The OG Gamers - High Elves writing team is like. And if you're not, tough, because this is a behind the scenes show and this is the kind of drivel it would be padded out with.

Day in the Life of Tale of OG Gamers – High Elf

09:00 – Start of Day

Many of you may think you know Matt the author of this blog, but in fact you'd be surprised to know this is all a cunning façade. The real Matt is an eccentric multi- millionaire who hires a team of people who work five days a week on this high quality blog, broadcasting it to the gaming community through the OG Forum.

At 9am the team of elite journalists (two blokes named Kenan & Kel) turn up to his million pound mansion, cunningly concealed within an ordinary looking flat in the Clapham suburbs. They settle down to one of their workstations, that looks something like this:

As you can most of the workstations do need a tidy.

All of the Blog entries are written separately and then uploaded to the Blog, as in Matt's increasingly delusional state, he believes that one day someone will want to publish these as a book.

10:00 – Team Meeting

Matt steps forward from his office to lead the meeting for the day and discuss what will go into the blog. Most of the team find this briefing useless, but show willing by scribbling down pathetic notes about horse's arses, annoying days shopping and Matt's tedious love life in the hope they can think of something meaningful to construct out of these scraps.

Generously Matt provides a selection of Lindor chocolates for the team, however less than generously he eats them himself.

11:00 – Painters Turn Up

The 'Eavy Pop team of painters Daphne and Celeste turn up to get started on the month's selection of High Elves. Being arty types, they are allowed to swan in two hours late much to the annoyance of the journalists who have been in since 9.

They sit down at their arty painting desks which allow them to watch TV, which they claim helps them paint - annoying the journalists yet again.

12:00 – Competition Corner

Our competition executive Margery usually spends midday trying out the latest competitions on the rest of the team. Invariably they go down badly like the Easter Egg Hunt, but still Margery runs them anyway and no one enters. Here you can see the hat full of entries for our latest competition.

However Margery keeps her job for the excellent work she did in inadvertently coming up with the winning format "What's In the Box?" And it is her job to keep the boxes in good working order.

It is also her job to book the celebrities to be the monthly independent adjudicator; sadly Eeyore has so far resisted all her attempts to book him.

We're hoping that she can raise the game and book some higher calibre celebrities, currently Margery's trying to get Keith Chegwin and Dean Gaffney.

13:00 – Lunch

Lunch is Kenan and Kel's favourite part of the day, primarily as they can stay on Facebook, but unlike the rest of the day they don't feel guilty. Lunch is served in the Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves canteen, the food's good but all the dishes are randomly named after classic children's television programmes, such as Fireman Sam's Shepherd's Pie and Thomas the Tank Engine's Mashed Potato. Although Postman Pat's Spotted Dick had to be withdrawn from the menu after complaints from the NSPCC.

14:00 – Battle Reports

Wincie Willis is the member of team responsible for the maps for the Tale of OG Gamers' Battle Reports, she's on loan from Google Maps and has previously worked for Ordinance Survey. I think you can see her previous calibre of map drawing shines through, although sometimes she does get confused with her old job.

15:00 – Drawings

At 3pm the Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves resident 4-year old artist is picked up from nursery. Upon her return she is subtlety encouraged to draw pictures for the blog, which she does entirely of her own violation.

16:00 – Shakeaway Run

At 4pm Pedro the Brazilian tea boy is sent out to get Matt's afternoon supply of Shakeaways, a task made all the more difficult by the fact that the nearest Shakeaway is now in Croydon rather than London.

Still if Pedro is unable to get the Shakeaway back before the ice cream has melted he is ritually flogged in the boardroom

17:00 – Photography

Our resident photographer Tom (known for his work as a stalker) comes into take the week's photos. So far he's taken nearly 4,000 photos for this blog:

However that's mainly because most of them aren't usable as they come out like this.

All of the photos for the Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves are taken on this camera:

...except this photo obviously.

18:00 – Look up Jokes

With the end of the day approaching the team come up with a selection of highly witty and original comedy material to pepper liberally through the blog.

19:00 – Club Nights

On Club Nights often a Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves representative is sent down to the club in order to promote the blog. Many of you may think this is Matt, but obviously being an eccentric millionaire he never leaves the house. The devilishly attractive spiky haired individual you know as Matt who comes down to the club is in fact a robotic creation of said millionaire. Many suspected such a thing of beauty couldn't be natural, and they were of course right. However you are warned never to confront the robotic "Matt" at the club with this news, his circuitry is programmed to explode should this secret of his identity ever be revealed to him. Due to a fault in Matt's information matrix all tactical information has accidentally been deleted from his primary database.

02:00 – Publish

At around 2am the next morning, Matt finally steps forward from his office to approve the finished article, which is then published on the OG Forum website. By this time the team are exhausted from the days work and wonder why they do it all. Almost as is there's no point? The team would go into Matt's office and rouse him sooner for the final publish, but it is well known no one enters Matt's office. Val from HR went in there in December and never came back.

End of Day

And that my friends, is a fully accurate Day in the Life of the writing of this very blog. I felt it was about time that the truth was known as to how this is put together, and I hope you appreciate the hard work of this dedicated team.

That is it for this week, make sure you come back next week for the final entry (Probably. In this series anyway) of the Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves. You can expect tears, drama, comedy and the gripping to conclusion of whether I will finish my Dragon Princes in time to complete the 2,000 points. Who could possibly resist or indeed care? So please make sure you click in, for the end of this 10 month saga, and to think they said 10 months ago that by the end of this I'd have run out of things to say and have to resort to complete made up drivel! The fools!

Oh and do Games Workshop ever fancy telling us more about Storm of Magic? Shamefully I have turned into an overexcited child, eager to know what's happening.

Until next week...

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


QuoteOh and do Games Workshop ever fancy telling us more about Storm of Magic? Shamefully I have turned into an overexcited child, eager to know what's happening.

Me too, it's meant ot be out in 3 weeks and still no info yet... :bash;m:

Great insight into the workings of your team, especially love the note to the resident artist... :))


Quote from: fatolaf on June 17, 2011, 11:22:16 am
Me too, it's meant ot be out in 3 weeks and still no info yet... :bash;m:

I'm actually embarrassed about how impatient I've become.

Quote from: fatolaf on June 17, 2011, 11:22:16 am
Great insight into the workings of your team, especially love the note to the resident artist... :))

It's the only way to stop her watching CBeebies

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


I'm looking to feed in some comp into our ELG tournament and was going to use storms of magic as an influencing factor.

"The Winds of Magic have blown strongly over the summer resulting in a boon for magic users, unfortunately all good things come to an end and the world is now significantly drained as a result.  Magic users are now finding themselves spent forces and far more susceptible to loss of control.  In addition the drain upon the world has resulted in many magic items losing their power, no longer can characters rely upon the vast magical resources previously available to them."

Magic rules I'm wanting to try out
Magic Restrictions
   A maximum of 12 power dice can be used in any phase
   No mage may throw more than 6 power dice at any spell (for the avoidance of doubt this includes those generated for power stones, warp stone tokens, sacrificial dagger or any other item which counts as power dice)
   Wizards are allowed no save of any kind against miscasts they suffer, surrounding models hit by the blast are allowed saves as normal.
   The 'level 6' spells require such exertions from the mage any miscasts which occur are likely to be spectacular.  Roll twice on the miscast table and your opponent chooses which result to apply. (any magic items which allow a reroll are applied before choosing which result to apply)

Magic Item Restrictions
   Lord level characters are only allowed to take 50% of the magic item allowance listed in their army books.  This applies to Magic items and also to innate abilities such as bloodlines, slann powers, beastmen mutations etc.  Eg. A Vampire lord can take 50pts worth of magic items and 50pts worth of bloodline abilities.
   Items which prevent/transfer a miscast are not allowed
   Power Scroll is not allowed
   Inspiring Presence cannot benefit from the standard of discipline (it's +1 LD for the unit carrying it only)


15:00 – Drawings

...which she does entirely of her own violation.

Matt, Dave was just joking about the Child molester thing.... no need to take it as career advice

Also, the Dragon Princes look great.
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Quote from: Dave on June 17, 2011, 02:27:30 pm
Magic Item Restrictions
   Lord level characters are only allowed to take 50% of the magic item allowance listed in their army books.  This applies to Magic items and also to innate abilities such as bloodlines, slann powers, beastmen mutations etc.  Eg. A Vampire lord can take 50pts worth of magic items and 50pts worth of bloodline abilities.

Well harsh on Beasts buddy, as they only have 2 semi decent gifts, and can only have one per army anyway and they come out of their magic item allowance as well.
I agree that doing it to VC and LM, but maybe not to WoC and Beasts should get a gift allowance on top of magical items...