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Tale of OG Gamers - High Elves

Started by cunningmatt, September 02, 2010, 09:35:11 am

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Quote from: Garzini on February 19, 2011, 02:40:14 pm
how are you going to paint without a blue and yellow stripy cup for inspiration?

It's going to be hard, but as Ol says as they are franchies I may still find some inspiration!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


February 22, 2011, 11:07:16 pm #341 Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 08:58:54 am by cunningmatt
Tuesday 22nd February – WEEK 8

Now I know I promised you last week I wouldn't be posting this week, but I've managed to squeeze out a little post for you, sorry I know you wanted a week off!

Battle Report – Children's Television vs Daytime Television

On Thursday I fought Ritchie's Dwarfs with Cameron's Raiding Beastmen army in the Black Isle campaign and I've put together this battle report. Being two media lovies from various parts of the television spectrum it would be a grudge match as Children's Television took on Daytime Television. Would I be victorious for glove puppets and people slipping up on banana skins everywhere? Only time would tell (or skimming straight to the end of this post). Sadly I forgot my camera, so no pictures of the players (as is customary for a battle report) so the resident 4-year old artist has stepped in.

Beastmen (Children's) Tactics

My army consisted of Cameron's Beastmen raiding force as detailed below, because I am languishing bottom of the table I was able to choose a mission and went for Dawn Attack where deployment is randomised. Some may question the wisdom of doing this given Beastmen value their general's leadership and presence of battle standard bearer. But I've often found opponents' plans are thrown by not being able to deploy their army in their standard way and use their regular tactics. I on the other hand have no plans or tactics hence my plan cannot be thwarted by irregular deployment – see it's genius!

Here's the Beastmen that make up my raiding force:

Ritchie wasn't going to know what hit him.

Dwarf (Daytime) Tactics

Ritchie: "The bitterness of the rivalry between kids and daytime is famous, but much like a wise old Thane I realised that I was representing the senior service versus the upstarts. Dawn attack left an element of random to the start but the intent was to hit the minos with a block holding another to assist with a flank, as for the rest it was just down to my shooting to keep them at bay. The plan was absolutely flawless spread out across the baseline to split the attacks then shoot the snot out of them, nothing could possibly go wrong, absolutely nothing!!!!!!"

Here's Ritchie's force, I've not included any runes/points cost, as it would be rude to reveal the secrets of another army that other players may be facing (I'll tell you all mine, as it gives me another excuse to explain away my inevitable losses):

The Battlefield

Cameron pushed back the leaves of the forest branches burdening his vision, "If only I'd manage to sell these off" he said, his breath forming clouds in the cold morning air. Whilst he hated these morning raids, he knew the Dwarfs hated them more, particularly after the long night drinking the Dwarfs had enjoyed as his Ungor Raiders reported. All he hoped was that in the early gloom his army had formed into some semblance of a battle line. He'd given all his unit champions copies of The Big Society carved onto stone which dictated where they should deploy, but would any of them understand it? He hoped so. It was time to spill some Dwarven blood for the glory of the Beastmen and apparently Children's TV and singletons – though he didn't understand why that was important.


Ritchie won the roll to deploy first and so rolled to decide on which area of his deployment zone his units would appear. The large blocks of infantry all ended up on his right flank whilst the ranged missile troops were spread across the rest of the deployment zone. Meanwhile the Beastmen had the Minotaurs and Ungors on the left flank, Gors on the right where the Leadership of Cameron and Ed was far away. Whilst the Centigors and Chariots formed in the centre. I deployed the units as best to maximise the cover I could get from the ranged troops, with the Minotaurs protected by forest Ungor and Chariot. The Harpies meanwhile scouted behind a hedge ready to head for the Cannon as soon as possible. Cameron rolled for his spells getting Wysasan's Wildform, The Flock of Doom, The Amber Spear and The Savage Beast of Horros. The Centigors meanwhile rolled to see how drunk they were, getting the tedious result that allowed them to reroll Primal Fury tests at the cost of a -1" Movement penalty. When was I going to get the result that made the Centigors good? – What do you mean Centigors are never good?

Dwarf Turn 1

As expected the Dwarf warriors were going to let the enemy come to them, the only movement was to reposition the Thunderers so they could shot the Benefits Vultures (Harpies), should they fail to make it to the Cannon. Ritchie was very keen to protect this valuable artillery piece.

Disorganised as the deployment had been the Dwarf commanders were clear that the Minotaurs were the biggest threat, with all units wishing to target them. However the Cannon was unable to see the unit due to the position of Hammersmith & City (Tuskgor Chariots), so instead it fired at the chariots. The cannonball landed just to the side of City throwing up great clods of turf before smashing through both Chariots causing two Wounds to Hammersmith and one to City. Thank goodness Strength 7+ hits no longer outright destroyed chariots! The Bolt Thrower and Quarrellers both took aim at the Minotaurs but the long range, dense trees and Ungor Raiders meant no shots found their mark. The Beastmen had survived the first round of shooting without any casualties.

Beastmen Turn 1

The Beastmen surged towards the Dwarf lines, the Benefits Vultures (Harpies) flying out from behind their cover easily making the distance to the Cannon, swooping and howling as they went. The Banking Bonus Bouncers (Minotaurs) crashed out of the forest keeping The Common Scum (Ungor Raiders) and Hammersmith close whilst the other Tuskgor Chariot took refuge behind the central hill. Cameron lead his Gors towards the centre of the lines, desperate to be in a position to allow his beasts to benefit from his leadership and the sight of the army flag, whilst the Out of Hours GPs (Centigors) mounted the hill ready to sweep down on the Dwarf lines.

The Winds of Magic blew weakly with only 3 dice being drawn, Cameron glared furiously at his staff which refused to draw any extra power from the Winds. With little in Cameron's line of sight, he tried to call forth a Flock of Doom against the Thunderers, but found his magic easily countered by the presence of a Dwarf Runesmith. Cameron then tried to fire an Amber Spear at the Thunderers but with the Winds of Magic so weak he was unable to summon the required power.

The Harpies bit and clawed at the Dwarf Cannon crew and their Engineer, however despite their superior agility they were only able to land a small handful of blows on the crew (only 3 attacks hit, despite needing a 4+), and none could penetrate the Dwarf's tough skin. The Engineer plucked a Harpy out of the air strangling him, whilst a member of the crew knocked one out of the sky with a wrench, the rest of the Harpies weren't sticking around and fled leaving the Cannon crew jeering but unwilling to abandon their pride and joy to give chase.

Dwarf Turn 2

Again the Dwarfs were not in hurry to start chasing down the Beastmen and all remained where they were weapons firmly gripped. Ritchie was very concerned that The Benefits Vultures would rally now they were closer to Cameron and return to finish the Cannon, so the Thunderers opened fire their deadly volley inflicting seven Wounds enough to down the remaining four Benefits Vultures their shrieking finally silenced. The Dwarf Cannon was unable to see the flank of the Minotaurs again due to Hammersmith, the Chariot protecting the vulnerable monsters. However the strategic nature of the Dwarfs was not undeserved as the Bolt Thrower aimed at the chariot in order to finish it off and allow the Cannon a clear shot, however the bolt thudded into the ground harmlessly next to the Chariot. The Quarrellers however were luckier a shower of bolts taking the remaining Wounds of the Chariot as crew and Tuskgor were trapped beneath a shower of broken wooden debris. The Cannon now had a fix on the Minotaurs and fired straight and true the deadly ball landing in the perfect position just to the side of the unit, however it buried itself deep in the earth. The Minotaurs had been saved again, much to the annoyance of the Dwarf crew.

Beastmen Turn 2

The Thunderers had moved badly out of position and the Out of Hours GPs (Centigors) spotted this, charging down the hill into their flank easily making the distance. Meanwhile the Common Scum (Ungor Raiders) parted to allow the Minotaurs a clear run at the Dwarven infantry next turn, but were careful to shield the flank of the Minotaurs from the Quarrellers and Bolt Thrower. City, the remaining Tuskgor Chariot, crested the hill ready to run down into the Dwarf lines next turn. Whereas Cameron and the Gors hot hoofed it as fast as they could to get behind the Centigors and out of the arc of the Cannon, but they were unable to get the whole unit out of the gunner's lines of sight.

Again the Winds blew weekly and Cameron's staff wasn't much help, giving him only 4 power dice. Cameron again tried the combination of The Amber Spear and The Flock of Doom, this time on the unengaged Quarrellers, but the Runesmith countered all his casting attempts.

In combat the Primal Fury combined with the charging spears and uphill advantage allowed the Centigors to kill nearly half of the Thunderers, and they shrugged off their return attacks easily. This was too much for the Thunderers who broke and fled only to be run down by the brawling Centigors.

Dwarf Turn 3

Despite the Beastmen closing the gap to their lines, the Dwarfs were content to wait for combat. The Dwarf Cannon spied the flank of the Minotaurs unobstructed and the Engineer lit the fuse, but a great crack appeared in the barrel of the Cannon and the ancient machine exploded killing the crew and leaving a smoking crater in it's place. Cameron let out a great roar, mainly of relief! The Quarrellers and the Bolt Thrower attempted to make up for the Cannon unleashing a hail of projectiles on City the remaining chariot but they were only able to do a second wound to the Chariot.

Beastmen Turn 3

The crew of City, prodded the Tuskgors hard and the chariot tore down the hill slamming into the Bolt Thrower. Cameron saw the distance to the Bolt Thrower was still large, but tried to charge anyway, he was less concerned about covering the distance as the Cannon was no longer a threat. The Gors couldn't make the distance as it turned out but Cameron was confident they would next turn and no real movement advantage had been lost. Ritchie spent all this time goading me, mainly with "single" insults to attempt a long charge with the Minotaurs. Foolishly I submitted and the Minotaurs roared as they headed at the Ironbreakers, unable to reach them. Without the Cannon to deal with, the Centigors headed towards the remaining Dwarf artillery, swiftly reorganising their ranks despite their drunken nature. The Common Scum meanwhile repositioned themselves between the Ironbreakers and Minotaurs at the closest point, meaning if the Ironbreakers wished to charge the Minotaurs next turn they'd need to run a longer route.

The Winds of Magic finally provided 7 power dice for Cameron, but with his line of sight blocked he could only cast two spells and therefore only needed six dice, thusly the Staff of Channelling finally worked and provided an 8th dice - typical! Cameron seeing the danger of the Dwarf infantry launching a coordinate charge on the Minotaurs, threw all his power into casting Wyssan's Wildform concentrating even harder to cover the long distance to the Minotaurs. The Runesmith was powerless to halt the flow of magic as the Minotaurs became even stronger and tougher (now hitting on Strength 8 and having a Toughness of 5). Cameron with limited options decided to cast The Savage Beast of Horros on himself, it probably wouldn't be useful, so he threw limited power in it to avoid any chance of a potentially dangerous miscast. The Runesmith not sensing any danger didn't stop him and Cameron's body transformed into a fighter's body.

In combat two of the Bolt Thrower crew were rundown by the Tuskgor Chariot and the Bestigor sliced the third crewman in two, but the Engineer survived, though he was unable to damage the great frame of the Chariot but stubbornly refused to abandon his machine.

Dwarf Turn 4

The Dwarfs who had been biding their time finally leapt into combat. Though the Dwarf infantry was put off the bulk of the Minotaurs after their recent magical augmentation, the Ironbreakers hit the flank of the Common Scum (Ungor Raiders) who held their ground to prevent the Ironbreakers redirecting against the Minotaurs should they suddenly find their courage. The Quarrellers desperate to save the Engineer and Bolt Thrower shouldered their crossbows and flung themselves into the side of the Chariot.

The Ironbreakers easily ripped apart two frail Ungors and the remainder were unable to penetrate the tough armour platted Dwarfs fleeing straight away. The Ironbreakers opted not to pursue to avoid exposing their flank reforming to face the hulking frames of the Minotaurs. The Quarrellers ferociously attacked the Tuskgor Chariot smashing it's frame and doing the last two Wounds but as the chariot collapsed the Tuskgors kicked out goring the Engineer and effectively disabling the Bolt Thrower.

Beastmen Turn 4

With a bellowing roar the Minotaurs ploughed into the front of the Ironbreakers, their tough armour shielding them from the force of the beasts' impact. Finally the Minotaurs would get combat. Meanwhile the Centigors ploughed into the Quarrellers taking causalities from the shooting Dwarfs as they charged forward. Cameron then lead the Gors into the same target. Scared by the presence of Cameron and what he might do to their job seeker's allowance the Ungor Raiders rallied.

Again the Winds of Magic blew strongly when Cameron wasn't in a position to use all his spells. Cameron attempted to recast Wyssan's Wildform on the Minotaurs to prepare them for combat as the initial spell had subsided. But the Runesmith sensed the danger now they were in combat and used all his resources to counter the spell. Unopposed Cameron was able to cast The Savage Beast of Horros maintaining his magically enhanced state.

With a towering part Shaman part Beast and hordes of Gors and Centigors attacking the Quarrellers didn't really stand a chance and the remnants broke and fled towards the Ironbreakers and Minotaurs. The Centigors and Gors pursued catching them as the fled, though the Centigors lost one of their number as he tripped in the forest just leaving the Gorehoof. The Gors halted their advance next to the Minotaurs unable to hit the flank of the Ironbreakers due to the positioning of the Centigor, meanwhile the remaining Centigor failed to reach combat slowed by the forest. The Ironbreakers were swifter than the brutal Minotaurs and with the presence of two Thanes and their superior Weapon Skill were able to slay two Minotaurs before they retaliated. Whilst the Minotaurs great axes easily penetrated the heavy Dwarven armour despite it's runic defences the Minotaurs found it hard to lay any clean blows on the Ironclad Dwarfs who's prowess with their axes was good, they were only able to slay three Ironbreakers. Frustrated the Minotaurs attempted to stomp the Dwarfs into the ground, but their glowing runic armour saved them all. The Minotaurs were beaten and despite the presence of Cameron and Ed were unable to roll the five required to stay in combat, they turned to run, but could only muster a step before the Ironbreakers swarmed them and ripped their bodies to pieces (the Minotaurs rolled just a three for their flee move – why does that always happen just after you've rolled two really high results for the break tests?!).

Dwarf Turn 5

With their gunline shattered the Dwarfs were unable to do much this turn, though the infantry turned to face the threat of Cameron and his Gors.

Beastmen Turn 5

Realising he couldn't delay the inevitable conflict Cameron led the Gors screaming into the front of the Ironbreakers with the remaining Centigor following in. The Ungors, unsure what help they could be repositioned themselves to threaten the Ironbreaker flank.

Cameron tried to boost his units' combat prowess, but again the Runesmith blocked Wyssan's Wildform, though Cameron was able to continue his transformation recasting the Savage Beast of Horros.

As combat began the Ironbreakers faltered at the sight of The Wailing Banner (Ritchie rolled a 10, followed by an 11 for his Fear test). Subdued by the banner the Gors easily lay blow after blow into the Dwarfs, and despite their strong Toughness, 4 wounds were struck, the Ironbreakers armour failing to stop any of them (despite having a 3+ Armour Save, followed by a 6+ Parry Save Ritchie failed to save a single wound). Cameron himself ripped apart another 3 Ironbreakers in his monstrous form, and Ed held the Dwarven General in a challenge though neither side was able to cause a wound. The Ironbreakers killed 4 Gors but their ranks were now depleted and they needed a miracle to avoid fleeing (they required a double 1), but in a moment of inspiration the Dwarf Thane called to the Dwarven sense of duty and the Ironbreakers held (Ritchie reversed his recent dice misfortune rolling the double 1 required).

Dwarf Turn 6

Seeing the Dwarf General struggling the Dwarf Warriors charged into combat to help their brothers. Dwarf stood shoulder to shoulder and this time the Wailing Banner was not going to rob them of their spirit. Without this crucial advantage the Beastmen struggled, only Cameron in his bestial form killing any Ironbreakers, while Ed Milliband  was slaughtered by the Dwarf General ending the challenge. The Dwarf lines cut through the Gors and the Beastmen had no choice but to flee running a long distance (the Centigors fled 10" with the Gors fleeing 9") however in an uncharacteristic burst of speed the Ironbreakers caught them (also scoring 10"!) and wiped out Cameron and the last of the Beastial horde. With just three Ungor Raiders left victory was handed to the Dwarfs and Daytime TV!


Never ever underestimate Dwarf infantry! Just don't! Before I get into the nitty gritty I should say it was great fun fighting Ritchie and we both enjoyed the battle because/despite of the constant tirade of insults flowing between us!

Overall I'm reasonably pleased with the performance of my army, to be honest anything that isn't an overall crushing blow for the Beastmen I call a victory, so the fact that this game was so close and could have gone either way up until the bitter end is pleasing. I made a concerted effort to use the terrain to protect myself from the Dwarf artillery (usually something I overlook!). And overall my casualties to the Dwarf gunline were quite minimal only losing a chariot and the harpies in the open. In fact Ritchie's fear of the harpies was far greater than the threat they posed, effectively sacrificing the Thunderers to finish them off despite the fact they simply bounced off the Cannon, which then ironically blew itself to bits. The Chariots seemed to draw a lot of fire too, saving the rest of my lines from taking a pounding, and the Minotaurs just seemed to be charmed as nothing could hit them! Even the much maligned Centigors (you people know who you are!) had a good game killing the Thunderers and playing a good part in the death of the Quarrellers – Centigors for the win!!

My main mistake was underestimating the Dwarf infantry, criminal given I am a regular Dwarf player. But with Weapon Skill 5 and Strength 4, 20 Ironbreakers are not to be sneezed at even if you're able to virtually remove their armour save with your Great Weapons. The mistake was not positioning the Gors, during their charge, so they could overrun into the Ironbreakers flank in Turn 4 when they broke the Quarrellers – I just didn't see it, which is my lesson for the game – Look at where you could potentially overrun too! So the Gors who overrun far enough to get into combat simply stopped at the side of the Minotaurs, whilst the Centigors failed to reach the flank of the Ironbreakers and to make matters worse one of them fell over a squirrel and died in the forest. I think overconfidence came down to it, so pleased was I that the Minotaurs had made combat without a single Wound I expected them to eat the Ironbreakers for breakfast, but their higher Weapon Skill made it hard for the Minotaurs to score anything better than a just below average number of hits, that combined with the Ironbreakers armour shrugging off impact hits and stomps meant the Minotaurs didn't have a chance. In fairness the Minotaurs should have done better, but they were by no means guaranteed the victory I expected. If only that blasted Runesmith hadn't stopped Wyssan's Wildform going off – I think that was probably the deciding roll of the game in the end, T5 Minotaurs would have been much harder for the Ironbreakers to shift, and Strength 6 impact hits and stomps might have made it through that armour.

I can't really be annoyed Ritchie got that critical Double 1 for the Ironbreakers break test, I'd only got to that position through some terrible leadership rolls for their fear test and an appalling set of armour saves. Oh how fickle Lady Luck is.

We've already agreed a rematch, so hopefully I can regain the honour for Children's TV, I might even sneak along some custard pies to help me out for the next game. Though there's always the danger Ritchie will bring along Eamonn Holmes which would probably ruin everyone's night!

Ritchie: It was a very close and bloody game played in exactly the right spirit, as it was so close there is no room for gloating on either side, I know Matt would have taken the win with magnaminity and dignity. I. however am not that grown up, as this was the crunch battle of Daytime vs Kids there is only one way to sign off;

Bagpuss, Papa Moomin, Dogtanian, Postman Pat, Ulysses 31, Ed the duck, John Noakes and Simon Parkin your kids took one hell of a beating!!

Bring on the rematch.

Cameron picked himself up off the floor, he'd survived the rampage of the Ironbreakers, but only just many of his fellow Beastmen lay dead, Wargor Ed has lost his arm in the brutal attack by the Dwarf Thane. Cameron surveyed the battlefield, the raid was a disaster his precious Minotaurs dead and only 20 gold ransacked from the Dwarf army. Cameron could feel the blood boiling in his body, he hated Dwarfs, hated them with a passion. A couple of passing Ungor couldn't help but comment that it seemed Cameron had always hated the little people.

I also had Andrew raid my Capital, ooo-err missus, and Clegg as usual was in defence. Whilst I did try and take notes for a battle report, unfortunately I've not had time to do a full report, so you'll have to make do with some fluff instead.

Clegg spied the oncoming Warriors of Chaos as they marched towards the capital, were they not aware it was illegal to protest so close to Parliament? No matter they would be crushed like so many before (or more likely he would fail, but he was optimistic). Realising that only having 5 Ungor with bows meant it probably wasn't worth manning the buildings and shooting. The Beastmen bided their time allowing the Warriors to approach them, their fear of the Minotaurs disrupting their lines. As the Trolls, led by the Chaos army's Battle Standard Bearer approached the Gors sprung their trap, Clegg was confident he could kill the Battle Standard Bearer and then the Trolls own Stupidity would cause them to run. The Gors charged in, and Clegg raised his axe, but was then struck by the dazzling fast Chaos Warrior Four Attack, Four Hits, Four Wounds! Ouch! 1 Save! Double Ouch! Clegg nearly lost his remaining arm as he was struck down but the blow simply removed the stump from his already lost arm. Without Clegg's support the Gors did well felling two Trolls but when a Chaos Chariot and Spawn joined the fray they couldn't hold out running with Vince Cable and they all died. Another example of the great high roll for Break test, low roll for Flee distance scenario! The Bestigors led by David Miliband and the Minotaurs charged the Nurgle Marauders hiding behind the wall, however the Minotaurs in a particularly slow move failed to make their lines. The Bestigor fought the Marauders hampered by the Mark of Nurgle and the wall, the impudent Marauder Champion stepped forward issuing a challenge, David Miliband would show him – and then was promptly killed outright by the Champion. However the Bestigor slew enough Marauders such that they fled only to be killed by the Bestigor. The Chaos Warriors charged the Minotaurs who fled to avoid 26 attacks in the face, the Bestigor moved in position to threaten the Warriors. Eventually the Trolls got in combat with V, A and T the Minotaurs, vomiting all over them and causing them to flee and be killed. With little options left the Bestigor charged the Chaos Warriors but the fury of their blows cut them all down. The Warriors had made off with over 150 gold from the Beastmen Capital. Clegg was not happy.

I should say apologies to Andrew, I think the line between humorous moaning and being a bit grumpy was straddled during that game. So sorry if I didn't come across as my usual loveable rogue self (or something like that).

And finally, it has been (rather rudely) pointed out that I have suffered the most injuries in the campaign – 9 to be precise, over 6 games (and that does include a number of rolls that generated a "no injury" result). I would like to point out that this is nothing to do with my poor generalship but entirely due to the fact that my characters are named after politically contentious individuals and therefore people are "out to get 'em" to coin a phrase. My list of characters now does look rather like a group of extras from Holby City, but here's the full list of injuries for you to laugh heartedly at:

Great Bray Shaman Cameron – Hates Dwarfs after a bitter encounter.

Wargor Ed – Is a legend +1 Ld, and lost an arm (-1 WS/BS cannot us Extra Hand Weapon/Great Weapon)

Beastlord Clegg - Lost an arm (-1 WS/BS cannot us Extra Hand Weapon/Great Weapon) (twice!), and Fears Skaven

Bray Shaman Cable - has gone mad and lost 1 Ld and fears all races bar Beastmen

Wargor David – (like Cable) has gone mad and lost 1 Ld and fears all races bar Beastmen

It's a brutal world out there.

I'm going to be offline for the next few days, I'm in Liverpool, or Liverpooooooooooooool as it's pronounced. In fact I may not live, this could be my last ever blog – sad times. So if you want to write anything rude about me on this blog now's your chance. You've just got to make sure you delete it by Sunday night! Have a good week.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


An almost flawless picture of me by the resident 4 year old, except it would appear I am smiling, I am not sure anyone has seen that. I am told that I was seen to smile once but it turned out it was trapped wind....
Ogres 15-11-18
Dwarves 11-1-5
Space Marines 1-1-0
In the middle of a rage quit


Great report Matt, and your fortunes in the campiagn have increased with your tacital mastery of picking the Brignds event and robbing 1st place Andrew of some of his well earned gold, taking you out of the bottom 3 before you have even played a turn 4 game...

Well done on that master stroke sir.... :wink;m::


I've made it back from Liverpool - unscathed... just!

Quote from: Veldemere on February 23, 2011, 10:55:28 am
An almost flawless picture of me by the resident 4 year old, except it would appear I am smiling, I am not sure anyone has seen that. I am told that I was seen to smile once but it turned out it was trapped wind....

The resident 4 year old only knows of (and thus can only draw) happy people, she can't be exposed to the depression that is modern life - hence I don't speak to her that much!

Quote from: fatolaf on February 23, 2011, 01:02:06 pm
Great report Matt, and your fortunes in the campiagn have increased with your tacital mastery of picking the Brignds event and robbing 1st place Andrew of some of his well earned gold, taking you out of the bottom 3 before you have even played a turn 4 game...

Well done on that master stroke sir.... :wink;m::

Wow! I do really well when I'm in Liverpool, I may have to do that more often! Glad you liked the report!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


March 01, 2011, 09:11:33 pm #345 Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 09:23:34 pm by Toast
lol, this is the funniest Warhammer blog around.  With a bit more effort you could publish a comic diary.  You were a good opponent in every respect, Matt.  Grumpy?!  How so?  I've had a player abandon his second slot game after I beat him in the first slot and stomp off home.  But then he was a veteran daemons player  :wink;m::  I remember it because it is the only occasion I've beaten a veteran daemons player.  Unless you count the time I IF gateway'ed a greater daemon on the first turn  :blush:


Quote from: Toast on March 01, 2011, 09:11:33 pm
lol, this is the funniest Warhammer blog around.

Bless you that's very kind of you, both to say it's funny, and that it's about Warhammer!

Quote from: Toast on March 01, 2011, 09:11:33 pm
You were a good opponent in every respect, Matt.  Grumpy?!  How so?

Phew! I was a bit worried my "comedy" moaning at my poor fortune/lack of tactics had gone a bit far! But no I've not had a proper Warhammer tantrum... yet, maybe if I get my old Daemons out from under the bed...?

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on March 01, 2011, 10:48:28 pm
maybe if I get my old Daemons out from under the bed...?
That just sounds like a repeat of the valentines day posting to me!  :endit:
Ogres 15-11-18
Dwarves 11-1-5
Space Marines 1-1-0
In the middle of a rage quit


Quote from: cunningmatt on February 27, 2011, 11:23:28 pm

Quote from: fatolaf on February 23, 2011, 01:02:06 PM
Great report Matt, and your fortunes in the campiagn have increased with your tacital mastery of picking the Brignds event and robbing 1st place Andrew of some of his well earned gold, taking you out of the bottom 3 before you have even played a turn 4 game...

Wow! I do really well when I'm in Liverpool, I may have to do that more often! Glad you liked the report!

Anyone else see the irony of matt being in liverpool and robbing people of ther well earned money...

Surely next time someone gets brigands they need to go on a convenient trip to westminster
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


Quote from: Veldemere on March 02, 2011, 08:18:05 am
That just sounds like a repeat of the valentines day posting to me!  :endit:

That is where the teddies live too in permanent suffering under my double bed (oh the irony).

Quote from: noahtonkin on March 02, 2011, 09:59:38 am

Anyone else see the irony of matt being in liverpool and robbing people of ther well earned money...

Surely next time someone gets brigands they need to go on a convenient trip to westminster

I think you are slurring the good people of Liverpool, that's my job in this week's post don't steal it!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146