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6th ED - Space Marine Army

Started by Dave, July 02, 2012, 09:55:41 am

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Hmm knocking together 800pts for a test game at some point next week hopefully.  Slightly limited on what I can take for HQ strangely enough, think I need to paint up a librarian at very least.

Chaplain - jump pack
10 Tactical marines - Plasmagun, Missile Launcher - Rhino
5 Scouts - 4 snipe rifles, heavy bolter, camo cloaks
8 Assault marines - Power Weapon/Fist (need to check my model options)
5 Devs - 2 heavy bolters, 2 Missile Launchers - Razorback Heavy Bolters

With combat squads that gives me 3 scoring units, one/two of which is quite mobile with the rhino, one stay at home.  A mobile fighty squad (though not the most fearsome combat troops it's pretty much the best I can manage) and then some heavy support.

Suspect I'm quite vulnerable to heavy armour and fliers at present but those should be less common at low points.

Tom Loyn

You can stick both combat squads in the same rhino these days, then split off!