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Wargaming New Year Resolutions 2012

Started by Blotthrower, December 27, 2011, 12:37:12 pm

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Quote1) Get at least 2,000 points of nids painted and go to at least one tourney with them
Done and done, loads more space bugs on the way!

2) Take part in a narrative campaign

3) Get both my mordheim warbands (witch hunters + khornival) painted
Umm, yeah, not great on these 2, the Khornival evolved into a full Wip army!

Quote4) Paint twice what I buy
Success! See sig

5) Sort my life out! (Well there has to be at least one I won't keep!)
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


QuoteBuy the new VC stuff... well the vargheists, boob chair, black knights and maybe hex knights.
make nice movement trays, like matt yeos

Done and Done
-Obtain printed, hard copies of every army book, and study them, and compile notes related to each army and how it relates to my army, and put it in a folder. I'm taking it seriously this year mutherfuppers, Warhammer homework! I WILL Learn what other armies do and stop being suprised and 20-0 all the time!
I'm getting there, still a way to go but its in progress...

Quote- Spend actual time making my army really nice. I can paint really damn well, but I'm always rushing for tournaments. Maybe I'll start with the new stuff.

Kinda, they are nice but not what i wanted. won't happen for a while as I'm concentrating on gaming but I'm ok with that

-Reach 200 in the rankings. If I get really good, 150.
currently around 160, I reckon I can wave my way up a bit more!

Quote-Come at least midway in a tournament of at least 20 people!
wooo finally!!

Quote- paint some goddam terrain!
done straight away for slaughter!

Quote- I will go to a tournament at NWGC and not get horrifically drunk.
Brothers in Arms in a few weeks will see.....

Non wargaming related new years resolutions:

- To not make a drunken scene of myself... (Not really a new year resolution, started end of summer and been doing pretty well!) basically the mark for this is to not appear somewhere in the morning to remarks of "YOU had a good night didn't you! wink wink" or looks of horror and disgust, or pity.
FAIL. Only 3 I can think of though... thats ok... I think
- To get steady work and actually some frigging money. Maybe even a job where I don't work Saturdays!

Quote- To sort my life out. Get a doctor and a dentist. Make sure all my addresses are up to date, return the library books, unblock my bank account!
Pretty sure thats all good! Still no dentist though...

good so far
- To not become a fat bastard.
failing, but still time to make good!
- Watch David Attenborough and not Jeremy Kyle.

The Kyle intake has decreased since getting a job

Quote- Get paid for my photography
I asked... they said no... I stopped taking the pictures.[/spoiler]

All in all this is fast becoming the most successful year for resolution winning!!
I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!

Tom Loyn

Quote from: Tom Loyn on December 28, 2011, 01:09:55 pm
1) get into Welsh ETC team.

2) don't embarrass self at ETC if 1) comes into fruition.
DONE. Top in my team at ETC and highest scoring Welshman EVER :).

3) complete beasts army from scratch.
DONE. Was up until 9am for SCGT doing it, but you all witnessed it at the tourney :)

4) go to a 40k tournament.
Still failed here, not sure I'll have time now.

5) play some RPG's, signed up for some!
Failed, well, rolled my character and was well up for Cthulu, but Ol pulled the plug on it :(

6) get a top 10 finish a 50+ tournament.
Sort of done...I won a 42 player tournament finished 2nd at a 15 team team tournament (so 60 players) and 5th at a 30 odd player tournament.  I'm getting better...ish.

Some simple goals!

The Trampoline

Now that we're coming to the end of 2012, how has everyone got on with their 2012 wargaming resolutions. Myself...

Quote from: The Trampoline on January 01, 2012, 01:43:05 pm
1) Continue with army challenge each month to build a 2400point Vampire Counts army. Hopefully this should be finished by June so I can concentrate on my dissertation instead (put painting on hold.) This includes writing up the campaign Ed and I play each month, first report end of this week.

Well this project pretty much died, I've done the odd bit of batch painting on zombies and painted up the female metal vampire that came out for the 7th edition release and that's pretty much it, otehr than buying some vargheists and a mortis engine. A project I would like to resurrect though... :bash;m:

So, fail.

Quote from: The Trampoline on January 01, 2012, 01:43:05 pm
2) Go Cold Turkey in February - no more miniatures, pick up what I should need for VC in January, and maybe some devastators for my space marines. After that no more miniature buying.

Well I don't buy half as much as I used to but I didn't go cold turkey though. Off the top of my head bought a box of demi-gryph knights, box of vargheists box of skeleton chariots, mortis engine, sniper scouts, landspeeder, devastators, emprie captain, 2 rhinos, and a bunch of random figures and bits.

So, fail!

Quote from: The Trampoline on January 01, 2012, 01:43:05 pm
3) Continue working on Altdorf Empire Army and Crimson Fist Space Marines throughout the year, see if I can finish my Space Marines before June and investigate whether 6th edition is worth playing.

I basecoated a unit of 30 swordsmen and that was about it for the Altdorf army, did a bit on my all red Empire army but not really part of the origian; brief. Had a bit more success with the Crimson Fists, but only basecaoted the army, needs finishing off and sadly I've lsot interest in them in favour of my Genesis chapter. 

Quote from: The Trampoline on January 01, 2012, 01:43:05 pm
4) go to Winter War, and the Bristol two dayer and see how I do, how much I enjoy the games and access whether I want to continue going to tournaments over the year or otherwise take a break.

Went to Winter War and did okay, didn't go to the Bristol two dayer in February but went to one in October which I really enjoyed. I went to Downfall this weekend and had a good time. I enjoy tournaments, but it's picking the right ones and sorting it out in advance to keep costs down. These things are silly money once you add them all up and I'd rather spend the money on city breaks abroad. However, I've had a good break so feel more inclined to do them now.

So, I'll take this as a win  :1st:

Quote from: The Trampoline on January 01, 2012, 01:43:05 pm
5) Paint up and play with my Dreadfleet, might look at doing one ship and one piece of terrain a month to get it done by the end of 2012.

Well I spent one weekend taking them off the sprue and assembling them but no further than that so thsis project sank... :bash;m:

Quote from: The Trampoline on January 01, 2012, 01:43:05 pm
6) Work on something none gaming and more hobby. A diorama that I've been thinking of the last few months involving the fulcrum with the spiral stairs and a number of heroes battling chaos minions on it, to stop a dark ceremony on top (warhammer quest style.) To be realistic alongside with my other hobby wishes, I'll sketch it out during the next couple of months and then put it on hold until October/November and start it after my course is over. It'll be a nice little 2012 late autumn hobby thing to do.

Well this particular project didn't even begin to happen, although I have painted the odd figure just for hobby purposes rather than for a tournament army, but not that many so really another fail!

5 fails out of 6, damn my hobby resolutions were not kept to at all.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum

Tom Hale

Quote from: Tom Hale on January 01, 2012, 10:32:39 am
1. Aquire and paint a goblin bloodbowl team
2. Finish the Skaven army (a bit of rebasing and washing and a few 'sub optimal inits')
3. Get rid of all the stuff I'm not going to realistically use
4. Get a podium in a non waaagh singles event
5. Top 40 in rankings
6. Attend all practice events for welsh ETC (play if picked)
7. Play as much AGOT as possible! Play all factions and a 6 player game
8. Catch up on all the reading I'm behind in
9. Paint at least 5 models a week (unless I get everything painted!!)
10. Get a new non bent 40k army

1. bought yes, painted nope. 1/2pt!
2. not really but sold it to Tom U so i guess that counts for something!
3. epic success! i've sold huge amounts of stuff (dark elves, skaven, imperial guard, ravenwing, most of the random stuff: only uncharted seas to go  :cool3:)
4. 1st at brighton  :1st:, 2nd at SCGT  :2nd:, 1st at beerhammer  :1st:, and 1st at downfall  :1st:  .......yeah!  :cool3:
5. as i speak i'm 30th, after the downfall result goes i think i will jump the the dissing heights of  15th. one week late for :yesmaster:
6. again went well, did the 6 nations (beating England 100-60 particularly sweet) and looks like im in for next year so very happy
7. payed all 6 houses, 6 player games and got the expansion. love this game  :thumbsup:
8. much much more done in last 2 months, only 1 book behind on horus heresy (cause i'm not shelling out for hardback!) but got a few new books for birthday presents.
9. absolute total fail. i think i've painted just one model all year (and i did that in hr and half evening before an event)
10. well with the dark angels now being considered filth at the club (what is that with armies i have!) i'm settling for an allies expansion of nice underpowered (so the internet tells me) sisters of battle. who can complain at that!  :wink;m::
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn

roland murat

Quote from: roland murat on January 15, 2012, 12:38:25 pm
After a bit of a shocker last year I'll keep it simple. Paint more than I buy.

Keep it simple - hmm. Still failed. Next year I'll try something else
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Quote from: Blotthrower on December 27, 2011, 12:37:12 pm

1. Finish painting the Halfling Army - There's not that much to go now for me to have most of the options I can field for the little guys in there current capacity as goblins. I love painting them and it would great to be able to roll them out for new years resolution number 2...

2. Go to the South Coast GT -  Now I appreciate that I will end up facing 97 Vampire Count Armies or whatever the new flavour of the month would be, but I love the setup, its a good chance to play 6 games of Warhammer over a weekend and catch up with everyone from OG. Hopefully this year I will win one of Best Painted (a long shot I know but maybe the halfling theme would carry me through? probably not), Best Sports or more likely, the wooden spoon...I'm going to aim for the spoon.

3. Go to some Malifaux Tournaments - Really enjoying playing Malifaux at the moment to the point where its my current number 1 game having overtaken Warhammer. I've got my crew half painted (see point 4) and hopefully with a bit more practice I won't be a total disgrace at a tournament!

4. Finish some of my half finished projects - I think I can speak for most gamers when saying I have loads of half finished projects lying around that with a bit of effort could be finished. I'm not going to set specific targets or goals, but it would be nice to finish one or two of them (if I can get the Malifaux crew and the halflings done that would be a good start).

So, a productive year of wargaming all round by the sounds of it! ;-) I think I'm pretty much in the same boat as everyone else:

1. The Halflings were completed. Definitely the best project I've undertaken to date and it's got a lot of love this year.

2. I did get to the SCGT and didn't disgrace myself with the Halflings. No awards sadly but a lot of great feedback from people and I had a wicked time. I may go next year, depending if I can pull together another army as the Halflings are going to have a rest for a bit!

3. Epic fail, no Malifaux tournaments this year, but I've got an ever growing Neverborn Crew and I'm hoping 2013 could be the year to roll them to the wider world.

4. Off the top of my head I can't think of an projects (other than the Halflings) that I've finished! A little ambitious of me given I had the Halflings to finish as well, but lesson learnt and next year I won't be quite so ambitious!

I'm going to roll out a 2013 new years resolution thread in a minute, so...see you there!


Finish 3 more wfb armies to tabletop standard. (dwarfs, we, lizzies & tk done) skaven+2 others fiinished in 2012
Failed, but rather ambitious particularly once it turned out I was going to be a dad!  Still got 2 armies done and started on a third (and 4th too).

Finish painting all my malifaux stuff. (1 crew & 4-5 other figs). Then preferrably only buy what I plan to immediately paint.
Succeeded but then bought a load more stuff!

Avoid spur of the moment buying 'because it's cheap'. To achieve this I need to partake in 'the pledge'.
Bit of a fail, largely due to kickstarter purchases, not recieved them yet but 300 odd figs to come.

Offload unwanted and unnecessay models I have (like 100 odd clanrats when I've 200 painted already).
Generally fail, but have offloaded some but most progress through stripping old metals ready to go, need to spend some time taking pics and getting a list set up of what I've got.

Play fun armies and avoid netlisting, gonna see what takes my fancy, TK most likely but need more painting.

Generally yes, but played weird semi netlist armies but with some massive differences! So O&G with Savage orc crutch but then a big troll unit whilst putting my general front line and no protection... Had a fun year.