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The Official OG Games 2012 Advent Calendar

Started by cunningmatt, December 01, 2012, 09:54:49 am

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Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


The character has current rules, I much preffer the ones which require 'matty's creative touch'.


Quote from: Dave on December 04, 2012, 12:46:29 pm
The character has current rules, I much preffer the ones which require 'matty's creative touch'.

Haha well you can still use the "creative rules" I've given. I may even add my "creative touch" to the existing Special Characters - High Elves and Beastmen are about to get a hell of a lot better!  :thumbsup:

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

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OG Games 2012 Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Wednesday 5th December 2012

Who will you have forgotten about this year? Time to find out! Here's Day 5:

5th December: Repanse de Lyonesse

Name: Repanse De Lyonesse

Original Points Cost: 310 points (including magic items The Fleur de Lys Banner and Sword of Lyonesse.)

Background: Repanse de Lyonesse was a maiden during Bretonnia's darkest hour as a vast Chaos horde had slain King Louis the Brave and was running amok in Bretonnia besieged Couronne. Repanse, inspired by a vision from the Lady of the Lake (probably drugs) raided the local grail chapel (mistaking it for a branch of JD Sports), she took a sword and a tapestry and rode towards the Chaos horde. Inspired to join Repanse and smash up Clapham Junction, many knights joined her slaying the Chaos Lord and driving the horde back to the sea thereby saving Couronne.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia – 5th Edition, model released White Dwarf 210 (June 1997).

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia – 5th Edition

Special Rules: Repanse de Lyonesse is both the general and battle standard of the army. Her inspired halo from the Lady of Lake causes Fear. She carries the following magic items The Fleur de Lys Banner during each enemy magic phase the Bretonnian player randomly removes one magic card from the opponent's hand, if it is Total Power or a Power card the Bretonnia player gains +1 combat result to all combats in the following phase, if it is the Drain Magic card the magic phase ends immediately. The Sword of Lyonesse – the magic items of any enemy model in base contact with the bearer of the Sword of Lyonesse will not work, except for magic weapons.

My Memories of the Character: Remember this being released during my Bretonnian phase, when the 5th edition of Warhammer was released. Thought I had this model but a quick look in my many drawers revealed that I don't. It's still available on the Games Workshop website however, so maybe I will pick it up.

Person most Reminds me of: Claudia Winkelman, a woman who both inspires me and causes significant fear whenever I see her.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: You can still buy her now if you like:

All the rules for Repanse seem perfectly reasonable, and as Lizardmen players will tell you joint generals and battle standard bearers have a role to play. The Sword of Lyonese matches many similar items in other books, The Fleur de Lys Banner needs some rework clearly, how about removes a power dice from the enemy power and dispel pool each turn (it does cost 100 points after all), additionally roll a D6 on a 4+ the Bretonnian player gains +1 in all combat results in the subsequent phase? Works for me, probably filthy!

2012 Update: The much promised Bretonnian Book of 2012 did not arrive – sad face horse fans! On the plus side Repanse is still lingering on the Games Workshop website.


More characters and more Procrastination over on Procrastination by Numbers:


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I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


OG Games 2012 Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Thursday 6th December 2012

Special Character Ahoy! It's another visit from the Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar. Here's Day 6:

6th December: Borgut Facebeater

Name: Borgut Facebeater

Original Points Cost: 175 points, including 'Ardlad's Axe o'Doom and Drog's Dead 'Ard Armour.

Background: Borgut Facebeater was discovered by Grimgor Ironhide smashing Skaven to pieces at Karak Ungor. Impressed Grimgor took him to the judges' houses and after dropping Grom accepted him as his final act for the live show. Since then Borgut Facebeater has been the right hand Orc to Grimgor Ironhide.

Original Appearance: Storm of Chaos.

Last Appearance: Storm of Chaos – like everything Storm of Chaos related it's all been conveniently brushed aside as if it never happened.

Special Rules: Borgut must be the general, unless Grimgor Ironhide is in the army, if so Borgut must deploy within 12" of Grimgor. If Borgut fights a challenge he can head butt his opponent, or their monstrous mount, this occurs before all other attacks and counts at Strength 7 if it hits. If it wounds opponent strikes last at Weapon Skill 1. If Borgut is deployed in an Orc unit that unit is upgraded to Big 'Uns for free, however Borgut must stay with the unit. Borgut is equipped with the following magic items: 'Ardlad's Axe o' Doom gives +1 Strength and makes Borgut subject to the spell Gork'll Fix It (which at the time allowed the subject to re-roll it's armour save, or gain a 6+ Ward save if it has no armour save). 'Ardlad's Axe o' Doom can be used with a Choppa as an additional hand weapon. Drog's Dead 'Ard Armour gives Borgut a 1+ armour save.

Special Rules: None. Games Workshop have wiped all trace of Storm of Chaos from my mind in their periodic mind reprogramming session.

Person most Reminds me of: Vinnie Jones – you're shocked I know who is, aren't you?

Inclusion in 8th Edition: The model is still available from the Games Workshop website, and looks pretty cool, if you ask me.

Most of the special rules for Borgut Facebeater transform pretty well to the 8th Edition, however you might want to change the fact that 'Ardlad's Axe o' Doom bestows the spell Gork'll Fix It on Borgut Facebeater as that's now a hex spell.

2012 Update: It was never going to happen for poor old Borgut though he is still available to buy on the Games Workshop website and I do still like him!


You know the deal, more characters here: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg49747;topicseen#msg49747

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 07, 2012, 07:44:17 am #15 Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 07:49:23 am by cunningmatt
OG Games 2012 Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Friday 7th December 2012

One week in and you're not bored yet, well done! As your treat here is Day 7:

7th December: Lotl Botl

Name: Lotl Botl

Original Points Cost: 100 points.

Background: Lotl Botl is the Lizardmen for "Very Hard" (really it does, I haven't even made that up!). He is a great Saurus and acts as chief bouncer for the Mage-Priests of Xlanhuapec (notably for it's high scoring value in Lizardmen Scrabble). His main duties include checking the Skink's ID is valid, not letting anyone bring in their own blow pipes, stopping people getting up to the Slann's DJ booth and keeping the Kroxigor from fighting at the bar.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 5th Edition.

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 5th Edition. Another victim of the great cull of special characters in the 6th edition.

Special Rules: Lotl Botl is Cold Blooded, with a 3+ armour save (never modified to worse than 6+). Lotl Botl causes Fear. Any unit of Saurus Warriors accompanied by Lotl Botl gain +1 combat resolution.

My Memories of the Character: None sadly, I don't believe there was ever a model (bracing from abusive correcting e-mails). And never having the book I never found him, though he has got one of the Lizardmen comedy names!

Person most Reminds me of: Simon Cowell's bodyguard on The X Factor.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Any Saurus hero could pretty much fit the bill for this character, he hardly has any real distinguishing features, I've chosen this one:

The Cold Blooded has barely changed and the Scaly Skin rule replaces the armour save. The other special rules are hardly game breaking so I'd leave them unchanged.

2012 Update: Lizardmen didn't really get much of a look in, in 2012, so sadly Lotl Botl remains forgotten, we continue to pray for his family.


Procrastination by Numbers is exactly where you want to head, for another character: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg49770;topicseen#msg49770

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I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 08, 2012, 12:13:36 pm #16 Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 12:18:43 pm by cunningmatt
OG Games 2012 Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Saturday 8th December 2012

It's the 8th of December that means it's Day 8 in the Forgotten Special Advent Calendar, it's quite a simple mathematical relationship, you may have worked it out.

8th December: Khatep

Name: Grand Hierophant Khatep – what a name!

Original Points Cost: 330 points including the magic items The Liche Staff and the Scroll of the Cursing Word.

Background: Khatep is the most powerful Hierophant (a tall elephant – sorry that joke was improbably lame) in all of Khemri. He woke up Settra in order to stop the all out civil war after Nagash's great ritual. However Settra was grumpy, the snooze button on his alarm had not worked and so Khatep got the blame for not having restored Settra to his former living self. Khatep was exiled to wander the deserts looking for ways to restore Khemri to it's former glory. Often he will help out fighting Tomb Kings' armies.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings – 8th Edition (newer than new baby!).

Last Appearance: N/A

Special Rules: Khatep must be your Hierophant if fielded, he has the Loremaster (Lore of Nehekhara) and Nehekharan Undead special rules. Additionally he has the following magic items The Liche Staff – once per turn Khatep can declare that he wishes to re-roll the casting dice for a single spell (even to stop an irresistible force). Scroll of the Cursing Wind – one use only, instead of dispelling an enemy spell it is cast as normal but the caster must take a Toughness test, if they fail they cannot cast any more spells this turn, if they fail on a 6 they take D3 wounds.

My Memories of the Character: None, he's too new.

Person most Reminds me of: One of the oldest men on the planet – Bruce Forsyth.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Rules are there, just use a Heirophant model, don't be difficult!

2012 Update: No new model for Khatep this year, it could have happen it really could have. It didn't.


Remember to head over to Procrastination by Numbers for another special character: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg49809;topicseen#msg49809

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 09, 2012, 09:13:26 am #17 Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 09:18:47 am by cunningmatt
OG Games 2012 Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Sunday 9th December 2012

Hopefully your goose has got fat, and your tinsel is glittering on the tree. Glittering here is another Forgotten Special Character for you amusement. Here's Day 9:

9th December: Reynard le Chasseur

Name: Reynard le Chasseur

Original Points Cost: 90 points, including Groffe and Griffe.

Background: Reynard le Chasseur is a reknown hunter throughout all of Bretonnia, accompanied by hawk, warhorse, his two hounds Groffe and Griffe and his boar spear. He regularly gallops through Bretonnia on Orc hunting parties, taking part in Bretonnain Top Gear Challenges and protesting in pro-hunt marches.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia – 5th Edition

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia – 5th Edition

Special Rules: Reynard's Boar Spear is not a magic item, it confers +1 Strength on the charge and if it wounds his opponent (before they have fought) they lose D6 Attacks for that turn only. Griffe and Groffe the hounds accompany Reynard, if they are slain Reynard becomes subject to hatred of the enemy, if Reynard is slain the dogs are moved together using the scatter dice attacking any model they hit. Reynard's Hawk gives him +1 Attack. Reynard may lead a unit of Mounted Squires, if so they gain the Knight's Virtue.

My Memories of the Character: None, but the reminder of my mum's yummy Chicken Chasseur every time I hear his name.

Person most Reminds me of: I can imagine Countryfile's John Craven riding around the country hawk and dogs in tow!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: As far as I'm aware no model has ever existed for this character, so what could you use? Well a Bretonnian Hero with a spear replacing his lance would work, and how about two Chaos Hounds with a bit of conversion to make them non-chaotic for Groffe and Griffe. Any better suggestions?

Rules-wise, all seems ok to me, seems like a fun character unlikely to do much in combat but at 90 points what's the drawback?!

2012 Update: Sadly 2012 was Bretonnian-less, though to be honest even if 2013 is Bretonnian filled I can't see Reynard joining us.


Procrastination by Numbers contains another Special Character and it's just a click away: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg49822;topicseen#msg49822

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I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


OG Games 2012 Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Monday 10th December 2012

It's about this point in December that I realise doing an Advent Calendar was a bad idea, here's Day 10, I'm off to see if someone else will do the remaining 14!

10th December: Itzi-Bitzi

Name: Itzi-Bitzi

Original Points Cost: 105 points, including the magic item The Piranha Blade.

Background: Itzi-Bitzi was the cleverest Skink commander and a regular on Eggheads he has been responsible for the doom of many foreign expeditions into Lizardmen territory – as expected he was an avid reader of The Daily Mail. Itzi-Bitzi was at the side of the Mage Lord Zletp of Tlaxtlan when he thought his last thought, The Incantation of Xetlipocutzl – a great ritual that spells doom for all enemies, much like Cliff Richard's Saviour's Day. He keeps the prophecy a secret until this day, though he accidentally blubbed into his best mate after a bit of a drink.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 5th Edition.

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen – 5th Edition.

Special Rules: Itzi-Bitzi is Cold Blooded, with a 4+ armour save (never modified to worse than 6+). Itzi-Bitzi can cross water features without penalty. Once per battle (at any time in the Lizardmen turn) Itzi-Bitzi may recite The Incantation of Xetlipocutzl, all enemy units within 8" take a panic test on 3D6 discarding the lowest result. The Piranha Blade – Each wound is multiplied to D3 wounds.

My Memories of the Character: Primarily finding him in the Lizardmen book last year when looking for characters for the 2010 Advent Calendar. I don't believe there's been a model for him, a quick search in Google images just brought up a baby shoe company!

Person most Reminds me of: Timmy Mallet, if you don't know why you are lucky – don't what ever you do put Timmy Mallet and Itzi-Bitzi in YouTube. Seriously don't.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: No distinguishing characteristics for this model, other than a razor tipped saw, so you could use this Skink hero model:

No earth-shattering rules here, so I think they'd all translate across – discuss... in the privacy of your own home. I'm not that fussed!

2012 Update: For the sake of humanity 2012 did not see any return of the Timmy Mallet inspired character. Just don't listen to the song... DON'T!!


Head over to Procrastination by Numbers now for another characters, yep I am still tediously promoting my own blog, leave me alone! http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg49856;topicseen#msg49856

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 11, 2012, 09:06:47 am #19 Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 09:11:49 am by cunningmatt
OG Games 2012 Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Tuesday 11th December 2012

Day 11, make your own comedy intro up. Here's Day 11:

11th December: Nurglitch

Name: Nurglitch, Arch Plague Lord of Clan Pestilens

Original Points Cost: 575 points, including magic items the Blade of Nurglitch and the Bubonic Sceptre.

Background: Nurglitch was the first Plague Lord of Clan Pestilens and began the war against the Lizardmen inflicting plague after plague on them and riding out the tropical hear of Lustria. He was attended by Bilios and rides a giant mutant rat called Pox (at least it's not a Hell Pit Abomination!). Nurglitch's work against the Lizardmen was so impressive, that he gained a Brownie Badge for Plague infliction and got Clan Pestilens a seat on the Skaven High Council.

Original Appearance: Lustria (the supplement, not the place)

Last Appearance: Lustria, though mentioned in the background of Warhammer Armies: Skaven – 7th Edition.

Special Rules: Nurglitch may only be used in the Lustria supplement's Bubonic Court list. Nurglitch, Bilios and Pox have a combined profile and unit strength of 3. He is a level 3 wizard knowing the spells Plague, Death Frenzy and Pestilent Breath and has three Warpstone tokens. He causes Terror, suffers from Frenzy and Hatred (additionally no units in Nurglitch's army lose their Frenzy so long as Nurglitch lives). Nurglitch has a 5+ ward save, can never suffer wounds from any Skaven or Nurgle spells (except Warp Lightning) and is immune to the effect of Plague Censer Bearers. Any non-Clan Pestilens or non-Bubonic Court unit or model within 6" of Nurglitch is at -1 WS, and any such model in base contact with Nurglitch takes a Strength 4 hit with no armour saves at the end of any turn (Red Crested Skinks – Lustria supplement, are not affected by this rule). Nurglitch has the following magic items: Blade of Nurglitch any model suffering an unsaved wound from this weapon loses 1 Toughness (down to a minimum of Toughness 1), Bubonic Sceptre – bound spell level 5, choose an enemy unit within 18" and roll a D6 for every model in the unit, every 6 results in a wound with no armour saves.

My Memories of the Character: None Lustria is a mystery to me, found the book cheap on eBay!

Person most Reminds me of: Someone who crossed the ocean to inflict terrible plague and contagion on the new world – Piers Morgan surely?!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: The model is still available on the Games Workshop website. None of his rules seem awful and in desperate need of change to make him fit 8th edition, the Blade of Nurglitch still even exists. Though you would need to change the rule "Nurglitch may only be used in the Lustria supplement's Bubonic Court list." Else he would be no use at all.

2012 Update: 2012 has been a rat-free year so Nurglitch hasn't made a comeback, but he's still on the Games Workshop website so if you want to bring him back!


This character not your cup of Warhammer tea? If so head over to Procrastination by Numbers for another one: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg49889;topicseen#msg49889

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146