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Here be Dragons!

Started by noahtonkin, January 18, 2012, 03:14:32 pm

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January 18, 2012, 07:35:46 pm #10 Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 09:20:09 pm by noahtonkin
Update 2!

So, to get everyone up to speed with what I've actually got, a base from where we shall start so to speak, here are some pretty pictures of my current High Elf models.

I did read Annie's very good blog on how to paint models, however with my usual ineptitude managed to not own any of the relevant parts needed to accurately photograph models.
Number of spot lamps- 0
Current natural light intensity- 0
Number of tables/surfaces which I can use- variable depending on how much crap I can balance in other places.
Number of A3 sheets of paper- 0
Camera to use... iPhone built in camera!

I rock!

Anyway, here, hopefully, are some pictures of what I own so far....

Here's my dragon mage in all his painted, non weapon broken glory...

And my dragon riding lord in similar state...

Any my infamously expensive dragon princes!

That's right. 12 of the noble kits!

And what did I do with the rest I hear you ask...

My unit of Phoenix/Dragon Guard.

Fluff behind them is they're the guardians of the bit of Caledor where the dragons live.

Next we have core.

Here is 30 of the old school mono pose spear men. Again in my very own varying degree of paint scheme...

And the archers to go with them.

For some reason I have 44 of these.

Finally we have 2 repeater bolt throwers...the old school ones!

In addition I have 2 of the gamezone bolt throwers, ut they're in so many bits its not really worth showing them. Here's what they're supposed to look like...

I promise future updates will have a lot less pictures in them!

(Just a quick request. Is there anyone out there who knows about punctuation and grammer? Mine is universally acclaimed to be worse than a dyslexic slug)
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


January 18, 2012, 08:21:36 pm #11 Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 09:22:38 pm by noahtonkin
Update 3!

So, now we're all on the same page an know that my sanity has long ago taken itself off for a nice relaxing break somewhere where it's warm and sunny, thus leaving me a gibbering wreak o a man to pick up multiple copies of the same box of plastic because in my deranged mind it made sense at the time (Although I hear Ol was particularly pleased when he turned up for work one day to see an order of 10 high elf noble box sets...)
Let us begin with turning this pathetic excuse for a collection of models into a force to be reckoned with!

Step 1.


So, first off I have decided to try and make a version of my old 7th ed list.
Here's what I've come up with...

List 1.
Prince, 557 pts Moon Dragon Armour of Caledor, Vambraces of Defense, The Amulet of Light. (for those who aren't sure I'll put what the items do in italics. Armour of Caledor gives you a 2+ save, plus a 2+ ward vs flaming. Vambraces are 4+ ward and reroll armour saves. Amulet of light makes all attacks from the unit magical)

Dragon Mage of Caledor, 420 pts Sun Dragon, Silver Wand, Guardian Phoenix
Lore of Fire. (silver wand= +1 spell, guardian phoenix 5+ ward)

1 Noble (Battle Standard Bearer), 164 pts Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour Dragonscale Shield, Sacred Incense (dragon scale shield- 5+ armour save, 6+ward, sacred inscence -1 to hit from shooting)

27 Lothern Sea Guard, 404 pts Musician, Standard Bearer, Champion
Shields. Standard of Discipline

10 Archers, 115 pts. Musician
10 Archers, 115 pts. Musician

5 Dragon Princes of Caledor, 160 pts Musician.
5 Dragon Princes of Caledor, 160 pts Musician.

5 Silver Helms, 123 pts Musician
5 Silver Helms, 123 pts Musician

Great Eagle, 50 pts

Total 2391

Now, I'm sure this would be a very interesting list to play... in fact might have a go with it down the club if someone fancies and will let me proxy dragon princes/Silver helms!

However decided to go for a rewrite and see what I could come up with...
Here's list 2.

List 2

Archmage 350 pts, Level 4. Silver Wand, Talisman of Saphery, Folariath's Robe, The Lore of Life (talisman of Saphery- magic weapons in base to base count as mundane, Robes- ethereal and cannot attack)

Noble (Battle Standard Bearer), 164 pts Extra Hand Weapon, Battle Standard
Bearer. Armour of Caledor, Dawnstone

Mage, 155 pts, Level 2, Dispel Scroll, High Magic

Mage, 170 pts, Level 2, The Seerstaff of Saphery, Ironcurse Icon, The Lore of Shadow(seerstaff- choose spells rather than rolling)

25 Lothern Sea Guard, 335 pts Full command.  Banner of Eternal Flame

20 Lothern Sea Guard, 265 pts Full command.

18 Phoenix Guard, 330 pts Full command. Dragonbane Gem, Banner of Arcane Protection(MR2)

18 White Lions of Chrace, 335 pts Full command. Dragonhelm. Lion Standard(immune to fear and terror)
Other thought was to take terrifying mask of Eee! And gleaming pendant. Unit causes terror and can reroll 1st failed Ld test.

5 Silver Helms, 123 pts Musician, Shield

5 Silver Helms, 123 pts Musician, Shield

Great Eagle, 50 pts

Total 2400.

5 spells on lore of life should mean I get most of the ones I want. He's immune to magical weapons and makes all magic weapons in base to base contact mundane.
I can choose what to take from shadows (probably withering and enfeebling foe)

Both the champions have 2+ wards vs flaming, just for fluff you understand!

Finally list 3. Delightfully character heavy!

List 3
Prince, 229 pts Dragon Armour, The White Sword, Talisman of Endurance

Archmage 350 pts, Level 4. Silver Wand, Talisman of Saphery, Folariath's Robe, The Lore of Beasts. (rarrh mountain chimera! Dispel it and you can't hurt me!)

Noble (Battle Standard Bearer), 168 pts Great Weapon. Armour of Caledor, Ruby Ring of Ruin

Mage, 155 pts Level 2. Dispel Scroll. The Lore of Metal

Mage, 165 pts Level 2. The Trickster's Pendant. High Magic(opponent must roll twice on miscast table and high elf player picks result))

27 Lothern Sea Guard, 359 pts Full command. Banner of Eternal Flame
10 Archers, 125 pts Musician
10 Archers, 125 pts Musician

5 Dragon Princes of Caledor, 160 pts Musician
5 Dragon Princes of Caledor, 160 pts Musician

20 Phoenix Guard, 400 pts Full command. Amulet of Fire. Banner of Sorcery. (Amulet- mr1 and 2+ ward vs fire. Banner of socery- d3 power dice)

Total 2396

And there we go.

Step 2.


Plan is to do it all on... lava bases!
I'm sure Lee will approve!

Going to get some of the sarissa movement trays and bases, stick some cork on and go from there. Would quite like to make the trays so that the lava actually flows through them, so would do all the bases on a tray together.

What I shall probably do is go for list 2, that way make plenty of stuff for which I can make the other lists!

So the plan for the Phoenix Guard would be Phoenix Guard with Dragon Prince/Noble helmets. They've got plenty of flames on them so that fits...

As for the White Lions the plan for them is to get a box or 2 of Corsairs and stick on White Lion arms, and once again, Dragon Prince heads.

For the Silver Helms I'll probably use my current mounted models, and by a box or 3 of the new Dragon Princes to use as Dragon Princes!


Thoughts, ideas, criticisms, random comments, offers of bits, basically anything, just make me feel loved by writing on my blog!
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


Wow! Three updates in one day, and they say I'm mad.

Couple of questions. Why/how do you own 250 Prince/Noble kits? Secondly what have you done with your dragon's wings? I have currently nearly finished one (which will appear on the blog soon, when these Awards are done - don't worry blog fans). I was planning to not attach them and just slot them in out of the bodies as needed to make transport easier, but one of the pegs on the wings broke in the slot, so now I think I'm going to have to attach/pin them. Any thoughts?

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


January 18, 2012, 08:37:28 pm #13 Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 09:03:19 pm by noahtonkin
I know, I feel a bit strange if i'm being honest!

It's not really 250. only a mere 249!
please don't ask why I own so many.
It was because at the time to make a unit of 5 dragon princes cost £35.
and to buy 5 of the noble sets cost £50 ish. and I figured that I could use the other bits to make modles on foot...

I've not attached mine yet.
One thought that I think I mentioned was to magnetise them.
There's a nice big gap that you could quite easily fit a magnet into on the body, and a quick bit of drilling in the wing may well work as well.


Just a quick edit.
here's my Korhil and Caradryan which |I actually managed to paint.
This was all done before the joys of washes which may well have helped with the hair on Caradryan...

Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


Quote from: noahtonkin on January 18, 2012, 08:37:28 pm
It was because at the time to make a unit of 5 dragon princes cost £35.
and to buy 5 of the noble sets cost £50 ish. and I figured that I could use the other bits to make modles on foot...

There's a logic somewhere I suppose!

Quote from: noahtonkin on January 18, 2012, 08:37:28 pm
I've not attached mine yet.
One thought that I think I mentioned was to magnetise them.
There's a nice big gap that you could quite easily fit a magnet into on the body, and a quick bit of drilling in the wing may well work as well.

Hmmmm... I suppose I should get the hang of this magnetising, I decided to do some magnetising to my Chaos Lord on Manticore, which promptly resulted in me leaving it on my painting shelf gathering dust for the last 6 months. Only problems is wings don't fit that well and look like they could do with a good coating of green stuff.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

Steve H

Prolific blogging dude... 3 updates in one day! Theres some rubbish blogs on here where their celebrity authors only post once a day!!!!! Can you believe it!!!

I think you should host a forum awards show! :wink;m::

I think list 1 looks totally fun dude, while list two and three, look a bit sensible and standard to me. That is not how we roll... take list 1 like a man (and hope to dodge cannons at tournaments!!!)

In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!


Quote from: Steve H on January 18, 2012, 09:09:19 pm
Prolific blogging dude... 3 updates in one day! Theres some rubbish blogs on here where their celebrity authors only post once a day!!!!! Can you believe it!!!

I think you should host a forum awards show! :wink;m::

The thing you'll find Noah is that if (and I hope it does) your blog becomes very popular, some people get very bitter. I find it best to ignore them, and then with any luck they'll Rage Quit abusing your blog  :wink;m::

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


January 18, 2012, 09:25:53 pm #17 Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 11:27:21 pm by noahtonkin
Day 1 was always going to be hard core as I needed to get the whole set up thing done. Please dont expect 3 updates a day form now on. 1 a week would be lucky!

I do agree that list 1 looks like a laugh.
Like I said, would be good to try it out a few times and see how totally bonkers it is!

What size base are eagles on? and does anyone know of any good dragon models that might suit?
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


Quote from: noahtonkin on January 18, 2012, 09:25:53 pm
What size base are eagles on? and does anyone know of any good dragon models that might suit?

They are on 40mm bases (well the Wood Elf ones are, I used them as much cheaper and multiple poses unlike the one listed under the High Elf section of the Games Workshop site).

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: noahtonkin on January 18, 2012, 09:25:53 pm
What size base are eagles on? and does anyone know of any good dragon models that might suit?
No idea if these will be the right size but they look like they could be.

Look forward to seeing this blog progress. You may even have encouraged me to start one... maybe
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."