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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Quote from: sainthale1988 on February 08, 2012, 09:30:44 pm
I all have to say is the choice of beastmen then high elves gave a hint.  :wink;m::

Yeah you're right, god last time I went to a gay bar utterly packed couldn't move for the Razargor Chariots and Swordmasters of Hoeth dancing to Lady Gaga.

I have no idea what he's talking about either, but I thought it best to humour him.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on February 08, 2012, 09:58:06 pm

I have no idea what he's talking about either, but I thought it best to humour him.

You know, that's what I think before I tell opponents what the my rules are  :))

Well done Matt.  Tbh, I had suspected  :wink;m::


February 09, 2012, 08:37:18 am #432 Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 09:20:10 am by cunningmatt
Update 44 – Thursday 9th February 2012: After Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh the fifth god of Chaos is me having a hobby day.

Well whatever I write here's going to feel like an anti-climax after yesterday's blog entry. So you probably won't bother dragging yourself through the relative tedium of having actually done some painting, what a waste of time even writing this was. – I remember the early days of this blog when people were actually just expecting painted models, and were pleased when they got them, how our expectations have risen.

As always these posts look best viewing on a computer on the standard forum layout rather than your smartphone. Enjoy!

What a wintery week it's been, with more white stuff falling from the air than an aborted dandruff commercial. My Christmas Tree is so confused it's wondering why I haven't bought inside and dressed it up.

This also meets the minimum quota of one snow-filled picture that I must post online in order to be considered socially acceptable.

Shame really the snow couldn't have happened next week and ruined everyone's Valentine's Day. Not that I'm a bitter single person, but that would have amused me greatly!! I've already posted this picture once but it's quite funny, so hey ho here it is again:

Talking of bloody happy people, I should say congratulations to my painting friend Mr Shakey Shakey who recently got engaged to his lovely girlfriend, now fiancée – obviously I'm thrilled for him, and glad he's gone off to live a happy life whilst I'm left on the singledom shelf with only masturbation to keep me happy. Obviously.

At times like at this I remember the old adage, "nothing in life is certain other than misery and death".

Thinking it's probably best to move on from masturbation, and keep my hands busy with some hobby action.

Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves

With all the mosh pits, urine pools, Valentine's ranting, Christmas painting, awards and everything else you may have forgotten the point of this blog. I almost certainly have. But back in September 2010 I started painting up a High Elf army, and one of my resolutions for 2012 is to finish it. So, given it's a good opportunity to deploy my army and go oooo, here's where it stands at present.

Pictures look better if you click to expand them.

In a bit more detail here's what we've got:

A – 20 High Elf Archers, with full command (245 points)
B – 12 Silver Helms, with full command (316 points)
C – Repeater Bolt Thrower (100 points)
D – High Elf Monolith (0 points – obviously)
E – Archmage (360 points)
F – High Elf Prince on Griffon (468 points)
G – 6 Shadow Warriors, with Shadow Walker joined by Alith Anar (353 points)
H – Tiranoc Chariot (85 points)
I – Great Eagle (50 points)
J – High Elf Noble (143 points)
K – 17 Swordmasters, with full command (360 points)
L – White Lions Chariot (140 points)
M – 50 High Elf Spearmen, with full command (508 points)
N – High Elf Noble (151 points)
O – 20 Phoenix Guard, with full command joined by Caradryan (580 points)
P – 5 Ellyrian Reavers, with full command (133 points)
Q – Korhil (140 points)
R – Great Eagle (50 points)
S – High Elf Mage (185 points)
T – 18 Lothern Sea Guard, with full command (259 points)
U – High Elf Mage (185 points)
V – 5 Dragon Princes, with full command (275 points)
W – 5 Ellyrian Reavers, with full command (133 points)

The points totals represents them kitted out with the equipment they are modelled with and a full compliment of magic items. Which makes grand totals of:

TOTAL ARMY: 4,849 points
LORDS: 1,073 points (22.1%)
HEROES: 609 points (12.6%)
CORE: 1,012 points (20.9%)
SPECIAL: 1,955 points (40.3%)
RARE: 200 points (4.1%)

Some things you may have noticed:

1.   We've come a long way since the 600 point starting army for Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves.
2.   Yes I have painted two units of Ellyrian Reavers – don't mock.
3.   Korhil looks lonely without any White Lions.
4.   Lots of Elves but no Dragons.
5.   Only enough core for a 4,000 point army, though I have maxed out on the magic items so could probably get a good chunk of this in 4,000 points.
6.   Surely I've nearly finished the High Elves?

All of these comments are fair and valid, most importantly we are nearly on the High Elf home straight – well we would be if some plonker hadn't bought this before Christmas:

But on the plus side, this box plus a few choice bits and pieces (second Bolt Thrower, Battle Standard Bearer and the odd special character), will be the army finished finally, hopefully!!

To bring you up to date with the last of the Christmas painting that I haven't quite got round to talking about, I have started work on a High Elf Dragon I got back in 2007 when the model came out (yes a second dragon in addition to the one in the army box)! This one I've constructed as a Prince on Dragon and to be honest it's such a good model I'm happy to do a second one from the Army box as a Dragon Mage.

I should point out the pictures I've taken of this model are awful, as I took them before reading Annie's guide – and quickly midway through construction!! I used the 'Eavy Metal guide in White Dwarf 336 as inspiration.

This article is available on the Games Workshop website for those interested, you'll need to sign in and head to the White Dwarf Archive.

The rider, wings, shield, back rest, banner and reigns were all left as separate sub-assemblies until I finished painting (I slotted some parts together for the photos!)

Stage 1 – Prince on Dragon


Base: Khemri Brown
Rock: Chardonite Granite
Elven Pillar: Calthan Brown
Bird: Scorched Brown / Beastial Brown
Saddle and Leather: Scorched Brown
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Horns and Teeth: Scorched Brown
Mouth and Tongue: Liche Purple
Skin: Moridan Blue
Scales: Moridan Blue
Wing Membrane: Necron Abyss


Necklace: Scorched Brown
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Yellow Cloth: Iyanden Darksun
White Cloth: 1:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey
Armour Trim and Blue Cloth: 1:1 Enchanted Blue : Ice Blue
Flesh: Dwarf Flesh
Wood: Khemri Brown


Wood: Khemri Brown
Shield Field: 1:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey
Phoenix: 1:1 Enchanted Blue : Ice Blue
Coals: Chaos Black
Flames: Skull White

Back Rest

Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Padding: Scab Red

Stage 2 – Prince on Dragon


Rock: Drybrush Adeptus Battlegrey
Elven Pillar: Drybrush Khemri Brown
Bird: Drybrush Snakebite Leather
Saddle and Leather: Wash Badab Black
Silver Metal: Wash Badab Black
Gold Metal: Shining Gold
Horns and Teeth: Layer Beastial Brown then layer Snakebite Leather
Mouth and Tongue: Layer 1:1 Liche Purple : Tentacle Pink, then layer 1:3 Liche Purple : Tentacle Pink
Skin: Wash Asurmen Blue, then layer 1:1 Moridan Blue : Enchanted Blue, then layer 1:3 Moridan Blue : Enchanted Blue
Scales: Wash Asurmen Blue, then paint Moridan Blue, then highlight Enchanted Blue
Wing Membrane: Layer 1:1 Necron Abyss : Enchanted Blue, then layer Necron Abyss : Enchanted Blue


Necklace: Wash Badab Black
Pendant: Ice Blue
Silver Metal: Wash Badab Black
Gold Metal: Shining Gold
Yellow Cloth: Layer 1:1 Iyanden Darksun : Golden Yellow then layer Golden Yellow
White Cloth: Layer 1:1 (1:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey : 2:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey) then layer 2:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey
Armour Trim and Blue Cloth: Layer 1:1 (1:1 Enchanted Blue : Ice Blue) : Ice Blue then layer Ice Blue
Flesh: Layer 1:1 Dwarf Flesh : Elf Flesh then layer Elf Flesh
Wood: Layer 1:1 Khemri Brown : Graveyard Earth then layer Graveyard Earth


Wood: Layer 1:1 Khemri Brown : Graveyard Earth then layer Graveyard Earth
Lion Skin: Wash watered down Gryphonne Sepia
Shield Field: Layer 1:1 (1:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey : 2:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey) then layer 2:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey
Phoenix: Layer 1:1 (1:1 Enchanted Blue : Ice Blue) : Ice Blue then layer Ice Blue
Coals: Highlight Codex Grey
Flames: Layer Bad Moon Yellow, then layer Sunburst Yellow, then layer Golden Yellow

Back Rest

Gold Metal: Shining Gold
Padding: Layer Red Gore

Stage 3 – Prince on Dragon


Rock: Drybrush Codex Grey
Elven Pillar: Drybrush Dheneb Stone
Bird: Drybrush Bubonic Brown
Saddle and Leather: Layer Scorched Brown
Silver Metal: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail : Mithril Silver
Gold Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
Horns and Teeth: Layer Vomit Brown
Mouth and Tongue: Highlight Tentacle Pink then glaze 3:1 Tentacle Pink : Skull White
Skin: Layer 1:1 Enchanted Blue : Ultramarines Blue
Scales: Highlight Enchanted Blue
Wing Membrane: Wash recess Badab Black


Necklace: Layer Scorched Brown
Pendant: 1:1 Ice Blue : Skull White
Silver Metal: Highlight 1:1 Chainmail : Mithril Silver
Gold Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
Yellow Cloth: Layer 1:1 Golden Yellow : Sunburst Yellow then layer Sunburst Yellow
White Cloth: Layer 1:1 (2:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey) : Skull White then layer watered down Skull White
Armour Trim and Blue Cloth: Layer 1:1 Ice Blue : (1:1 Skull White : Ice Blue) : Ice Blue then layer 1:1 Ice Blue : Skull White
Flesh: Wash watered down Ogryn Flesh
Wood: Highlight Bleached Bone


Wood: Layer watered down Bleached Bone
Shield Field: Layer 1:1 (2:1 Skull White : Astronomacian Grey) : Skull White then layer watered down Skull White
Phoenix: Layer 1:1 Ice Blue : (1:1 Skull White : Ice Blue) : Ice Blue then layer 1:1 Ice Blue : Skull White
Flames: Layer 1:1 Golden Yellow : Sunburst Yellow then layer Sunburst Yellow

Back Rest

Gold Metal: Wash Gryphonne Sepia
Padding: Highlight Blood Red

Now I haven't got to Stage 4 yet, I was all enthused but then disaster struck. I'd been planning to keep the wings of the Dragon separate for ease of transport as they slot in quite well. This was until one of the tabs broke off the left wing inside the Dragon. Oh! It's one of those annoying tricky problems that I don't know what to do with, it probably won't take long but I just can't face working out what to do. So the Dragon for now sits on the painting table next to the Warriors of Chaos Manticore which has been untouched for months!!

Blood on the Painting Table

With the Dragon abandoned for the time being, I need some more painting tasks to do. My flatmate happened to go away for a winter sunshine break recently. Lucky bastard! but on the plus side I could use the living room for some construction projects. Obviously I'll be neat and not make a mess at all in my flatmate's absence.

Not messy at all! In a desperate bid to try and fulfil all my hobby resolutions there I've constructed a lot of varied bits and pieces, see if you can spot all the following bits and pieces on the hobby table in a new and exciting game I've made:

•   Large scale reinforcements for the Beastmen Army in the shape of a Cygor – thanks Mr Shakey Shakey for buying me this for Christmas.
•   Pot of Cameo Green – don't think I've ever even opened this colour.
•   More Citadel Woods than would be sane to paint in order to make my terrain commitment.
•   A second rank of unpainted Dragon Princes (not the five already painted).
•   High Elf Archers skirmishing across the table.
•   A very tasty chocolatey biscuit I'm enjoying with my coffee.
•   Various bits and pieces of Dreadfleet ships.
•   Some movement trays.
•   More sand than Brighton Beach – I'm not exaggerating (it's a stoney beach).
•   LEGO magnets on my daylight lamp
•   A large tube of Smarties that I've been popping like pills.
•   A tedious article by Lorriane Kelly
•   Star Trek Deep Space Nine – the best Star Trek on DVD.

See wasn't that fun. No? Pah suit yourself.

I made up movement trays for all my existing High Elf units, which I've now finished. The Cygor, trees and Dreadfleet are on the painting table (hoped to bring you at least one painted warship this week, but I've been ill – nearly died, it was that bad, so couldn't finish it! Sad times.).

For the High Elves, tempting as it was on ripping the shrink wrap of my High Elf mega army box to do the White Lions (the only missing unit from my High Elf army), I decided to show some restraint and paint some of the other bits up so I'm not left with a whole pile of boring core units to finish with. I'm painting the 20 High Elf Archers to boost my core, not sure what silly banner to give them yet. And the 5 Dragon Princes to take my existing unit of 5 up to 10 (not sure what to do with the other 5 in the big box – 15 seems like a very large Dragon Prince unit!!). Fingers crossed they'll be finished this month. Here's a very quick guide to where I am now, which has the excellent bonus of being a repeat from a previous blog – god love repeats that fill up this blog - well if it's good enough for BBC Two...

Stage 1 – Archers

Base: Khemri Brown
Leather: Scorched Brown
Robes: 1:1 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Flesh: Dwarf Flesh
Sleeves and Trousers: 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue
Sash, Feathers and Quivers: Iyanden Dark Sun
Hair: Vomit Brown or Dheneb Stone or Calthan Brown
Wood: Khemri Brown

Stage 1 – Dragon Princes

Base: Khemri Brown
Rocks: Chardonite Granite
Masonry: Calthan Brown
Hooves: Chaos Black
Tail and Leg Fur: Codex Grey
Horse Body: Fortress Grey
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: Tin Bitz
Reins: Scorched Brown
White Cloth: 1:1 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White
Blue Cloth and Pennant: 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue
Yellow Cloth and Armour Trim: Iyanden Dark Sun
Lance: Khemri Brown
Flesh: Dwarf Flesh

And that's where we are at present. With Valentine's Day next week I'm sure to be in a bad mood. But if I don't slit my wrists hopefully I will have got further with the Archers and Dragon Princes, maybe painted a warship or two and perhaps even finished a Dragon. Exciting times – nothing to do with this blog, but generally it is exciting.

Oh and before I go, regular readers of the forum (and my Twitter feed), may have noticed a lesser blog :wink;m:: entitled "Maelzch's Mad Medley" http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=152.new#new

Where Lee challenged the picture I took last week (of a Tiranoc Chariot in a fridge):

With his colder picture of a big Tyranid thing (must really become more familiar with 40K) in the snow:

Just search on Twitter for #fridgebombing – all the cool kids are doing it.

Well I've gone colder Lee, here's a picture of a High Elf Griffon in my pants:

And everybody knows you can't get colder than my pants!! Hey hey WINNER!

Strange despite being a winner I somehow still feel like a loser.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


I don't know how much of a winner that makes you!

not sure I can find a way to beat that coldness though
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


QuoteShame really the snow couldn't have happened next week and ruined everyone's Valentine's Day. Not that I'm a bitter single person, but that would have amused me greatly!!

I'm pretty sure that if it snowed it wouldn't greatly annoy anyone on Valentines day. It would just mean staying inside, and vigorously pleasuring each other instead of some night out somewhere, which frankly is a win in my books!

Anyway, I'm so glad you finally added a Dragon!! When does she get her first rampage?
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Quote from: Meals on February 09, 2012, 09:32:52 am
Anyway, I'm so glad you finally added a Dragon!! When does she get her first rampage?

She's already eaten Malekith the Witch King on her first outing - I think any future appearances will just be an anticlimax!


Quote from: jackhoneysett on February 09, 2012, 10:30:30 am
She's already eaten Malekith the Witch King on her first outing - I think any future appearances will just be an anticlimax!

Yeah it's very rare I take out unfinished models, but she did make an appearance in a Funhammer(TM) game against Jack, and yeah once you've killed Malekith how else can you improve on that performance for a High Elf?

Quote from: Meals on February 09, 2012, 09:32:52 am
I'm pretty sure that if it snowed it wouldn't greatly annoy anyone on Valentines day.

Really I think I've got visions of couples trapped apart by the snow, and girls sobbing into their pillows as they can't spend the turgid night with their loved one. But then I'm not a very nice person.

Quote from: maelzch on February 09, 2012, 08:59:04 am
I don't know how much of a winner that makes you!

not sure I can find a way to beat that coldness though

It makes me a #fridgebombing winner and that's what is important (I've come to accept I can't be a winner in life, so I'll take what I can get!).

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Liar! Those pants are not cold, they're still warm from all that vigorous pleasuring!
I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!


Quote from: Annie on February 09, 2012, 10:57:37 am
Liar! Those pants are not cold, they're still warm from all that vigorous pleasuring!

I can confirm they are freshly laundered, hush the pottyness!  :thumbsup:

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


At what point does vigorous become furious?

Nice Elf collection, I love seeing big armies all laid out like that.  I was most amused by the points breakdown with the very lonely looking 200pts worth of rares, but I guess the high elf book is always like that.

Quote from: cunningmatt on February 09, 2012, 10:45:22 amReally I think I've got visions of couples trapped apart by the snow, and girls sobbing into their pillows as they can't spend the turgid night with their loved one. But then I'm not a very nice person.
A blissful evening of peace and quiet where I can get on with painting, sounds awesome.