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Wargaming New Year Resolutions 2012

Started by Blotthrower, December 27, 2011, 12:37:12 pm

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December 27, 2011, 12:37:12 pm Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 01:28:52 pm by fatolaf
I know this has been done before, but I thought I'd start it again anyway. So what's your wargaming aims for 2012? After a bit of thought mine are:

1. Finish painting the Halfling Army - There's not that much to go now for me to have most of the options I can field for the little guys in there current capacity as goblins. I love painting them and it would great to be able to roll them out for new years resolution number 2...

2. Go to the South Coast GT -  Now I appreciate that I will end up facing 97 Vampire Count Armies or whatever the new flavour of the month would be, but I love the setup, its a good chance to play 6 games of Warhammer over a weekend and catch up with everyone from OG. Hopefully this year I will win one of Best Painted (a long shot I know but maybe the halfling theme would carry me through? probably not), Best Sports or more likely, the wooden spoon...I'm going to aim for the spoon.

3. Go to some Malifaux Tournaments - Really enjoying playing Malifaux at the moment to the point where its my current number 1 game having overtaken Warhammer. I've got my crew half painted (see point 4) and hopefully with a bit more practice I won't be a total disgrace at a tournament!

4. Finish some of my half finished projects - I think I can speak for most gamers when saying I have loads of half finished projects lying around that with a bit of effort could be finished. I'm not going to set specific targets or goals, but it would be nice to finish one or two of them (if I can get the Malifaux crew and the halflings done that would be a good start).

So I suppose its over to the floor, anyone else got any objectives for 2012?


I made a new year's resolution a few years ago not to make new year's resolutions. But now like most resolutions I'm going to break that:

1. Finish painting my Circle models for Hordes before buying another faction - I've got into H/WM in a big way since that first intro night at OG when I first learnt how much fun it is to say 'I'll active my warpwolf - oh look, he's just gone mental and eaten everything'. But seriously, it is a great game and a refreshing break from WH. However...

2. I don't want to give up Fantasy completely - I like many of the people on 'the scene' (iPhone just tried to autocorrect people to proletariat, I found this pretty funny!) even if I find the way many tournaments and comp packs are run to be frustrating (time for the proles to overthrow the warhammer 'elite' maybe...!). I will play fun/non-competitive WH games this year - if we can get a narrative or map campaign going down the club, I will get involved.

3. Restart my eldar force, which I used when I was a totty wee lad. I love the models, 40k seems much less stressful/contentious/serious, and it'll give me a game to play at OG with all you lovely people while my Fantasy batteries are recharging. I plan to build up in 500pt installments - may pester one of you veterans for an intro game soon!


Right, let's see which of these I can keep!

1) Get at least 2,000 points of nids painted and go to at least one tourney with them

2) Take part in a narrative campaign

3) Get both my mordheim warbands (witch hunters + khornival) painted

4) Paint twice what I buy

5) Sort my life out! (Well there has to be at least one I won't keep!)
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


Ah, delightful predictions threads!

So, let's have a bash.

1. Rage quit a game system. (now I know I may have already done this to some degree, but I feeling a true rage quit building... As in selling the lot and the. Thinking oh bugger shouldn't have done that)

2. Start playing some 40k again.
Love the look of the new 'crons codex, so may be taking that up.

3. Un rage quit, learn how to sculpt and do my dogs of war ogre army.

4. Play a hell of a lot of bloodbowl!
Absolutely loving playing on the tabletop, really want to get into the leagues again and would really like to play some on line games. Would also be interested in either sorting or going to may be a small 1 day tournament.

That's about it, any more and I'll let people know.

Oh, find new girlfriend, get new jog and generally sort life out, fairly standard resolutiony type things!
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


Hmmm.. some resolutions I might be able to keep?

1. Paint the rest of my Legion of Everblight (Hordes) models to a high standard.

2. (Linked to 1) Attend a WM/H tournament and pick up a painting award (let's face it, never going to get any other kind of trophy :P)

3. Play more Malifaux (and finish painting the models I have for it).

That's probably enough to be getting on with. No 40k ambitions this year, unless an interesting book comes out like Chaos Marines or just 6th ed.


December 28, 2011, 08:43:37 am #5 Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 04:52:52 pm by Annie
I failed all last years, but I did at least get part way through them, and it was a cock of a year!

This year.........

-Buy the new VC stuff... well the vargheists, boob chair, black knights and maybe hex knights.

- make nice movement trays, like matt yeos

- Obtain printed, hard copies of every army book, and study them, and compile notes related to each army and how it relates to my army, and put it in a folder. I'm taking it seriously this year mutherfuppers, Warhammer homework! I WILL Learn what other armies do and stop being suprised and 20-0 all the time!

- Spend actual time making my army really nice. I can paint really damn well, but I'm always rushing for tournaments. Maybe I'll start with the new stuff.

-Reach 200 in the rankings. If I get really good, 150.

-Come at least midway in a tournament of at least 20 people!

- paint some goddam terrain!

- I will go to a tournament at NWGC and not get horrifically drunk.

Non wargaming related new years resolutions are:

- To not make a drunken scene of myself... (Not really a new year resolution, started end of summer and been doing pretty well!) basically the mark for this is to not appear somewhere in the morning to remarks of "YOU had a good night didn't you! wink wink" or looks of horror and disgust, or pity.

- To get steady work and actually some frigging money. Maybe even a job where I don't work Saturdays!

- To sort my life out. Get a doctor and a dentist. Make sure all my addresses are up to date, return the library books, unblock my bank account!


- To not become a fat bastard.

- Watch David Attenborough and not Jeremy Kyle.

- Get paid for my photography[/spoiler]
I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!

The Trampoline

Hmmmm, wargaming new year resolutions...well as I failed miserably to achieve 50% of my 2011 ones, so I'll have to think of some achievable one this year.

So lets think hard about this...

1) Continue with army challenge each month to build a 2400point Vampire Counts army. The first 400points are nearly done, and should be ready for the first Spiky night of 2012. Ed (anavorn here) and I agreed on 400 points a month rather than 300 so we could build an army over 6 months but also to have something playable in the first couple of months. So by the beginning of June I should have a painted 2400 VC army.

2) Write up the army challenge campaign Ed and I are playing on here and other forums I'm on, Death in the Forest will continue...

3) Go Cold Turkey in February - no more miniatures, I have far too many that need painting and come January I'm not going to have very much money so can't justify buying any-more wahammer. I say February due to resolution number one and the new Vampire counts models coming out in January since I'll probably pick up the knights, and the engine/throne thing, probably Isabella as well. Or maybe none at all, I'll pick up the book and work out a 2400 list and stick to it choosing stuff I already have. When I (hopefully) finish my course in September and then hopefully get a new job and proper income I'll treat myself with a few minis that I want. The Skaven Doomwheel and Doom-Flayer spring to mind, as well as the Dwarf Gyrocopter as I really like these models. Depends on will-power and seeing any really good bargains online.

Hobby supplies like paintbrushes and spray are an exception to this, also any new wfb army book that gets released.

4) Continue working on Altdorf Empire, I have lots of troops mostly done so they need finishing as well as some units that need starting, such as my flagellants, but also knights. I have two other empire armies (nuts isn't it) and I do not want to get distracted by them. Hopefully this can break up painting VC over the next five months.

5) Improve my performance at tournaments this year. I did manage quite a few in 2011 and towards the end of the year just did bad, hardly any big wins, mainly draws and some big losses. Looking at taking Empire now so need to really think hard about my play style, not to make any mistakes, etc. I'm not looking to do loads of tournaments just affordable ones down south really. However, I want to do well, finish above half way in them and improve my position on rankings.

6) Finish my Crimson Fists, I started these needing some sort of distraction to wfb and luckily picked these up cheap off club mates. It's not a complete army yet, so need some more to make up 1500points, but decided to paint what I have (the tactical marines, couple of tanks, a dred, bikes and a character) before buying anything else (contrary to resolution number 3 - whoops) and make sure I paint that before buying anything else. I'm looking at some terminators and devastors and another rhino probably.

7) Continue getting rid of stuff I don't need, but also go metal free. I'm fed up of metal models and if there is a plastic or finecast alternative, I'm going to go for that instead. After two years of lugging around a metal dark elf army, the damn thing chipping all the time, I've come to loathe metal in a gaming army. So no more metal.

8) Last but not least, work on something none gaming and more hobby. A diorama that I've been thinking of  the last few months involving the fulcrum with the spiral stairs and a number of heroes battling chaos minions on it to stop a dark ceremony on top (warhammer quest style.) to be realistic alongside with my other hobby wishes, I'll sketch it out during the next couple of months and then put it on hold until October/November and start it then after my course is over. It'll be a nice little 2012 late autumn hobby thing to do. 

Quite a lot there, will have to make sure I stick to it and not get distracted by other wargaming things, but also balance it against uni work which will have to come first. So probably very little hobby over the summer when I attempt to write a dissertation.


Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum

Tom Loyn

1) get into Welsh ETC team.

2) don't embarrass self at ETC if 1) comes into fruition.

3) complete beasts army from scratch.

4) go to a 40k tournament.

5) play some RPG's, signed up for some!

6) get a top 10 finish a 50+ tournament.

Some simple goals!


Going to keep mine simple and hopefully acheivable..

1) Paint my Beastmen army to 2400 pts, and take to one Tournie (comped of course)

2) Paint my Grey Knights to 2000 pts

3) Play at least 2 40k 2 day tournies, try to win at least one game

4) Run an RPG Campaign

5) Learn as many new systems (boardgame related) as possible, do intro at club

6) Play the LOTR LCG reguarly, complete some missions at long last...

7) Get as much club scenery painted as possible

Steve H

Guess I should do some:

1). Try not to Rage-Quit anything this year (almost impossible!)

2). Get my 2 fantasy projects up to date (vampire touch up/new book stuff + special Skaven)

3). Not take such fluffy armies to wfb tournaments (fed up of losing to chumps with net lists! ;) ) Try to finish a bit higher than I have been...

4). Try to get a more fun back into wfb... Do as many waaghs as possible and try to win one!
In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!