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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Procrastination by Numbers: Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Sunday 23rd December 2012

The Turkey is stuffed, Santa is loading his sleigh and Rudolph is still trying to collect money for Comic Relief – does he never give it a rest pushy reindeer! All that means is there's only 2 doors left!

December 23rd: Crone Hellebron

Name: Crone Hellebron, The Hag Queen

Original Points Cost: 350 points

Background: Crone Hellebron is the leader of the Cult of Khaine, and rules over the City of Har Garneth. She is the most of all the Hag Queens bar Morathi. She is so old that the rejuvenating powers of bathing in sacrifice's blood has limited effect on her. Like most old women, she spends a long time in the bathroom, and her husband spends a long time in the Cold One Chariot outside waiting for her to finish her blood mascara.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves - 7th Edition, no model currently available.

Last Appearance: N/A.

Special Rules: In addition to the basic Witch Elf/Dark Elf rules Crone wields two magic weapons The Deathsword and The Parrying Blade giving her +1 Attack, Strength 10 blows and one enemy model in base-to-base loses a single attack. She also has The Amulet of Fire, the first spell targeted at her unit each magic phase is dispelled on a 4+. All Khainite units in the army treat her as the army general for leadership tests instead of the general (if different). Plus if she is your general Witch Elves may be taken as special choices.

My Memories of the Character: None, I just opened the book and found her just now.

Person most Reminds me of: An old women, who make-up doesn't work on, and is jealous of another woman. These characteristics just don't exist in the real world, I can't think of anyone.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Rules clearly aren't a problem, but model might be as there are no other Hag Queen's available. Best bit might be to use the Hag from the Dark Elf Cauldron of Blood. Replace her chalice with another sword from one of the guards, for added effect you could paint her with aged skin – though she usually is most regenerated at the time of battle.


One more day to go, don't cry there's another Forgotten Character at the Official OG Gamers Advent Calendar 2012 head there now! http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=3314.msg50177;topicseen#msg50177

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Monday 24th December 2012

This is it, the final Day of the third annual Forgotten Special Advent Calendar – please don't make me do a fourth!! Instead enjoy Day 24:

24th December: The White Dwarf

Name: Grombrindal, The White Dwarf

Original Points Cost: 390 points

Background: Grombrindal turns up unannounced when least expected, awarding Gotcha trophies to unsuspecting celebrities before gunging them. He appears when Dwarfs are most threatened, many people claim he is Snorri Whitebeard the only Dwarf High King to earn the respect of the High Elves who let him drink from their Shakeaway fountain.

Original Appearance: White Dwarf 200 (August 1996)

Last Appearance: He appeared in White Dwarf 300 (though I don't have that!), and finally in White Dwarf 330 born aloft by Bugman and Gotrek famous Dwarfs.

Though since then he appears to have found a sodding fancy dress box turning up every year in a ridiculous costume – this year he's a film director.

Special Rules: He is immune to psychology (except hatred of Orcs & Goblins) he cannot be broken in combat, and will hold even if his unit breaks. The White Dwarf starts the game hidden in a unit and can be revealed at any time – if the unit flees The White Dwarf reveals himself and the unit holds, if the unit is wiped out The White Dwarf remains revealing himself. He has the following magic items Rune Crown of Zhufbar, Armour of Grimril Scale, Rune Axe of Grimnir and Rune Cloak of Valaya. Sadly I lost the cards for these items from that White Dwarf so can't tell you what they do.

I also can't tell you his rules in White Dwarf 300 as I don't had this magazine. In White Dwarf 330 he costs 1,000 points and has the following ridiculously complicated set of rules: Bugman adds 4 Strength 5 Attacks at Initiative 4 to Grombrindal's profile, Gotrek adds 4 Attacks at Initiative 5 that automatically wound doing D3 wounds – or D6  to Daemons and Dragons; he and any unit he accompanies are Unbreakable; he must roll a D6 at the beginning of each turn (1-2 may not move but recovers all wounds, 3-4 acts normally, 5-6 charges 12" at nearest enemy); any fleeing unit within 12" automatically rallies at the start of the turn; has a 1+ Armour Save and a 4+ Ward Save; Magic Resistance (3), Grombrindal's Attacks are Strength 6 he may re-roll all failed rolls to hit and wound and the enemy must re-roll all successful armour saves; all ranged attacks including magic have their Strength halved; no spells or magic items that nullify magic items work on Grombrindal. And I'm off for a lie down.

My Memories of the Character: Very exciting I got him form White Dwarf 200 and he popped out of every Dwarf unit he could!!

Person most Reminds me of: White bearded man who conceals his identity – it's Father Christmas, I wonder what he will bring me tonight?!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: You could use the above rules from White Dwarf 330 and steal the limited edition model of an 8 year old. However if you field The White Dwarf no one will play against you, especially the 8 year old.


That really is it! Of course there is one more character here on the Official OG Games 2012 Advent Calendar:


Thank you so much for reading, commenting and retweeting over the last 24 days. I hope you've enjoyed this trip down memory lane, and had a little tear in the eye for those abandoned Special Characters. For those of you missing us already, don't worry the regular Procrastination by Numbers blog will return in January – where I promise I will paint something!! If you're new follower, then I hope you will stick with us for 2013!

All that remains is for myself and the entire Procrastination by Numbers team to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hobby-filled New Year.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Highly appropriate character for the last day there Matt, cheers for putting the effort in and giving us a daily dose of anticipation/amusment in the run up to the big day.

Probably a good opportunity to also wish all OGers a Merry Xmas and catch everyone in the New Year.


Quote from: DarkStalker on December 24, 2012, 03:33:51 pm
Highly appropriate character for the last day there Matt, cheers for putting the effort in and giving us a daily dose of anticipation/amusment in the run up to the big day.

You are very welcome, glad you've enjoyed! Merry Christmas yourself.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Update 93 – Resolving to be Better Monday 7th January 2013

Coming up on this week's Procrastination by Numbers:

  • 93.1 – Meet the Team
  • 93.2 – Happy New Year
  • 93.3 – Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Month 2, Day 38
  • 93.4 – 2012 New Year Resolutions Updated
  • 93.5 – 2013 New Year Resolutions Setting
  • 93.6 – Get In Touch

93.1 – Meet the Team

It's a brand new year, but it's the same old team who make Procrastination by Numbers, let's see how 2013 has treated them:

Matty the Painter

Matty the Painter is the main writer on Procrastination by Numbers, and his brain represents the place where the other writers live. He is a prolific Shakeaway drinker, and he can be followed on Twitter at @ProByNumbers – go on he might follow you back.

Matty has seen in the New Year in style, with a pair of slippers and a cup of Horlicks! He's just about recovered from being Mr Shakey Shakey's Best Man for a Christmas wedding. Always the Best Man never the Groom.

The Resident Six-Year Old Artist

For all those things that can't be photographed, the resident six-year old artist has joined (read "imprisoned by") the team. Bribed with Smarties and the promise of seeing daylight again, she draws all the pictures this blog needs. Her recent work includes the iOS6 maps.

The resident six-year old has got annoyed with all her Christmas presents already, none of them being a Fisher Price Tunnel Kit to allow her to escape her captivity.

Mr Shakey Shakey

Mr Shakey Shakey is Matty the Painter's Wood Elf painting friend. He's been painting a Wood Elf army for about 24 years now. His name is nothing to do with the popular milkshake, but instead refers to his inability to hold a paintbrush steadily in his hands.

This week Mr Shakey Shakey is on honeymoon after his wedding, apparently he had an amazing Best Man who did a brilliant speech. COUGH COUGH!

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant is a brand new member of the Procrastination by Numbers team, not only is she's the independent adjudicator for all Procrastination by Numbers competitions. But she is a Warhammer tactical genius and can often be found revising the rules and coming up with the filthiest armies known to man.

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant is getting ready to flower for 2013 and wishes you a Happy New Year full of good fertiliser and the like.

93.2 – Happy New Year

The Procrastination by Numbers team would like to take this opportunity to officially be the last people to wish you a Happy New Year, and a successful 2013. We'd also like to thank you for all your support and continued readership over 2012. We've just broken through the colossal 30,000 views mark so thank you so much for that!

For those of you new to us, who enjoyed The Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar 2012 we hope you will continue to enjoy the madness that is Procrastination by Numbers on a regular basis!

93.3 – Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Month 2, Day 38

In life there are sometimes disappointments, as I constantly remind my parents. And currently my Ultramarines are one of those. Before Christmas they looked like this:

And now after Christmas they looked like this:

Spot the difference!!

Found it?

No you're right there isn't one.

But... on the plus side because of the jam-packed festive season (well some of you may have had social lives and been busy), we've all been given a free month to get up to speed. So I have until the end of January to finish Months 1 & 2. Which I am sure we can do... insert concerned face here! No I will, have faith people!

93.4 – 2012 New Year Resolutions Updated

With the annual advancing of the digits in the calendar it means it's time to look at what we've achieved in the past 12 months. No, not on social and work based level that would be deeply depressing, but of course on a hobby level – hobby might not be important but we can cling on to it to give our lives false meaning!

So back in Update 34 (yes Update 34 – practically prehistoric!), way back in January 2012 – I set myself 10 hobby based challenges to complete by now January 2013. I know what you're thinking, what a brilliant idea, that can't be yours? Well you'd be right, you can see everyone else's 2012 resolutions and how they got on here:


Mine aren't on that thread because... well frankly I'm special, and I need to hold onto any crap I come up with to fill up the mindless pages of this blog.

Enough of the prattle time to find out how I got on with my resolutions, brace yourself for disappointment:

Resolution 1: To Paint all the Contents of Dreadfleet

Back in January 2012 I said: "By the end of 2012 I want a full finished set of warships and accessories. With any further supplement to the game looking less likely than the national press being happy with the organisation of the 2012 Olympics, I can finish Dreadfleet and finish it good."

Well god dam it people I've only gone and done it!! It took until Boxing Day but the entire contents of the box is finished, even the ruler! Yes I was the person who did that.

Here's a quick snap of the last bits and pieces:

I'll talk fully about Dreadfleet and all the bits I've done at a later date, save waffling on too much here. But let's just say big tick for me!!

Resolution 2: To Paint at Least Five Pieces of Terrain

Back in January 2012 I said: "Come on Matty get your own personal terrain collection topped up. Five pieces isn't much, so fingers cross a nice Skullvane Manse may be gracing my own battlefield by 2013 (technically I don't have a battlefield either, so need to work on that)."

Well it turns out five pieces is too much! I could count the eleven pieces of Dreadfleet terrain I've painted up:

But that seems a little bit cheating, as that wasn't my intention.

I did get two pieces of terrain painted up, the Temple of Skulls:

And I painted up the Shakeaway Fountain for the club:

And I did sort myself out with one of those screw up Games Workshop mats which I think are excellent.

So sadly this is a fail, but not an utter fail 40% complete is something.

Resolution 3: To Enter a Non-Doubles Waaagh!

Back in January 2012 I said: "I enjoy doubles a lot, my favourite type of Warhammer campaign and have done a couple of doubles Waaagh's this year, but I reckon it's about time I went single player at least to see if I can win that wooden spoon. Also apparently a lot of tournaments give away prizes for last place, so I could have a future, or even a collection of spoons!"

Yeah... well... err... yeah. I failed, utterly failed. Sorry. I kept meaning too, but always seemed to be busy when they were scheduled. My intention had been to enter 2013's first Waaagh! to at least offset this. But sadly I am working that weekend!! And so it begins...

Resolution 4: To Win at least Five Games of Warhammer this Year

Back in January 2012 I said: "I'm not setting my aims high, I realise last year's five games in a row was complete fluke but we'll see what 2012 brings. Currently this year I've played two and lost two."

Hands up I didn't keep track of my gaming record, however I'm pretty sure I played enough games to win five. In fact I can think of four off the top of my head I have won, without engaging my neural matter. Note to self: If you make this resolution again, record your progress.

Resolution 5: To Carry on Blogging

Back in January 2012 I said: "Sorry there's going to be more of this tosh to come, please read it, else my purpose in life will be gone."

Well I'm still writing this, so I guess I passed. Ok there was a wibble around the summer, but hopefully you still love me and my procrastination!

Resolution 6: To Finish the High Elves

Back in January 2012 I said: "This really is achievable this year, I now have one of every unit bar Silver Helms, White Lions and a Tiranoc Chariot painted up, so those a few character and special character options and ok finish that massive army box set and we'll be there."

And tickety-f***ing-tick! This is done! Wooo Hooo Hooo Hooo!! Whoop!

Yep the best part of 10,000 points of High Elves all done and dusted, well dusty now they sit on my shelves! There's at least one of every unit, most characters (bar a few obscure combinations), and all the special characters except Eltharion (though I do have a Prince on Griffon for such eventualities). I may at some point return to the High Elves for new releases, character models etc. Hoping that one day Imirk and Eltharion may come out in Finecast making them a lot easier to assemble! But other than that I am Elfed out for now!

Resolution 7: To Finish the Beastmen

Back in January 2012 I said: " This is probably even more achievable than the High Elves only need to add a Ghorgon and Cygor – the new kit will do just fine for those, plus a Doombull and make up my Razagor Chariot (if I can face it). No units just monsters, and they will be done."

Despite promises this would be easier than the High Elves, this wasn't quite so convincing though I think I can award myself a partial tick if nothing else. Despite a Christmas painting session I didn't quite make these. However I did finish everything listed above this weekend (so only 6 days late), the one details is I need to base and assemble my Razorgor Chariot. So not bad, plus I did add a few extra bits to that above list including some Minotaurs and a Bray-Shaman.

Generally the Beastmen do need a bit of a tidy and repair. My Tuskgor Chariots need some serious MOTs and quite a few metal Gor lay chipped and without shields. But I am hoping I can give these a tidy and do a final army shot soon. But bar tidying and basing the Chariot these are done. Though of course I may revisit for new releases and those special characters I've missed.

Don't worry Beastmen fans I do intend to show off some nicer pictures of these new Beastmen soon (don't want to bore you with this update!!).

Resolution 8: To Buy No More than I Paint

Back in January 2012 I said: "This is likely to be trickier for the simple reason, bar the High Elf army and Dreadfleet I've painted up most of my backlog of miniatures this year. But in fairness just painting what I will buy will sort this plan out."

This actually went really well I didn't buy a great deal other than Warhammer 40,000 and the High Elves and Beastmen needed to finish their respective armies. And as I painted all the High Elves, Beastmen and Dreadfleet I won!! Broadly speaking I painted twice as much as I bought. I usually count how much I've painted/bought using the old 7th edition Unit Strength works quite well to weight cavalry and monsters appropriately compared to infantry. Obviously I had to use a bit of artistic licence to assign values to things like terrain and Dreadfleet models, but it comes out that I painted 304 unit strength worth of models compared to 157 bought. It's a little down on 2011 when I painted 315 unit strength worth – but I bought a hell a lot more in 2011 – 389 unit strength worth! Gulp!!!!

Resolution 9: To Battle Mr Shakey Shakey

Back in January 2012 I said: "Veteran readers may remember Mr Shakey Shakey my non-imaginary friend who I often mention on this blog, well we both rejoined Warhammer at the same time but are yet to play a single battle. In fairness to me, Mr Shakey Shakey's poor painting speed hasn't helped but this year we must have a battle."

To be honest when I suggested this, I thought it might be unlikely. But no, I have managed to battle Mr Shakey Shakey a number of times now:

And hopefully when he comes back from honeymoon his wife will still let me come round and play!

Resolution 10: To Sort Out My Life

Back in January 2012 I said: "Yeah this might be more complex, finding myself a loved one, learning to drive, making sure I have a career and a purpose in life all need to be done. In fairness if I do achieve this I may not have time for the previous nine resolutions but there you go."

You are actually asking about this?! Really?! Hush yourself and leave the room.


Well overall I don't think I did too bad. I completed 6 of these fully, and the Beastmen probably could be counted as a 7th complete if we were felling generous. The only complete fails were terrain – which I did do some of, turning up to a Waaagh! (I know, I know, that would have been easy!), and the sorting my life out – but that was never going to happen. So I think I can claim a reasonable successful 2012.

93.5 – 2013 New Year Resolutions Setting

So with 2012 dealt with, we need to start looking at 2013, and what my hobby resolutions are going to be. You probably shouldn't read anything into the smaller number of resolutions this year, just less things springing to mind!

And I should say as before, other less annoying people have posted their resolutions here:


2013 Resolution 1: To Paint at Least Five Pieces of Terrain

Yeah this one is lifted from last year, but I am determined to do it. I enjoyed painting the Temple of the Skulls and actually it was quite quick with drybrushing. So this year we will do it! I've got myself some forests kicking around and was lucky enough to pick up Dreadstone Blight for Christmas plus I have some enthusiasm for it, which always helps. Don't want to go too building crazy as a good Warhammer battlefield shouldn't be too built up. We need forests and rocks and hills too! But with Dreadfleet done, this should be easy to get done. He says!

2013 Resolution 2: To Enter a Non-Doubles Waaagh!

Again lifted from last year, but surely I can do this. I will, I promise!!

2013 Resolution 3: To Carry on Blogging

Haha there's no escape people, you will have to keep reading for ever. Mooo hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

2013 Resolution 4: To Buy No More than I Paint

Another 2012 Resolution mercilessly lifted, but in fairness I achieved this one! I am more confident about this, I have quite a few bits kicking around that need doing. And to add to this I need to make sure that the odd bits and pieces I pick up get painted – Chaos Lord on Manticore I am looking at you. No more odd things hogging the "To be painted shelf".

2013 Resolution 5: Complete The Tale of Gamers – Ultramarines

Whilst it may not seem it due to me not completing anything yet, I am really enjoying painting my Ultramarines and with the High Elves, Beastmen and Dreadfleet out of the way momentum should gather.

2013 Resolution 6: Learn to Play Warhammer 40,000

Yeah, yeah, I should learn to play Warhammer first. Shut up! I will master this game. Probably should buy the rules at some point.

2013 Resolution 7: Revisit my Warriors of Chaos

My Warriors of Chaos are a little unloved of recent years, but are pretty much done. My Tzeentch only horde has a few gaps I'd like to fill – including my lovely new Warshrine and Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount. The Tzeentch only restriction is just about weathering the temptation of the Skullcrushers of Khorne – we will see how that goes with the rumoured new Warhammer Army book. Unlike with the High Elves and Beastmen I probably won't go for every entry in the army book, due to my loyal deviation to Tzeentch. But some new bits would be nice.

2013 Resolution 8: Finish my 6th Edition Dwarfs

My Dwarf army hasn't popped out of its storage boxes for a very long time, but I did love it. At the time it got packed away I was very close to having a model for every entry in the current Dwarf army book, so I think I can set that as a task. I only need: A Gyrocopter, Anvil of Doom and a Lord/Thane on Shieldbearers. Plus I might add some Special Characters – I do enjoy painting the odd Special Character. So that's not too bad, I think I can do it.

There's my 8 Resolutions, I've left the one about winning games and sorting my life out as both seem deeply unachievable!! I'll rely on you dear reader to harass me into completing these tasks!!

93.6 – Getting In Touch

Remember as always I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of the following:

  • Completion of 2012 Resolutions
  • 2013 Resolutions that I've said
  • Encouragement or abuse for the 2013 Resolutions
  • General love!

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @ProByNumbers where I can bore you 24-7, what more could you want.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


January 15, 2013, 08:49:34 am #895 Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 10:12:02 am by cunningmatt
Procrastination by Numbers: Update 94 – High Seas and Hats Tuesday 15th January 2013

Coming up on this week's Procrastination by Numbers:

  • 94.1 – Meet the Team
  • 94.2 – Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Month 2, Day 45
  • 94.3 – Space Marines and Helmets
  • 94.4 – Painting the Dreadfleet
  • 94.5 – Dreadfleet – Grimnir's Thunder Painting Guide
  • 94.6 – Dreadfleet – The Black Kraken Painting Guide
  • 94.7 – Dreadfleet – The Sea Drake Painting Guide
  • 94.8 – Dreadfleet – Skabrus Painting Guide
  • 94.9 – Dreadfleet – Templates and Markers Painting Guide
  • 94.10 – Get In Touch

94.1 – Meet the Team

With New Year's Resolutions already crumbling around them, let's meet the team:

Matty the Painter

Matty the Painter is the main writer on Procrastination by Numbers, and his brain represents the place where the other writers live. He is a prolific Shakeaway drinker, and he can be followed on Twitter at @ProByNumbers – go on he might follow you back.

This week Matty has been asked to take part in the ITV show "Splash!" becoming the show's third most recognisable celebrity. He is busy ironing his Speedos as we speak.

The Resident Six-Year Old Artist

For all those things that can't be photographed, the resident six-year old artist has joined (read "been imprisoned by") the team. Bribed with Smarties and the promise of seeing daylight again, she draws all the pictures this blog needs. Her recent work includes the iOS6 maps.

This week the resident six-year old artist has been mainly upset that her business plan has failed to impress the Department for Transport: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-20959906

Mr Shakey Shakey

Mr Shakey Shakey is Matty the Painter's Wood Elf painting friend. He's been painting a Wood Elf army for about 24 years now. His name is nothing to do with the popular milkshake, but instead refers to his inability to hold a paintbrush steadily in his hands.

This week still no word from Mr Shakey Shakey from his honeymoon. Dam him and his happiness!

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant is a brand new member of the Procrastination by Numbers team, not only is she's the independent adjudicator for all Procrastination by Numbers competitions. But she is a Warhammer tactical genius and can often be found revising the rules and coming up with the filthiest armies known to man.

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant has been hoping that Matty the Painter doesn't forget his New Year's Resolution to regularly water her.

94.2 – Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Month 2, Day 45

Before you chastise me for the fact that it's Day 45 of this batch, I would like you to please remember that we were given January as a catch-up extension month to December to give us (I mean "me") a chance to get back on track. So I'm not quite the liability you think I am!

And Praise the Lord; open up your offerings to the Heavens because in shock miracle news, I have made progress on the Ultramarines! Ta daaahhhh! I feel that this statement really should be accompanied by glittery confetti falling from the sky and the detonation of some high-grade indoor fireworks. Sadly it's difficult to get that across in print so I'll just have to settle for "Woo".

So before Christmas I managed to get my test Ultramarine pretty much sorted, here he is for reference:

The only thing this chap was missing (bar some serious de-glossing, long/weird story – don't ask) was the leather on his bolter strap, and pouch (just out of shot behind his right arm), and his basing. This was mainly due to me not having the right paints.

Since then I've bought the rest of the Tactical Squad and the Terminators up to the same standard.

I'm pretty pleased with how they're looking, and despite my tardiness, how quick they are to paint too. Particularly liking the Terminators' helmets, which I think have come out really well.

I've put in my order with the excellent OG Games (Heard of them? They're very good. Very friendly chap, so long as you don't pass all your armour saves against him – that makes him a bit narky!) for the remaining colours I need to finish the leather, and a few other details like little bits of wreath and cloth.

I also think I've worked out what I'm going to do with my basing, veteran readers of this blog with too little time on the hands (to be distinguished from veteran writers of this blog with too little time on the hands), will probably remember that I said I wanted my basing to look like an alien landscape, using this picture of the Martian landscape as reference:

However I wasn't sure how to achieve it. I started off by browsing the shelves of Games Workshop comparing my photo with their paints to decide what colour looked a good match for what I was trying to achieve. This is really best done in the shop, it's quite difficult to get a good match browsing the web, as it's very much dependent on your computer screen settings.

After a healthy browse I realised that Skrag Brown was the colour I was looking for...

As luck would have it Skrag Brown was a colour I needed for my leather anyway - £2.30 saved! But how would be best to base and highlight this main colour? Well luck was in abandon, as I was flicking through November 2012's White Dwarf:

When I discovered this guide in Paint Splatter used to paint the ground for one of their display battlefields:

Whilst this wasn't exactly the colour scheme I was going for, it was pretty close, so I'm going to use it as a starting point for my basing. Certainly Mournfang Brown looks like the perfect base colour to use:

So that's been added to my OG Games shopping basket.

Some people may question the wisdom of using Painting Guides, and whether it takes the imagination and creativity out of painting and coming up with your colour schemes. Well I don't think so. Most of my armies have started with some reference guides to help out, and whilst you may easily be able to match the main layer colour you want a piece of your model to be (as in the Skrag Brown case above), it can be tricky working out which base, highlight or wash would accompany it. Additionally I find it very helpful to use guides for 'natural' objects you want to replicate – horses, rocks, skin, ocean, feathers etc. As whilst the colour of Power Armour is up to your preference, painting horses in Changeling Pink will probably look a bit odd.

For the Ultramarines I've used a selection of painting guides, I used the Ultramarine Painting Guide from the Games Workshop section of the iBook Store:

That said I've felt free to use it as a starting point, rather than a doctrine, replacing the blues with brighter shades for my own personal happiness and well-being, as you will have seen in Update 89.

As mentioned above I'm using a section of Paint Splatter from White Dwarf November 2012 as a starting point. The leather and flesh for the skin started from the guide in The How To Paint Citadel Miniatures Guide for the Aurora Chapter Space Marines:

And I also found flicking through White Dwarf January 2013's Paint Splatter a guide for cloth for Dark Angels, that I think may work for some of the cloth on the Ultramarines, particularly the lower level characters – which don't justify having too much red fabric.

I have to say I think Paint Splatter is brilliant in White Dwarf, as regardless of the armies being featured there's a good chance there may be something useful you can take away. Even if you then go on to adapt it yourself. Personally I think I'm going to add a little more orange into my Skrag Brown Ultramarine basing just as I'm trying to emphasis the alien landscape, and not go for a more common Warhammer terrestrial environment.

Also it can be worth having a look through guides anyway, in case you find a better way of doing something you already do. For example in the Dreadfleet painting guide that I used for the ships later on in this blog entry, their guide suggested added some green and brown drybrushing into rocks – rather than just drybrushing various shades of grey, as I'd done on my High Elves and Beastmen's rocky bases. I found it looked really nice, so has now become my standard way of doing rocks throughout my armies.

All of this is leading onto the fact that I think Painting Guides are very useful, even if you're confident with your colour schemes already. It's one of the reason I print the guides to what I paint, in the hope that you will find something useful for your projects as either inspiration for a starting paint or just for plain old copy and paste job. The other key reason being that it is really helpful for me, as I can never remember what colours I use. So this blog becomes a reference guide for my aging brain, and an exercise in spelling some of the more elaborate paint names!

With that done, all that remains to be said for the Ultramarines is that this week, fingers crossed I'll get my hands on those new paints. Plus I need to start assembling the Space Marine Captain that I also need to get painted this month.

94.3 – Space Marines and Helmets

Moving on from painting guides a glance at my progress so far will have probably revealed use of some new colours in my Ultramarines in the shape of some fleshy tones. Yep both my Tactical Squad Sergeant and his Terminator counter part have chosen not to wear their helmets.

This is quite a common thing across the worlds of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 where characters in armies that have access to helmets choose not to wear them (obviously armies like Beastmen don't have helmets – have you tried getting a hat on over those horns, it's a nightmare you have to go to specialist shops or order them online or something). From a modelling perspective, I totally understand why you want your champions to look more heroic and I have no problem with that, or painting them. But don't you think it kind of says something about the personalities of the characters who choose to go helmetless – namely that they are t***s.

I mean look at this Swordmaster Champion...,

...without his helmet in the ranks of helmeted Elves all sticking to the Lothern Health & Safety guidelines (or Elf & Safety Guidelines as I like to call them – sorry I couldn't resist). The rest of the unit all wearing their shiny pointy helmets, whereas front and centre of their ranks is a cocky a**ehole who thinks he won't get hit with an arrow. And he probably won't because when a stone hurled at the unit heads his way, some poor sod who has chosen to wear a helmet will push him out the way and take the hit instead.

Or take this Silver Helm...

Not only does he not wear a helmet (even when the Champion does), he sits around blowing that trumpet – he's the kind of person who'd be really bloody annoying in real life isn't he. He's both a cocky non-helmet wearer and the kind of person you'd find busking on the Underground playing Jazz and being all happy. I'd ram the horn down his throat (and that's not a euphemism).

Or how about Caradryan...

...he not only isn't wearing a helmet, he is blasé enough to carry it in his hand. I bet he's the kind of k**bstick who goes around bragging about how he has a 4+ Ward Save and so doesn't need to wear his ridiculously oversized helmet. Although in fairness he had to take a vow of silence to enter the Shrine of Asuryan, so his braggy nature is probably confined to arrogant Post-It notes left around Ulthuan.

So with that rant over, I can safely say while I like painting up these Space Marine Sergeants, they won't be on my Christmas Card list:

94.4 – Painting the Dreadfleet

Those of you who ploughed through last week's blog (Update 93) will remember that last year I just about ticked my resolution to paint the contents of the Dreadfleet box. Like all good targets, the ideal situation is to limp over the finish line just in time, which I did by finishing on Boxing Day!

Here's a selection of the new ships I've painted up most recently:

And here's the full Dreadfleet fleet (and islands and templates) in all it's glory:

For those of you excited by the old ships/terrain you can see them in Updates 51, 54, 72, 88, 89, should you be bothered. You won't be. But there we go.

I want to speak up now for much maligned Dreadfleet, now in fairness I haven't played the game yet (I am hoping to work out a way of transporting all the ships first). But I have really enjoyed painting up the ships and templates, the models are excellent, and the scale makes a really fun variation. I particularly like picking out the much smaller scale versions of Warhammer things, such as the Bolt Throwers on the High Elf ship and the Warp Lightning Cannons on the Skabrus.

Like it or loathe it Dreadfleet, it's a shame really that the project wasn't successful, as it will probably stop Games Workshop doing any similar one-off releases. Now I know much of the argument was about making limited edition releases with no further support. But having looked through a load of really old White Dwarfs recently (for the Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar), I can see the argument for not wanting multiple games clogging up the release schedules and magazine. Some of the issues are a mess of Talisman, Warhammer Quest and Battlefleet Gothic supplements and supplementary rules and often Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 and Epic (the then big three) seem completely marginalised. And of course holding lots of stock in stores is something Games Workshop has wanted to move away from. Personally I've really enjoyed the challenge of painting something a bit different, I wish it hadn't always felt like such a fight trying to make time for Dreadfleet in amongst all the High Elf, Beastmen and Ultramarine stuff I felt like a should be painting. If you do have a copy of Dreadfleet you're thinking of getting round to painting, I can thoroughly recommend the enjoyable models – there's loads of great little individual details on all the main ships. And if you're finding it difficult to fight the urge to paint more "important" models, my best tip is, if you have the opportunity to paint away from home – holiday, friends or family for example – just take the ships with you and nothing else. You won't feel guilty then at not painting something else, and you'll really get into them. I painted the Islands at Mr Shakey Shakey's house and the last batch of ships at my family's house over Christmas.

A little part of me which really enjoyed painting models at that scale is looking lustfully over the Epic and Battlefleet Gothic sections of the Games Workshop website – no, I know I mustn't. But maybe..., NO. Stop it!!!

Anyway I hope I've encouraged you to get those ships painted if you have them, and if I ever work out a way to transport them, perhaps you'll fancy a game down a the club some time. Finally today I'll leave you with the Painting Guides for those final ships. You probably won't read them, but as I said earlier you never know what gems you may find!!

All of them are based on the guide produced in White Dwarf 382...

...please note I'd accidentally left some of my old Washes and Foundation Paints at home – so I have indicated here where I mixed up a suitable replacement and what I used. Enjoy.

94.5 – Dreadfleet – Grimnir's Thunder Painting Guide

Grimnir's Thunder is a Dwarf armour plated Ironclad, armed with Cannons, Flame Cannons and Organ Guns. It also doubles as an aircraft carrier with a Drigible (air balloon) in the skies and one being prepared inside the ship. Plus there's a cool little submarine accompanying the ship – it does nothing in the game, but looks cool! I have painted the armour plating blue rather than the suggested green to match the colour scheme of my existing Dwarf army.

Grimnir's Thunder Painting Guide – Stage 1

Sea: Regal Blue
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Gold Metal: 1:1 Scorched Brown/Shining Gold
Chimneys: Tin Bitz
Blue Plating: Regal Blue
Drigible: 1:1 Baneblade Brown/Bleached Bone (in lieu of Dheneb Stone)

Grimnir's Thunder Painting Guide – Stage 2

Sea: Heavily drybrush Enchanted Blue
Silver Metal: Wash Nuln Oil
Gold Metal: Cover Shining Gold
Chimneys: Layer 1:1 Tin Bitz/Dwarf Bronze
Blue Plating: Wash Nuln Oil
Drigible: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)

Grimnir's Thunder Painting Guide – Stage 3

Sea: Drybrush crests Ice Blue
Silver Metal: Highlight Chainmail
Gold Metal: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)
Chimneys: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)
Blue Plating: Layer Regal Blue
Drigible: Layer 1:1 Baneblade Brown/Bleached Bone (in lieu of Dheneb Stone)

Grimnir's Thunder Painting Guide – Stage 4

Sea: Wash 1:1 Nuln Oil/watered down Dark Angels Green (in lieu of Tharaka Green), then paint crests watered down Skull White
Silver Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Gold Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Chimneys: Highlight Mithril Silver
Blue Plating: Highlight Ultramarines Blues
Drigible: Layer 1:1 Highlight Skull White

94.6 – Dreadfleet – The Black Kraken Painting Guide

The Black Kraken is a Chaos Dwarf submarine crossed with robotic leviathan, it is armed with a drill and flailing tentacles. And accompanied by cog like the majority of the Dreadfleet.

The Black Kraken Painting Guide – Stage 1

Sea: Regal Blue
Hull/Cog Sail: Chaos Black
Metal: Boltgun Metal
Trimming: Tin Bitz
Kraken Eye/Cog Flag: Caliban Green

The Black Kraken Painting Guide – Stage 2

Sea: Heavily drybrush Enchanted Blue
Hull/Cog Sail: Mechanicus Standard Grey (in lieu of Adeptus Battlegrey)
Metal: Wash Nuln Oil
Trimming: Highlight 1:1 Tin Bitz/Dwarf Bronze
Kraken Eye/Cog Flag: Layer Snot Green

The Black Kraken Painting Guide – Stage 3

Sea: Drybrush crests Ice Blue
Hull/Cog Sail: Highlight Codex Grey
Metal: Highlight Chainmail
Trimming: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)
Kraken Eye/Cog Flag: Highlight Scorpion Green

The Black Kraken Painting Guide – Stage 4

Sea: Wash 1:1 Nuln Oil/ watered down Dark Angels Green (in lieu of Tharaka Green), then paint crests watered down Skull White
Hull/Cog Sail: Design added to cell – as Cog Flag Stages 1-3
Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Trimming: Highlight Mithril Silver
Kraken Eye/Cog Flag: Highlight Skull White (Eye only)

94.7 – Dreadfleet – The Sea Drake Painting Guide

The Sea Drake is a High Elf warship, accompanied by Dragons rather than smaller craft. I've painted in light blue and yellow to match my Shakeaway Elven army!

The Sea Drake Painting Guide – Stage 1

Sea: Regal Blue
Deck: Baneblade Brown
Hull: Celestra Grey (in lieu of Astronomacian Grey)
Towers and Bolt Throwers: 1:1 Baneblade Brown/Bleached Bone (in lieu of Dheneb Stone)
Roofs: The Fang (in lieu of Fenris Grey)
Sea Creatures: Mechanicus Standard Grey (in lieu of Adeptus Battlegrey)
Gold Trim: 1:1 Shining Gold/Scorched Brown
Sails: 1:1 Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue
Flags: Golden Yellow
Red Dragon: Khorne Red
White Dragon: Celestra Grey (in lieu of Astronomacian Grey)

The Sea Drake Painting Guide – Stage 2

Sea: Heavily drybrush Enchanted Blue
Deck: Drybrush Graveyard Earth
Hull: Wash recesses watered down Shadow Grey
Towers and Bolt Throwers: Wash watered down Graveyard Earth (in lieu of Gryphonne Sepia)
Roofs: Wash Nuln Oil
Sea Creatures: Layer Codex Grey
Gold Trim: Shining Gold
Sails: Layer Ice Blue
Flags: Layer Sunburst Yellow
Red Dragon: Wash Carroburg Crimson (in lieu of Baal Red)
White Dragon: Wash watered down Shadow Grey

The Sea Drake Painting Guide – Stage 3

Sea: Drybrush crests Ice Blue
Deck: Drybrush Bleached Bone
Hull: Layer 1:1 Skull White/Astronomacian Grey
Towers and Bolt Throwers: Layer Bleached Bone
Roofs: Layer Shadow Grey
Sea Creatures: Wash Nuln Oil
Gold Trim: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)
Sails: Highlight 1:1 Ice Blue/Skull White, highlight detail in Celestra Grey (in lieu of Astonomacian Grey)
Flags: Wash Reikland Fleshshade (in lieu of Ogryn Flesh)
Red Dragon: Layer Mephiston Red
White Dragon: Layer 1:1 Astronomacian Grey/Skull White

The Sea Drake Painting Guide – Stage 4

Sea: Wash 1:1 Nuln Oil/ watered down Dark Angels Green (in lieu of Tharaka Green), then paint crests watered down Skull White
Deck: DONE
Hull: Highlight Skull White
Towers and Bolt Throwers: Highlight Skull White
Roofs: Highlight Space Wolves Grey
Sea Creatures: Highlight Fortress Grey
Gold Trim: Highlight Mithril Silver
Sails: Highlight detail Skull White
Flags: Highlight Bad Moon Yellow
Red Dragon: Highlight Blazing Orange, highlight claws and horns Bleached Bone
White Dragon: Highlight Skull White, highlight claws and horns Bleached Bone

94.8 – Dreadfleet – Skabrus Painting Guide

The Skabrus has a complicated background, so listen up, I will be asking questions later. A fleet of Skaven warships mistook the orb of the Leviathan for Warpstone, the Leviathan promptly ate the Skaven fleet. However many of the Skaven survived and started consuming the beast from the inside out. The Leviathan died, but not before the Skaven suffocated from it's rotting fumes. Later the Vampire Count Noctulus leading the Dreadfleet resurrected the Leviathan inadvertently resurrecting the Skaven crew who maintained their sentience. The Skaven converted the Leviathan into a rotting warship.

Skabrus Painting Guide – Stage 1

Sea: Regal Blue
Internal Organs: Mephiston Red (in lieu of Mechrite Red)
Wood: Scorched Brown
Brass: 1:1 Tin Bitz/Dwarf Bronze
Flesh: 1:1 Baneblade Brown/Bleached Bone (in lieu of Dheneb Stone)
Bones: 1:1 Baneblade Brown/Bleached Bone (in lieu of Dheneb Stone)
Bell: Dark Angels Green
Flags and Sail: Mephiston Red (in lieu of Mechrite Red)

Skabrus Painting Guide – Stage 2

Sea: Heavily drybrush Enchanted Blue
Internal Organs: Wash 1:1 Carribourg Crimson/Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Baal Red/Devlan Mud)
Wood: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)
Brass: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)
Flesh: Wash 1:1 watered down Leviathan Purple/Reikland Fleshshade (in lieu of Leviathan Purple/Ogyrn Flesh)
Bones: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)
Bell: Highlight Snot Green
Flags and Sail: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)

Skabrus Painting Guide – Stage 3

Sea: Drybrush crests Ice Blue
Internal Organs: Layer 1:1 Mephiston Red/Blood Red (in lieu of Mechrite Red)
Wood: Layer Scorched Brown
Brass: Wash 1:1 Hawk Turquoise/Dark Angels Green
Flesh: Layer watered down Fortress Grey
Bones: Layer Bleached Bone
Bell: Highlight Scorpion Green
Flags and Sail: Highlight 1:1 Mephiston Red/Blood Red (in lieu of Mechrite Red)

Skabrus Painting Guide – Stage 4

Sea: Wash 1:1 Nuln Oil/watered down Snot Green (in lieu of Tharaka Green), then paint crests watered down Skull White – except wash trails Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud), then watered down Liche Purple (in lieu of Leviathan Purple)
Internal Organs: Highlight Kommando Khaki, then wash Carroburg Crimson (in lieu of Baal Red)
Wood: Highlight Kommando Khaki
Brass: Highlight Chainmail
Flesh: Highlight Skull White
Bones: Highlight Skull White
Bell: Highlight Skull White
Flags and Sail: Highlight Blood Red, followed by Vomit Brown. Paint detail Kommando Khaki, then highlight Bleached Bone

94.9 – Dreadfleet – Templates and Markers Painting Guide

The templates and rulers are probably the least exciting part of the Dreadfleet kit, but I refused to fail my objectives because of this!! The circular template is double-sided featuring the Wind Gauge on one side and the Vortex Marker on the other, in case you wonder why it keeps changing look!

Templates Painting Guide – Stage 1

Bone: 1:1 Baneblade Brown/Bleached Bone (in lieu of Dheneb Stone)
Gold Metal: 1:1 Shining Gold/Scorched Brown
Silver Metal: Chainmail
Sea: Regal Blue
Wind Pieces: Celestra Grey (in lieu of Astronomacian Grey)
White Checks: Celestra Grey (in lieu of Astronomacian Grey)

Templates Painting Guide – Stage 2

Bone: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)
Gold Metal: Shining Gold
Silver Metal: Wash Nuln Oil
Sea: Heavily drybrush Enchanted Blue
Wind Pieces: Wash watered down Shadow Grey
White Checks: Layer 1:1 Celestra Grey/Skull White

Templates Painting Guide – Stage 3

Bone: Layer Bleached Bone
Gold Metal: Wash Agrax Earthshade (in lieu of Devlan Mud)
Silver Metal: Highlight Chainmail
Sea: Drybrush Crests Ice Blue
Wind Pieces: Layer Celestra Grey (in lieu of Astronomacian Grey)
White Checks: Layer Skull White

Templates Painting Guide – Stage 4

Bone: Highlight Skull White
Gold Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Silver Metal: Highlight Mithril Silver
Sea: Wash 1:1 Nuln Oil/ watered down Dark Angels Green (in lieu of Tharaka Green), then paint crests watered down Skull White
Wind Pieces: Highlight 1:1 Skull White/Mithril Silver
White Checks: Tidy up Black checks, with Chaos Black

94.10  – Get In Touch

Wow! What a long old blog, can't help it. I've been busy painting stuff. What's your excuse?!

Remember as always we'd love to hear your thoughts and comments on any, none or all of the following:

  • Ultramarine progress and Basing Ideas
  • Your irrational thoughts on Helmets
  • Dreadfleet

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @ProByNumbers where I literally tweet every time I pick up a paintbrush, thereby stopping myself getting any painting done.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Ultramarine basing:

Mournfang brown is an awesome colour, it was the first of the new range of paints I bought, I use it all over the place for leather, fur and the likes.  My recommendation for your basing would be to sand your bases and before you start painting the blue get a layer of mournfang brown down, probably a wash of agrax too, then drybrush consecutive layers of mournfang, skrag, skrag & averland sunset or possibly a bone colour if that's too yellow and then a final drybrush with a little white in it.  That should give a fantastic transition and still only take a couple of minutes to do a whole squad when using a big flat drybrush.

Doing it before you do the armour means you don't have to worry about the feet when drybrushing and can just do the blue afterwards with some care not to hit the base.  I find it quicker that way as drybrushing is a tad messy where highlighting power armour should be a fairly neat process anyway. (I say this from the position of doing a few marines myself at the moment for my 2 tone army as I found 4 guys sat in a box that I'd done the initial bone basecoat and then left so thought I'd better finish off all my marines before moving back to my Eldar.

Irational helmet thoughts, you'll notice when you look at my marine army (should you ever get the chance) that apart from the AoBR sergeants which were 1 piece models that I haven't used a single unhelmeted marine in the entire company.  This was for a few reasons; 1. It was quicker to paint helmets. 2. It's bloody stupid to wear a boatload of really thick armour and then forget to put your helmet on so you can get shot in the face... 3. Marines are meant to go fight in all sorts of atmospheres, when raiding a space hulk are you really going to be certain there is a decent air supply available, maybe you should have kept the helmet on mr stupid choking to death when the doors opened sarge, thought you were meant to be the brains of the squad...

Dreadfleet - Nice, certainly beats my set (grey plastic still sat in the box, but I did take them off the sprues).
One comment would be on the choice of blue on the dwarf ship, blends into the sea colour a bit too closely so looks like it's half covered in water on first glance.  A bit odd, but still painted better than mine!


Cheers for getting through the whole blog!!  :wink;m::

Quote from: Dave on January 15, 2013, 10:07:25 am
Ultramarine basing:

Mournfang brown is an awesome colour....

Yeah I think it's perfect for what I need and looks like a great colour. Is it slightly sad that I'm excited about my delivery of paints coming soon? Probably! Sounds like a good idea for the basing, wondering about adding a tad of orange in somewhere to make it a bit alien or whether that will take it too far. I have a dummy model ready to test on. Hear what you're saying about basing first, however my blue requires lots of washing and glazes - and having tried this on a Skull White based test model I've found this runs all over the base and stains that blue. Possibly my own fault, but I do like slopping a wash on!  :thumbsup: So I think whichever way round I do it will need some tidying at the final stage, and the blue already needs a tidy where it's got caught as other colours have been used on trim etc.

Quote from: Dave on January 15, 2013, 10:07:25 am
Irational helmet thoughts,...

Hahaha, totally agree with you here. Don't get me wrong I'm pleased at how the models have come out paint-wise, but yeah it's not practical in a battle setting. I almost always avoid non-helmeted Chaos Warriors characters, though I think part of that might be down to the fact that is how I think a Chaos Warrior should look, rather than any health and safety concerns.

Quote from: Dave on January 15, 2013, 10:07:25 am
Dreadfleet - Nice, certainly beats my set (grey plastic still sat in the box, but I did take them off the sprues).
One comment would be on the choice of blue on the dwarf ship, blends into the sea colour a bit too closely so looks like it's half covered in water on first glance.  A bit odd, but still painted better than mine!

They're a lot of fun to paint if you do get the time, and probably will only take you 5 mins! In my opinion at least. I know what you're saying about the Ironclad and did consider that at the time of painting. Problem is I wanted it to match my old Warhammer Dwarf army which used Regal Blue as it's base accent colour - exactly the same base colour as got used for the Ocean. You see my problem..., but on balance I think I made the right choice, would have annoyed me more if I varied the blue or just went green or something to avoid clashing with the sea!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


January 21, 2013, 12:38:21 pm #898 Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 10:21:16 am by cunningmatt
Procrastination by Numbers: Update 95 – Back to Base-ics Monday 21st January 2013

Coming up on this week's Procrastination by Numbers:

  • 95.1 – Meet the Team
  • 95.2 – Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Month 2, Day 51
  • 95.3 – Ultramarine Shopping, Part 1
  • 95.4 – Get In Touch

95.1 – Meet the Team

Procrastination by Numbers isn't just written by one moronic, but deeply attractive, gamer it's created by an entire team trapped in by the wintery conditions. Let's meet them:

Matty the Painter

Matty the Painter is the main writer on Procrastination by Numbers, and his brain represents the place where the other writers live. He is a prolific Shakeaway drinker, and he can be followed on Twitter at @ProByNumbers – go on he might follow you back.

This week Matty has been enjoying the beauty of the snow falling across the country, the bleak, empty, cold landscape bereft of love and joy makes him feel strangely at home.

The Resident Six-Year Old Artist

For all those things that can't be photographed, the resident six-year old artist has joined (read "been imprisoned by") the team. Bribed with Smarties and the promise of seeing daylight again, she draws all the pictures this blog needs. Her recent work includes the iOS6 maps.

This week the resident six-year old artist has been drawing pictures of the snow:

Admittedly it's not some of her best work.

Mr Shakey Shakey

Mr Shakey Shakey is Matty the Painter's Wood Elf painting friend. He's been painting a Wood Elf army for about 24 years now. His name is nothing to do with the popular milkshake, but instead refers to his inability to hold a paintbrush steadily in his hands.

Still no word from honeymoon bound Mr Shakey Shakey maybe he has disowned Matty. Wouldn't be the first time friends have deserted Matty.

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant is a brand new member of the Procrastination by Numbers team, not only is she's the independent adjudicator for all Procrastination by Numbers competitions. But she is a Warhammer tactical genius and can often be found revising the rules and coming up with the filthiest armies known to man.

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant has started flowering, probably all the excitement about the new Warriors of Chaos stuff.

95.2 – Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Month 2, Day 51

Yeah before you pour scorn at the "Day 51" caption, remember it's a double length month until the end of January! So I haven't fallen too far behind, yet!

Unbelievably for the second week in a row there has been progress!! No you are not dreaming, I have been that proactive! First up my Ultramarine Captain, from The Assault on Black Reach box has been assembled – on a snazzy resin base too.

He's now sitting ready to be painted.

Last week I talked about how this Paint Splatter guide looked like the kind of basing I wanted:

Well with my order of new exciting paints having arrived from Ol. I was ready to begin:

To test out the basing we needed a test model, and for that I selected the old Space Marine I'd used for my abortive Skull White basing test back in Month 1. At the time I hadn't based him so first task was to glue the rocks and sand on:

As my Ultramarines had all been built on a Chaos Black undercoat for a proper test we were going to have the spray the base Chaos Black. Sadly our test model was going to take a pasting! As you can see his power armour now looks a bit grubby:

Last week Dave put forward a suggestion for a basing which combined with the Paint Splatter, worked out as basecoat of Mournfang Brown, then washed with Agrax Earthshade, followed by drybrushing Mournfang Brown, then Skrag Brown, then 1:1 Skrag Brown/Averland Sunset, then 1:1:1 Skrag Brown/Averland Sunset/Rakarth Flesh.

Which I think you can agree has come out pretty darn close to the aim of looking something like this Martian surface shot:

So many thanks Dave!

This colour scheme has been replicated across all the squads:

And I've started work on the Captain, power armour and the base is done, so now we're working on the other colours.

All this gives me 10 days of January left to finish the Captain, tidy up the Squads which do look a little messy. And then add the traditional U-shaped transfers to the shoulder pads. Easy? Hopefully!!

95.3  – Ultramarine Shopping, Part 1

With January's Space Marines nearly done, it's time to put a little thought ahead towards February. And this is where I need some help friends. I've got 280 points to paint up in February (250 from February's allowance and a roll over 30 excess points from the last two months). I have the Dreadnought left from Assault on Black Reach, but at only 115 points I need to start shopping for some additions to my force. But what to get?! Hmmmm.

Given I am still yet to have a game of Warhammer 40,000, my suggestions of choices is rather uneducated. So people, what do I need?

I know I need a second Troop, which implies either some Scouts or a second Tactical Squad. I'm only allowed two characters normally, so I probably shouldn't go here just yet. But that's pretty much my knowledge at its maximum.

One of the things I am considering is plumping for a Space Marine Battle Force:

I find these kits a good way of getting both some useful basic troops in, and making sure your army at least has an appropriate core of non-gamey basic fluff units. Plus this ticks another Troop choice, and provides me with a tank – which excites me lots.

Failing that having a look at the models I like (by that I mean tanks), the Predator and the Whirlwind look fun:

But I am open to suggestions, so people what do I buy? Help me please!

95.4  – Get In Touch

This week's no different; I am tragic individual and need your constant praise and comments to not feel worthless. Here's some useful things I'd like to hear about if you really can't think of anything, the integrity of the blood flow to my wrists is dependent on you:

  • Thoughts on the progress of the Ultramarines
  • What I should be buying for the army next
  • Friendship

As always the plague of my rantings has infected Twitter, you can expose yourself at @ProByNumbers and be bored 24-7. See ya next week.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

To some extent it looks like your choice of what to get next depends on how you want the army to play. I would strongly consider a drop pod for the dreadnought though - equipped with MM and a flamer they are a good way to try and nick first blood.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!