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Wargaming New Year Resolutions 2012

Started by Blotthrower, December 27, 2011, 12:37:12 pm

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Quote from: Meals on December 30, 2011, 01:53:39 pmfinally find a steady girlfriend rather than one offs etc etc...

Strange, I was thinking of adding completely the opposite to my list!
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


Quote from: noahtonkin on January 04, 2012, 12:11:05 pm
Strange, I was thinking of adding completely the opposite to my list!

Change is as good as a holiday?

Haha Dave, Its not really showing off. Finding a slutty Aussie girl isn't exactly like climbing Mount Everest...  :wink;m::  :))
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!

roland murat

After a bit of a shocker last year I'll keep it simple. Paint more than I buy.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Quote from: Annie on December 28, 2011, 08:43:37 am

-Buy the new VC stuff... well the vargheists, boob chair, black knights and maybe hex knights.


Quote- make nice movement trays, like matt yeos


Quote- paint some goddam terrain!


I'm on fiiiiire and it's still January!
I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!


okay, it being 1st March I'm a bit late on this, but here goes anyway:

1.  Be a more laid-back opponent.  I worry that sometimes in the past I may have been a touch too, er, focused at times...  :fighting03: and sometimes irritable.  It doesn't help that I'm recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome, and frequently when I've been gaming I've been really, really tired.  As people may have noticed on the rare occasions when I attempt a single day tournament, or an extended game, and have to crash out for ten minutes!  If I realise I've forgotten something mainly because I'm shattered this can wind me up.  In future I will try a Gallic shrug.  It will be Gallic because it may involve consumption of Stella.

2.  Get a model into the Finals Cabinet at Games day 2012.  I entered for the first time last year, and learned a lot.  I'm nowhere near good enough to place, but I reckon (perhaps contrary to the evidence!)  That my best stuff could, perhaps just, make it into the final selection.  Okay then, no pressure.


Half way stage just over, time to review

Quote1) Paint my Beastmen army to 2400 pts, and take to one Tournie (comped of course)

Fail on that one, have actually quit WFB

Quote2) Paint my Grey Knights to 2000 pts

Also fail, but have started on other 40k armies

Quote3) Play at least 2 40k 2 day tournies, try to win at least one game

Only played in Planet OGs do far, but I placed top 3 in 3 of them, including one win.
Two big indie events next, Pillage then Warlords....

Quote4) Run an RPG Campaign

Tried, but so much work involved, no time...

Quote5) Learn as many new systems (boardgame related) as possible, do intro at club

Learning new ones every week, Dust was a big hit at club, more to come in 2nd half of this year..

Quote6) Play the LOTR LCG reguarly, complete some missions at long last...

Epic fail on this one, just died for some reason, however Invasion stil gets played and now Magic is coming back combined with two new LCG's in the autumn.
Plus I will teach people how to play the Cthulhu LCG...

Quote7) Get as much club scenery painted as possible

Work in progress. More room at club means more tales, just waiting for one sunny wknd, so we can get this all built...

Tom Hale

Quote from: sainthale1988 on January 01, 2012, 10:32:39 am
1. Aquire and paint a goblin bloodbowl team
2. Finish the Skaven army (a bit of rebasing and washing and a few 'sub optimal inits')
3. Get rid of all the stuff I'm not going to realistically use
4. Get a podium in a non waaagh singles event
5. Top 40 in rankings
6. Attend all practice events for welsh ETC (play if picked)
7. Play as much AGOT as possible! Play all factions and a 6 player game
8. Catch up on all the reading I'm behind in
9. Paint at least 5 models a week (unless I get everything painted!!)
10. Get a new non bent 40k army

right sit rep;

1.aquired yes! painted....not so much
2.minor progress (few bits and bobs) and not likely to happen now as not that fussed by the rat men and have the good stuff done
3. massive success! i've reduced the amount of stuff i have by aprox 60% (considering i've bought two new armies as well its all change!)
4. success! :2nd: SCGT of all places
5. not so good with horror bad start to the season followed by 6 nations focus. that and rankings pt inflation problem.....
6. sucess, and the 6 nations which is as much as i could do this year
7. played as grey joy (1), lanister (5 times...), baratheon (3), Martell (1). still need stark and tyrell to complete the run though. done several 6 players which have been ace
8. lol! not by half! did get dance of dragons done (which was epic!)
9. sigh such high aspiration. not going to happen now
10. yeah dark angels!  :thumbsup:  :bash;m:
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn


QuoteFinish 3 more wfb armies to tabletop standard. (dwarfs, we, lizzies & tk done) skaven+2 others fiinished in 2012 (empire+daemons likely as all plastic)
Looks like I might fail this one, skaven are done to about 3000pts and O&G are well under way but a third army has not been started.  New Empire book killed my desire for them (everyone now doing all mounted which I'd planned), DE are in boxes as are some WOC so might do them next.

QuoteFinish painting all my malifaux stuff. (1 crew & 4-5 other figs). Then preferrably only buy what I plan to immediately paint.
Succeeded but then bought a load more stuff.  Now have 2 x guild guards, 1 austringer, 1 Avatar Zoraida, 1 Lelu, 1 Lelitu and 3 wicked dolls all sat in boxes waiting for progress.

QuoteAvoid spur of the moment buying 'because it's cheap'. To achieve this I need to partake in 'the pledge'.
Hmm, hard to be sure on this one, the O&G were a bit spur of the moment, but then I have painted them.  Probably going to fail the pledge again though despite painting lots.  My own personal goal of 366 figs in the year is continuing on track. July has seen me go ahead of 1 per day for the first time this year.

QuoteOffload unwanted and unnecessay models I have (like 100 odd clanrats when I've 200 painted already).
Generally fail, but have offloaded some.

QuotePlay fun armies and avoid netlisting, gonna see what takes my fancy, TK most likely but need more painting.
Generally done well with this one.   The TK I've used my monster mash list that I enjoy, my WE I tried out triple trees but with glade rider core which was awesome fun and for 6 nations I did do a bit of dull netlist lizards and promptly lost all 5 games!

So overall a mixed bag on the progress side but it's been an interesting year.  Going from being Scotland WFB ETC captain to definitely not going due to having a baby, starting to feel quite a bit of WFB burn out despite absolutely loving painting figs for it and only getting in a couple of games of Malifaux despite adoring the figures.  Hopefully the second half of the year will remedy this.  I plan on playing a lot more Malifaux, giving 40k a run out and generally avoiding tournaments.  Hopefully will get to move down to Bristol area at the back end of the year at which point I'll try and get along to an OG weekend or two.


Quote from: Blotthrower on December 27, 2011, 12:37:12 pm
I know this has been done before, but I thought I'd start it again anyway. So what's your wargaming aims for 2012? After a bit of thought mine are:

1. Finish painting the Halfling Army - There's not that much to go now for me to have most of the options I can field for the little guys in there current capacity as goblins. I love painting them and it would great to be able to roll them out for new years resolution number 2...

2. Go to the South Coast GT -  Now I appreciate that I will end up facing 97 Vampire Count Armies or whatever the new flavour of the month would be, but I love the setup, its a good chance to play 6 games of Warhammer over a weekend and catch up with everyone from OG. Hopefully this year I will win one of Best Painted (a long shot I know but maybe the halfling theme would carry me through? probably not), Best Sports or more likely, the wooden spoon...I'm going to aim for the spoon.

3. Go to some Malifaux Tournaments - Really enjoying playing Malifaux at the moment to the point where its my current number 1 game having overtaken Warhammer. I've got my crew half painted (see point 4) and hopefully with a bit more practice I won't be a total disgrace at a tournament!

4. Finish some of my half finished projects - I think I can speak for most gamers when saying I have loads of half finished projects lying around that with a bit of effort could be finished. I'm not going to set specific targets or goals, but it would be nice to finish one or two of them (if I can get the Malifaux crew and the halflings done that would be a good start).

So I suppose its over to the floor, anyone else got any objectives for 2012?

Well, loving the fact that we've gone back to these, so in numerical order:

1) The hafllings are finished. I absolutely loved the project and since finishing them I have been trying without success to come up with an equally crazy cool idea to do as my next army, currently leaning towards Circus themed Tomb Kings....

2) SCGT was brilliant fun as I was officially part of the OG Games team, so much drinking, wargaming and general good times, as always I'll be back next year. Narrowly missed out on the Coolest Army award and got loads of good comments, reviews and pictures of my hafling army, all in all a rousing success!

3) Total failure on this one. Life's got in the way and after SCGT I had a bit of a hobby burn out, just returning to playing some games of Malifaux, looking to go to a one dayer in September.

4) Not a complete failure on this one, I've actually started painting some of the raft of Orc models that I own working slowly towards updating my Steampunk Orcs, Finished the Halflings and I've finished my first Malifaux crew so I'm doing ok! Next up another Malifaux Crew to tick off the list and I should probably work on my Bretonnians., but I do feel the call of a completely new project (see point 1).