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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Quote from: fatolaf on October 15, 2012, 02:33:38 pm
I think you just give them marks as normal.
From what I have read the Marauder ones are special and the warrior ones are Rare

That may present more of a problem... best get painting those Beastmen. Onwards with the Beastmen Brown*

*this isn't a real colour, just a special Matty mix

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


otherwise known as shit brown?  After all if you read the beastmen fluff they like to smear poo all over everything in order to mark it as 'beastmanified'.

Forgot to say, you're unemployed?  I thought you were a media (tv) type person?

As for why I've never fully finished painting an army it's because I always move onto my next project before fully completing anything and I buy a load of stuff second hand so get all sorts of unwanted figs as part of my trades.  you're right though, I should really go back and completely clear at least one armies worth of stuff.  Hmm, continue with the DE or go back to an old project, what to do...

Interesting chaos rumours there Ol, would be great to see it happen, might give those WoC armies the variety they need in the special and rare slots, though surprised they need it with the book so full of diversity with people running chaos trolls, dragon ogres, chaos ogres, Forsaken etc etc.  oh, right, nobody every plays them.  Damnit now I want to do my Wozzas army with all those units.


Quote from: Dave on October 15, 2012, 04:40:06 pm
otherwise known as shit brown?  After all if you read the beastmen fluff they like to smear poo all over everything in order to mark it as 'beastmanified'.

I prefer the phrase Beastmen Brown, but in fairness I have noticed it baring resemblence to the odd turd or two.

Quote from: Dave on October 15, 2012, 04:40:06 pm
Forgot to say, you're unemployed?  I thought you were a media (tv) type person?

Sadly at present I am an unemployed media type person :endit: hopefully not for too long

Quote from: Dave on October 15, 2012, 04:40:06 pm
As for why I've never fully finished painting an army it's because I always move onto my next project before fully completing anything and I buy a load of stuff second hand so get all sorts of unwanted figs as part of my trades.  you're right though, I should really go back and completely clear at least one armies worth of stuff.  Hmm, continue with the DE or go back to an old project, what to do...

Essentially a procrastinator then?! Good stuff. Yeah wish there were some models for some of the other Chaos choice Forsaken, War Shrine or some decent Ogre ones. We shall see... we shall see...

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on October 15, 2012, 06:06:36 pm

Essentially a procrastinator then?!
How dare you, I'm not a filthy procrastinator, I'm more of a rabid multitasker, I've not put it off, I've just been busy with other stuff!


Good luck with the job hunt.  There will supposedly be a new plastic chosen/forsaken kit in the second wave.  Until then, hellstriders and skullcrushers.  (Basically juggernauts, the latter.)


Quote from: Dave on October 15, 2012, 09:27:13 pm
How dare you, I'm not a filthy procrastinator, I'm more of a rabid multitasker, I've not put it off, I've just been busy with other stuff!

Touched a nerve!

Quote from: Toast on October 15, 2012, 10:32:13 pm
Good luck with the job hunt.  There will supposedly be a new plastic chosen/forsaken kit in the second wave.  Until then, hellstriders and skullcrushers.  (Basically juggernauts, the latter.)

Cheers, it's tediously boring! I may even write a blog I'm that bored

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: fatolaf on October 15, 2012, 02:33:38 pm
I think you just give them marks as normal.
From what I have read the Marauder ones are special and the warrior ones are Rare

Rare?! Noooo! Everyone else's broken monstrous cav is special (plus they'll have to compete with the highly broken...spawns!)

Good to see the high elves all done and dusted. Think someone should bully you into taking them to a tournament, amaze the masses with your painting skillz!
Quote from: Mike
Anyone bringing whats considered 'filth' submits themselves for a pre-game roshambo from everyone in the room at the time.
OG Games' latest foray into madness... http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2794.0

House Martell. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Tonkin, every sunday morning, Unbowed, Unbent...Broken!


Quote from: noahtonkin on October 16, 2012, 03:15:56 pm
Rare?! Noooo! Everyone else's broken monstrous cav is special (plus they'll have to compete with the highly broken...spawns!)

Spawn are amazing/I don't know what I am doing.*   - delete as applicable

Quote from: noahtonkin on October 16, 2012, 03:15:56 pm
Good to see the high elves all done and dusted. Think someone should bully you into taking them to a tournament, amaze the masses with your painting skillz!

All of my High Elves!!! Wooow that's going to be a long tournament. Besides the masses already all read this blog.  :thumbsup:

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Update 86 – Wednesday 17th October: The End...

Please be aware this blog update is jam packed full of photos, so ramp up that 3G connection!

As is my want and crazy whimsical life, the other day was I reading an old edition of the White Dwarf for no particular reason, when I was reading an article by Tuomas Pirinen (old Games Workshop celebrity of the 90s, think Sue Pollard without the glasses). In which he talked about the new Warhammer Armies: High Elves book and said: "An individual High Elf warrior is fast, highly skilled, well-motivated and well equipped. This means that collecting a High Elf army is quick: the high points cost of the models means that you don't have to acquire and paint hundreds before you have a reasonable sized force." Well why the f**k did no one tell me this sooner, for god's sake I've been painting for bloody years!!!!

Oh well, yes this is the final money shoot photo spread you've been waiting to see. All those High Elves arrayed for battle. Forgive me if I've gone a bit photo crazy but it took me a long time to paint so you are not allowed to moan. I have forbidden it!

A quick timeline recap just to procrastinate further... you love it!

My High Elf army started with the Tale of OG Gamers – High Elves, as of September 2010, it looked like this:

As of June 2011 it looked like this:

At February 2012 it stood at this:

And back at our last pictorial update in May 2012, it stood like this:

So here we are, October 2012 and you're dying to see the finished army. Well the chest of drawers simply isn't big enough, so I've deployed them on the living room battlefield, here are the snaps:

And here are a few arty close ups which came out alright!!

Not bad, to be honest bored with High Elves might sell them.

Of course not! Hehe. The good news is that they fit quite nicely on these shelves (with a little bit of room should any more releases come out):

They do get a little dusty (particularly the Reavers who seem to never get selected for my army – wonder why!), so I may have to brick in the shelves, or scrape off my skin so I stop generating dust!

Excited by my success I decided to do a photo shoot of each of my units, pay attention as there's a very exciting competition coming up afterwards.... Ooooooo! So here goes, I've added a little key and plan to give you a hand!

A – Phoenix Guard
B – Caradryan, Captain of the Phoenix Guard
C – Great Eagle
D – Tiranoc Chariot
E – Monolith
F – Repeater Bolt Thrower
G – Lothern Sea Guard
H – Mage
I – Ellyrain Reavers
J – Spearmen
K – White Lion Chariot
L – Noble on Elven Steed
M – Archers
N – War Lions of Chrace
O – Swordmasters of Hoeth
P – Noble
Q – Mage
R – White Lions of Chrace
S – Korhil, Captain of the White Lions
T – Dragon Mage of Caledor
U – Dragon Princes of Caledor
V – Mage
W – White Lion Chariot
X – Mage
Y – Archers
Z – Silver Helms
AA – Prince on Dragon
AB – Dragon Princes of Caledor
AC – Mage on Elven Steed
AD – Spearmen
AE – Prince on Griffon
AF – Noble
AG – Repeater Bolt Thrower
AH – Noble with Battle Standard
AI – Prince Tyrion
AJ – Teclis
AK – Tiranoc Chariot
AL – Shadow Warriors
AM – Alith Anar, the Shadow King
AN – Great Eagle
AO – Ellyrian Reavers

So here's a little close up gallery of each of those, yes I've bothered to upload a photo of each unit... tough.


Tyrion (AI)

Teclis (AJ)

Alith Anar (AM)

Prince on Dragon (AA)

Prince on Griffon (AE)

Archmage on Dragon (alternate of T)


Caradryan (B)

Korhil (S)

Noble with Battle Standard (B)

Noble on Elven Steed (L)

Noble (P)

Noble (AF)

Mage on Elven Steed (AC)

Mage (H)

Mage (Q)

Mage (V)

Mage (X)

Dragon Mage of Caledor – I haven't got 3 Dragons, this is the same one as the Archmage – pay attention! (T)


20 Archers (M)

20 Archers (Y)

50 Spearmen (J)

35 Spearmen (AD)

30 Lothern Sea Guard (G)


24 Swordmasters of Hoeth (O)

20 Phoenix Guard (A)

20 White Lions of Chrace (R)

12 Silver Helms (Z)

10 Dragon Princes (AB)

5 Dragon Princes (U)

5 Ellyrian Reavers (I)

5 Ellyrian Reavers (AO)

6 Shadow Warriors (AL)

2 Tiranoc Chariots (D, AK)

2 White Lion Chariots (K, W)


2 Repeater Bolt Throwers (F, AG)

2 Great Eagles (C, AN)

Storm of Magic/Terrain

6 War Lions of Chrace (N)

Monolith (E)

That people is the full rundown of all the units in my finished High Elf army. At this point you're probably think "I wonder how many points worth of High Elves this is?" well this is where you come in, because it's competition time!!

Yes I've spent too long playing with the formatting buttons.

You may have already got a theory of how this competition might go, but here's how it works all you need to do is submit your guess for how many points worth of High Elves I have painted. Simple. Closest wins.

But what do you win? What do you win?

Well this is such an important competition, that it deserves an amazing prize, so I've got together with some of our sponsors, many thanks to Ol and Shakeaway. And if your guess is the closest guess to the total you will win an army of your choice... drawn by the resident six-year old artist. Yes that's right no actual models (just for the lawyer's benefit). However the resident six-year old will sign the artwork, and framing – you could frame it if you wanted. And as reminder let's remember that when our six-year was only four they painted this excellent Wood Elf army:

So who knows what masterpiece they will produce this time that you could win?!

As this is such an important prize, I should stipulate some terms and conditions to avoid someone complaining. Of course you could religiously go through the Warhammer Armies: High Elves adding up the points of everything, but who's got the time – except me. And to avoid you doing that I'll be counting some of the characters as lords and some as heroes – you don't know what. I will be including a smattering of magic items. I will be using models as seen, where possible. I will be using the Storm of Magic supplement. Hopefully that covers everything, but in case not let me reiterate my decision is final.

To enter simply post your answer in a reply on this thread, I have already worked out the points and sealed it in this envelope so there can be no cheating!!

Closing date is whenever I get bored; feel I've had enough entries to justify running this competition/my own self-worth.

So get entering.

On that note I can tell you that next week Procrastination by Numbers is going to have a bit of a funky refresh, well it worked for the White Dwarf, so make sure you keep checking it out. It's going to be at least 2.3% more interesting than it is now. See you then!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


I'm gonna be lazy and say about 8476 pts. Gutted/Happy to see its all done and over, certainly an impressive acheivement to be devoted to one army for so long. I can barely even get a normal sized army to completion before I get bored and move on...

The important question though is, now that this is done, will you be giving Maddy McCann back to her parents at long last, or is she being kept on for the next project?
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!