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The Official OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Started by cunningmatt, December 01, 2011, 07:38:58 am

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Thursday 8th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

I think too long has been spent discussing Thryus's hat, so in a desperate bid to move the conversation along here's another character:

December 8th: Krell

I think this is the most up to date model for him. Though I can't be sure.

Name: Krell, Lord of the Undead

Original Points Cost: 335 points

Background: Krell was leader of a barbarian tribes at the dawn of man and the great disaster when the polar gates collapsed unleashing Chaos across the Earth (some how even Sky News managed to over dramatise that story!). His barbarian tribe became corrupted by Khorne and he quickly carved out an empire amongst the barbarians, and they quickly formed fairgrounds and started short changing the locals. He along with Night Goblin allies stormed Karak Ungor and Karak Varn during the Dwarfen Times of Woe. He was finally slain by the Dwarf Grimbul Ironhelm during the assault on Karak Kadrin. 1,500 years later Nagash (you remember the one who looks like Janet Street-Porter) raised Krell from the dead, and he led Nagash's legions against Sigmar's Dwarven allies. However Sigmar cut down Nagash and his army crumbled. Krell was one of the few survivors who escaped and went on a rampage around The Empire protesting about £9,000 student fees until he was eventually imprisoned in a magically constructed tomb at the Battle of Glacier Lake by Sigmar. Since then he was risen by Heinrich Kemmler to launch an attack on Bretonnia, seriously don't you hate it when you can't get a good night's sleep.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Undead – 4th Edition

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Undead – 4th Edition, I think. I don't think he's in Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts – 5th Edition, but I don't know. In fairness I think his history got a bit mixed up when Undead split up, like I got all mixed up when Steps split up – sad times.

Special Rules: Causes Terror and is immune to all psychology. He can ride a Skeletal Steed – though you'll need another pack of Lego for that. He has the Armour of Protection (5+ Save, and he can reroll all failed saves on an unmodified 4+) and the Black Axe of Krell, well it is his, (Double-handed weapon, no saves allowed, any person suffering a wound from the Black Axe but still alive, rolls a D6 at the beginning of each magic phase on a 1-2 they suffer a further wound).

The drawing doesn't look as much like the model as you'd expect.

My Memories of the Character: I don't remember him having such easily detachable hair.

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Peter Stringfellow – more so now Krell is dead in fairness.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Well the Armour of Destiny from the rule book is much like the Armour of Protection. Not sure I like the Black Axe of Krell, too annoying to remember who has and hasn't been wounded. How about does D3 wounds instead for 50 points. Also maybe as a former Chaos Champion he should be forced to issue and accept challenges, that could be fun?

2011 Update: So it turns out Krell was in Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts – 5th Edition.

So here's an update of his 5th edition rules:

5th Edition Points Cost: 280 points including magic items Black Axe of Krell and Armour Protection.

5th Edition Rules: Krell is Undead and causes Terror, he has the following magic items: The Black Axe of Krell - ignores all armour saves, any modelled wounded by Krell rolls a dice at the beginning of each magic phase on a 1 or 2 they suffer a further wound. Armour of Protection – 5+ Armour Save, if Krell fails his armour save he may re-roll it and save on an unmodified 4+.

And because I was making a silly joke last year I didn't include a picture of his model, released way back in White Dwarf 185 (May 1995):

Here he is:

And with a new Vampire Counts book expected in early 2012 Krell may once again raise from the dead.


Who is over on our other Advent Calendar over on Procrastination by Numbers? Find out by clicking here: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37532;topicseen#msg37532

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Friday 9th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Blah, blah, blah, get to the point. Ok here's the character:

December 9th: Tristran le Troubadour et Jules le Jongleur

Name: Tristran le Troubadour and Jules le Jongleur (and an unnamed horse)

Original Points Cost: 205

Background: Tristran le Troubadour is on his Grail quest and goes around the country singing songs (he's auditioning for The X Factor), Jules le Jongleur is his court jester and goes around on a hobby horse (he is annoying).

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia - 5th Edition

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia - 5th Edition

Special Rules: Tristran: Questing Virtue – Immune to Panic, Virtual of Noble Disdain – Hates all enemy with missile weapons or war machines, if joins a unit may sing one of three songs with the following effects: +1 Combat Resolution, 3+ Natural Dispel, Leadership 10. May change song (or continue) at the beginning of each turn. Jules: Can only be hit by missile fire or in hand-to-hand on a 6+, one enemy of Tristan takes Ld test in hand-to-hand or loses first attack.

My Memories of the Character: Not bad models, despite the 'classic' Bretonnian horse The 5th edition Bretonnian book is filled with a whole host of special characters (14 in fact, of which some are pairs, as in this case, or even triplets), and struggling through French GSCE at the time this raft of French names didn't go down well. Still loved the Bretonnian army, can't work out whether Jules is characterful or just annoying, but he'd probably be fun to paint. Of the Bretonnian characters however not as good model as many of the others at that time, including the amazing Green Knight and Louen Leoncour on Hippogriff (the first one).

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Prince Charles, Camilla Parker-Bowles and Prince Harry – you can work out who is who.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Seems to work reasonably well, Tristran would be a Paladin with Questing Virtue and Virtue of Noble Disdain (which both still exist in 6th edition). As before he could sing to either get +1 Combat Resolution, Magic Resistance (4)!, seems a bit high, maybe make that Magic Resistance (3) or Leadership 10. Jules would have the characteristic of a Yeoman Warden (Men-At-Arms Champion), with sufficient movement to keep up with Tristran, 6+ to hit in hand-to-hand (can't see the shooting version of this being any use in 8th) and one enemy must take Ld test or lose attack. Valuing Tristran's special rules at 60 points (I don't know Games Workshop probably just make up the values) and Jules at twice the cost of a Yeoman Warden +10 points, makes the pair worth 206 points (bizarrely close to the original given I just guessed values for the rules!!). Though he'd be annoying to field as, to be any use he'd have to be in a unit and Jules would have to sit at the end (and I don't like units that don't look like neat rectangles – my OCD).

2011 Update: And I was sure 2011 would see a new Bretonnian army book, alas not, maybe 2012 will mark Jules' return?!


There's more Advent Calendar goodness awaiting over on Procrastination by Numbers. Just click here: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37584;topicseen#msg37584

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December 10, 2011, 09:00:14 am #22 Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 09:08:11 am by cunningmatt
Saturday 10th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

The X Factor final kicks off tonight, are you excited? – Oh you're the viewer then!

December 10th: King Kazador

Yeah I've lost the little runic bit of the top of his banner, sure it's around somewhere!

Name: King Kazador of Karak Azul

Original Points Cost: 494 points

Background: Kazador was a crazy man his youth on Dwarven 18-30 holidays he used to lift fully-laden ore ponies, out drink all the Dwarfs in his kingdom, hunt Goblins and cause a disturbance in Magaluf. However since Gorfang Rotgut raided his kingdom, took away his kin and shaved his brother, he's been depressed, the Victor Meldrew of the Dwarf Kingdom. He no longer enjoys the pleasures of life and can't even stand X Factor. He's hell bent on revenge on Gorfang.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs – 4th Edition.

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs – 4th Edition. Though rules for his inclusion, using standard runic items were included in White Dwarf around the release of the 2nd Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs – 6th Edition book.

Special Rules: Not many, he has +1 Strength on his rival, and then just a specific set of magic items made from commonly available runes. The Hammer of Karak Azul contains Master Rune of Death (all wounds kill), Rune of Striking (+1 WS) and Rune of Might (Double Strength against targets with higher Toughness than Kazador). The Armour of the King of Karak Azul contains Master Rune of Adamant (+2 Save) and Rune of Resistance (re-roll save on 4+). And The Thunderhorn contains Master Rune of Dismay (once per battle, enemy mast pass Ld test to move).

My Memories of the Character: Lovely model, lovely character, expensive but not prohibitively so – he could be a reasonable sized game and boy could he chop up monsters! Definitely worth painting up for my current Dwarf army, if I ever get time. The current trend in army books is to bring back old characters so who knows Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs – 8th Edition he could be there.

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Sir John Butterfill, former MP for Bournemouth West

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Pretty straight forward, you could cost out his +1 Strength from appropriate runic items. Most of those runes he has exist in the current book, so go for your life. Or find the issue of White Dwarf that does it for you!

2011 Update: My predictions of a 8th edition Dwarf book in 2011 turned out to be very wrong, but it's got to be a dead cert for 2012 hasn't it?! And surely Kazador will return, won't he? On another note King Kazador was the only character not to get any reader comments when this Advent Calendar was originally published. Will he be luckier this time?


Today's character not up your street? Head over to Procrastination by Numbers for another by clicking here: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37628;topicseen#msg37628

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December 11, 2011, 08:38:33 am #23 Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 08:46:44 am by cunningmatt
Sunday 11th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

I am actually feeling festive now, yes I've put up the Christmas decorations, wrapped my presents and written my cards. Now to get fat eating chocolate.

December 11th: Beastlord Rakarth

Thanks again to Mr Shakey Shakey for this photo of the model!

Name: Beastlord Rakarth of Karond Kar

Original Points Cost: 629 points (including Black Dragon)

Background: Rakarth's father was a mighty beastlord and attempted to break in an unruly Dark Steed Bracchus – the steed however bucked and threw him from his mount. Rakarth's father ordered the steed killed, but Rakarth being a big Black Beauty fan persuaded his father spare the beast if he could tame it. Rakarth fixed the steed with his stare, and he's gone onto tame hundreds of creatures. He now rides a Black Dragon Bracchus in honour of the steed. Note in the blurb for the 6th edition, the Bracchus Rakarth's father failed to tame was a Black Dragon, not a Dark Steed – guess his dad beefed the story up over time as didn't sound that good!

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves – 4th Edition

It's another 4th edition book I haven't got, you've found me out. Army book is from White Dwarf 187:

And rules are from White Dwarf 189:

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves – 4th Edition, though there is background blurb in the 6th edition:

Remember when army books were £12?

Mentioned in the 7th edition too:

Special Rules: Has the following magic items: Whip of Agony (Before any side strikes in hand-to-hand Rakarth makes on attack with Whip, if strikes enemy must pass a Ld test to make any attacks back. Ridden monsters must use own Leadership), Enchanted Shield (adds +2 to armour save, though may not be increased beyond 1+), Armour of Fortune (5+ Armour save, if failed, may immediately retake Armour Save on an unmodified 5+). Special rules, in addition to hating High Elves. Rakarth has a Beastlord special rule, any monsters Rakarth beats or draws with in hand-to-hand combat switch to the Dark Elf side. This lasts until Rakarth is killed. Ridden monsters may only be broken by Rakarth if the character riding them has been killed.

My Memories of the Character: I think this was the first character with the infamous plastic wings, that almost every ridden creature had for years to come. Nice model and gave Mr Shakey Shakey a powerful creature for me to shoot at with my Dwarfen cannons.

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: I only know one person who can control animals like Rakarth, it's Animal Hospital's Rolf Harris come on everyone sing along: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMWSh6kZxGc

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Technically all of Rakarth's magic items exist, in the current edition: The Whip of Agony in the Dark Elf book even mentions him as the owner (Armour piercing, always strikes at Strength 5 can never be modified). The Armour of Fortune (5+ Ward Save) and Enchanted Shield (adds +2 to armour save) exist in the common magic items in the 8th edition rule book. Though Rakarth technically can't take both, as they are both Magic armour. Tut tut. Rakarth's Beastmaster rule could probably be transferred over affecting Monstrous Beasts and Monsters only. Monstrous Cavalry are always ridden, so unaffected and I think would be a bit too much if entire Monstrous Infantry units switched sides. I think would be valued at +50 points – plucking a number from thin air entirely. What do you reckon, too powerful?

2011 Update: The brand new Dark Elf Lord on Black Dragon model released this year give you the perfect opportunity to field your very own Rakarth!


Don't forget there's another Forgotten Special Character over on Procrastination by Numbers click here: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37646;topicseen#msg37646

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December 12, 2011, 08:29:09 am #24 Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 08:37:32 am by cunningmatt
Monday 12th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

It's the beginning of another working week..., but don't worry I've got another character to bring joy to your faces!

December 12th: Tzarina Katarin

Name: Tzarina Katarin, The Ice Queen of Chicken Kislev

Before you start moaning, it's not another Empire character she's Chicken Kislev – so there!

Original Points Cost: 300 points

Background: Tzarina Katarin is ruler of Chicken Kislev the land to the North of the Empire filled with bears, Chaos warbands, stout determined warriors and gorgeous chicken filled with garlic butter. She succeeded her father Tzar Bokha, is the most powerful wielder of Ice Magic ever and is a judge on Dancing on Ice.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Empire – 4th Edition.

Last Appearance: Almost certainly Warhammer Armies: Chicken Kislev – 6th Edition. This was a supplement released as part of White Dwarf I believe – I actually never had it, just saw it listed on eBay once when I was looking for something else. So this is all guess work.

Special Rules: Level 3 Ice Wizard, carries Fearfrost – if an enemy suffers a wound by Fearfrost it automatically suffers a further D6 wounds. Only Magic Armour saves against Fearfrost.

You even get to photocopy some spell cards for some arts and crafts fun (or wait for Warhammer Armies Arcane Magic to release them on card):

My Memories of the Character: A character too far for The Empire, mind you Kislev units were an army too far for The Empire. Would probably make a nice separate army one day, but it all got mudded with Empire. Would Tzarina Katarin really accompany an Empire army just because of a unit of Kislev Horse Archers were there?

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Anne Robinson on horseback.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: If she had an army probably.

2011 Update: Thanks again to Tom who clarified Tzarnia appeared in a White Dwarf Kislev army book released as part of Storm of Chaos. With rumours circulating that 2012 could see a Warhammer: Allies supplement, could Tzarnia be returning? Oh and the Chicken Kislev joke was not funny in either 2010 or 2011.


More Forgotten Special Characters over on Procrastination by Numbers come on don't be late: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37669;topicseen#msg37669

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Tuesday 13th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Who could it be? Who could it be? Well click and you'll find out...

December 13th: Lucrezzia Belladonna

Name: Lucrezzia Belladonna, Hireling Sorceress

Original Points Cost: 358 points

Background: Lucrezzia was married to the Prince of Pavona until he was killed by rival merchants, much like Heather Mills she was desperate to keep her fortune, so married a mercenary general and made him Prince of Pavona. Every time her current husband is about to make a mistake, they mysteriously die of poisoning and she marries a new general, after a duration so short Heat magazine would describe it as "OMG", she's now on more husbands then Kerry Katona.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War - 5th Edition

Clearly I own this book, I haven't taken a picture of the cover from White Dwarf 225:

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War – 5th Edition, though I believe rules for them may have been updated in the White Dwarf for 6th edition at some point, anyone able to shed any light?

Special Rules: Lucrezzia is a level 3 Battle Wizard riding a warhorse. Stunning Beauty: All fleeing friendly units within 6" automatically rally, ashamed to flee from such a beauty, I'd leave the bitch to be honest! She has three poisonous items, not magic items as such: Phial of Poison – At the beginning of the game roll a D6 for each character on the enemy army, starting with the lowest points value, the first character to roll a 1 suffers 2 wounds with no save possible, if no 1s are rolled no one is poisoned. Poisoned Stiletto – Lucrezzia may use this in combat, but automatically strikes last, however all hits automatically wound (armour saves may still be taken). Potion of Pavona, before the battle nominate one friendly character, D6 of their characteristics can be increased by 1 (up to a maximum of 10), however should you roll a 1 the characters suffers a wound and receives no benefit.

My Memories of the Character: Don't remember her, sorry. I almost had bailed on Warhammer at this point, and Dogs of War never really interested me, preferred the more classic armies fighting for state rather than cash.

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Rosa di Marco – mother of the axed Italian family in EastEnders

Inclusion in 8th Edition: You could. But no one in their right mind plays or paints with Dogs of War armies in 2010, so why bother?

2011 Update: As mentioned yesterday rumours circulate of a Warhammer: Allies supplement next year, does this mean more Dogs of War?


Hate this character? Well there's another to hate over at Procrastination by Numbers click here: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37704;topicseen#msg37704

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December 14, 2011, 09:15:19 am #26 Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 09:21:59 am by cunningmatt
Wednesday 14th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Here's Day 14.

December 14th: Be'lakor

Name: Be'lakor, The Dark Master

Original Points Cost: 650 points

Background: Be'lakor the Dark Master was once the favoured son of the gods of Chaos until his own pride caused him to be cursed by Tzeentch to millennia of insubstantial, maddening existence – well we've all watched Loose Women and know what that's like. When Archaon the Chosen of Chaos was crowned Be'lakor was at last freed. However he was bitter and twisted (like me) and hated Archaon (as I hate happy couples), he bought back to life the dying body of the Grand Theogonist Volmar the Grim to eternally terrorise him, in the hope of getting one up on Archaon – and he also sent Archaon to Boots the Opticians rather than Specsavers to make him look foolish, how bitter is that?

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Storm of Chaos. Although referred to throughout the literature to the Dark Shadows Campaign

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Storm of Chaos. Whilst the model's still available he failed to make Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos – 7th Edition

And as Archaon made Warhammer Armies: Warriors of Chaos – 7th Edition that's not going to improve his mood.

Special Rules: Loads! He has Mark of Chaos Undivided, all enemies suffer -1 Ld on attempts to rally, additionally all enemies within 6" suffer a further -1 on all Ld based tests. Any spell directed at Be'lakor will cause a miscast on the role of any double. Be'lakor causes terror, and all units must continue to take terror tests even if they have already taken one against Be'lakor. All enemy shooting is at -1 to hit. At beginning of the turn he must pass a Ld or move directly towards/charge nearest enemy. He may re-roll all failed rolls to hit, and must pursue broken enemy. He is Daemonic, Large Target and can Fly. He is a Level 4 wizard with his own set of spells – Bolt of Dark Light (7+) magic missile range 18" causing D6 Strength 5 hits. Nightmare (7+) forces one unengaged enemy unit within 24" to take panic test. Curse of the Dark Master (8+) cast on any enemy unit which suffers -1 on all rolls to hit in combat and shooting – remains in play. Fog of Death (10+) every enemy unit suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, however roll for every friendly unit on a 4+ they are also affected. Coils of the Serpent (12+) A single unengaged model within 12" must pass a Toughness test or be slain outright with no saves. Enough special rules for you?

My Memories of the Character: Sadly none, I wasn't into Warhammer at this point. However I recently picked up Storm of Chaos on eBay and was really impressed with the contents looks like a really interesting way to play a variety of existing armies in different ways and create your own units. Shame Games Workshop don't do this kind of thing so much. Would really like to play some of the battles/special units one day.

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Bitter, jealous and angry – me!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Looking at it, all his rules seem to work in 8th edition, so could be used in either Daemons or Warriors of Chaos armies, and there's a model available to boot, or you can make him from plastic now!

2011 Update: 2011 saw Be'lakor drop off the Games Workshop website – insert sad face here.


More festive silliness awaits at Procrastination by Numbers click here: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37757;topicseen#msg37757

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December 15, 2011, 07:20:40 am #27 Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 07:34:25 am by cunningmatt
Thursday 15th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

Can't think of anything interesting to write here.

December 15th: Gorfang Rotgut

Name: Gorfang Rotgut

Original Points Cost: 90

Background: Gorfang Rotgut is chieftain of the Orcs of the Black Crag, leader of the Red Fang Tribe, neighbour and uneasy ally of Skarsnik and has a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. He broke into Dwarf King Kazador's Throne room and shaved his son (much like an 18-30 holiday then).

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins - 4th Edition (though originally a less tatty copy than mine)

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins - 4th Edition (as far as I know)

Special Rules: Virtually none. He had one more point of Strength and an Extra Wound as compared to a Big Boss (his character level) and he Hates Dwarfs - that's it. Although he can ride a boar, monster or chariot.

My Memories of the Character: Loved and still love the model for this, I have a bit of a soft spot for the 4th edition style, dare I say it more "cute"/friendly looking Orcs & Goblins and this was a nice model. Also as a child who hated painting and assembling, this was a cheap model that could be shoved on a slotta base and Bob's your Father's brother a special character ready to go.

Person most Reminds Me Of: Phil Mitchell

Inclusion in 8th Edition: I think even I could make up the rules to include Gorfang in 8th Edition. Standard Orc Hero character, with the special rule Hates Dwarfs. What do you reckon +5 points to the standard cost. Better let him choose some magic items too.

2011 Update: The brand new Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins – 8th Edition was the perfect opportunity for Gorfang Rotgut to make an almighty comeback to Warhammer, sadly he wasn't in it, he remains forgotten. Maybe in the 9th edition?


Check out another special characters at Procrastination by Numbers click here: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37830;topicseen#msg37830

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December 16, 2011, 09:08:12 am #28 Last Edit: December 16, 2011, 09:11:58 am by cunningmatt
Friday 16th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

I went to panto last night. "Oh no you didn't" - don't start that. Here's a calendar for your enjoyment:

Friday 16th: Prince Imrik

Name: Prince Imrik, Lord of the Dragons.

Original Points Cost: 4th Edition: 229 Points (+450/600/750 points for Dragon of various levels), 5th Edition: 275 Points (+450/600/750 points for Dragon of various levels), 6th Edition: 335 points plus 340 for Dragon. – He's more complicated to price up than your car insurance!

Background: Prince Imrik is the last descendant of the Phoenix King Caledor, and is planning a royal wedding in the Spring, which means every High Elf gets a bank holiday – result! Imrik amongst others is able to raise the Dragons of Caledor back from their teenage-student-esque slumber, without getting shouted at.

Original Appearance: Not, Warhammer Armies: High Elves – 4th Edition as you may expect...

...he was absent from this book, but he first appeared in White Dwarf 178 where the model and rules were first released.

He finally made it into a book in Warhammer Armies: High Elves - 5th Edition:

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: High Elves – 6th Edition:

But like Cher Lloyd he was pipped at the last post and failed to make High Elves – 7th Edition:

And there for no reason I have included a picture of every single High Elf book – BINGO for those of you playing army book spotter!

Yes Imrik was cruelly dropped like a kitten over a bridge in a plastic ASDA bag, the life brutally crushed from it, in act of utter barbarism. At this time of giving can you spare some cash to help a Special Character sadly dropped from the latest army book, just five pounds a month will buy them an article in White Dwarf. Sorry I don't know where I was for a minute there!

Special Rules: A growing number, in the 4th edition he had none just the new magic item the Star Lance, +3 Strength and no armour saves on the charge.

In the 5th Edition the Star Lance became available to all, but he got two new exclusive items the Dragonhorn, once per battle his Dragon gets D6 extra Attacks in that round of hand-to-hand combat. Armour of Caledor, 2+ Armour save, which can never be worse than 5+ immune to all Dragon breath weapons. In the 6th edition, his dragon became named Minaithnir – an important detail and the rules grew: Star Lance remained the same, Armour of Caledor gives a 2+ Armour save and normal Dragon Armour rules, Dragonhorn, once per battle for that turn all friendly High Elf units may reroll failed psychology tests. And some special rules came to: Dragonkin – No enemy Dragons will fight Imrik. Minaithnir – if Imrik is slain, Minaitnir becomes frenzied but remains under control of the High Elves. Good job he's not in 7th edition the rules would be far too long.

My Memories of the Character: When I started playing Warhammer this was the first Dragon model, let alone Dragon model special character, that was available. Pretty soon loads of armies gained them, but initially it was just him, up until then we had to make do with Eltharon on his Griffon and an Orc Shaman on his Wyvern, and being a Dragon he could kick everyone else's arse (as we always took an Emperor Dragon – why wouldn't you!). Also we felt quite privileged because if you didn't have White Dwarf 178 you couldn't play along with Imrik!

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Harry Enfield, only because of that metaphor I came up with about getting students out of bed, and I keep thinking of his Kevin character.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Well there's still a model available for him, and a new one at that (not as good as the original one I think, but what do I know?):

And all his magic items are available in the High Elf book, so there done straight forward.

2011 Update: The 6th Edition Prince Imirk model is still available on the Games Workshop website, quick get it. Too much to ask for it in Finecast?


Another day, another double special character check out the other one at Procrastination by Numbers click here: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2370.msg37864;topicseen#msg37864

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Saturday 17th December 2011 – OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar

In case you don't already know, a quick reminder that in two hours I'll be at Wandsworth Waaagh XII tweeting live on my exploits fighting with the High Elves, you can catch up at Twitter I'm @ProByNumbers (don't understand Twitter that well, but hopefully it all makes sense!)

Saturday 17th: Nagash

Name: Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead and founding member of the Tufty Road Safety Club

Original Points Cost: 750 points

Background: Nagash is a powerful human being who was transformed into a 15ft tall monster by use of warpstone (judging by the model it's not a beauty treatment) His right arm was cut of by King Alcadizaar after a struggle for power in Nehekhara and then he got deported from the UK for preaching religious hatred – or maybe I'm thinking of someone else. He also has one of the Nine Books of Nagash and is hoping to pick up the other 8 on eBay to complete his collection.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Undead – 4th Edition.

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Undead – 4th Edition. However he's mentioned throughout Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings – 6th Edition as the individual who destroyed Nehekhara turning it into the land of Undead, creating all Undead creations and giving Games Workshop another army to sell. Noted as one of the most evil men in history, just behind Piers Morgan.

Special Rules: His immense stat line is bolstered by the following special rules: Level 4 Necromantic Wizard, who may cast each spell multiple times a turn, Immune to Psychology, causes Terror. Plus the following Magic Items: Black Armour of Nagash – 4+ Armour Save, that may always be taken and is never modified (a ward save to you and me). Mortis, The Great Blade of Death - +1 Strength, any Wounds caused by this recover Nagash one lost wound up to his starting value. Book of Nagash – Increase magic level (and number of spells known) by 1. Staff of Power – Store 4 magic cards each turn (except Total Power and Drain Magic), randomly starts battle with one stored card.

My Memories of the Character: I don't especially remember Nagash's model being quite so comical as it appears now. He genuinely seemed like one of the most evil monsters in the game, and would have been considered for my very, very short-lived Undead army (I bought the book!). When Undead split up into Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings it gave Nagash's background a massive chance to expand but curiously he was lost somewhere in the transition – maybe he will return at some point... probably not though?

Person(s) most Reminds Me Of: Janet Street-Porter, go on tell me you don't see it?!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Who came up with this stupid category? It's far too hard to work out in 15 minutes before work. Yes you could include him, if you worked out some rules.

2011 Update: Whilst he was definitely a big part of the background of the new Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings: 8th Edition, he didn't make it as a new character.


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Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146