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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Wednesday 7th December 2011 – Procrastination by Numbers Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar

In a desperate to fill up this introductory statement, which for some reason I feel compelled to write each day – no I have no idea why either. I can tell you that the saga of the High Elf Army box set continues as after placing my order with Ol, Games Workshop are now out of stock (certainly to independent suppliers), so the conundrum deepens, do I head into a store to pick up a copy, but with no further discount..., I should imagine given the vast amount of replies on this topic so far you couldn't give a toss. So instead here's another special character for you to look at:

Wednesday 7th: Morglum Necksnapper

Name: Morglum Necksnapper

Original Points Cost: 150 points, may carry additional magic items.

Background:Morglum Necksnapper is a famous Black Orc Warlord, famous for crushing a Bretonnian army at Death Pass (well if you're going to call a pass that, what do you expect?). He's a bit of an orator by Orc standards with the following quotes attributed to him "Let 'em tell da King. Da east belongs to da Orcs. Da east belongs to Morglum. Da east is green." – which is true if you travel on the District Line. He also said "The only good stunty is a dead stunty, and the only thing better n' a dead stunty is a dyin' stunty who tells yer where to find 'is mates." And his other famous quote "Education, education, education".

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins – 4th Edition, model released White Dwarf 177 (September 1994).

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins – 4th Edition, though mention in the background of the 7th and 8th edition books.

Special Rules: Immune to psychology. That's it. Seriously that is it. Oh except he has to be your general and you have to include a unit of Black Orcs if you field him. But that is it. Not even some special magic items.

My Memories of the Character: Many, he was one of the first special characters I ever owned and regularly lead my Savage Orc Boar Boyz in glorious charges where they died in droves (shocking as it may seem, I was worse at Warhammer back then, than I am now!). Him Skarsnik, Grom and Gorfang Rotgut often led my green hordes.

Person most Reminds Me Of: Jack Dee, just because he has the word "glum" in his name, maybe we can cheer up Morglum with a selection of inspirational self-healing seminars?

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Pretty simple, Black Orcs are immune to psychology as standard now. So any Black Orc boss on a war boar will do. Go on do it now, go, quick!


Come on I need the page impressions, head to the OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar for another juicy character, here's a link I've helpfully provided: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2697.msg37439;topicseen#msg37439

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


I had the Marco Colombo mini still in a blister uptil a clear out I had a few years  back, sold it for very little sadly, as it was a nice mini...
I think it was only given away at a Games day...


It was available in GW stores too, I've got him in my empire army as an engineer
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


Quote from: maelzch on December 07, 2011, 02:30:42 pm
It was available in GW stores too, I've got him in my empire army as an engineer

Well you know the rules, snap and PM me a photograph!!!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 08, 2011, 11:22:26 am #204 Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 11:28:40 am by cunningmatt
Thursday 8th December 2011 – Procrastination by Numbers Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar

Apologies for the late posting this morning but yesterday was the work Christmas party – we'll say no more:

Thursday 8th: Reynard le Chasseur

Name: Reynard le Chasseur

Original Points Cost: 90 points, including Groffe and Griffe.

Background: Reynard le Chasseur is a reknown hunter throughout all of Bretonnia, accompanied by hawk, warhorse, his two hounds Groffe and Griffe and his boar spear. He regularly gallops through Bretonnia on Orc hunting parties, taking part in Bretonnain Top Gear Challenges and protesting in pro-hunt marches.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia – 5th Edition

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia – 5th Edition

Special Rules:  Reynard's Boar Spear is not a magic item, it confers +1 Strength on the charge and if it wounds his opponent (before they have fought) they lose D6 Attacks for that turn only. Griffe and Groffe the hounds accompany Reynard, if they are slain Reynard becomes subject to hatred of the enemy, if Reynard is slain the dogs are moved together using the scatter dice attacking any model they hit. Reynard's Hawk gives him +1 Attack. Reynard may lead a unit of Mounted Squires, if so they gain the Knight's Virtue.

My Memories of the Character: None, but the reminder of my mum's yummy Chicken Chasseur every time I hear his name.

Person most Reminds Me Of: I can imagine Countryfile's John Craven riding around the country hawk and dogs in tow!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: As far as I'm aware no model has ever existed for this character, so what could you use? Well a Bretonnian Hero with a spear replacing his lance would work, and how about two Chaos Hounds with a bit of conversion to make them non-chaotic for Groffe and Griffe. Any better suggestions?

Rules-wise, all seems ok to me, seems like a fun character unlikely to do much in combat but at 90 points what's the drawback?!


Surely you know the drill by now? Head to the OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar for more calendar fun, here's a link I've helpfully provided: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2697.msg37536;topicseen#msg37536

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


There were a couple of hounds that came with Orion that you could use, I think they were vaguely wolfhound like in appearance so probably suits quite well, admittedly a rather expensive option compared to a couple of WoC dogs.


Quote from: Dave on December 08, 2011, 04:02:08 pm
There were a couple of hounds that came with Orion that you could use, I think they were vaguely wolfhound like in appearance so probably suits quite well, admittedly a rather expensive option compared to a couple of WoC dogs.

I guess it is all down to how much Green Stuff you want to use!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 09, 2011, 08:34:07 am #207 Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 08:41:10 am by cunningmatt
Friday 9th December 2011 – Procrastination by Numbers Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar

I can excitedly reveal that yesterday I finished my Christmas shopping, woooo! I know you don't care, but I do. Here's today's character:

Friday 9th: Engineer Burlock Damminson

Name: Engineer Burlock Damminson

Original Points Cost: 210 points, including runic items.

Background: Burlock Damminson was an experimental inventor with his friend Sven Goren Ericksson inventor of the mobile phone. They built several new Dwarf inventions such as the warpfire distillery, steam radiophone and stilts so they could reach the biscuit tin on the top shelf. In a terrible accident, that occurred whilst developing a device to wipe Fearne Cotton off the face of the planet, Burlock's arm was blown clean off. Fortunately the Dwarfen NHS was able to replace it with a robotic prosthetic arm giving him super human strength.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs – 4th Edition, model released White Dwarf 166 (October 1993).

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs – 4th Edition, though mentioned in the background of Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs – 6th Edition...

...and the current book, which is also 6th Edition, rather confusingly.

Special Rules: Other than a massively improved Strength (3 more than an equivalent Hero and an additional Wound), Burlock had no special rules. He is armed with a hammer engraved with the Master Rune of Swiftness – always strikes first, and Burlock's Armour engraved with the Rune of Stone – armour save increased by 1, and the Rune of Iron +1 Toughness.

My Memories of the Character: One of my many Dwarf characters that fought alongside my Dwarf horde back in the day, probably less favoured than Ungrim and Gotrek & Felix my favourites. At the time he was the only Engineer available to the Dwarfs, whereas now you can cram many different levels of Engineer into the army to improve your war machines.

Person most Reminds Me Of: It would be cruel to say Heather Mills, so Heather Mills.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: The model is still available from the Games Workshop website, along with a host of other old Dwarfs you can purchase.

In terms of his runes all still exist, though the Rune of Iron now gives a 6+ Ward Save, whereas the Master Rune of Adamant is the one you need for +1 Wound. If you wanted to cost up the increased Strength of the Engineer then you could add 60 points to a basic Master Engineer (which would be the equivalent of +3 Strength costed through Runes of Cleaving). Go for it, who knows he may make a repeat appearance in the forthcoming Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs – 8th Edition.

Engineer Burlock Damminson is particularly for Dave who I teased all last year about his inclusion in the Advent Calendar only to not bother!


Head over to the OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar for more calendar fun, go on it's Friday you need to waste more time at work!: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2697.msg37585;topicseen#msg37585

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Saturday 10th December 2011 – Procrastination by Numbers Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar

Today I am happily putting up Christmas decorations! Yeah, new tree or not new tree? That is the question:

Saturday 10th: Marius Leitdorf

What an eclectic range of models released this month?

Name: Marius Leitdorf, Elector Count of Averland

Original Points Cost: 140 points, including Runefang.

Background:Marius Leitdorf is known as the Mad Lord of Averland, given to bouts of screaming rage during which no one can reason with him (this is perfectly normal isn't it?). His madness has meant he is no longer welcome in any other courts of the Elector Counts or Altdorf, still nice to get to spend some time at home. He is expertly skilled in a range of abilities from poet, to painter, to inventor.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: The Empire – 4th Edition, model released White Dwarf 184 (April 1995).

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: The Empire – 4th Edition, though mentioned in the background of the 6th and 7th edition books. However a new model was released for him in White Dwarf 354 (June 2009), though no new rules were released from him.

Special Rules: Marius Leitdorf is subject to Frenzy. He is armed with a Runefang – no armour saves, not even magic armour against wounds inflicted by Marius. Undead wounded by a Runefang suffer two wounds. Marius wields his Runefang alongside an additional hand weapon, giving him a further attack.

My Memories of the Character: When I played 4th edition Warhammer there just seemed to be hundreds of special characters, combined with their thousands of wizard models (for each College, mounted and on foot). This made it feel impossible to keep up with who they all were, especially all the Elector Counts – and made me jealous with my other armies with their more modest collections of special characters.

Person most Reminds Me Of: Prone to fits of madness and never invited out anywhere – god it could be me?

Inclusion in 8th Edition: The model is still available, but for rules...Well a General of the Empire mounted on a horse would make a pretty good start, the Runefang still exists though it's Dwarfen runes have been pimped up as now it automatically wounds with no armour save (though it's less vicious on Undead now). You could add the special rule Frenzy for 15 points (the cost Chaos Lords pay for it under Mark of Khorne) though he won't be as vicious in 4th edition – where Frenzy doubled attacks, it actually says in the book he has 7 attacks, not bad for an Elector Count!!


More over on the OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar head there now: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2697.msg37627;topicseen#msg37627

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Sunday 11th December 2011 – Procrastination by Numbers Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar

I didn't get a new tree, £70 seemed a lot so old plastic tree it is!:

Sunday 11th: Melkhior

Name: Melkhior

Original Points Cost: 660 points, including the magic items the Painbringer, the Grimoire Necronium and the Black Cloak of Lahmia.

Background: Melkhior is the ancient, of the Necrarch Vampires, he lives in complete isolation in a tower in the Forest of Shadows where he is experimenting on ways to convince the living to join the Undead willing. His efforts are usually concentrated on cold calling and mail outs. His vast torture chambers are filled with wretched souls who replied to his spam e-mails. Melkhoir's grip of Necromantic magic is much stronger than similar Vampires due to the fact he is nearer to death than life. He has decomposed to a skeletal reeking horror and his eyes are pools of pure evil. He spends his time painting hellish visions of an Undead future on human skin and hopes to win the Turner Prize.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts – 5th Edition, model released in White Dwarf 235 (July 1999).

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts – 5th Edition, though mentioned in the background of Zacharias the Everling in Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts – 6th Edition, and again in the current book.

Special Rules: Melkhior rides a flying Winged Nightmare and is subject to Stupidity. He has the following Necrarch bloodlines: Supernatural Horror causes Terror, Death Incarnate any living creature within 6" suffers a -1 Leadership penalty, Nehekhara's Noble Blood (this is improved to) Level 4 Necromancer with three spells and can recast Necromantic spells on a 4+, Forbidden Lore may take a fourth spell, Master of the Black Arts +1 bonus to recast Necromantic spells (making it 3+). Melkhior has the following magic items: Panbringer any enemy model hit by Melkhior is at -1 to hit for the rest of the battle. Grimoire Necronium choose one Necromantic spell at the beginning of the battle, this may be cast once per magic phase with no power cards (it may be recast as normal), each time you use it roll a D6 on a 1 or 2 the book becomes exhausted. Black Cloak of Lahmia no non-magical shooting attacks can be made against Melkhior.

My Memories of the Character: 5th Edition Vampires confused me. Undead had just been split into two different armies which confused me. Necromancers had been powered down and Vampires had been split into five different types. It was very confusing I didn't know what was going on!?

Person most Reminds Me Of: Decomposed to a skeletal reeking horror with eyes which are pools of pure evil – that's Gillian McKeith surely.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: The constant changing of the Vampire Counts books and my general poor level of Vampire knowledge makes this hard, the Vampiric powers Master of the Black Arts, Supernatural Horror and Forbidden Lore still exist (though in different forms and will slightly break the 100 point barrier) so you could create a Vampire Lord with those powers and give him Stupidity, magic levels can be bought separately. As for the magic items, they've all gone now but the rules for Painbringer and Black Cloak of Lahmia transfer to 8th reasonably well and don't seem ridiculously overpowered. Grimoire Necronium does however seem like an opportunity to let Vampire Counts players abuse the magic phase even more!


Have you heard about the OG Games 2011 Advent Calendar? If not head over here now: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2697.msg37645;topicseen#msg37645

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I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146