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Procrastination by Numbers

Started by cunningmatt, August 09, 2011, 10:42:14 pm

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Procrastination by Numbers: Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Sunday 9th December 2012

It's Sunday you're probably not reading this but hey ho! It's Forgotten Special Character number 9 you know the rules, a character with no rules or rules and no model or just old and dusty. Here's Day 9:

9th December: Leonardo Da Miragliano

Sorry this is really dull photography but I can find no images of this elusive character!!

Name: Leonardo Da Miragliano

Original Points Cost: 200 points

Background: Leonardo Da Miragliano is a genius, I know the feeling, he was discovered designing the new city of Miragliano. It was realised he was a genius when it was noticed the proposed underground transport network was designed in such a way that it was impossible for groups of foreign tourists to stand in the way anywhere on the network. He went on to found the Imperial Engineering School, invent the Steam Tank and design those clever resealable pack that cheese come in.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War – 5th Edition, no model released (as far as I can tell – I really thought there was one but can't find it anywhere!).

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War – 5th Edition, though mentioned throughout the history of The Empire as the father of the Steam Tank.

Special Rules: Leonardo may give his genius skills to the general allowing them one of the following special rules: all war machines in a battery may re-roll misfires; a unit of crossbowmen may re-roll missed hits; or one unit may arrive as a flank reinforcement at any time in the battle. He also has three scientific items (not affected by things that don't stop magic items): Sphere of Alchemy thrown as BS weapon with range D6+2" if it hits place the small round template models suffer D3 Strength 3 hits; Prism of Power every magic phase on a 4+ discard one of the opponent's magic cards; Compass of Meteoric Silver opponents must reveal which unit contains his highest value magic item at the beginning of the battle.

My Memories of the Character: I primarily remember this character from his role in the Empire background, remember those days when an Empire general can only take 8 Steam Tanks?!!!

Person most Reminds me of: My Dyson and his wacky hand dryers!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Oh for god's sake I'm not making up rules for a Dogs of War army, use an Empire Engineer model and then make up a full set of army rules. I can't be arsed!


Head over to this link to find another Special Character: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=3314.msg49821;topicseen#msg49821

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Monday 10th December 2012

A new week another Monday and you should be going down to play a game at the OG Club tonight. If not why not, organise one immediately! Oh ok it can wait until after you've looked at today's Special Character but then...

10th December: Baron Odo d'Outremer avec Suliman le Saracen

Name: Baron Odo d'Outremer avec Suliman le Saracen

Original Points Cost: 110 points

Background: Baron Odo d'Outremer was one of the most determined fighters in the invasion of Araby to bring and end to Jaffar search for weapons of mass destruction and absolutely not for oil. He battled many of Jaffar's champions including Suliman defeating him. He discovered Suliman was a man of honour and spared his life, at about the same time Suliman discovered pretending to be a man of honour would result in his life being spared.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia – 5th Edition. Model released in White Dwarf (October 1997)

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia – 5th Edition

Special Rules: Odo and Suliman must fight together and be the unit champion of either a Knights of the Realm or Knights Errant unit. Sulimen has a war cry, any opponent wishing to attack must pass a leadership test or Sulimen strikes first even with his great weapon. Odo is armed with the Morning Star of Fracasse which gives him +2 Strength if he inflicts a wound on any character armed with a magic weapon roll a D6 on a 4+ the weapon is destroyed.

My Memories of the Character: He came out just as I began my dark period of not playing Warhammer I do remember him being an interesting model adding a different look to the Bretonnians.

Person most Reminds me of: For some reason he reminds me of the shapeshifter on Star Trek Deep Space Nine – why remains a mystery.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: The rules as stand seem pretty fair and not broken. The model sadly is not available any more, though I have a strong feeling it was available not that long ago as a collector's model in the Bretonnian range. I suspect eBay or low level theft might be your best bet.


Remember another character from The Official OG Games Advent Calendar 2012 is just a click away – this click in fact: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=3314.msg49855;topicseen#msg49855

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 10, 2012, 09:35:16 am #872 Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 11:57:22 am by Dave
[spoiler]You can actually put the new edition of Arkhan on a chariot, give it 2 extra horsies and then give it flying.  Plus his multitude of cool equipment and FAQs clarifying some of it.

Always a lvl 5 death mage and that level can't drop even when he loses levels... (wonderful FAQ). choppy sword that's a bit meh because you ideally don't want him in combat and a funky item for storing even more dice to take into your already crazy magic phase, then cast purple sun and get all those dice back!

I've not gotten round to painting up his cart and ponies yet, so only have the foot version.
Arkhan the black


Quote from: cunningmatt on December 09, 2012, 09:15:27 am
Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War – 5th Edition, no model released (as far as I can tell – I really thought there was one but can't find it anywhere!).

Don't think they did ever released a model for him, i think people ended up using the model from the old (4th Edition ?) Helblaster.


Quote from: anavorn on December 10, 2012, 09:43:36 am
Don't think they did ever released a model for him, i think people ended up using the model from the old (4th Edition ?) Helblaster.

I think that's what I saw when I did some Google Image searches - best way to check the definite existence of a model or not!

Good to know Dave - make him even viler!! Lovely model work as always.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Tuesday 11th December 2012

Who could it be today? Chaos Dwarf, Gnoblar, Wood Elf, Ungor or something else? Only one way to find out. Here's Day 11:

11th December: Ghoritch

Name: Ghoritch, Castellan of Hell Pit

Original Points Cost: 255 points

Background: Ghoritch was originally a psychotic Marauder who lived in Wolverhampton and fought for Archaon in the Storm of Chaos. He disobeyed his master leading his tribe against an Empire artillery train, it was heavily armoured killing all the tribe bar Ghortich. Had it not been Empire artillery rail replacement bus service Ghoritch would have been killed. As punishment Archaon handed him over to Throt the Unclean who experimented on him, placing his brain in a Rat Ogre. The experiment was so successful that he became leader of the Hell Pit's garrison, and gained Throt an A in GSCE mutilation.

Original Appearance: White Dwarf 311 (November 2005). Ghoritch appears as a special character in a special Hell Pit army list.

Last Appearance: White Dwarf 311 (November 2005).

Special Rules: Ghoritch causes Fear, all Clan Moulder units within 6" may re-roll failed psychology tests, he is subject to frenzy if he loses his frenzy he becomes subject to stupidity, he ignores all armour saves.

My Memories of the Character: No one remember this character, surely?

Person most Reminds me of: Tim my friend from school had his brain placed in the school gerbil, you remember Tim?

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Easily done, most rules carry over and even if they are broken it's Skaven – it fits the theme!! Nudge nudge wink wink cheeky fun Skaven players, I'm only joking love you all! Actually his rules seem fine. In the article the conversion suggests adding various Ork power equipment such as Ghazghkull's Power Claw to a Rat Ogre.


Not a fan of that character? Well head over to The Official OG Games Advent Calendar 2012 and tell all your friends: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=3314.msg49888;topicseen#msg49888

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Wednesday 12th December 2012

Halfway through also known as s**t you should be ready for Christmas now!! Another character for you perusal though, do you remember this one?

12th December: Valnir the Reaper

Name: Valnir the Reaper

Original Points Cost: 340 points

Background: Valnir the Reaper was a Champion of Nurgle who fought in the Great War of Chaos, he was eventually cut down by Aleixs, the Tzar of Kislev at the Gates of Kislev after a row about how to spell Kislev. His followers placed his body on a stone throne, and 200 years later Nurgle rose him again, his body skeletal and oozing with maggots and his Chaos armour broken. It was as if he'd been packed by a Ryanair baggage handler. He now rose again to terrorise the Old World.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Champions of Chaos – 5th Edition (supplement to Warhammer Armies: Realm of Chaos), no model ever released,

Last Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Champions of Chaos – 5th Edition

Special Rules: Valnir has the Mark of Nurgle, hates all living enemies, immue to fear, terror and panic and causes fear. He can nominate one living enemy unit at the beginning of the game to suffer the Wind of Pestilence – suffering either D6 S3 hits no armour save, Stupidity or -1 Strength. He carries the magic weapon Gatherer of Souls +2S, for every 3 wounds caused he may add 1 to his Attacks, Weapon Skill or Strength (up to a total of 10). And he has the Chaos Reward Regeneration.

My Memories of the Character:I wondered if he'd get every model during my massive Chaos phase – I got lots of Chaos, though having now sold my soul to Tzeentch I am less interested.

Person most Reminds me of: Old, decaying and causing fear – Peter Stringfellow!

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Most of his rules carry across, the Chaos Gift Regeneration obviously just becoming the rule. Not sure if the Gatherer of Souls seems a bit potent – admittedly he need to cause 39 wounds to become a Strength 10, Weapon Skill 10, Attacks 10 monster, but it's a scary thought. Model wise two options for conversion I can think of – the Nurgle plastic Lord everyone loves, swapped with a flail from the Marauder kit and with his flesh painted as it's actually dead. Or maybe convert Krell, the Undead Chaos character, add some maggots and a little flesh, and a flail and that could look really good.


Remember another character from The Official OG Games Advent Calendar 2012 is just round the corner: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=3314.msg49915;topicseen#msg49915

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


December 12, 2012, 08:51:24 am #877 Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 09:16:38 pm by cunningmatt
Procrastination by Numbers: Update 92 – The Goose is Getting Fat Wednesday 12th December 2012

If you are looking for today's Advent Calendar entry it is the post above this one!!

Coming up on this week's Procrastination by Numbers:

  • 92.1 – Meet the Team
  • 92.2 – Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Month 2, Day 12
  • 92.3 – The Further Adventures of Rashnrak the Beastlord: Part 6
  • 92.4 – Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Update
  • 92.5 – Get In Touch

92.1 – Meet the Team

With the decorations up and festive cheer definitely in the air it's time to meet the Procrastination by Numbers team:

Matty the Painter

Matty the Painter is the main writer on Procrastination by Numbers, and his brain represents the place where the other writers live. He is a prolific Shakeaway drinker, and he can be followed on Twitter at @ProByNumbers – go on he might follow you back.

This week Matty has been mainly hanging mistletoe up every wear, in the vein hope someone, somewhere will kiss him. Even Sandra the Tactical Plant Pot has refused!

The Resident Six-Year Old Artist

For all those things that can't be photographed, the resident six-year old artist has joined (read "imprisoned by") the team. Bribed with Smarties and the promise of seeing daylight again, she draws all the pictures this blog needs. Her recent work includes the iOS6 maps.

This week the resident six-year old artist has been opening her Advent Calendar wondering why all she can find behind the doors is old models of Morglum Necksnapper rather than any actual chocolate.

Mr Shakey Shakey

Mr Shakey Shakey is Matty the Painter's Wood Elf painting friend. He's been painting a Wood Elf army for about 24 years now. His name is nothing to do with the popular milkshake, but instead refers to his inability to hold a paintbrush steadily in his hands.

This week Mr Shakey Shakey has been drooling over the brand new The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey models, before going to pick up some Dark Angels Green paint and spilling it all over the table!

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant is a brand new member of the Procrastination by Numbers team, not only is she's the independent adjudicator for all Procrastination by Numbers competitions. But she is a Warhammer tactical genius and can often be found revising the rules and coming up with the filthiest armies known to man.

Sandra the Tactical Pot Plant's tactical acumen has been put to the full test this week as she's been forced to hide from an angry woodcutter who mistook her for a Christmas Tree!

92.2 – Tale of Gamers: Ultramarines – Month 2, Day 12

It's time for the regular feature where I explain why I haven't painted my Space Marine army. We are now in Month 2. And keen readers will remember this is what I attempted to paint last month:

Tactical Squad 90 points
+ 5 Additional Space Marines (80 points – 5x 16 points)
+ Flamer (free)
+ Missile Launcher (free)
+ Chainsword (free)
170 points

Terminator Squad (2 of 5) 80 points (of 200 points – full squad)
80 points

TOTAL: 250 points

And this is what I actually painted:

Not really glittering start I'd hoped for but dictatorship of the Warhammer 40,000 painting world may still be mine!!

Month 2 means I get another 250 points to add to my army. Meaning I'm now 500 points behind. Oh dear. But it does mean I can paint my full Terminator Squad in one go which has some clear time saving advantages. For the rest of my points it seems sensible to go for an HQ choice, as discussions at the club with the Warhammer 40,000 experts reveals I need one. Plus looking in my Assault on Black Reach box set reveals all I have left to paint is a Space Marine Captain and a Dreadnought so that works well.

The Space Marine Captain falls a few points short of what I need to make up the 500 points, but that's alright because I can max him up on Magic Items... what do you mean there aren't Magic Items in 40K? God dam it!!

And as my Space Marine Captain doesn't appear to be modelled with any particularly funky weaponry I'm going to be a bit short this month:

Space Marine Captain 100 points
100 points

Tactical Squad 90 points
+ 5 Additional Space Marines (80 points – 5x 16 points)
+ Flamer (free)
+ Missile Launcher (free)
+ Chainsword (free)
170 points

Terminator Squad 200 points
200 points

TOTAL: 370 points

Whilst I could paint up 26% of my Dreadnought, I've decided I'd be better rolling over my 30 points to Month 3 and instead concentrating on actually getting some F***ING MODELS PAINTED YOU PROCRASTINATING MORON.


With that mantra in mind I got the rest of the team in on the Ultramarine painting.

Sadly we had a few problems... turns out the Resident Six Year Old Artist is kind of set in her ways.

And Mr Shakey Shakey is just a liability to have around:

Still despite the team's help, I've made some good progress. All the Tactical Squad and Terminators now have finished blue power armour, and I've made a start on the rest of the details:

Bizarrely despite me painting them in exactly the same way as my test model, none of these 14 guys have come out with a glossy sheen, unlike my original model – glossy original on right, matt newbie on left, suspicious hair centre:

It's sort of good, as I didn't want them glossy, but I hope the Matt Spray (not a rude euphuism) sorts out the first model. I don't want one of my Space Marines looking like they've lubed up ready for some hot S&M Space Marine action. Well certainly not the ones I display publicly on the forum!

I've started doing the details on some of these guys and presuming that the all time consuming Christmas preparation and party monster allows, I will hopefully have some time in the next few days to get further with these.

92.3 – The Further Adventures of Rashnrak the Beastlord, Part 6

Last week I promised I'd get up to date with my Beastmen, and this week I deliver! Yep it's Month 6 of Rashnrak's adventures – ironically named as that's how long I've spent putting off writing up this fluff.

Anyway it was the end of Summer big all night summer rave in the Badlands as we paid our quarterly mega game – like the gas bill, but more exciting. All our armies now had access to the Marshes, so it was time for Rashnrak to get stuck in:

Delithor looked to the sky before he emitted an almighty roar; the Chaos Gods had been in contact with him again! They instructed him he was head to the marshes, that was the destiny of the Beastmen tribe, that is where they were being willed. Only there would they find out the true purpose of their mission. With a guttural roar he relayed the information to Rashnrak. Rashnrak cursed, he knew better than to ignore the advice of the tribe's main Bray-Shaman, particularly when communications from the Chaos Gods are concerned. However the thought of tramping through the marsh upset him, mud stuck between the cleft in his hooves and bogged down Tuskgor Chariots. Still on the plus side some of the Ungor would drown. At this point Rashnrak considered how to make wellingtons out of skinned Ungor flesh, as the tribe began the march

For the start of our summer bash, each army from Team Evil was randomly drawn to face an army from Team Good, in a different area of the marsh with different bonkers special rules. For the marsh any unit attempting to march, charge, flee or pursue would have to take a Dangerous Terrain test, with the exception of my Regiment of Renown who had the marsh strider special rules and any flyers. Additionally every magic phase D3 random pieces of terrain would move 2D6" random inches across the battlefield. Any unit touched suffered D6+1 hits at Strength D6+1. Told you it was random! Plus the armies were deployed as if it was a Dawn Attack.

I was given 600 points to spend on Rashnrak and his regiment of renown, than a further 2,400 points to spend normally and I selected this (letters of complaint to the usual address about my army selection):

Beastlord, Rashnrak – armed with the Stone Crusher Mace (+3 Strength, Strength 10 against any chariots, war machines, buildings etc.), the Talisman of Endurance (5+ Ward Save), Heavy Armour and the Chaos Gift Gnarled Hide (5+ Scaly Skin save), Special Shield (prize from Month 3 – 6+ Parry Save). 251 points

7 Centigors armed with Spear, Shield and Light Armour with musician, standard bearer with Razor Standard (unit has armour piercing rule, this standard is provided free within campaign rules). Unit is led by Ghorros Warhoof (Centigors in his unit gain +1 Weapon Skill. Should he be killed all Primal Fury tests for remainder of game are taken at +1 Leadership.) armed with the Mansmasher (all unsaved wounds = D3 wounds) and the Skull of the Unicorn Lord (Magic Resistance (2), unit is hated by Wood Elves). 351 points

Malagor the Dark Omen (Lore of the Beasts). 350 points

Great Bray-Shaman, Delithor (Lore of Death, Level 3) – armed with the Brass Cleaver (+1 Attack for each enemy in base-to-base contact taken as free magic item), Hagtree Fetish (nominate one enemy unit within 24" each magic phase, all failed rolls to wound may be rerolled in that phase), Chaos gift Gnarled Hide (5+ Armour Save). 235 points

Wargor Battle Standard Bearer – armed with Great Weapon, Heavy Armour and The Beast Banner (+1 Strength to all models in the unit). 193 points

40 Gor with shields and full command. 345 points

6 Ungor Raider, armed with short bows with Halfhorn and musician. 45 points

3 Tuskgor Chariots, Gor armed with Spear, Bestigor armed with Great Weapon. 240 points

3 Minotaurs, armed with Great Weapons and light armour. 189 points

3 Razorgors. 165 points

6 Harpies with Scouting. 55 points

Cygor. 275 points

Jabberslythe. 275 points

TOTAL: 3,000 points

Rashnrak's army strode through the mists, in front of them stood the marshes. Rashnrak sniffed Dwarf flesh in the air and cursed, he hated those cursed stunties. Rashnrak looked around working out where to defecate in order to mark out his territory, when a hill moved through his field of vision. Today was going to be a difficult day...


As you can see from the photo below, using the Dawn Attack scenario rules the bulk of the Beastmen forces were deployed diagonally opposite the bulk of the Dwarf forces, and a whole load of books, templates and drinks were deployed higgly piggly dee all over the battlefield ruining the photo. The Dwarf army consisted of an Anvil of Doom, 2 Gyrocopters, and large blocks of Rangers, Slayer, Hammerers and Warriors

The Scouts then used their Strollaz rune to advance closer to the Beastmen lines:

Turn 1

The Rangers advance to within spitting distance of the Beastmen lines, while the Anvil of Doom moved the two Gyrocopters in a position to open their steam tanks. One killed four Harpies with the rest fleeing the board, whilst the other steamed three Ungor Raiders causing the other three to flee.

The Beastmen retaliated by throwing caution to the wind and piling every unit they could into the Rangers. All three Tuskgor Chariots, one Razorgor, the Jabberslythe and the Centigor charged the Rangers – well they would have, but one of the Chariots failed it's dangerous terrain and was destroyed in the marsh causing the Razorgor to panic and flee the board. Sigh! In the magic phase a hill moves through the battlefield killing 3 Slayers, 5 Dwarf Warriors and taking 2 wounds of one of the Tuskgor Chariots. The Dwarfs manage to counter the Beastmen magic, and the Cygor misses with his thrown stone.

In the combat phase the Centigors roll a double 1 for their Primal Fury test giving them Frenzy! Which begins an impressive combat phase for the Beastmen: 8 Rangers are run down by Impact Hits, Ghorros kills 4 more Rangers leading his Centigor who do a further 11! The Jabberslythe takes down 1 Warrior and the crew of the Chariots kill another 2. In return the Rangers kill a Centigor and do wounds on the Jabberslythe – whose blood spurts over the unit killing two more Rangers. With 3 Rangers stomped by the Jabberslythe a massive total of 31 wounds is inflicted on the Rangers leaving the whole unit dead and the Thane on a single wound. Unsurprisingly the Thane flees, but the Beastmen restrain worried about giving the Dwarfs the chance to charge and overrun through their lines.

Turn 2

In the movement phase the Thane rallies, while the Runesmith uses the Anvil of Doom to make the Slayers charge the Tuskgor Chariot. In the shooting phase the Gyrocopter unleash their steam payloads killing the remaining Ungor Raiders and 8 Gors from the large block.

In combat the Slayers destroy the Tuskgor Chariot overrunning into the rear of the Centigors.

The Beastmen are unable to make any charges but the flank force moves towards the centre. Again the terrain goes crazy in the magic phase killing 5 Dwarf Warriors. Malagor and the Beastmen Shaman attempt to help Ghorros and the Centigors casting the Curse of Anraheir and the Withering on the Slayers. It's not enough as Ghorros is struck down by the Dragon Slayer and the Centigors break escaping the ginger Dwarfs.

Turn 3

The Dwarf Turn 3 is rather uneventful with most units moving for position. However in the magic phase the Cygor is wounded by terrain. The Anvil misfires but no damage is done, though the Gyrocopter kills 4 Gors.

The Tuskgor Chariot hits the flank of the Slayers, not expecting to do much but it's too good an opportunity to miss. The Dwarf Lord uses his Master Rune of Challenge on the Jabberslythe, but it opts to flee. Whereas the Centigors rally.

The terrain again picks on the Dwarfs as a moving hill kills 2 Slayers and 4 Dwarf Warriors. In the magic phase the Bray Shaman miscasts Enfeebling Foe on the Slayers wounding both him and Malagor.

The Tuskgor Chariot runs down 4 Slayers, due to Enfeebling Foe they only manage a wound back, but they turn to face the Chariot.

Turn 4

Seeing that Malagor has been wounded by the recent miscast the Gyrocopter charged in, in the hope of finishing him off.

In the terrain phase the hills move again killing a Hammerer and the Tuskgor Chariot engaged to the Slayers, annoying the Dwarfs as it didn't give them a chance to reform after winning the combat.

The remaining Gyrocopter steams a single Gor. Malagor does a single wound on the Gyrocopter for none in return.

The Jabberslythe fails to rally, though the Centigors do. A single Slayer is killed when the hill moves again.

Malagor casts Savage Beasts of Horros on himself, and the Cygor kills 4 Warriors with a well-placed rock.

In the combat phase Malagor gets frenzy for his primal fury test, combined with the Savage Beast of Horros he rips the Gyrocopter out of the sky causing 4 wounds!

Turn 5

The Dwarfs move towards the centre of the battlefield, again the battlefield goes against the Dwarfs as four Dwarf Warriors and two Hammerers are flattened under the hill.

The Anvil of Doom charges the Gyrocopter at the Jabberslythe forcing it to flee off the table.

With no combat, the Beastmen continue to advance towards the Dwarfs. In the magic phase the terrain gets revenge for the Jabberslythe, by killing the remaining Gyrocopter!

Turn 6

With the two armies too far away to meet, Turn 6 is completely uneventful!


Totally up the victory points revealed I had scored 750 points and the Dwarfs 789 points! Because we needed a definite winner, that marginal difference meant I'd lost! Curses!!!! In fairness I got a lot of help from the terrain, and a large quantity of our troops were split up so couldn't get into combat. So I probably won't complain... too much.

Rashnrak cursed his luck, just as he'd got ready to smash some stuntie scum, a darkness had fallen across the marshes. The battle had been close, many Dwarfs lay dead, large numbers mown down by the inhospitable landscape. But his Beastmen had fled, Razorgor and Jabberslythe had fled the marshes and his chariots were destroyed. It had been a close fought battle but he could tell that the cursed Dwarfs had defeated him yet again.

Then as he went to converse with Malagor, who was still chewing on the remains of the dead Gryocopter, the darkness intensified. This was no natural darkness, purple shapes danced in the air and incandescent images leapt across the sky. Then Malagor dropped the Dwarf's body his eyes glowed an unnatural red, Rashnrak instantly recognised this, the same side effects as when Delithor communed with the Chaos Gods. But this was more intense the burning red was so bright it was scaring away the scampering Ungor, and enraging the blundering Minotaurs. Then Malagor boomed echoing in a voice, that was not his, but commanded the utmost respect. "PROVE YOUR WORTH!". Then the light in Malagor's eyes extinguished and his body fell to the floor. It was only then that Rashnrak realised they no longer stood in the marshes. A mysterious alien landscape had coalesced around him and his army. As he looked further afield he saw the armies of the traitorous Ratman and the loathsome man-things. Just as he was about to shout a war cry. Malagor joined him at his side. "No we must work with the rats and the humans.", Rashnrak couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he knew better than to question the will of the Chaos Gods. Malagor continued, "This is the Realm of Chaos. You, the man-ruler and the Greater Skaven must escape." Malagor pointed his arm across at a shimmering portal that had militarised at the top of a nearby rockface. Around shimmering Daemons were winking into existence. Malagor boomed,"Rashnrak escape, and your destiny will become clear. And what a great destiny it will be." Rashnrak looked to either side, emissaries of the men and the Skaven were heading towards him. Whatever game the Chaos Gods had decided he would play, they had clearly chosen his allies, though Rashnrak wished they'd chosen someone else to be his allies... anyone else.

Next up the three loser of the last game, myself, Tom's Skaven and Mike's Empire had to forge and unlikely alliance with our 9,000 points the same armies we used in the last game. Tom and Gareth then deployed 6,000 points of Daemons. All we had to was get our generals through a central portal, I've never ever played Daemons so what could possibly go wrong? Oh it turns Daemons have a 5+ Ward Save, don't break and are bloody nuts!!

Sadly time and sanity prevented making detailed notes of the battle and to be honest you probably wouldn't read it anyway! So instead here's a couple of quick snaps and a summary of what happened.

The Allied forces lined up to face wave after wave of Daemons:

Winning the first turn the army advances with the Gutter Runners getting ready to sacrifice themselves to slow down the Daemons.

The Bloodcrushers charge headlong into the large block of Empire Knights, while the Bloodletters plough into the Gutter Runners.

The Knights are massacred, and the Bloodcrushers overrun into the Gor block containing Rashnrak. The Gutter Runners do an impressive amount of damage to the Bloodletters before they succumb.

The Jabberslythe and Razorgor launch an impressive counter attack on the Bloodletters, as across the flanks the Daemons are destroyed.

But the Bloodcrushers and Gors remain locked in a bloody stalemate.

A flank charge on the rest of the Bloodletters seals their fate, clearing their path for the Skaven Warlord to advance towards the portal.

Tom is particularly annoyed when the Cygor scores a direct hit on the Bloodthirster doing 4 wounds!

The Empire General on the Griffon fights his way through a Juggernaut to make it through the portal.

Rashnrak remains locked in combat with the Bloodcrushers towards the end of the battle, in the end the Grey Wizard uses his spell lore to swap places and Rashnrak escapes.

With that all three generals make it through the portal... just.

Rashnrak cursed loudly, no matter how much he and his Gors slashed at the Khronate beasts in front of him they refused to die. To make matters worse ahead he could see the Skaven warlord scampering up the rock face towards the portal. The rat-thing was going to escape. At least the human would die with him he thought, just then the unmistakable shadow of a Griffon passed over him as the human leader flew straight through the portal. Rashnrak let out a roar of rage. Then suddenly grey tendrils of smoke rose from the ground engulfing him, when they dissipated he found himself with the human soldiers. Fighting every one of his primal instincts to slaughter the men where he stood, he turned back to see the human Wizard standing where he once had been. "The fools kept up their end of the bargain" he thought, he was no Skaven but couldn't see the sense of the human wizard sacrificing himself to save Rashnrak. But he wasted no time, more Daemons were on his way, with a loud roar he leapt through the portal.

Sometime later the bloody and battered body of the Grey Wizard clambered the rock face, reaching out for the portal. Behind him lay the shattered bodies of the Gor, who had finally banished the Khornate beasts. He was conflicted by the logic of saving the Beastlord, but his General had made the wishes quite clear. He was just about to step into the portal, when a dark chill fell across his heart. The flapping of wings caught his attention as he turned to see Malagor standing right behind him. He'd just landed. "I saved your master. Let us escape to.", he said offering a hand of friendship to Malagor. But before he could regret his decision, Malagor's claw plunged through the human's ribcage pulling out his beating heart. "Destiny has no further use for you.", Malagor spoke the words in a cold dark tongue, not quite his. Before he disappeared through the portal, the last thing the Grey Wizard saw before the pain became unbearable was the Daemonic portal seal...

Victorious as my Beastmen may have seen karma came back and bit on my bum when both my Cygor and Jabberslythe were injured on the way home. That combined with my work in progress Ghorgon with a death wish left me with a Paralympic Beastmen Monster team:

Time to get the glue out I fear.

92.4  – Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Update

As you can't possibly have failed to notice, the Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar rumbles on, we're halfway through so I hope you are enjoying it. Remember the amount of work that went into it...

...so you better be enjoying it! Remember to leave your comments and tweet your thoughts: #warhammeradvent

92.5  – Get In Touch

Remember as always I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of the following:

  • How I'm getting on with my Ultramarines
  • If you bothered to read the Beastmen stuff
  • Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar
  • Or anything else!

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @ProByNumbers where I've been tweeting a link to the Advent Calendar every day! Surprised I haven't lost more followers.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Procrastination by Numbers: Forgotten Special Characters Advent Calendar Thursday 13th December 2012

Day 13 innit?! Yes it is. Here you go:

13th December: Tetto'Eko

Name: Tetto' Eko

Original Points Cost: 255 points

Background: Born during an Eclipse of the Sun, Tetto'Eko was concerned special – his parents even got an interview in The Daily Mirror and an appearance on The One Show. He is old by Skink standards and remembers a time when everything was better, but still can keenly predict astrological events.

Original Appearance: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen - 7th Edition, no model currently available.

Last Appearance: N/A.

Special Rules: Tetto'Eko is a level 2 Skink Wizard, and may attempt to predict a cosmic event at the beginning of any magic phase, roll 2D6 on a 3+ all Lore of Heavens spells rolling any double or cast with Irresistible Force, on a 2 the effect applies to the enemy in the following magic phase. He has Eye of the Old Ones the Lizardmen player may redeploy D3 units after everyone has deployed. The Stellar Staff allows Tetto'eko to re-roll the arrival dice for any Comet of Cassandora he casts. The Palanquin of Constellations works as a Mage Priest palanquin except in a unit of Skinks.

My Memories of the Character: Just found him in the book now, sorry not up on my Lizards!

Person most Reminds me of: Chief Astrologer, surprisingly old man – it must be Russel Grant, let's hope his Viennese Waltz is as good.

Inclusion in 8th Edition: Rules are fine, we just need a model. There aren't really any defining characteristics in Tetto'Eko's background that define him from other Skink Shamans. Though you may want to try and give him older skin compared to your other Skinks. He'll need a Palanquin which you could either model yourself, or use the Dwarf Oath Stone, modelling you own runes, or failing that a Lizardman Plaque. Mount on a standard flying base and there you go.


Did you know I'm doing another Advent Calendar? Really have I not mentioned it enough? Well head here to see more: http://ogforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=3314.msg49964;topicseen#msg49964

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


That's a rather horrible looking broken pile for the beasts, always nasty to get some damage on the big stuff, still I'm sure the festive period. I played a game against beatment last night with my Orcs, I nicely diced him off the table with some real skillz, but it was generally a quite enjoyable game, lots of carnage and tactical little charges here and there between all our vast number of chariots and random guff units.

Yours seemed to do impressively well against the daemons, going toe to toe with all his big units and winning the grind.

Ultras are looking good, some real progress on them, white termies heads have come out well from what I can see of those pictures.