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Warlord GT - Warrington

Started by fatolaf, March 08, 2010, 02:55:08 pm

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September 20, 2010, 03:51:35 pm #170 Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 04:10:50 pm by fatolaf

Game 1 - Pitched Battle - Shane - Dwarves

Shane is a top bloke and finished 9th with his Dwarves, no mean feat when you get as pissed as he did saturday night

He had Anvil, Miners, scouts gunline

I went to dweller his masive Xbow unit with 3 characters in, double six, 17 dead Xbow's, and then my slann rolls a 3 and explodes turn 1 baby  :))

Luckliy his anvil blew up turn 2 and I ran at him, my stegs eventually died, giving him a lot of points, but my Cham skinks excelled them selves by killing all his war machines. His other units hid in buildings, giving me no points to get.
A low scoring game, but he was 200+ ahead, so Shane got 30 and I got 1 TP, did not quite feel right to me..

Game 2 - Dawn Attack - Steve - HE

Steve, top bloke from my old town Harrogate, with a borrowed HE list, that IMO was far from optimal, it even had Reavers in.

I Dwellered his lvl 4 in a White lioin unit turn 2, and my Sallies went mad cremating the rest of them. My Krox and Stegs had a Dragon Prince sandwich, lovely thanks.... :steg001:  :thumbsup:

And yeah, Steve got 739 VP's, and I got 2112, BIg win..

Game 3 - Battle for the Pass - Pete - Woc

Pete again top bloke, first time I have played him, but seen him on the scene loads. This was the length ways mission, and that Hellcannon he had was going to cause me problems. Luckily it kept rampaging, attacking all the cham skinks I had around there to try and poison it to death.

I deployed well back from his 2 big blocks of Warriors all warshrined up.

His lvl 4 rolled gateway and his lvl 1, rolled purple sun, this could be problematic, worse still the skinks I sent to kill the lvl 4 on disc found out he was immune to poison, bugger!

So my slann did the awakening on the lvl1 and killed him, nice, meanwhile my sallies, played hide and seak with the warriors whilst my stegs got into the flank position, one steg hit the marauder unit and the other the warriors. This was risky but I needed some points. Bad rolling meant both combats went on till turn 6, with the stegs repeatedly losing combat but holding on the stubborn Ld 6. In the end the marauder unit died and the other steg fled out running the warriors .
The standard in the marauder unit made all the difference as I won by 15VP's.

Such a close game but also such a good one, Harsh again that Pete only got 1 TP for his efforts..

Game 4 - Blood & Glory - Dan - HE

I was not in the mood for a 4th game but at least it was Dan (from Luke's Dudly club), who was a lovely bloke.
He had a massive White lion unit with 3 CC characters in that was immune to magic. In order to win I had to kill this unit to get him to his breaking point. I hid all mine and with him not having any magic or much shooting, he was never going to get it.
I tried to kill that unit with 2 Stegs and 6 Krox, with the sallies softening them up a bit, in hindsight I should have burned them maybe one more turn. But as it was I went in too early and combined with hideous impact hits, all my stuff died. ASF S6 all round with re-rolls was hideous. He had been really worried but wasall smiles now. I tired to pick off all hsi other soft unts to try and win on VP's but the dice deserted me and I lost by about 700 Vp's.

Still Dan top bloke and was lovely opponent


I was very tired and not in the mood for WFB sunday morning, luckily I gt my room mate and fellow Ogger, Mark G in the draw (as we had predicted on the walk there). Loads of club mates seemed to draw each other that game, including the Ben's..

Game 5 - Mark - DE filth  :wink;m::

Diagonal mission with Mark basically running away with all his stuff and hoping just to magic me to death, his heroes all in a spear elf unit on the nearest flank, as the Black Gaurd has to come on as reserve.

My slann though better of it and Dwellered the unit turn 2, double 6 on 3 dice I think, rubbed it in even more.. :thumbsup:

He lost 11 spear elves, the lvl 4, the lvl 2 and the bsb..

From then on it went down hill and it was basically a total massacre with only his black guard unit left at the end..

Big win to the LM.. I was back to table 21 and in shout for a good finish, top 20 maybe?

Game 6 - Skaven - Watchtower

The difficult opponent, who I wont name.

Initially he seeemd up for a fun game but it started to get tetchy, as I have posted earlier.

I was up against it from the very beginning as he had lots of magic, all the toys and the big gribblies.

Luckily my Cham skinks felled the hell pit with 2 rounds of shooting and my other unit nearly did the same to his doomwheel.

I did a 7PD Feedback scroll (using my extra dice) and auto cast dwellers on his lvl 4 unit, 20 rats fell but the lvl 4 survived which meant he could keep on casting the 13th spell.

I had to sacrfice skinks galore to protect my flanks , as my saurus unit an krox marched onto the church, but the WLC and doom rocket tooks it's toll and wiped out my saurus, the krox met a furnace and died and a cheeky charge on my slann saw  the end of my planned solo charge of the slann into the building, hoping he did not have magical attacks, and I could land one..

Anyway we called it there, and it was a big loss to me VP wise..

Sad that the last game had to be the worst one, but I think the combo of my opponent being young, being in a good potential placing and using a skaven list all factored. A shame..

So all over now and I have learnt a few things about LM in 8th

Dwellers is ace, but must be used early because you can't cast it into combat, so I might go for another lore

I need more Saurus, one unit not enough

Krox are still poo, 6 of them is such a waste of points

Cham skinks are insane, need one more unit

Must get Terries back into the list

Not sure about Stegs, really not sure, they have pro's and cons

Star man (so to speak):    :salamander001:

These bad boys must have killed well over 100 men this wknd, I needs me 2 units of 2 for max effect me thinks


Quote from: fatolaf on September 20, 2010, 03:27:03 pm
Right after Mike has calmed down  :wink;m::

*Hands back forum keys*

Not a scratch on it mister....

In the summer of 2011 he moved North... spreading the word of House OG.

I am Mike of House OG.  Ogger in the North.  And Ginger is coming.


Agree with your thoughts entirely, for a 'powerful list' the stegs are now quite a liability.

Nice little write up of the games and glad you made it through the weekend without needing to rage quit at any stage!  :thumbsup:

Not sure I agree on the 100vps for a win encouraging negative hammer, ultimately vps seperate the overall winner so it's still worth trying to cream your opponent if you can, but it doesn't handicap races which struggle to push home that advantage the way the 20-0 system does.

That said I tried to 'push the game' in all my games and got smacked up for my efforts.  I probably could have sat back, shot of some high points models and taken the smaller wins because unless you get my blocks the army only gives up 300vps.

Steve H

Very quick report from my end... had a great time but not entirely sure that some of the scenarios are right in their current form for tourneys.

Game 1 - Steve Knight - Skaven: In turn 2 i lost 19 of my 20 Hammerers to a Power Scroll inspired 13th Spell, and 16 of my Warrior block to a Doomrocket (does it ever miss or blow up!!!?). I hit the Hellpit with 2 flaming cannon balls and rolled 2 1's to wound, then it ran in and ate everything. Not good! Steve's WLC's killed my warmachines too for a big loss... boo!

Thoughts = Power Scroll is so bent, a 35 point item should not be able to so reliably take out 300 points of unit for so little risk.

Game 2 - Brain Magonicle - Night Goblins: Big win to me... Brian had 3 units of 50 Night Goblins that got strength 4 rocks on them all game, and then in got chomped in combat by the hatred re-rolls. Lovely chap, just an awful match-up. Miners and Anvil power got all of the support units.

Thoughts = O&G's still struggle and still run off... a lot.

Game 3 - Michael Walker - Orcs and Goblins: This was the battle for the Pass longways scenario. Michael started miles away, the Anvil slowed him down whilst he got shot, and then it got me into the flanks of his depleted units when he got there. It was pointless and a bit soul-destroying for both of us. I've played Michael before and he was a gent like always, even though scenarios dont get any worse for him. Big win for me.

Thoughts = O&G's in Battle for the Pass is a bit silly unless they go gunline.

Game 4 - Martyn Furnival - Daemons: This was the fortitude Scenario and Martin put 44 Horrors and 2 Heralds (general and BSB) in a building in his deployment zone and left them there so I couldnt win the game. I rolled a double 6, double 6 on a BSB units panic test, and then my next dice rolls were 1,1 on the Anvil... win to Martyn even though there was very little actual Warhammer played!

Thoughts = How many Horrors can you fit into a building... apparently as many as you like!

Game 5 - Graham - Empire: There were two big units of Empire Knights (15's) with Warrior priests in that I couldnt really kill that ran me over... I got the rest of his army (including the tank), but i was left with only the Anvil left. Loss

Thoughts = Now Stone Throwers allow armour saves, 1+saves are difficult to get rid of en masse unless you have magic.

Game 6 - Steve Scribbens - High Elves = Odd game. Watchtower mission, I killed Steve's entire army except a BSB and one Swordmaster, but they happened to be in the building when the random game length ended the game early. Steve had killed one unit of miners! Good game though... lovely chap. Odd loss to me!

Had a great time though... plus won a Dwarf Batallion in the raffle. Ace! Came about 80th i think... not so ace!
In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!

Tom Hale

September 20, 2010, 06:11:56 pm #174 Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 06:13:38 pm by sainthale1988
I think I might do some YouTube bat reps of these games, so I'll decline to run through them till later, but some 8th thoughts.

Dwellers is bent, enough said
13 spell on auto iressistale with power scroll and a warpstone token is bent
My Mage rolling 3/4s or 11/12s exclusively for miscasts was lame
Random charges still pisses me off
Shadow magic was great when it worked
One lv4 is not enough (unless your a slann)
Dark elves are by far still the best of elves
Bolt throwers are still amazing. Wouldn't have traded them for the world, project damage, clean up point trying to hide, help to dictate the pace of the game
Black guard are fragile as hell
Bftp, and meeting engagement are horrible
Despite loading it, I like fortitude
Scouts are amazing: wish I'd taken shades
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn


I came out with the same conclusions as you about Lizards, Ol.

The salamanders were by far the best value unit in my list! Absolutely creamed big blocks of goblins and skaven, and the auto panic test they cause is very useful.

I think the stegadons' days are numbered - not sure I will take them any more to be honest. In the 3 games I lost over the weekend, they died due to D6 wound war machine fire (against Empire, Dwarves and O&Gs). In games that are tight for points, that's a massive swing. They also struggle to break infantry without another ranked unit to cancel steadfastness.

Terradons were also fantastic - you need to get some Ol! In fact, they won me the Fortitude scenario when they napalmed a single remaining Chaos Knight standard bearer.

So, in summary, more terradons, more sallies, more chameleon skinks! Dump the stegs. Big blocks of saurus still useful for the scenarios, and combined with magic buffs can fight well.

Undead Dan

Sounds like a great tournament, full of filth of course with Ol joining in for a change! :salamander001:

Glad that my first 8th edition tournament next month bans things like Power Scroll, Cupped Hands and other silliness.

Steve H

Quote from: jackhoneysett on September 20, 2010, 06:15:51 pm
So, in summary, more terradons, more sallies, more chameleon skinks! Dump the stegs. Big blocks of saurus still useful for the scenarios, and combined with magic buffs can fight well.

That should read, in summary, dump all of the fun stuff and take more shooty avoidance filth.

Good times :endit:
In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!


September 20, 2010, 07:46:01 pm #178 Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 07:53:30 pm by jackhoneysett
Quote from: Steve H on September 20, 2010, 06:31:14 pm
That should read, in summary, dump all of the fun stuff and take more shooty avoidance filth.

I would love to be able to take stegadons, but sadly they just ended up being a massive liability in 3 out of 6 of my games. While template war machines are 100% accurate and very reliable (in the case of empire with engineers and dwarves with runes) they become just a massive VP handicap. Yes stegadons are fun, but I'd rather have an army which can compete against all-comers, rather than rely heavily on matchups.

I didn't say I wanted to dump all the fun stuff and take a whole army of shooty avoidance filth anyway. Just more of it!  :thumbsup:
The saurus are staying, and I still like the skink-krox unit, despite its tendency to get pie-plated by empire mortars.

The terradons aren't a bad combat unit anyway, now they get Stomp as well!  :cool3:


Only reason I beat Jack was the stegs.  Without them I'd have had to actually fight his army which would have allowed him to do all the running away and fleeing charges through impassible terrain to avoid giving up any real vps and he would have killed off my 300pts of static and relatively easy to kill stuff for the win to him.  Instead because losing the stegs put him down I got to control the game.

It is rather sad that despite running a predominantly combat build the only game I won was where I basically avoided fighting combats with any ranked units.  Somehow that just feels very very wrong to me.