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The attraction of Tournaments (any system)

Started by Idiotproof Dalek, December 16, 2014, 04:14:48 pm

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Idiotproof Dalek

Unless they're making a loss on Fantasy I can't see them getting rid of it. But nothing would surprise me! I'm not interested in a skirmish game though so I'd probably give Kings of War a go and then just paint stuff.

roland murat

Going a bit off topic here aren't we?

But that aside I'm not sure a skirmish game would be terrible if it can incorporate an element of 'story' to it. Prehaps somewhere between Mordheim and 8th would be good using a few small units on each side where they rank up as normal. Missions could include a small force ambusiing a wizard and his bodyguard for example
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

Idiotproof Dalek

Way off topic - but I goes where the conversation is....

If they do cut Warhammer - it would be really strange to have retail outlets for one game.... 'Game Workshop' anyone?

There aren't any Monopoly stores.....

roland murat

Didn't they re-brand some of the stores 'Warhammer'?
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Quote from: Pip on December 29, 2014, 05:42:21 pm
Considering how well the End Times appears to be doing,

Crazy ltd stock of the books, does not mean it is doing well, on average 2-3 copies per store, a print run of around 5000 for the country is tiny, and of course people will flock to buy something this ltd, or at least the total fan boys..

Up here , End times has seemed to put the nail in the coffin for fantasy, the 3 biggest clubs in Yorkshire have seen the system dropped like a plague..
The Club in York once has well over 50 players, they now have 6...

Anyway Pip, since you have not bought a new figure since 4th Ed, not sure why you would be bothered if the game died  :wink;m::

Which it will, GW no longer have the monopoly it once had, and they have reached the pinnacle of no return, they have lost all their best designers to other companies, their prices have reached a level of craziness, and the current editions of each 40K and WFB have lost all resemblance of playable rules anymore..
They are no longer the only guys on the block who can make pretty figures any more and basically all they have now is the fluff..
There will always be the rabid fan boys who will support them what ever, but they are a dying breed, and tend to be the players who dont actually spend any money, reminds me of die hard Sega Dreamcast fan boys who used to go on and on about how great the system was vs the playstation (when i ran a games shop) but never actually buy any games because they got pirate copies instead, was tragic...


Gw will continue in the short term off the back of 10-12 year olds who do spend money on the game  because it has it's own store fronts in highly frequented locations, and the ease and attraction of the hobby vs some of the better systems out there who don't have the resources to have their own storefronts.

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I think it's not too far off to compare them to apple in that they don't have the best product, and those in the know will look elsewhere for cheaper or more efficient systems, but have the user friendly interface and network of their own brand stores which makes them much easier to approach then say Samsung (which can be compare to x-wing or privateer press)

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Idiotproof Dalek

Speaking as someone who only plays Games Workshop really, I don't appreciate the derogatory 'GW fanboys' talk. It's fine to just like one system - the rest just don't excite me very much!

Up here , End times has seemed to put the nail in the coffin for fantasy, the 3 biggest clubs in Yorkshire have seen the system dropped like a plague..
The Club in York once has well over 50 players, they now have 6...

Anecdotal evidence only gets you so far - I observed that there were very few Fantasy players a few years ago in the North East (and in North London, but a) they were all hiding out in one club, not GW stores and b) when I said that I felt that Fantasy was dying on the basis of this on Warseer, I was contacted by people who had equal anecdotal evidence of it thriving in other areas. The plural of anecdote is not Data!

Which it will, GW no longer have the monopoly it once had, and they have reached the pinnacle of no return, they have lost all their best designers to other companies, their prices have reached a level of craziness, and the current editions of each 40K and WFB have lost all resemblance of playable rules anymore..

I agree about the prices, but the comment about 'playable rules' is coming from someone who's only view of the game is as a competitive sport. Those who play for shits and giggles are enjoying this stuff just fine!

roland murat

8th ed fantasy arent brilliant (magic mainly) but I would agree they aren't unplayable
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


A game like warhammer can't survive on a casual basis due to the large investment of time and money it takes to build am army, I will agree that the game suits casual play just fine but it's the competitive players (always purchasing new things to fine time am army) and total
Beginners (buying their first army) who are the largest contributors in terms of sales, I don't know how often you guys actually buy models but my guess is that once the initial investment into your army is finished then new additions are added sporadically, which helps very little in terms of sales

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