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Team Ogfried - Master Lists and Tactics Discussion

Started by Pip, November 05, 2013, 09:16:50 pm

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King Ogfried is the rightful ruler of Ogfort, King Ogbert's only true-born heir. When his father tragically succumbed to an unexpected case of the Bleeding Sickness (fooling some simple-minded folk into thinking he had been stabbed with pointy knives), Ogfried's coronation was the cause of much rejoicing, and no comments at all about the dangers of inbreeding.

Now the bastard she-daemon Oggalyn the Dread seeks to seize the realm from Ogfried and his wise advisers. She will be defeated, and Ogfried will be known for all time as Ogfried the Mighty. Those who are already calling him Ogfried the Simple will be having a visit from the guards soon enough.

Welcome to the team thread for Team Ogfried! Obviously we are the real Team Good  :thumbsup:

This thread is for you to post your master lists. A quick recap on the campaign rules on army selection:

  • Your master list is a 3,600pt list
  • For every scenario, you must construct your list from units chosen unaltered from your master list.
  • There will be scenarios ranging from 1,000 to ~2,500pts, culminating in a final battle where you can use the whole list at once.

We also have some minimal comp:

  • Your master list may not include Special Characters.
  • Your master list may include a maximum of one wizard of Level 3 or higher.

The unwritten rule (which I'm now writing down): don't be a dick! This is not a competitive event; tournament filth is heavily discouraged. Go for theme, go for fluff, name your army, name your characters. Give us a few words on why your guys are in the Border Princes, if you feel up to it. Most of all, have fun!

Once all the lists are up, this will also be the thread for us to discuss strategy.

  • At the end of each round, I'll release the full rules for the next round's scenarios.
  • You guys must then agree among yourselves who will be Vanguard and who will be Rearguard (it must be a 50:50 split). This will determine which scenario you play (although your opponent will be randomly determined).
  • It's up to you how to decide this, and this thread is the place to talk about it. You might want to appoint a team leader, you might want to take a vote. If you don't get your decisions in by the deadline, however, you will be randomly assigned.
  • Our team scribe is Matt. It'll be Matt's job to poll Team Ogfried's preferences each round and give me the list of Vanguard and Rearguard in time for the deadline (although obviously I'll be in this thread too - it'll just be Matt's job to chase you if you look like you're going to be late). Be nice to him and stay up to speed!

You have until Friday to get your lists in and sign up for Vanguard/Rearguard for round one; the scenarios will be found in the main thread in a few minutes. Next Monday will be the first game night of round one, and each round will give you two weeks in which to schedule your game.

I think that's everything. Post away!


November 05, 2013, 11:29:34 pm #1 Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 11:34:28 am by underscore
Cool stuff, here goes nothing then. My core list and a little gentle fluff to get the ball rolling:


Lord Ti'kal, Tzeentch's Emissary (with Honour Guard)

Mighty Tzeentch has taken a great interest in Ogfort and is sending his trusted emissary, Lord Ti'kal,  to bring great prosperity and wealth to the region. Befitting his station, Ti'kal has sought to bring a worthy force to the aid of noble Ogfried in his time of need. Eminently trustworthy and generous, he has also brought the holy Rock of Inevitability to help rebuild the region after years of war and strife.

Alas, mortals often cower in fear from the great Lord's image, so Ti'Kal has brought with him his Herald, John, to act as a messenger to Ogfried and his allies. With John dealing with the day to day diplomatic issues, Ti'kal can rest near the waystones, learning their secrets in a hope that he can recover the lost art of binding dispel power to scrolls. Surely a little forgotten lore is a small price to pay for what he can offer?:


Lord Ti'kal (Lord of Change): 570 pts
Rock of Inevitability (Exalted Gift), Wand of Whimsy (Lesser Gift), Level 4 (Lore of Metal)

Herald John (Herald of Tzeetch): 175 pts
Level 2 (Lore of Tzeentch), Exhalted Loci


The Shimmering Mass (15x Pink Horrors): 230 pts
Full Command, Gleaming Pennant

The Flux (10x Pink Horrors): 160 pts
Full Command


The Wafting Breeze (3x Flamers): 120pts

The Descent (4x Screamers): 160 pts


The Clipper (Burning Chariot): 150 pts

Prince Oni, Slaneesh's Bringer of Joy (with Raiding Party)

Great though Lord Ti'Kal is, he is wise enough to know that working with others is key if Ogfort is going to become a fully-rounded and beloved beacon to the human world. The dwindling population of the region is of great concern to him, so a plan has been formed to help fill the empty cots of the region.

The recently ascended Daemon Prince Oni has been convinced to return to his old stomping ground and help teach his old friends the true meaning of the word ecstasy. He brings with him a great many ideas and diagrams for them to try, clearly a little spice is all that's been missing from the beds of Ogfort.


Prince Oni (Daemon Prince): 310 pts
Flight, Chaos Armour, Daemon of Slaneesh

--Oni has decided that the population crisis is so severe that foot soldiers would only slow him down--


The Whips (6x Seekers): 160pts
Full Command, Banner of the Eternal Flame

The Golden Root (Seeker Chariot): 110pts

The Musked (3x Fiends): 195pts

--Unfortunately, being a recent ascendant, Oni has not yet been able to command Slaneesh's rarest prizes. Perhaps if he is successful in Ogfort, he may get that chance...--

Herald Cratak, Bearer of Khorne's Banner (with his Standing Army)

Sometime guile just isn't enough. Blood will flow in Ogfort and it didn't take much persuasion from Lord Ti'kal for Cratak to agree to come bolster the fighting troops of the land.


Herald Cratak (Herald of Khorne): 250pts
Battle Standard, Razor Standard, Exalted Loci


The Rupturing (20x Bloodletters): 325pts
Full Command, Banner of Swiftness

The Laceration(15x Bloodletters): 240pts
Full Command


The Garrotes (5x Flesh Hounds): 165pts

The Skillz (Skull Cannon): 135pts

Nurgle's Crack Troops.... of DEATH (seriously, screw that guy)

You know there's always that fat, smelly Daemon kid at Daemon school you feel obliged to ask to every Daemon party? Well, that's Nurgle. Noble Ti'kal politely asked if he wanted to join in to help Ogfort and, unsurprisingly, the idiot slob just laughed at him. All of Ogfort should beware of his evil machinations, clearly our noble troops must secure the region before he has a chance to putrefy it beyond all hope!

On the way out from the (literal) crap-hole Nurgle calls home, Ti'kal did (in his infinate wisdom) accost a handful of the knobber's Furies. A little cannon fodder never hurt anyone and, truth be told, it's not like Nurgle's best troops are much better than these sacks of flying shit...

--Nurgle has no character--

--Like we need them anyway--


Nurgle's mum is so fat her belly is it's own Immaterium (5x Furies): 70pts
Daemon of Nurgle

Nurgle's mum is so fat her arse is what's bunged up the Vortex (5x Furies): 70pts
Daemon of Nurgle

--A Nugle Daemon with any sense would indeed be a rare thing--


Right, that's the lot. If you're wondering that does make a legal 3,600pt army (880/425/940/1070/285 points in each respective category).

I've tried to have a little army of each God (minus Nurgle) and made sure I had at least 1 of each of the Tzeentch units as he's the main guy for this campaign.


The old-school warband approach - ace  :thumbsup:

Anyway, here's my list.

Tezcatlipoca stood before the ancient stones, fiddling nervously with the talismans hanging from his staff. Behind him, the ranks of Saurus were assembled, armed and armoured for war.

"O great lord Xlapec," he said. "Are... are you certain this is the path we must take?"

Turning hooded eyes on his Skink attendant, the mighty Slann croaked a syllable that might have been interpreted as a word.

"Lord Xlapec says the prophecies do not lie," chimed in the Opotchli the priest, forever at the mage-lord's side. "The warm-blood female who took the plaques from the Temple of the Ascendant Comet is there. We will reclaim what she stole and offer her heart to Sotek."

That seemed to Tezcatlipoca a lot of information to have gleaned from one syllable.

"A mighty army is gathering to oppose her," continued Opotchli. "The prophecies speak of a warm-blood king like no other. We will lend our strength to theirs, and the forces of the thief will be ground into the earth."

Riding up alongside them, the Oldblood Tlaxotl gave the signal that the army was ready to march. Tezcatlipoca tried not to make eye contact with the ancient warrior. The way the Saurus looked at him always made him wonder if he was next on the menu.

Lord Xlapec raised his eyes towards the stones, and the Lizardmen around him fell into a reverent silence. Raising one finger, he spoke two words.

"We march."


The standing stones had sat on the hill above the field where King Ogfried had pitched his camp for as long as the locals could remember. Until now, they had shown no sign of being particularly magical. Now they only gawped all the more as the air shimmered between the stones, showing a glimpse of stepped pyramids rising from a steaming forest, teeming with strange birdsong.

Their wonder soon turned to terror as a column of scaled monsters began to pour forth from the gate in the air. Forming up in orderly ranks, they watched with cold-blooded detachment as the peasants ran screaming for their lives.

It was not long after that the army of King Ogfried came to meet them. The only one of Xlapec's host with an understanding of the human tongue, Tezcatlipoca stood ready to act as interpreter.

The boy king was carried forwards on a sedan chair. Drooling a little from the corner of his buck-toothed mouth, he whacked one of the men carrying him excitedly over the head with his sceptre when he laid eyes on the sight of Lord Xlapec on his palanquin.

"Look, look!" he shouted. "A froggie!" He bonked the man on the head again; the man bore it stoically. "Send for Jacques! I want frog's legs for dinner!"

A king like no other, thought Tezcatlipoca. Well, the plaques got that bit right...

The Host of Lord Xlapec


Lord Xlapec - Slann Mage-Priest (WARLORD)
Disciplines: Becalming Cogitation, Harmonic Convergence, Soul of Stone, Wandering Deliberations
Channelling Staff

Tlaxotl, Sotek's Fang - Oldblood
Piranha Blade, Charmed Shield, Dawnstone, The Other Trickster's Shard
Cold One


Nkaxa, Quetzl's Shield - Scar-veteran
Battle Standard Bearer
Skavenpelt Banner
Light armour, shield

Huaxatli, Huanchi's Hunter - Scar-veteran
Horn of Kygor
Light armour, halberd
Cold One

Tezcatlipoca - Skink Priest (Lore of Beasts)
Level 2, Dispel Scroll

Opochtli - Skink Priest (Lore of Beasts)
Level 2


Piranha Cohort - 30 Saurus Warriors
Full command

Anaconda Cohort - 24 Saurus Warriors
Full command

The First Levy - 12 Skink Skirmishers
Javelins & shields

The Second Levy - 12 Skink Skirmishers
Javelins & shields

The Third Levy - 12 Skink Skirmishers
Javelins & shields


Chotec's Guardians - 20 Temple Guard
Full command
Banner of Eternal Flame

Tlaxotl's Hunting Pack - 5 Cold One Cavalry
Musician, Standard Bearer

Huaxatli's Hunting Pack - 5 Cold One Cavalry

The Flame of Chotec - Bastiladon
Solar Engine

Outriders of the Sky Temple - 3 Terradons


Great One Zlatl - Ancient Stegadon

Great One Zhul - Ancient Stegadon
Engine of the Gods

TOTAL: 3599pts

I'm happy for my Lizards to cover either Vanguard or Rearguard duty for round one.


I've made a small edit to my list - I've taken away a Screamer and added on another Seeker and given The Laceration a Banner of Swiftness. Reason being that I can now take the all-Tzeentch warband, legal at 1000pts (minus Ti'Kal, of course)!

John will be happy to camp out at the rear of the army - he certainly doesn't want to see any combat so hiding out in this little town will probably be the best idea...


Ah crap, I got the scenarios confused!

Upon further reflection John would like to make a base in that village over there instead (it seems much nicer than this one behind the main army and has a much better pub!), so would like to be in the vanguard instead. :)


Have made a couple of tweaks to my list as well, so that it breaks down better at the middling points values. Bound spells ahoy!

Matt and Jack, let's be having your lists!

As I said in the main thread, I'm going to be out of contact for most of the weekend, so Matt, feel free to drop me into whatever space needs filling vanguard/rearguard-wise when making the pairings.


Right I'm here!

Sorry a bit late to the party, I blame the fickle god of Nurgle for a stinking manflu. The pestilent bastard!

I am just tapping up my list now, and quite fancy being Rearguard - so there!! Haha

Pip I can't seem to see your choice for Vanguard/Rearguard any thoughts? - Ignore this just seen your post!

I feel slightly awkward chasing up Jack for his list given my tardiness, but get on with it!! Hahaha. Hopefully list will be up in an hour or so.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Ok sorry for the delay. Here is my army list, sorry haven't had chance to do the names and fluff, but I have something fun in mind which I will write up this week.

But just to make sure we can get going, here is my list. All army lists appearing in this work are my own work. Any resemblance to filthy army lists, living or dead, is purely coincidental (and a miracle).


Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Lore of Tzeentch) Level 4 Magic, with Mark of Tzeentch, riding Disc of Tzeentch. He has the Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command and Scaled Skin. (405 points)

Daemon Prince (Lore of Tzeentch) Level 2 Magic, with Mark of Tzeentch and Daemonic Flight. He has Daemon Blade, Soul Feeder, Chaos Armour, Third Eye of Tzeentch and Charmed Shield. (455 points)


Chaos Sorcerer (Lore of Metal) Level 2 Magic, with Mark of Tzeentch. He has a Dispel Scroll. (185 points)

Exalted Hero bearing the Battle Standard, with Mark of Tzeentch. He has a Great Weapon, Helm of Many Eyes and the Dawnstone. (201 points)


15 Chaos Warriors with Mark of Tzeentch and full Command. They are armed with hand weapons and shields. (285 points)

40 Chaos Marauders with Mark of Tzeentch and full Command. They are armed with hand weapons and shields. (390 points)

5 Chaos Warhounds. (30 points)

5 Marauder Horsemen with Mark of Tzeentch and full Command. They are armed with spears. (115 points)

5 Marauder Horsemen with Mark of Tzeentch and full Command. They are armed with flails. (120 points)


5 Chaos Knights with Mark of Tzeentch and full Command. They are armed with Ensorcelled Weapons and bear the Blasted Standard. (280 points)

4 Chaos Trolls with extra hand weapons. (152 points)

10 Chosen with Mark of Tzeentch and full Command. They are armed with halberds. (260 points)

Chaos Warshrine with Mark of Tzeentch. (135 points)


Dragon Ogre Shaggoth with Great Weapon. (227 points)

Chaos Spawn with Mark of Tzeentch. (70 points)

Chaos Spawn with Mark of Tzeentch. (70 points)

Chaos Giant with Mark of Tzeentch. (215 points)

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


These are going to be some VERY confused Lizardmen come the final battle when they realise what side they're on!


Quote from: underscore on November 10, 2013, 09:19:32 pm
These are going to be some VERY confused Lizardmen come the final battle when they realise what side they're on!

Looks like they misread the Old Ones plan again!

Can I just check that "comedy" fluff is allowed for my army, or do I have to retain some vague attempt to keep it in the Warhammer World?!  :wink;m::

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146