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Dark Elf army book leaked

Started by Pip, October 01, 2013, 05:36:01 am

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October 03, 2013, 09:16:56 am #10 Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 09:24:30 am by Pip
Quote from: Jal on October 03, 2013, 07:15:50 am
Not true Pip - you have to maximise models - the best you can do is go corner to corner with the Cauldron

The cauldron doesn't count as an equivalent number of infantry for frontage purposes? I'd have thought Screaming Bell-esque rules would cover that.

Then again I haven't read the current incarnation of the Screaming Bell rules so I don't know why I thought that. The mixed unit rules in the LM book certainly have lines about treating Kroxigor/Slann as being filled with an equivalent number of skinks/TG, but they have no bearing on maximising contact since in both cases they're in the second rank.

QuoteThe old cauldron could be taken out in combat pretty easily if tackled by the right unit

You had to get to it, though - and as you said, DE have (and had) lots of tools for dealing with single-model units trying to get behind their lines. Now they have to push it right in your face.

I don't think I ever killed one of the old cauldrons in CC except by breaking the units in front. Then again my sample size for that claim is not very large.


It's actual models, not frontage taken - it's why the best Skaven players run a frontage of 3 plus the Bell (note not 2 plus the Bell) as then when other 5*20mm units charge you, the skaven player gets to keep 1 character (often the bsb) semi out of harms way by having him ride the combat corner created by the opposing unit having to maximise to the 2 models the other side


Biggest hit for Sallies Pip,  and you may not have noticed it, is they can't match and shoot any more....

The Trampoline

Quote from: fatolaf on October 03, 2013, 11:23:10 am
Biggest bit for Sallies pip, and you may not have noticed it, is they can't match and shoot any more....

I thought they had taken a hit somewhere, nowhere near as manouvable now. I can pew pew them off with magic and reaper bolt throwers.

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October 03, 2013, 12:58:50 pm #14 Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 05:44:51 am by Pip
I did not know that about the cauldron. Useful trick to know about (although which 5-wide 20mm units are posing a threat to Screaming Bell escort units? White Lions?)

QuoteBiggest hit for Sallies Pip,  and you may not have noticed it, is they can't match and shoot any more....

Aware of that one Ol; I just think it takes them from "bent" to "good". They can still use their march move to motor forwards in turns 1 & 2 and get into good firing positions very quickly.

(Personally, I'm enjoying the fact that if I don't want Sallies in my list, it's not lunacy to go without them any more  :endit:. Don't know why I'm fighting this corner in the first place... none of the lists I've written with the new book have had space for them. Got my 5th Steg coming from ebay soon  :thumbsup:)

QuoteI can pew pew them off with magic and reaper bolt throwers.

Absolutely, but that really doesn't interact with the march-and-fire nerf at all. They're exactly as easy to kill as they were in the last book, and the Dark Elf pew pew options remain the same (with the addition of the harpoon chariot?). Sallies were a threat then, they're still a threat now. That you can counter them with the right resources is only right - after all, bolt throwers etc. can be countered with the right resources too!

And as I said before, Sallies were just my personal example. Really any template weapon is as good - and even BS shooting is going to be fairly effective. Also, am I right in thinking that the Screaming Bell can be targeted independently of its unit? If so, the Cauldron is going to be fairly juicy bolt thrower fodder itself.