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OG Podium at Tides of Chaos

Started by The Trampoline, July 08, 2013, 09:34:38 am

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The Trampoline

Congratulations to Amit who came second at the event with Warriors of Chaos and Lorenzo Ricagni who third with Ogre Kingdoms.

Richard Ciereszko won the event with his Warriors of Chaos beating Amit by 1 point, he also took Best in Race off him. Matt Perriss won 'Best Army' with his Orcs & Goblins, Mark Borland won the judges choice 'Hobby Hero' award for his mental Warriors of Chaos list (which included a giant, forsaken, a slaughterer and no toys).

Lorenzo won Ogre Kingdoms Best in Race
Edd won High Elves Best in Race
Tom won Dark Elves Best in Race.

Congrats Oggers'!

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