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Something Wicked This Way Comes...

Started by TkaiC, July 01, 2013, 06:16:28 pm

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Right, I thought about collecting Dark Elves, decided the models were too expensive and then...bought Sam's old army and did a bit of Ebay poaching to fill out the list and... my new Dark Elf army is...complete.  Yay!  Having bought old models from Sam and Mike's cast off collection I now have:

A Supreme Sorceress
A Death Hag with 2 Attendants (Not going to be used at first)
Lokhir Fellheart (Corsair Hero, the one with a squid face....)
25 Spearmen
c. 10 warriors who're being converted to crossbows
2 Bolt Throwers (one in each style, which soothes my OCD), I've also got a third on the way from Ebay.  Hopefully.
9 Cold One Knights (5 in new style, 4 fatty boombatty)
30 20 Corsairs (30 was too big, so I sold 10 to the copycat of OG, Mr Matt C)
15 Black Guard

Plus 4 Cold ones which, with the addition of some tomb king chariots, will become 2x Cold One Chariots, yay!  There will be a BSB Master Elf on a Cold One in the Knight unit, carrying the Hydra Banner.  Finally, an old style Brettonian Pegasus is going to turn to the Dark Side and carry a lvl 2 around for sniping fun.  The basics there give me about 3 different list options to run - the pegasus will be magnetized to have either a Dreadlord or Level 2, plus I'll maybe do up a third chariot.

What will they look like?  Probably...kind of like this, although this is pre washes, so this, but dirtier:

The bright sunshine about is making the colours a little lighter than they really are - I've gone for a "Drow" skin tone - white basecoat then washed with Drakenhof Nightshade, highlighted with Blue Horror (one of the Edge paints).  Also, I've painted the eyes black with white pupils, to make them look, well, a bit weird.

This red/purple Corsair unit will have about half the cloaks painted this way, and half the reverse to break it up a little. The warriors will be in the same colour scheme except no cloak. These will hopefully stand out nicely from the bare metal of the Black Guard.  Throw in some green cold ones and it should be fun times in the painting studio!

Thoughts, comments, etc, very welcome!

On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.

The Trampoline

Try and pick up another 5 black guard, and a cauldron.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


I'm thinking of making my own cauldron out of the various skeleton bits I'll have left over from the Tomb King Chariots and some water effects with added red.  And yes, some more Black Guard would be ace, just need Ebay to up its game and have some for non-silly money  :cry:
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.


Quote from: TkaiC on July 01, 2013, 06:16:28 pm
30 20 Corsairs (30 was too big, so I sold 10 to the copycat of OG, Mr Matt C)


Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: cunningmatt on July 02, 2013, 02:03:57 pm

Just being a :rivertroll02:

And I hope you haven't forgotten the Golden Helbrute Competition on the 27th!
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.


Quote from: TkaiC on July 02, 2013, 02:10:30 pm
And I hope you haven't forgotten the Golden Helbrute Competition on the 27th!

Am I likely to forgot... no.

Am I likely to achieve... err... errmmmm.... oh...

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Don't you have the unit (Sisters) and Hero (Sea Helm) done?  So it's just the phoenix to go!  I've yet to build mine!
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.


If you want to add a unit filler instead of 4 infantry - Avatar of Khaine

can normally get the metal ones for sweet fa on ebay


Quote from: TkaiC on July 02, 2013, 02:32:15 pm
Don't you have the unit (Sisters) and Hero (Sea Helm) done?  So it's just the phoenix to go!  I've yet to build mine!

True, true. But I am an exceptionally slow person!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

roland murat

Love the look of the DE mate. Reminds me a tad of the DE in the Elder scrolls games
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!