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Come to our store on 1½ Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate, York and play more games....

The Wandsworth Waargh - Sat/Sun 16/17th February - Mini SCGT

Started by fatolaf, February 03, 2013, 06:18:53 pm

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Morning Ol, can I swap my saturday place for a sunday one please?



Right we really could do with a couple more for Saturday, I know this close to Valentines and Mark Borlands Bday bash on the same weekend, we might struggle to fill both days.
Sunday looks like being a small bijou affair, which is fine, If I play we only need one more player to make it legal...

Spread the word chaps...



Pop me down for Sunday please Ol - if I need to get bumped for someone actually wanting practice for SCGT no worries but otherwise the warriors will be Raaarghing


Sorted boys, I will put G down as a maybe and Sam in for a place


Both days filling up nicely now, but still room left, so spread the word boys

Undead Dan

How many people planning on taking WoC on Saturday? I don't wanna bring mine if 4+ people are gonna have em too!