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South Coast Grand Tournament 12/04/2013 - 14/04/13

Started by lagar312, January 17, 2013, 11:31:23 am

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Yep, it is blanket comp with no thought put into the fact that dwarfs operate differently.  I've accused Dan of doing this with every version of the SCGT pack which has done that to Dwarfs.  Unsurprisingly dwarfs have never a) attended in any numbers b) placed well, Hristo 16th last year is the best they've ever done by some margin I think.

But enough of trashing dwarf comp, I'm not going and I'm sure the event will still be fun regardless.

The Trampoline

Dave what would you suggest to be good comp for Dwarfs? I need to go over the comp I used for Winter War for Tides of Chaos in the summer. http://www.spikyclub.com/e107/page.php?61

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


Quote from: The Trampoline on January 23, 2013, 11:57:31 am
Dave what would you suggest to be good comp for Dwarfs? I need to go over the comp I used for Winter War for Tides of Chaos in the summer. http://www.spikyclub.com/e107/page.php?61

They lose out the whole magic phase so allow them to have a couple more dice than everyone else.  Even 3 is enough to make it bearable, or option of +4 dice but scroll counts as 1, so 2 scrolls = +2 dice max.  Gives dwarf players the option of how to build their antimagic. You can generate more if you want but they are lost (so can do anvil & runesmith with a scroll if you really want to dump those points).

unit sizes cap generic or tailored?  40 dwarf warriors have decent but not great base stats and no way of buffing them, so at 425pts with GWs is an acceptable unit in most packs and should be allowed.  40 hammerers is possibly a bit much and 480pts, so restriciton of 450pts is about right for dwarfs. That's 37 hammerers with musician but no other command/magic banner.

Warmachines 4 max, exclude Gyro from this unless you're allowing it to march & shoot or ignore partials (per the book it can't do either). 

If you want to hit the machines harder then:
Make rune of accuracy & penetration only allowable on 1 GT (can take a second with acc or pen but not both)
Master engineer -  make it work like the empire one where you have to pick a machine to crew at the start of the shooting phase.

Do nothing to discourage the anvil, you'd rather dwarfs were moving than sitting as a gunline.  If allowing special characters generally then don't ban thorek, he's a bigger liability than a normal anvil, anyone trying to use him as a gunline aid will blow him up and wreck their own tournament.

That build will probably allow the A.Spiers & Hristo builds in:
Lord on shield - nigh impossible to kill
Runesmith/lord - dispel kit, charge me rune
BSB - hard to kill
master engineer
2x22 xbows
30ish hammerers, 5+ ward vs shooting within 6"
2xGT -Acc &Pen x2, Acc & Pen, Cannon - Forging OR 2 x cannons forging on both, GT S5, Acc
OG, Gyro

If you want to take away dwarfs only active competitive build that is what you're comping.  So decide how much you want to take off that build. I think Andy runs his as 2 scrolls & 2 dice.


having read your pack it's all pitched at a level that allows a bit more than the SCGT across the board, so dwarfs can take the optimum build if they want but also aren't restricted for any other builds, seems fair based on what else is allowed.

The Trampoline

Thanks Dave, it's good to get advise off someone who knows the army and will give you good advise on what to comp and what not to comp.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum

Tom Loyn

Why should you be able to completely shut down magic when others can't? Just because you can't cast anything don't see why you shouldn't just be allowed 1 scroll and Chanelling like everyone else? Already have advantage of undispellable anvil and ability to dispel remains in play in your own phase without effecting yourself.


Dispel RiP is a red herring. Everyone could do that but get a choice, dwarfs don't. Plus only about 5 RiP spells left in the game!

If you think the anvil makes up for a magic phase you're deluded, plus misfire chart on it blows it up 1/6 games, pretty sure that's worse than mages.


Quote from: Tom Loyn on January 26, 2013, 10:08:34 am
Why should you be able to completely shut down magic when others can't? Just because you can't cast anything don't see why you shouldn't just be allowed 1 scroll and Chanelling like everyone else? Already have advantage of undispellable anvil and ability to dispel remains in play in your own phase without effecting yourself.
I don't want to shut down the magic phase completely, which I can do currently under SCGT comp. I can take as many scrolls as I want, generate 2 dice and say have at it. I was seriously looking at 5 scrolls. I want an ETC style of thing, dwarfs can get 4 DD, a scroll counts as 1 DD.

I had 4 scrolls at Sheffield, 1 of which was a destroy and it was basically only IF spells that got through against me. I told this to Dan, so hopefully they change it. Dwarfs have no magic phase so should be a bit better than other armies at shutting down magic, not just shutting it down more or less permanently.
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."

Tom Loyn

That's what I mean, rather than going the other way and giving dwarves extra dice I would say take away their extra scrolls and just let them have +2 dice and 1 scroll like everyone else. Or better still, ban them.


Morning Gents,

What time is everyone getting down there tomorrow?