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3D6" From Rage Quit

Started by TkaiC, November 16, 2012, 10:33:41 pm

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Well one of the attractions is that the painting (flesh tones in particular) would be similar.  But, you know, with more Hydra.  My short list of armies I want to play is currently:

Dark Elves (main drawback appears to be the sheer cost of the models - especially Dark Riders - so am looking at suitable proxy/modelling options)

High Elves (a Naggarothi styled army. Apparently High Elves are boring to play though)

Empire with a Cavalry bias (I like the thought of throwing that heavy armour save back at people!  This would be a crusade themed army, so flagellants, knightly orders, Sigmar all over the place)

Back to rats...the Plague Monks (with Plague Banner) wouldn't have been that helpful in the games I played (especially so against WoC, where their relatively low initiative is a huge hindrance) -  it was the usual "lots of hits, lots of wounds.  Damn you 1+ armour saves!" that I've raged about before.  However, dropping the Rat Ogres would've freed up the points for them and I think, on reflection, they'd have lasted longer (plus had some rank bonus which would've helped in most combats).
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.

roland murat

For the Empire stuff, if you go down this route, you may want to look at Firestorm games and the Perry's do some good knights and related stuff. Not sure if Ol can get it at a discount for you.

For Dark Elves, I think I have a few knocking about if you want them as test pieces. Also the High Elf cav from Isle of Blood may be available on ebay fairly cheap for conversions into dark raiders.

I also saw a rumour on TWF that HE may be getting a new book farily soon - if thats true and you choose HE you may want to hold fire.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!

The Trampoline

Dark Elves are not a very forgiving army and are very dependant on the magid phase, if you have a couple of bad magic phases the game really won;t go your way.

Armour is a big thing in the game these days, Empire with lots of knights, demi-gryph knights, cannons and maybe a steam tank is the way to go.

Flagellants are just junk though.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


Quote from: TkaiC on January 20, 2013, 10:48:32 am
Dark Elves (main drawback appears to be the sheer cost of the models - especially Dark Riders - so am looking at suitable proxy/modelling options)

High Elves (a Naggarothi styled army. Apparently High Elves are boring to play though)

Empire with a Cavalry bias (I like the thought of throwing that heavy armour save back at people!  This would be a crusade themed army, so flagellants, knightly orders, Sigmar all over the place)
Don't know about boring to play for HE, I'm just generally a bit meh about them, they lack the flair of WE or DE and have compulsory 1/4 of the army in a choice of 2 units, elves with bows, elves with spears (ok there's a 3rd option - elves with bows & spears).  So because of that I find them a tad dull looking.  Only big monster you can get is a hero/lord choice rather than the Hydra or treeman which puts me off.

Empire cav bias seems a bit too much sunk into the current "meta", 1+AS coming out the wazooie I guess is ok to play and I've got it in boxes just now but can't decide if I want to paint them or not.


Right...I've been reading fluff, so I've now got a new army plan lined up.  However, before I get into that, here are the 3 things I have to have done before I can buy anything for it:

1)  Completely paint up my 2,400pt Skaven list.  It did ok at the Waargh, could've crushed Tom's Bretts if the dice'd been kinder and so deserves to be finished.

2)  40k it up.  There's a whole thread for that so I won't go into my Dark Eldar here.

3)  Build and paint the (old style) Screaming Bell, Plague Furnace (new style) and Doomwheel I currently have sitting around in my spare room.  Also, Vermin Lord.  He needs painting.

Once all those have been done (Ok, maybe not point 3, but definitely the first 2) I will be enlisting my levees from the great Imperial Province of...Stirland!

Best fluff option, from my reading.  They're backward, poor rural folk (so heavy on the bows, light on the greatswords/hellblasters/steam tanks), have recently liberated Sylvania from those pesky Vampires and have a frontier town run by the Raven Knights, a Knightly Order dedicated to Morr (God of Death), to kill off any further undead nonsense.

So the basic make up of the army will be some suitably converted heavy cav (the Ravens) and then a very frontier/huntsman/poacher army - Outriders, Huntsmen (they're detachments of archers for Swordsmen/Spearmen blocks, right?), Amber Wizards for the whole 'of the forests' thing and some Warrior Priests for the whole 'boo undead, boo' thing.

I was very tempted by the even more hunt obsessed (i.e. hillbilly) Hochlanders, but I don't think you can take a unit of Long Rifle equipped troops, so that's a bit meh.

Plus their colours are green and yellow, which I think will look good on Empire.  Although my Knights will be in black and infantry will be wearing peasant browns and greens, with only bright cockades/badges in their "Imperial colours".
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.


What happened to the Warriors of Chaos, Dark Elves, High Elves and Wood Elves?!  :wink;m:: Hehehe!

Sounds good though and nice fluff.

Quote from: TkaiC on January 23, 2013, 04:44:00 pm
Plus their colours are green and yellow, which I think will look good on Empire.  Although my Knights will be in black and infantry will be wearing peasant browns and greens, with only bright cockades/badges in their "Imperial colours".

My suggestion would be painting all characters and infantry the same yellows and greens, and then washing the dirty peasants with browns - bit like you might do for a Bretonnian force.

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Dark Elves - Too expensive model wise

Wood Elves - Still a contender

Warriors - Everyone will be playing Warriors, but still a contender

High Elves - Still a contender!

But the current leader is the Empire.  Until tomorrow at least :)
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.


Quote from: TkaiC on January 24, 2013, 11:35:26 am
Dark Elves - Too expensive model wise

Agreed, I'd be interested if less of their Special Choices were Finecast.

Quote from: TkaiC on January 24, 2013, 11:35:26 am
Warriors - Everyone will be playing Warriors, but still a contender

Just remember I played Warriors before they were cool... and no doubt I still will be after they were cool

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

The Trampoline

If you did Stirland rather than dirtying up the models I would suggest different shades of brightness for the uniforms.

Troops like greatswords or swordsmen would have brighter richer yellows and greens because they would have some money spent on their uniforms. Lowley troops like archers, spearmen and halberdiers would have paler greens and yellows, due to fading. Or they would have more neutral/natural cloth colours with only certain parts yellow and green due the expense of dying fabrics. Things like plumes would be rarer on the lowley troops compared to the greatswords and swordsmen who could splash out on such extravegent decails.

The empire uniforms and heraldy book has some good designs, I could scan the page and PM you if you want.


Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


Quote from: The Trampoline on January 24, 2013, 12:15:56 pm
If you did Stirland rather than dirtying up the models I would suggest different shades of brightness for the uniforms.
The empire uniforms and heraldy book has some good designs, I could scan the page and PM you if you want.

I was planning of having the 'peasantry' wearing mainly undyed woollens (so light browns/creams) with a bit of mud spatter, although they will have some item of clothing/decoration to mark their affiliation.  I also think that huntsmen/archers would avoid large areas of bright colour, given they're supposed to be mucking about in the forest and sneaking about.  I like the idea of the poorer types wearing their betters' cast offs though.

One thing I really want to do with my next 2 projects (Space Elves and these guys) is come up with some interesting basing.  The Stirlanders will be on 'evil' forest bases, as they're supposed to be in Sylvania. 

And yep, that scan would be very helpful, thanks!  As I said, I'm not allowed to start buying the models til the rats are done, but I can start dreaming anytime  :thumbsup:
On twitter @tomfeattom - I talk about my band, rock climbing, baking and am sometimes funny*.
*Funniness is subjective and in no way guaranteed.