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Chaos Gnomes of Fairyland

Started by Annie, June 22, 2012, 08:19:28 am

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Nice colour scheme.  Where do the three unpainted ones come from?  I love the buxom halfling with the horned hat.  (Oh and yeah, that's absolutely my type  :wink;m::)  The horse is making me cry, though.  He could have been so happy.  You aren't nice, Annie, not nice at all.   :spank:


The characters are from hasslefree, I painted them last night. The pole is for the battle standard to go on.. just need to settle on a design. Need to get a better photo as this doesn't do them justice, i'm really pleased with their paintjob

Whos that behind them?!!

Gnome Guard!

army so far before characters

Hellcannon work in progress, and base of kdaii nearly done in the background

nearly there kids!
I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!


I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!

Tom Loyn

No gnome crew for the helcannon?


hes too baddass for "helpers"

I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!



I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!


Tom Hale

HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn


I realised I never actually uploaded my finished pictures! I'll put some up in the next week or so.

I am working more on this as I only initially made a net list army to break outta vampires, but stupid tournaments have pretty much comped it away  :bash;m: Heh so I need to change with the times.....maaan.

A unit of duck riders and a boob giant are in progress, pics also soon!

Never ever seen anyone take a seige giant so gonna make it a "thing". Also wan to play with the mortar too, so if anyone has any spare ogres, would be grateful!

And I'm making 4 peices of themed terrain too, so watch this space! ANy suggestions for terrain?

I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!