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Rolling out the Wolf Pack

Started by Meals, June 16, 2012, 12:12:30 am

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Although the destroyer lord has definietely got worse with the preferred enemy change, he does give preferred enemy to the squad he's with (such as wraiths).



Quote from: rathstar on July 13, 2012, 02:07:39 pm
Although the destroyer lord has definietely got worse with the preferred enemy change, he does give preferred enemy to the squad he's with (such as wraiths).


yes he does if one model has the rule the unit he with has it
Brought : To much
Painted : not enough


Alright, so finally gonna stop procrastinating on this.

The Wolves go to war!

Game 1

vs Glen Burfield - Eldar

Glen has a really nice Eldar army, with everything being covered in Freehand images, hes been using it for a couple years now. God, I love playing beautiful armies!

His list was:

Wraith Seer (IA unit, can cast FNP on Wraith units, and any unit within 12" knocks cover down by one)

10 Wraithguard
2 x 3 Jetbikes

10 Harlies

2 Wraithlords

I think that was it, so very small but very toough to deal with, when all that Fortune and FNP is floating around.

The mission, was Kill the Fast Ones. KPs but anything that could move 12" in a single phase (so vehicles, bikes, Jump Infantry, Beasts etc) were all worth 3KPs and HQs worth 2. In this match up with my Parking lot it was a bit lopsided on KPS.....
The other interesting twist was that all area terrain was classified randomly as either normal, smoking or burning (Smoking blocked all LoS over 2" and gave +1 cover. Burning blocked LoS and was also Dangerous). It was a bit of a 4th Ed flash back for some of us!

Turn 1:

We both deployed nice and central with him taking some normal ruins in the middle, I took up a nice parking lot around a central ruin for the LongFangs. He went first, as you'll note after this tourny is standard for me, apparently playing Brets for too long has corrupted my dice...

This is after turn one but you get the jist...

As you can see in the picture there was a nice large piece of terrain in the middle which was also smoking.  Glen moved the Harlies up behind it and the Wraithguard with Eldrad, walked up the gap in the middle with fortune, covered by the Wraithlords as you do.... Crucially Glen got Perils with the Seer, meaning one Wraithlord that couldn't get cover had no save from the Longfangs. he shot one Rhino and wrecked it, but didn't do much else.

I moved a couple of Rhinos behind the big building, including the RunePriest to shut down Eldrad, and moved a couple Rhinos and popped some smoke to get ready for the big push next turn. In shooting, One squad of LFs, rolled 3 hits, 3 Wounds and removed a Wraithlord, boom!!! the other two squads pinged 2 wounds off the other one. All in all pretty good, but I was still down 3-1 on KPs.

Turn 2.

Glen got a bit greedy here, and pushed the Harlies through the building at my Rune Priests rhino, hoping to get it and the other for a big KP shift. They did nothing... Glens shooting shot and wrecked another Rhino but nothing else as his rolling was so bad. The Seer suffered Perils again, and was down to 2W left, lol!

This left me with 2 squads of Grey Hunters primed to light up and then smash the Harlies, without being in any position to take return fire, so I promptly obliged. I shot off the remaining Wraithlord, and somehow managed to get half the squad of Wraithguard despite Fortune. At this point, Glen was looking pretty grim. I was killing stuff off with ease, however he was still up by 6KPs to 2. Silly Rhinos...

Turn 3
The jetbikes turned up and hid from the LFs, along with everything else, but the Wraithguard piled into the GH squad from my wrecked Rhino in the middle of the table. They hilariously lost 2 more WG to the rhino wreckage, and Glen looked like he might cry... Anyway, Eldrad killed enough to win the combat, with Fortune meaning I did nothing... The GHs broke and ran, ready to come back next turn. Glen couldn't follow to be 6" away, as that would put him in the firing lane for 3 squads of LFs.

I tried to run both GH squads on the left through the big building, needing only about 8 inches to assault the Jetbikes. (they need to be that far up to avoid the Wolf Scouts who could come on behind him.) I promptly rolled about 2 for the Priests squad, but 6 for the other, meaning I only needed a 4 to get them, for a big KP swing, but then rolled a 2,1 for assault. FAILBOAT!!!! Thw Scouts came on, shot a squad of Jetbikes and proceeded to miss with both Meltaguns and only killed one biker... MORE FAILBOAT!!! I couldn't do much else with Eldrad and the WG hidden behind my Rhino wreck.

KPs: Me 3 Glen 6

Turn 4

Glen decided that as he was up on KPs, he could pretty much hide to win the game as long as he got one more Rhino, so he did... The Jetbikes boosted off to the far corner of the table (so close yet so far away...) the Wraithlord turned around to deal to the Wolf Scouts, while Eldrad and his boys hid behind the Rhino and finally had some decent dice to nuke another Rhino. Sadly my fist fluffed vs the Wraithseer, but the Scouts didn't run, so I had another turn to fist him.

My GHs in the big building both got lost in the smoke and could only move 2" each, Meaning my plan to smash 3 squads into Eldrad, failed miserably, but at this point I was a bit up shit creek, so I went in anyway with the squad that could make it. They got chopped up... The Fist failed again vs the Seer and got a big sword through his head...

KPs - Glen 7 me 3

Turn 5.

Look I remembered to take a photo!

So now Glen had pretty much won, with me in no position to get enough points back with the Bikes too far away. However Glen went to get his secondary objective with one squad, (he had to claim a building in his deployment for it) however one biker caught fire in the dangerous terrain, and paniced the squad off the table. Interesting.... Everything else hid like little girls.

Suddenly it 7-6 and things are a bit closer than they should be, so I went for glory. My last Rhino tried to tank shock the Bikers and failed. The Rune Priest with only 1W left (he took one from Perils earlier) ran out of the building to see the last jetbikes, cast murderous hurricane and then got promptly got eaten by a Daemon, damn Runes of Warding... Glen got the 2KPs and that was it.

So a loss, but I got my secondary objective, for having one of my squads in terrain in my deployment, while Glen didn't.

The final tally therefore was: Glen 10pts for the win, me 5 for the Secondary.

Next bat rep to come later when I can be bothered. But just as a teaser, here's the second best army:

There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!