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40k 6e psychics

Started by badusernametag, June 13, 2012, 10:24:11 am

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Tom Loyn

Cannons are the thing that ruins fantasy for me...


Quote from: Tom Loyn on June 13, 2012, 03:49:13 pm
Cannons are the thing that ruins fantasy for me...

And Shadow / Death magic, Ogres with Death + Fist...

Sorry the game for me , has been ruined (and I have been a fan for 28 years), the basic changes in 8th over 7th were great, but then lettign Vamps ruin the scene for the first year (without simply FAQing tha book) and then nothing but special monster Cav spam in all the new books since TK combined with letting Ogres have cannons that can move and shoot, killed the game dead for me.
Have not enjoyed it (at a tournie level) for nearly a year..

I just pray the psychic stuff is low key and not the most important phase of the game like it is in WFB

Tom Loyn

Quote from: fatolaf on June 13, 2012, 05:48:39 pm
And Shadow / Death magic, Ogres with Death + Fist...

Sorry the game for me , has been ruined (and I have been a fan for 28 years), the basic changes in 8th over 7th were great, but then lettign Vamps ruin the scene for the first year (without simply FAQing tha book) and then nothing but special monster Cav spam in all the new books since TK combined with letting Ogres have cannons that can move and shoot, killed the game dead for me.
Have not enjoyed it (at a tournie level) for nearly a year..

I just pray the psychic stuff is low key and not the most important phase of the game like it is in WFB

Fair enough, just saying that whilst certain lores could be considered 'op' I'm not that fussed with them and love the crazy 8th magic phase, think its fun and hilarious!  Most of things you've mentioned aren't magic there ;) think it has become much more difficult to balance at a tourney level as you said, but I also think that was the intention.  If you play the game in the Jervis way with big monsters, crazy monstrous beasts and magic blasting each other, then it's a fantastic, fun game IMO. Personally I take that mindset it's me to tournaments and usually pick a ridiculous/crazy list so I can enjoy myself.  Someone's got to win, so if I end up facing a few people who enjoy the winning bit so much they take utter filth then I just enjoy the game my way and they can win if they want! Not thaat important to me.


Yep I agree that the basic concept is sound, with big gribblies etc is sound, but sadly they also have spells in their that uncomped can ruin your game turn one, dwellers etc...
Which back on topic, is my fear for a psychic phase that will contain some 6 dice game winners, very worried


Its funny actually... here in NZ, noone plays restricted magic (ie no LOS for big spells), and you know whats happened? No plague of boring ass Points Denial Deathstars... Guess the question is, whats worse?

As I've said before, given certain things that are already in the game, I would be thoroughly impressed if GW came up with something worse than half the units in 40k that can delete units at a whim!
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!

Tom Loyn

I agree, if someone can lose the game on one dwellers they deserve it IMO! But on topic, I agree magic doesn't really have a place in 40k! Just making the point that I don't think magic has ruined fantasy at all, so that's not the reason to keep it out of 40k.


Quote from: Tom Loyn on June 14, 2012, 01:35:15 pm
I agree, if someone can lose the game on one dwellers they deserve it IMO! But on topic, I agree magic doesn't really have a place in 40k! Just making the point that I don't think magic has ruined fantasy at all, so that's not the reason to keep it out of 40k.

So if my hierophant gets dwellers turn one and my whole army crumbles , I deserve it??

Magic is too dominant in WfB, it's far too easy to chuck 6 dice at a big spell and delete units..
No tactics IMo, very dull game..

Tom, you think different, fair enough, let's carry on our discussion on PM if you want, but I bet now if you ask most experienced 40k players if they wanted to have as much magic in the game as fantasy, they would say no...

Have we actually got it confirmed that there is actually a psychic phase? Or is this just presumption ?


As someone who's waiting to start playing 40k when 6th edition comes out, I'd prefer it if the game was different so that I'm not just playing warhammer with lasers. Saying that though, this psychic phase thing is all I've heard about 6th so far.  I think that there will always be something that's bent in the rules, its just a question of what.

Tom Loyn

Well my hierophant would be at the back behind lots of undewellerable Necro knights with my general in a separate unit.  So good luck to getting within 24, casting it, me not dispelling, failing the 50/50 S test then failing enough ld8 crumble tests it effects me! (just an example).

But on this topic, totally agree Ol, I don't see magic as synonymous with aliens, scifi and lasers.  Not sure how they expect to reconcile it with 40k personally.

Tom Loyn

Re confirmation, they've announced the release of psychic cards haven't they? With 4 different disciplines and 7 powers per discipline. So sounds like 6 + a sig very like fantasy :s