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Chaos Space Marines

Started by Blotthrower, May 05, 2012, 10:31:07 am

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So I'm finally taking the plunge and buying some 40k. I know ultimately very little about the system except to say that a new edition is coming out soon. So obviously I'm rushing on ahead and jumping in at the end of the current edition!

I've chosen chaos space marines as quite frankly I can't face painting any more orcs! As much as they do appeal to my sense of fun, I loved playing as chaos in the original dawn of war game.

So with that in mind I've got a few questions...

1) I've been tempted by doing a warband that is full of possessed troops as I think the conversions would be cool to do. So are possessed marines really as bad as I've been lead to believe?

2) Given my previous history of conversions is there a limit on how far I can go? I've heard 40k is stricter on wysiwyg than fantasy.

3) Is there any truely bent builds I should stay away from

Cheers Gents!


For starters Ben, CSM is the first new codex for 6th Ed and the box set will contain new CSM as well...
So the codex will be very different to what is now currently known as one of the weakest..

I would say the only real 'bent' thing is obliterator spam and lots of lash (even though this has now been nerfed)

Possesed I believe are just too expensive in comparison to normal SM

So go for it I say, Im sure anything you come up with will be fine..

As for WYSIWYG, yes its stricter in 40K, but so long as you have weapons that are clearly defined, you should be okay..

roland murat

My understanding of the csm filth build is a couple of demon princes with lash, loads of obliterators and some plague marines.
Bought: 20
Painted: 11

Boo at Deathwing. Boo!


Cheers gents,

I'll try and stay away from the Obliterator spam. I'm going to pick up a few bits off ebay and just go from there.


I would hold off the csm until the new book comes out, some special things going to be in there, if you can't then I recommend havocs, missile launchers are ace
F*ck Hellheart


I've heard some interesting stuff about the new oChaos book, including the fact that its going to have cultists in it  :thumbsup: Everyone is right, at the moment the CSM codex is one of the weekest out there, its still possible to build a list that will give people a good run for their money, but the only truly competitive build is the obl/lash spam that no-one really wants to play (don't be that guy).

On the plus side of things, if you are looking for a hobby army then CSM is amazing, you can have totally chaos'd up marines complete with tentacles and god knows what or pristine old variant armoured troops that have gotten lost in the warp for the last 10000 years.

I'd hang on until July especially if you are planning on making use of Ebay, as a lot of people will be investing in some new toys in the not to distant future and who knows, it might be fun to play Chaos again.

On an unrelated note, I've also heard that Chaos Dreadnoughts aren't going to blow the crap out of their own troops and that there will be a plastic Dread in the box!