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Sheffield Slaughter - Jan 30/31st 2010

Started by fatolaf, September 26, 2009, 11:27:01 am

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September 26, 2009, 11:27:01 am Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 11:37:28 am by fatolaf
Quote from: Pete ScholeyBelow is the rules that we are proposing to use at the Slaughter in January 30/31 next year. A full  rules pack detailing the timetable of events, scoring system, details of hotels etc will be published via the Dragon Slayer Web site in due course. However, since the venue and amentities/ hotels have not changed since this years Slaughter, then all of the hotels etc are still valid from that rules pack.
Please note that we have tried to create an event where people will come and feel they have a good chance of winning every game. We are not conceited to think that this rules pack is perfect. No doubt there will be plenty of you out there that will be able to create some pretty powerful armies from these restrictions. Good luck but please remember the spirit in which the event is to be held. The Slaughter is a ranking event for the Masters and so will attract (hopefully) players attempting to get into that event.
Feel free to comment about the rules. I am certain things will not please everybody. But please dont start a slanging match about why things have been restricted. You will hopefully see from the overall pack that scenarios, scoring units and the like have been selected in order that people will be guided towards selecting fuller armies and not MSU's that predominate most events at the moment.
Anyway, feel free to comment. entries will be taken from now via PMing me. however your place will not be guarenteed until I receive payment.
Entry is £30 and I will accept cheques.
Several Have asked re paypal, I will try and sort something.
There are only 66 places btw

Quote from: Pete ScholeySheffield Slaughter 2010
The aim of this year's Slaughter is to try and produce a tournament where all the armies have the ability to complete in every phase of the game. Armies that are not overpowering in any one phase and where players rely on tactics and terrain rather that over competitive army design.
To that end we have decided to make overall restrictions within the game as well as examining each individual army and restrict or ban certain items we feel are over used, over powered or plain boring.
Generic Restrictions
1.   All armies will be using 2000 point standard restrictions. No Special characters or special unit champion upgrades such as Changelings
2.   Only current army books are to be allowed. No lists from books such as Ravening Hordes or any Annual or any units from White Dwarf. This means no Chaos Dwarves, Dogs of War or Rhinox Cavalry etc.
3.   It is believed a new Skaven book will be released prior to the event. To that end a separate set of restrictions will be published following its release for Skaven players.
4.   A maximum of 7 casting dice will be allowed. This includes Pool Dice and is the maximum you can have at the start of the game/ magic phase. Your army list must indicate where all dice are generated from. If it is possible through spells etc to generate more dice then this is allowed. Power stones and Bound items count as 1 Power dice. Tomb Kings are dealt with differently and are referred to under their section below. So if you have 2 Lev 2 wizards and a power scroll you start the game with 7 PD. You cannot buy any other bound items or power scrolls as the maximum number of dice is calculated at the start of the game and once items are used they cannot be replaced
5.   A maximum of 6 dispel dice will be allowed. Again, this includes the pool dice and is the maximum you can start the game/ magic phase with.  Any item that can dispel or destroy a spell or end the magic phase counts as 1 dispel dice. So as with the 2 level 2 wizards you have 2 from the pool and 2 dispel dice making 4. This allows you to buy up to 2 scrolls or items that dispel spells. You cannot have any more than this. Items giving you +1 to cast or dispel are allowed and do not count towards either total.
6.   No more than 4 war machines are allowed in any army.
7.   No more than 2 of the same special choices and no double rare, apart from High Elves who may take one extra rare choice.
8.   No more than 35 models including characters that can fire a missile weapon more than 20 ".This number does not, unless stated below, include war machines. Each crew member of a Chariot that have missiles count towards this total.
9.   A maximum of 3 units of flyers, including any flying mounted characters, is allowed. Magic items that give a flying ability are over and above this restriction.
Generic Unit restrictions
1.   Dark Rider, Glade Rider, Tomb king Light cavalry and Marauder fast cavalry. – You must include an equal amount (in unit strength) of core infantry. So 2 units of 5 fast cav means you must have 20 core infantry models. At least one unit of this infantry may not be armed with missile weapons.
2.   Steam tank and War Alter are mutually exclusive.
3.   Anvil of Doom is banned.
4.   Greater Daemons and Dragons are banned.
Army Break Point
To encourage larger infantry based armies we are introducing an army break point.
Each player must count up the total number of models in their army. A chariot is one model whilst a war machine or similar is equal to the number of crew. Stegadons count as 1 + number of crew. A Hydra counts as 3 and Razordons/ Salamanders as 4.
Rounding up they must denote on their roster how many figures constitutes 50% and 75% of their force. This is the starting figure and ignores raised troops etc.
Players reducing their opponents to these levels gain extra victory points as follows.
50% gains 250 points
75% gains 500 points.
So an army with 80 models loses 55 of them, their opponent gains 250 VP's.
Similarly an army with 50 models loses 40 then their opponent gains 500 points.
A VC army with 100 models raises 50 throughout the game. You still have to reduce it to 50 or 25 figures to gain the army break point bonus.

Tournament Victory Points
All usual victory points will be used. However a table quarter can only be gained if the unit is of at least unit strength 5 and contains a standard. Any other unit, monster, chariot, single character can neither gain nor negate a qualifying unit from gaining the points. Half VPs are awarded for reducing the steam tank to half points or less.

Game 1..Normal Pitched Battle. Wood Elves may use an extra wood.
Game 2..Take and hold. A house or similar building will be placed in the centre of the table. Any infantry with a unit standard of at least US10 may gain 500 victory points if at the end of the game it is occupying the building. BSB does not count
Game 3..Arcane Monolith...At the start of the game before the first player commences his turn but after armies have been set up randomly pick a piece of terrain. Place a suitable marker at the centre of this feature and then roll 3D6 and the scatter dice. The monolith is moved in this direction (if it goes off the table re roll all dice until it remains on the table). At the start of every magic phase the monolith is moved 2D6 in a random direction. Always re-roll any that goes off the table. Any wizard within 8" of the monolith at the start of the magic phase after the monolith has been re-positioned gains 1 PD or 1 DD for their army's pool. This is done before any other effect occurs such as the Black coach absorbing dice. 
Game 4..Fog of War...At the start of every game turn roll 4D6 and add 8. This is the distance visible to all models and affects shooting, charging and magic. (ie, spells that requires LoS and distance for missiles etc). When rolling the 4D6 for the distance, if you roll a triple then the fog has cleared and has no effect for that turn.
Game 5..Pitched Battle...As game 1.
Beast of Chaos
1.   No more than 3 chariots, including character mounts.
2.   Beast Herds may rank up 5 wide.
1.   Maximum of 6 units of Knights
2.   Knightly temper can not be used with the Tress of Isolde
3.   Silver Mirror is 1 dispel dice
4.   Banner of the Lady, Errantry Banner and Chalice of Malfleur are not allowed

Dark Elves
1.   Pendant of Khaeleth, Ring of Hotek, Standard of Hag Grief, Focus Familiar and the Sacrificial Dagger are not allowed
2.   Manbane and Rending Stars are mutually exclusive
3.   Assassins are classed as heroes. .
4.   Black Staff is 1 power dice.
5.   A character with Lifetaker is classed as 2 models and the Repeater Bolt Thrower as 3 models for calculating shooting over 20"
6.   Seal of Ghrond is 1 dispel dice
7.   Darkstar cloak is 1 power dice
8.   Bolt Throwers are 1 per rare choice as per High Elves. They can be duplicated. So 2 BT or 1 BT and a Hydra

Daemons of Chaos
1.   Icon of Sorcery and Power Vortex is 1 power dice
2.   Banner of Despair, Banner of Unholy Victory, Standard of Sundering, Siren Song, Noxious Vapours and Master of Sorcery are not allowed
3.   Spellbreaker and Spell Destroyer count as a dispel dice.
4.   No duplication of gifts apart from Spellbreaker.
5.   May only have 1 rare choice.
6.   May have a max of 4 Flamers.
1.   Master Rune of Valaya is 2 dispel dice
2.   Master Rune of Balance, Spelleating Rune and Spellbreaking rune are 1 dispel dice.
3.   Gyrocopter is not counted as a war machine.
4.   Maximum of 1 Rune of Penetrating.
1.   Steam tank counts as 2 war machines. If you take a Tank you may only take 1 canon from the special section.
2.   Outriders count as 2 models each when calculating models shooting over 20"
3.   Seal of Destruction is 1 dispel dice.
4.   Van Horsmans Speculum, Casket of Sorcery, Ring of Volans and Rod of power are not allowed.
5.   An  Arch Lector counts as 2 PD and 2 DD whilst a Warrior Priest counts as adding 1 PD and 1 DD to your total.
High Elves
1.   Allowed a double rare (can have 2 BT and 1 Eagle max or 2 eagles and 1 BT max)
2.   A character with the Reaver Bow counts as 2 models and the Repeater Bolt thrower counts as 3 models when calculating number for shooting over 20"
3.   Banner of Sorcery, Battle Banner, Book of Hoeth, Seerstaff, Ring of Corin are all not allowed
4.   Annulian Crystal, Sigil of Asuryan are 1 dispel dice
5.   Ring of Fury is 1 power dice
1.   A maximum of 1 Stegadon of any type allowed. If armed with a giant bow or blow pipes it is classed as a war machine for army selection purposes.
2.   War Drums, Diadem of Power, Focussed Ruination,and Becalming Cogitation are not allowed
3.   If a Slaan takes Focus of Mystery it MUST take a second Discipline of the Ancients
4.   Cube of Darkness is 1 dispel dice
5.   1 unit of skink skirmishers allowed per unit of Saurus/ Temple Guard
6.   No more than 6 terradons.
7.   Each individual Razordon and Salamander is counted as a war machine for army selection purposes only.

Ogre Kingdoms
1.   Butchers are Lv 2
2.   Bangstick and Gruts Sickle count as 1 power dice
3.   Hunter may join a unit provided he is not accompanied by Sabertusks. Additionally his bow loses the move or fire restriction.
Orcs and Goblins
1.   Black Orc Warboss can not ride a wyvern
2.   Max of 4 fanatics
3.   Morks Spirit Totem, Staff of Sneaky Stealin, Idol of Mork is not allowed
4.   Horn of Urgok is 1 power dice
5.   Max 3 chariots inc characters
6.   Shaggas screaming sword cannot be used by a character riding a wyvern

Skaven [ to be reviewed after new book release]
1.   Warlock Engineers are Lv 2 if have warp power accumulator.
2.   Screaming Bell, Storm Daemon, Eye of the Horned rat is banned.
3.   Rattling Guns and Warp fire throwers count as war machines.
4.   Max of 10 Jezzails.
5.   Bands of Power does not count as a power dice.
6.   Warpstone tokens count as power dice.
Tomb Kings
1.   No more than 2 units of chariots plus 2 chariots containing characters.
2.   Destroyer of Eternities, Heiratic  jar, Icon of Rakaph and the Casket of Souls are not allowed.
3.   Staff of Ravening, Banner of Undying Legion, Crown of the Kings and Enkhils Kanopi      are 1 power dice
4.   Brooch of the Desert is a dispel dice.
5.   High Liche counts as Lv 4, Liche priests are Lv 2, a Tomb King is also a  Lv 2, the  Prince a Lv 1. Dont forget that TK's still generate pool dice and these can be used to dispel spells in play.
6.   When calculating the amount of power dice a TK army generates simply add up the magic level of the characters. This can not exceed 7.Do not count pool dice
7.   When calculating dispel dice, you get the 2 from the pool plus 2 for a HLP and 1 for a Priest. Kings and Princes do not generate dispel dice.

Warriors of Chaos
1.   Maximum of 3 chariots including character mounts
2.   No more than 2 Disks of Tzeench
3.   Puppet, Tendrils of Tzeench, Blood Curdling roar, Power familiar, Book of Secrets are all not allowed
4. Forsaken gain the special rule "skirmishers" .
Wood Elves
1.   Only 1 treeman of any type allowed and counts as 1PD when calculating PD for the army.
2.   Cluster of Radiants is 1 dispel dice
3.   Bow of Loren counts as 2 shots towards calculating shots over 20"
4.   Annoyance of Nettlings, Hail of Doom Arrow and the Combo of Bow of Loren/Arcane Bodkins are not allowed.
5.   Eternal Guard of unit size of 15+ always count as core and get free command group and free magic standard worth 25 points
Vampire Counts
1.   Helm of Commandment, Black Periapt, Drakenhof banner, Forbidden Lore, Crimson Gem of Lahmia and Master of Black Arts is not allowed
2.   Book of Arkhan, Hand of Dust and the corpse cart  are 1 power dice
3.   Max of 5 Cairn Wraiths with/without Banshee

Loook great, I'm going...

Some great banned items, even older armies have had their 'cheese removed' , ie the BoC chariot army..

A brave move by the Slayers and one that I hope works and encourages TO's in the future to really address the dominance of the BIG 5 army books....


Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


Ogres 15-11-18
Dwarves 11-1-5
Space Marines 1-1-0
In the middle of a rage quit

Marauder Mitch

Names down, payiong soon.  Haven't missed a slaughter ever, and the hotel is a nice stagger from the veneue, but the little theft is nearby.


Seems like I missed the boat, 66 places in 3 days.... 00O

At the moment we are full. We are looking to expand to 80 and will let you know, will put you on the reserve list at the moment


So if you wanna go, get your name down real fast to go on reserve...


Anyone want to come, let me know today so I can get your name down....


Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?


I sent payment for this last week, but had no message back either way, so dont know if Im in or not!


Quote from: khaosgoblin on September 30, 2009, 10:29:51 am
I sent payment for this last week, but had no message back either way, so dont know if Im in or not!

Mark have you PM'd Pete?
I think he has the list on the Slayers site..

Lee, you and me are in mate, just need to send payment now...


cool, I'll try to remember to pay tonight!
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?