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Battle for Planet OG V - Jan 2012

Started by fatolaf, November 29, 2011, 03:27:03 pm

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What format would you like to see?

Doubles (1500-200pts) - Saturday
5 (41.7%)
Singles  (1500pts) - Saturday
2 (16.7%)
Doubles and singles - 2  one day events
4 (33.3%)
Singles - 2 one day events
1 (8.3%)
Singles - 2 day event
3 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: December 06, 2011, 03:27:03 pm


Hi Ol,

It's not that my armies wouldn't be any good, it's just that with the restrictions on filling all slots before buying a second means that i don't have enogh models to do that.

For example my Ultramarines list has 2 Fast Attack choices and 2 Elites but no Heavies, and I have no models to represent Heavy Support choices in a marine army at the mo'.

My Cadians would probably fit as I have a bit of everything for them, but they would be a bit boring to play as I would have to play them as a gunline.

So my Death Company list would be nice and easy as it's all basically troops choices.

The problem with an Death Company list is that it has very specific built in weaknessess to counter it's over the top strengths.

They are very expensive points wise so you don't get many of them, and they suffer from Rage USR which means once they get out of their transport you pretty much don't have any tactical control over them any more, as they will just rampage towards the nearest enemy unit, and canny players can really expoilt this.

However if they do get into combat, with pretty much anything, they will destroy it.

And DC Dreadnoughts are absolute combat beasts.

The biggest weakness with a DC list though is you basically point it at something and let go of it's leash and see what happens, but there are no suporting units.

Dedicated CC troops usually need some sort of back up, but you just don't get this with an DC list and they can get hammered by ordnance or canny players.

However combine them with another army that can support them while they do their business and I would imagine it would be horrific, but then again I suppose no worse maybe then Dark Eldar and Chaos Space marines combined.

The rules for Death Company are in the Blood Angels Codex.

The unit is a 0-1 choice, unless you take Astaroth in which case they unlock as a normal troops choice.

However you don't need to do this to take a full list as the unit can be up to 30 strong, and for every 5 DC you can take a DC Dreadnought which counts as a troops choice fulfilling your minimums.

So essentially it's a big unit of CC SMs with Frious Charge, Relentless, FNP and as many power weapons as you can shake a stick at.......


I do have the BA codex, just being an idiot  :))

With the new comp (ie simply no duplication), does this make life easier?


Actually that does make life a lot easier, just not sure what to bring now.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: StraightSilver on December 07, 2011, 02:20:36 pm
Actually that does make life a lot easier, just not sure what to bring now.  :thumbsup:

Plenty of time to plot sir, I will find you a team mate...

Cheese or Death



Hello All,

I'm checking work and real life to see if I can make this. I'll need a partner though - are you still looking for one Chris? DC sound excellent fun and I'm happy to bring some guard or vanilla marines along to compliment.

Comp Question: Ol when you say 'no duplication' does this apply to A: Squadrons and B: Different variants of the same tank: e.g. Leman Russ Variants?

Tom (W)


Quote from: itinerant on December 09, 2011, 12:19:41 am

Comp Question: Ol when you say 'no duplication' does this apply to A: Squadrons and B: Different variants of the same tank: e.g. Leman Russ Variants?

Tom (W)

Hi Tom!

In this case I think 'duplication' applies the unit entry in the codex. So you could have multiple Russes in on squadron, of the same or different types. But only one 'Leman Russ Squadron' total in the army. Same would go for 'Ordnance Battery', 'Hellhound Squadron' etc.

Do come! Haven't played you in ages



Hi Tom,

I am indeed still looking for a partner (God my gaming life is starting to sound like my real life!!), just call me Billy No Mates!

Better start getting some bloody painting done then, although there isn't a lot of them.

Tom would you like me to pm you my list so you know what you're letting yourself in for?

We won't rank very high, but we'll have a lot of fun!! :)


Hi Chris,

Yes PM me your list! I should have confirmation if I can come after the weekend once I've checked with the other half...

You might say we won't do well....but maybe now we've shared bottom two placings we get to go straight to the top. DC sounds eggs-in-one-basket scary - just don't go deepstriking them in a raider...! I had someone do that to me in a tournie and he mishapped it to death - he was not best pleased

I'll PM you a possible guard list now and a Marine one over the weekend.