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Planet OG Comp

Started by fatolaf, October 16, 2011, 06:46:34 pm

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I am abit torn on this one.

On the one hand I do agree, making too many changes to the way people can build their lists does unbalance some armies.

However unfortunately when you start using the word "tournament" you do get people that are capable of building very competetive armies which aren't so fun to play against, and although you may not come across these types of builds very often they are out there, and it is possible to copy and paste them from the good old internet.

Crazy missions can redress the balance somewhat, but in all honesty these can then make a friendly game very untactical.

My tactics (or rather lack of them!:)) got stitched up quite badly this weekend due to the missions, and I always pride myself on nice balanced, non-beardy lists.

I think possibly the fairest way to do it would be to have a comp score system that is decided by the tournament organisers.

Players can bring whatever they like but are penalised for OTT cheesey lists and rewarded for more balanced lists.

So something along the lines of penalty points for the things mentioned above (Valks, Vendettas, Storm Ravens, Thunderwolves etc), but rewarded for things like Troops, fluffy builds etc.

This score could then be added or subtracted to their VP total, affecting their final position.

So you could take a really cheesey army, but you may not make the top 3 unless you did very well because your build was a bit nasty.

I also think maybe 2 normal missions and 1 crazy one would be a bit better too.

Or if you really wanted to full out just change the FOC completely.

Conflict always used to only let you select Elites, Heavy etc once you had bought a recquisite number of troops, which stops some armies spamming Elites, Fast Attack etc by only buying two troops choices.


Yeah or have the missions very heavy on troop only objectives you only get other points for killing non-troops. So the more troops you take the better off you are and the less KP/VPs you have to give away.

Angelus Mortifer

It's important to make the distinction, as we did for our friendly league, that fluffy can still equal a very nasty list to have to face. Not picking on you Craig, even though I mention it a lot ( ;) ), but Ork Horde is incredibly fluffy but is equally difficult to combat depending on what you yourself plan to take. Same goes for IG Parking Lot for example.

I think the word "fluffy" needs to be banned from conversations involving comp and tourneys, and replaced with "Balanced" :)

I'd love to bring a DoA list, which fits my fluff beautifully, but it can be a real ball-ache for some when I'm taking 3 squads of Heroic Intervention Vanguard Vets on a 1D6 scatter (which could Combat Sq to 6 charging units if I took max numbers), as well as Dante's Precision Strike when joined with Honour Guard tooled up with Flamers, Meltas or Plasma. I'm aware of the costs required for this, but the point focuses more on spamming FA units and named characters as a direction of what not to allow... if that makes sense?
"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus


I have made some change already to the comp, but I am not going to go straight out no comp, because then we lose the diversity we have been getting of varied races, new players etc.

We will only start attracting a 'certain' type of player coming to 'chump bash' and that is not my aim.
Also I want to attract new players to the game, along the likes of Monk, me, and Ash etc who yes might take hard armies but are not experienced with them (that balances itself out IMO)..

I want to have some ordinary (ish) missions but I do not as a result want to see the usual leaf blower IG lists, venom spam DE etc...

Lets look at the comp at a 1500pt mission level and get some sensible simple restrictions (of which some armies will be exempt, ie Tau and transports)

And any ideas for the race comp, do people agree for starters about my long fang cap?


Quote- Units chosen from the Fast Attack, Elites, and Heavy Support force organisation may not be taken as duplicate slots (eg. You could take a unit of 3 Sentinels taking up 1 fast attack slot, but you could not take 2 individual sentinels taking up 2 fast attack slots.

How about any unit from these slots can't be duplicated, too much?
only Certain armies maybe?


How about only letting you take another Fast Attack Choice if you have filled one Elite and one Heavy Support slot and vice versa?

So you have your 1-2 HQ Choices, and your 2-6 Troops choices, but you can only duplicate the other slots once you have bought 1 of each.


I don't get your point about people coming to 'chump bash'. If you go to a no comp tourney and take a soft as list, I don't have any sympathy for you at all. And Besides the good players chump bash at comped tourneys too they just do it with slightly different tools.... See ben curry :P
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


I've always thought that points staggering was a better way of comping a tourney.

Rate the codexs and have different point limits depending on how strong / new they are.
It's subjective but no more than race comp.
You could even pull up stats from recent major tourneys and see how well each races is doing and use that to form the points. I know it's different and scary but it seems a lot more fair to me and you would get more varied races.

For example GKs might be 1400 pts and Tau at the other end with 1600.

Also because some races are crap but have 1 power build you can add in something like.
Chaos are 1550 but reduce to 1475 if they take 2 Demon Princes.

Orc are 1500 but are 1800 if they take only grots.
Mech Guard are 1475 but are 1750 if completely on foot.

A lot more carrot and a bit less stick!

Tom Loyn

But...but...all foot guard is horrible. Have you ever faced armies consisting of only 50 man squads with a single commissar (for ld10 stubborn, and he can't be picked out). Just blazing away with 150 shots a turn? You can kill pretty much any unit in 40k with 150 shots...


lol yeah I've seen it a couple of times. A guy had about 250 - 350 lasgun shots a turn playing against BA.
He killed about 5 marines (feel no pain for you) then his whole army got multi assaulted and wiped out in 1 turn. It was pretty epic.

That's the beauty of it. No one is going to bring a foot guard list to a comp tourney but they would to this.
You're not telling people what they can and can't have just leveling things out.