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Planet OG Comp

Started by fatolaf, October 16, 2011, 06:46:34 pm

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Tom Loyn

Oh and then you say, max combine squad of 30 and you can reign in the mass horde issue.

Most of the stuff in the guard I book is really cool, but the combined squad rule + squadron rule almost forces poor guard players into abusive lists ;)

Don't comp them too much, they do only have lasguns. If you start saying they can only have the 1 Russ and no hellies they'll get walked over by Marines etc.


Tom, I'd prefer guard players were taking squadrons than single hydras etc. Same goes for everything else that can do it. While the ignoring Stun/Shaken is great, the downsides are so much worse than single tanks. A squadron has to shoot everything at the same target, which means they aren't popping multiple things a turn, a penetrating hit is a 50/50 shot at killing one, and you can blow them all up with one assault unit.

The 30man cap could work though

The real issue with the guard book is just that everything's way too cheap, so you can happily take more than enough stuff to deal with everything...
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Quote from: Tom Loyn on October 21, 2011, 09:09:15 am
Oh and then you say, max combine squad of 30 and you can reign in the mass horde issue.

Might be an Idea....


Absolutely Meals. He is arguable the WORST hq you can buy for DA, all he does is unlock the build. However people would probably see it as extremely unfair if some characters were allowed and some not. Depends if Ol cares or not...

A list of permitted+non-permitted would be cool. Permitted at a premium points cost of course.

Dis-allowing squadrons in an IG army is quite a big nerf. Restricting the silly choices and ensuring an even spread of Elites, fast attack and heavy support is a far fairer way of balancing the list. I would make Vendettas, Hydras and manticores a 0-1 choice though. Having said that I'd do the same for Obliterators, Long Fangs, Dreadnights, Ravagers etc. The list could go on...


Meh. Then you take three squads of thirty and you've still got a horde... Thirty is actually a more manageable. Also, thirty Guard will get owned by thirty Orks. So you gonna cap them at what? 15?

Oh and while I'm at it, add Lootaz and Nobz to the 0-1 list ;)


Hmmm, will post comp up on Monday, and then you can have a look

It will be quite basic and generic


You're base and geriatric chum! ;)


Not really convinced limiting slots/special rules etc is the right where to go about comp.. one of the books will always get hit harder by those rules than the others, though it might work well to bring down the general level.. eg space marines.

For example... Armour 14 being 0-1 bring space marines back a bit, but the Tau have a Av 13 tank which will almost always have a cover save, which is statistically harder to destroy than the Land Raider.

Example 2: Tau suits are pretty essentially to the Tau book because the infantry is mostly overpriced rubbish, but if I can't duplicate Elites I can bring very few (3).

Ok so the 2nd example was really just me bitching :p

What I'm getting at is in my view we should look at applying modifiers to armies scores instead, maybe in Tiers.

Tier 1: BA, IG, SW, DE, DeathWing, GK's = -2 to their score.
Tier 2: Vanilla Marines, Templars, CSM (maybe only with double lash?), Nids, Orks  = -1
Tier 3: Eldar, Tau, SoB = +0
Tier 4: Current Necrons + 1 to their Score

or something.


Quote from: badusernametag on October 19, 2011, 07:16:58 pm

*+25% points cost for Special Characters

*No duplication outside of Troops

*You must fill fast attack, elites and heavy support before you take another, then have two in each before you take a third.

*Must take one foot unit for each in a transport (some races can get around this one btw)

I agree go for this. Dont try and create a while comp system of your own all at once. Play with this light comp and see how people feel / enjoy it.


Quote from: Jonagon on October 21, 2011, 05:39:24 pm
Example 2: Tau suits are pretty essentially to the Tau book because the infantry is mostly overpriced rubbish, but if I can't duplicate Elites I can bring very few (3).

Ok so the 2nd example was really just me bitching :p

Tau will be immune to most of the comp....And maybe a few other races...