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Necron photos leaked

Started by maelzch, October 15, 2011, 02:04:12 pm

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Steve H

Looks like the next Planet OG campaign could be a Necron civil war!!! :D
In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!


They are now up for pre-order, but what secrets have they leaked on the GW site...

For starters, these guys look and sound really good

QuoteMat Ward from Games Development says:

A Cryptek is one of the most flexible units in the Necron army list, and it's simplicity itself to tailor one to meet your needs. You'll certainly want to upgrade him to one of the five Harbingers. My favourite is the Harbinger of Despair, with his teleport-enabling Veil of Darkness, and terror-inducing Abyssal Staff. That said, there are plenty of other combinations waiting to be unleashed. Harbingers of Destruction add some anti-tank firepower, as well as enabling you to dispel or induce Night Fighting (through the Eldritch Lance and Solar Pulse respectively). Harbingers of Eternity grant re-rolls to their unit and sap the fighting ability of enemies (Chronometron and Aeonstave) whilst Harbingers of the Storm excel at blasting deep-striking and charging enemies with bolts of Strength 8 lighting (Ether Crystal and Lightning Field). Finally, Harbingers of Transmogrification use their mastery over the living rock to slow and stun their enemies (Seismic Crucible and Tremorstave). Armed with this knowledge, all you need now do is sit back, steeple your fingers, and cackle manically to yourself as you plan how your Cryptek can best humble your foes.


QuoteMat Ward from Games Development says:

The C'tan may be broken servants, but they're no less effective for all that. They've got a Greater-Daemon-menacing profile, and that's before you purchase the two mandatory C'tan powers. These are where your C'tan Shards really come to life - you can grant them ranged attacks (the tank-busting Transdimensional Thunderbolt comes to mind) close combat abilities (like Entropic Touch, which rots the armour of your opponent's troops) and weird game-changing mad science abilities (like Lord of Fire, which makes flamer and melta weapons explode!). There's loads of freedom in creating a fragment of Star God that suits your playing style, so just dive in and try a few out.

The Deceiver
When I want my C'tan Shard to represent the Deceiver, I normally choose Grand Illusion (redeploy D3 units) and Swarm of Spirit Dust for its powers.

C'tan Shard

         WS    BS    S    T    W    I    A    Ld    Sv
    C'tan Shard    5    5    7    7    4    4    4    10    4+
    Unit Composition:    1 C'tan Shard
    Unit Type:    Monstrous Creature (Character)
    War Gear:    Necrodermis


QuoteNecron Lychguard / Triarch Praetorians

The Lychguard are the wardens of the nobility, said to be incorruptible and utterly dedicated to their charges. While most Necrons wear a basic suit of living metal, the Lychguard wear huge suits of ancient armour, the likes of which are normally reserved for the nobility. After all, what use is a bodyguard if he cannot defend his master? Most Lychguard are equipped with heavy-bladed warscythes, which they use to inflict killing blows with every strike. Some will carry hyperphase swords and dispersion shields, which are marginally less powerful, but offer increased protection to the unit.

Triarch Praetorians hold a great responsibility - to ensure that the Necron dynasties never fall. When the Necron race turned to hibernation after the War in Heaven, the Triarch Praetorians chose to remain awake. Now, as the Necrons stir ever more into wakefulness, the Triarch Praetorians have also re-emerged to join the dynastic legions. They will rarely join a battle immediately, preferring to hover above the fray on gravity displacement packs before launching themselves right into the heart of the enemy army. With the devastating rod of covenant at their disposal there is very little that can survive the assault of a Triarch Praetorian.

This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 111 components with which to build five Necron Lychguard or five Triarch Praetorians. Included in the box are four full sets of weapons, giving you twenty sets of equipment in total. This enables you to kit out units of Lychguard with warscythes or hyperphase swords and dispersion fields; while Triarch Praetorians carry the rod of covenant and can be upgraded to carry voidblades and particle casters

Lychguard are close combat heavies, and excel as bodyguards for your Overlord, or shock troops fit to sweep the foe aside. If you're expecting heavy firepower, make sure your Lychguard are upgraded with dispersion shields - not only do these provide a 4+ invulnerable save, they can also rebound hits onto nearby enemies. Otherwise, stick with the mighty warscythe - Strength 7 attacks with no armour saves makes quick work of anything short of a Land Raider.

The Praetorians are one of the few versatile units in the Necron army, geared up as they are for both melee and ranged combat. Whilst their weapons are short-ranged, Triarch Praetorians are also jump infantry, and so rarely have long to wait before they can begin the killing. If in doubt, stick with the default armament of rod of covenant - Strength 5, AP 2 shots can solve an awful lot of problems.
With this box set you can make the following:


         WS    BS    S    T    W    I    A    Ld    Sv
    Lychguards    4    4    5    5    1    2    2    10    3
    Unit Composition:    5 Lychguards
    Unit Type:    Infantry
    War Gear:    Warscythe
    Transport:    May select a Night Scythe as a dedicated transport
Triarch Praetorian

         WS    BS    S    T    W    I    A    Ld    Sv
    Triarch Praetorian    4    4    5    5    1    2    2    10    3+
    Unit Composition:    5 Triarch Praetorians
    Unit Type:    Jump Infantry
    War Gear:    Rod of covenant


QuoteNecron Immortals / Deathmarks

As the shock troops of the Necron army, a phalanx of Immortals will strive for victory using every tactic and stratagem at their disposal. They wear heavier armour than Necron Warriors and they can easily withstand a hail of heavy bolter fire that would obliterate a fleshier target. Should an Immortal be felled, its threat is not ended, for its auto-repair systems will set about repairing the damage to its body immediately and it will quickly return to the fray. Few foes can withstand the Immortals' return fire so easily. A single shot from a gauss blaster can punch through most types of armour to strip flesh from bone. There can be no hiding from the Immortals.

For countless millennia, Deathmark Squads have served the Necron nobility as snipers and assassins. Even when they were beings of flesh and blood, Deathmarks had a reputation for cold-hearted precision and patience. Now, housed in tireless metal bodies, Deathmarks are more deadly than they ever were in the Time of Flesh. Like most Necrons their technology lies far beyond the realm of mortal comprehension and they can effectively slip in and out of dimensions at will. Their victims will assume that they have been ambushed, that the Deathmarks teleported onto the battlefield. The reality is that they were already there, waiting for just the right moment to lay their trap and catch their prey.

This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 80 components with which to build five Necron Immortals or five Necron Deathmarks. The set comes with plenty of devastating weapons, including gauss blasters and tesla carbines for the Immortals and synaptic disintegrators for the Deathmarks

Immortals are the ideal Troops choice for a Necron Overlord who means business. Every Immortal is as tough and skilled as a Space Marine; granted, they're not quite as quick-witted, but the extra resilience of Reanimation Protocols (dead models get back up on a 5+) and the massive firepower of either the Gauss blaster or Tesla carbine (your choice) more than makes up for it. Whether you're storming the enemy's defences, or hunkering down on an objective, you'll be glad to have some Immortals at your beck and call.


The Deathmarks are shadowy assassins who excel at turning up just when your opponent wished that they hadn't. Deathmarks are at their best when deploying from Deep Strike, and unlike other units in the game can do in your opponent's turn - they just have to wait for an enemy unit to arrive from reserve! Better still, as soon as the Deathmarks arrive, you can have them mark a single enemy unit you don't like the look of. From that point on, any Deathmark unit that shoots at that unit (or attacks it in close combat) will Wound on a roll of 2+.
With this box set you can make the following:

Necron Immortals

         WS    BS    S    T    W    I    A    Ld    Sv
    Necron Immortal    4    4    4    4    1    2    1    10    3+
    Unit Composition:    5 Immortals
    Unit Type:    Infantry
    War Gear:    Gauss blaster
    Transport:    May select a Night Scythe as a dedicated transport

         WS    BS    S    T    W    I    A    Ld    Sv
    Deathmark    4    4    4    4    1    2    1    10    3+
    Unit Composition:    5 Necron Deathmarks
    Unit Type:    Infantry
    War Gear:    Synaptic disintegrator
    Transport:    May select a Night Scythe as a dedicated transport


QuoteNecron Catacomb Command Barge / Annihilation Barge

The more aggressive Necron Overlords fight not on foot, but rather from the deck of a Catacomb Command Barge - an armoured, repulsor-driven skimmer. While embarked upon a Command Barge, a Necron Overlord is able to oversee the battle, ensuring that his troops are engaged with appropriate targets and that everything is going to plan. More often than not he will become bored of watching the battle and command the barge's pilot to fly him into the midst of the action, where he can launch daring attacks on unsuspecting enemy units, his warscythe decapitating his foes as he flies past.

Annihilation Barges are the Necrons favoured anti-infantry support platforms. Each is armed with a linked pair of tesla destructors - enormous energy cannons that fire ferocious arcs of eldritch lightning. The tesla destructor is primarily an anti-personnel weapon, though only the most heavily armoured tanks can risk its wrath with utter impunity. Its energy discharges wreak terrible harm on living targets, searing their flesh and boiling their blood. Furthermore, the bolts will often leap from target to target before they are finally grounded, leaving a trail of smouldering carnage across a broad swathe of the battlefield.

This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 84 components with which to build one Necron Catacomb Command Barge or one Annihilation Barge. The Catacomb Command Barge is a suitably regal way to transport your Necron Lord (or named character) into battle, while the Annihilation Barge carries the brutal telsa destructor, which is just as deadly as it sounds!

The Annihilation Barge is nothing less than a massive gun platform, and when the massive gun in question is a tesla destructor, that's no bad thing. As with all tesla weapons, the destructor scores two extra hits every time it rolls a 6 To Hit, which can quickly turn a troublesome volley into a unit-obliterating salvo. Where the tesla destructor really shines however, is when you fire it into a clump of enemies - after the first shot is resolved, the lightning bolts have a chance of arcing through any other nearby units. This does include friendly units, mind, so pick your initial target with care...


For the Necron Overlord who wants to take the fight direct to the foe, the Catacomb Command Barge is the only way to go. Not only does the Command Barge grant your Overlord the protection of its armour and quantum shields, it allows him to attack any enemies it moves over - just the thing for a spot of summary execution. Worried that your opponent might disable the Catacomb Command Barge? Don't be - your Overlord can expend Wounds to prevent immobilised and weapon destroyed results.
With this box set you can make the following:

Catacomb Command Barge

         BS    Front Armour    Side Armour    Rear Armour
    Catacomb Command Barge    4    11    11    11
    Number:    1
    Type:    Vehicle (Open-topped, Skimmer)
    Wargear:    Quantum Shielding; Tesla cannon
    Special Rules:    Living Metal; Sweep Attack; Symbiotic Repair
Annihilation Barge

         BS    Front Armour    Side Armour    Rear Armour
    Annihilation Barge    4    11    11    11
    Number:    1
    Type:    Vehicle (Open-topped, Skimmer)
    Wargear:    Quantum Shielding; Tesla cannon; Twin-linked tesla destructor
    Special Rules:    Living Metal


QuoteNecron Ghost Ark / Doomsday Ark

The Doomsday Ark is a technological wonder, easily eclipsing the primitive energy weapons of the Imperium. Even fired at low power the doomsday cannon is ferociously destructive; when firing at full effect, its searing energy beams burn many times hotter than more conventional plasma weaponry. Infantry caught in the doomsday cannon's fury are obliterated instantly; armoured vehicles reduced to glowing slag. In the face of a shot from a doomsday cannon, nothing less than a Titan's void shields can hope to offer anything more than a fool's hope of protection.

Ghost Arks are often pressed into service as conventional transport vehicles, conveying reinforcements to some vital area of the battlefield, or allowing Necron forces to attack from an unexpected quarter. The enemy's predicament is made all the worse by the fact that Necrons deployed in this fashion are, to all intents and purposes, accompanied by their own mobile repair station, for the Ghost Ark can fix even those Necron Warriors that are too badly damaged to repair themselves. Only by destroying the Ghost Ark can the foe have any hope of victory.

This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 168 components with which to build one Necron Ghost Ark or one Doomsday Ark. If you're after a troop transport then the Necron Ghost Ark is the perfect vehicle for the job. Alternatively, should you wish to obliterate your foes from the face of the planet, then the Doomsday Ark and it's under-slung Doomsday Cannon are the right tool for the job.

The Ghost Ark is a transport vehicle and repair platform all in one - not only can it scoot your Necron Warriors around the battlefield, it can replenish their numbers once casualties are suffered (D3 each turn, if anyone's interested). It's also a very effective anti-infantry vehicle, able to deliver two blistering broadsides of 5 or 10 gauss flayer shots each turn. As you might expect, this can make the Ghost Ark a particularly enticing target for your opponent. Happily, and like many Necron vehicles, the Ghost Ark has an array of quantum shielding that boosts its front and side armour values until it suffers a penetrating hit.


For those Necron Overlords who can never have too much firepower, the Doomsday Ark is a truly invaluable vehicle. Like the Ghost Ark, it has quantum shields and two gauss flayer broadsides. Unlike the Ghost Ark, it has a massive doomsday cannon (bwahahahahaha!). This gun really is as good as it sounds, putting out a not-so-subtle Strength 9 AP 1 Large Blast if the Doomsday Ark doesn't move - ideal for taking the starch out of some Terminators, or slagging down an enemy tank.
With this box set you can make the following:

Ghost Ark

         BS    Front Armour    Side Armour    Rear Armour
    Ghost Ark    4    11    11    11
    Number:    1 Ghost Ark
    Type:    Vehicle (Open-topped, Skimmer)
    Wargear:    Quantum Shielding; Two gauss flayer arrays
    Transport Capacity:    10 Models
    Special Rules:    Living Metal; Repair Barge
Doomsday Ark

         BS    Front Armour    Side Armour    Rear Armour
    Doomsday Ark    4    11    11    11
    Number:    1 Doomsday Ark
    Type:    Vehicle (Open-topped, Skimmer)
    Wargear:    Doomsday cannon; Two gauss flayer arrays; Quantum shielding
    Special Rules:    Living Metal


QuoteTrazyn the Infinite

Trazyn the Infinite is a preserver of histories, artefacts and events. In his possession are technologies and relics that are so valuable as to be priceless. Amongst his collection are the fabled wraithbone choir of Altansar, the preserved head of Sebastian Thor, the ossified husk of an Enslaver and a giant man clad in baroque power armour. In such a dangerous galaxy, Trazyn is loath to go out and explore it himself, but with so many exquisite artefacts to see and catalogue, he cannot afford to miss out. As a result he will send out substitutes of himself to do his dirty work. On the battlefield this can become increasingly irritating, as killing what appears to be Trazyn may simply be a Lychguard or a Necron Lord. Meanwhile, somewhere nearby, the real Trazyn is busy smashing his way through his foes to get his metal hands on his latest acquisition.

Ah, Trazyn, everyone's favourite mad librarian. If you want an Overlord that's almost impossible to kill, Trazyn's your man-shaped robot. Why? Because if he's removed from play, he can come back by taking the place of another character in your army. This, combined with that fact that Trazyn is also a scoring unit, can be a real headache for your opponent.

Trazyn's also no slouch in combat. Whenever his empathic obliterator kills an enemy, it has a chance to kill all other enemies of the same type in the same combat - perfect for Ork mobs. This isn't so useful against characters, but that's why Trazyn also carries a clutch of mindshackle scarabs - why kill an enemy when you can take over his mind and have him kill for you...?
With this box set you can make the following

Trazyn the Infinite

         WS    BS    S    T    W    I    A    Ld    Sv
    Trazyn the Infinite    4    4    5    5    3    2    3    10    3+
    Unit Composition:    1 (Unique)
    Unit Type:    Infantry (Character)
    War Gear:    Empathic obliterator; Mindshackle scarabs


QuoteImotekh the Stormlord

Imotekh is a grand strategist, perhaps the most accomplished the galaxy has ever known, and his campaigns operate not only across worlds, but across entire star systems and sectors. So impeccable are the logical patterns behind the Stormlord's strategies that the only way a foe can truly gain meaningful advantage is to abandon all logic themselves - something that most races find incredibly hard to do (except the Orks, who remain a constant thorn in the Stormlord's side). As Phaeron of the Sautekh Dynasty, and with over eighty Tomb Worlds under his command, Imotekh can draw upon incredible resources, for the armies of the entire dynasty are his to requisition at any time. As thousands of Necron Warriors march to war, Imotekh can be found at the forefront of the army, challenging high-ranking enemies to fight him in honourable personal combat. So far he has never been defeated, though if the Stormlord has one weakness it is that he rarely kills his defeated foes - preferring to leave them alive to suffer the humiliation of defeat (and maybe a lost limb or two).

QuoteImotekh is a grand strategist, and cares not for sullying his hands with the personal slaughter of primitives (unless it's amusing). In the early turns of the game therefore, you'll want him marshalling your forces from the rear, sending his fearsome lightning bolts arcing through the enemy ranks. This is particularly effective as Imotekh can keep Night Fighting in play for a prolonged period, allowing your Necrons to advance largely unmolested by the enemy tanks and heavy weapons. As the battle goes on, Imotekh's patience will tire and his lightning storm will end - at which point, you'll want to get him in close where his Staff of the Destroyer (hits everything under a 2D6" line with a Strength of 6 and AP 1) can rip the heart out of a tough enemy unit.
With this box set you can make the following

Imotekh the Stormlord

         WS    BS    S    T    W    I    A    Ld    Sv
    Imotekh the Stormlord    4    4    5    5    3    2    3    10    2+
    Unit Composition:    1 (Unique)
    Unit Type:    Infantry (Character)
    War Gear:    Bloodswarm nanoscarabs; Gauntlet of fire; Phase shifter; Phylactery; Sempiternal weave; Staff of the Destroyer
    Transport:    May select a Catacomb Command Barge as a dedicated transport


QuoteNecron Flayed One Pack

The flayer curse was a parting gift from the C'tan known as Llandu'gor, the flayer. Over time, those Necrons tainted with the curse suffer a slow and tortuous erosion of sanity. Where other Necrons are cold and calculating, these infected warriors begin to take pleasure in death and carnage, wrapping skin and torn flesh around them like grisly trophies. As the madness progresses their actions become even more depraved and they will feast on the flesh of the fallen despite being unable to digest or consume the flesh in any sense the blood simply seeps through the gaps in their exoskeleton and pools beneath their feet. As unnerving as this behaviour may be to other Necrons, their discomfort is nothing compared to the fear that is felt by other races when they encounter the Flayed Ones. Appearing without warning the Flayed Ones will slip into reality and begin their gory harvest, slicing their victims apart with long flensing blades that will strip flesh from bone with sickening ease.

This box contains five Necron Flayed Ones. These models are finely detailed resin cast miniatures

QuoteFlayed Ones are your berserker combat troops. With 4 Attacks each on the charge, your opponent simply can't afford to ignore them. Whilst you'll not often want to Deep Strike your Flayed Ones, you'll almost always want to Infiltrate them close by a suitably vulnerable unit of heavy weapons troopers. With careful positioning, you can keep your Flayed Ones out of the line of fire, and their 4+ armour save and Reanimation Protocols should prevent most of the damage from the shots that do get through. After that, it's a simple matter of loosing your Flayed Ones into the fray and laughing manically...
With this box set you can make the following:

Flayed One Pack

         WS    BS    S    T    W    I    A    Ld    Sv
    Flayed One    4    1    4    4    1    2    3    10    4+
    Unit Composition:    5 Flayed Ones
    Unit Type:    Infantry