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Allies expansion

Started by fatolaf, October 12, 2011, 03:16:16 pm

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This could be the rumoured mini release at Xmas, over to Harry....

QuoteOK I think this needs a thread all of its own.

ghost21 has been dropping a few rumours into the Empire thread.
Just to make life a bit easier and so we can focus on this exciting development .... here we go:

Ghost has posted the following:

Expect mini forces from various places,

I realy shouldnt but theres going to be mini armies like allies or sth (not sure on exact wording)

There will be things like a araby one and kislev, also I heard estalia, and oddly some insect kingdom

Dont post rules but lets say a pike is quite hard to use , but you get 3 ranks... spears you get 2 and no "reductions"... fishmen huh ;-).... possible possible

Rodmillard Posted:

Maybe I misread it, but I thought Ghost was talking about a separate allies book with rules for Araby, Kislev, Tilea and the "Insectoids" (sounds alot like what some fans have been suggesting for a DoW replacement). AFAIK it had nothing to do with the forthcoming Empire release except to say that Kislev won't be in there.

In reply Ghost posted

Thats exactly what I meant

Ghost has also posted:

Its an expansion book, im told it wont effect the releases of other armies
Honestly you will see them in wd before book form.

I think Chaos dwarves are a Forge world thing for now.

Theres 5 "states" in the book / supplement

Apparently 2 "good" 1 nutural, and 2 "evil ish"

and when you think of fishmen?... there are far more disturbing creatures in the sea than just fish... *cough ithilids cough *

How'd you like them apples?

I tell you what ... I like them just fine.


Thanks to Ghost for all of the above.
Hope you don't mind I pulled all your posts together in this way.

More snippets from the ghost21

the strange thing is that most people think the non human races are evil....damn you insecticons....

and in reply to this:
Anyone have any real inkling if this would involve bringing back old sculpts (as in kislev) or new sculpts?

Ghost posted this:

they will use some old sculpts, new horses so im told.

Posted by Mirbeau in this thread:

I can perhaps contribute. Some concepts on Araby were finished around 5 months ago, I though they were just for dreadfleet but nothing of what was described to me ended up in the book/game. I must say from what I was told what was seen certainly didn't imply a 'good' faction. I wouldn't be suprised at all to see them expanded upon further.

More from ghost21:

Theres a cool araby wizard with harem guards planned, looks really cool (female guards, big scimitar swords)
each " contingent " has 3-4 units, 1-2 characters
theres also djin(look at Araby dread fleet ship for inspiration)
they will probably appear in wd first.. i know that the planed book has 5 (planned) but they want to test the waters first
araby are kinda odd they can be good and evil but there not the nutural race(i said evil ish).


His take on the rumour:

QuoteI will leave the first post to Ghost as he has been in the chair on this one but here is my take on this:

This has got Vetock written all over it.

Mr. Vetock also made a random comment to me about Kislev that I posted in the Empire thread that whilst it didn't make much sense to me at the time makes perfect sense in this context.

Loved the little Kislev contingent army book.

This takes me right back to the 2nd edition contingent rules.

I saw some fantastic concept art from the Blanchitsu of some fantasy pirates so I wouldn't bet against pirates being a contingent.

I have also seen a concept sketch for an 'Ichthyus sapien' from Mr Blanche ... He showed it to me over a year ago ... I thought he had shown it to me just to yank my chain ... but now I'm not so sure

I have to say I do hope it is so ... cos it was £!*%$!^& cool.

Picking up on What Ghost said. Something else makes sense now...I can see them releasing each of these contingents one at a time as White Dwarf articles. Spread over several months and then pulling them together into a book at the end. (OR even little mini contingent books free with WD like the Kislev book).

For me .... a supplement like this would be a dream come true. This is right up my street.
I also already have small contingents of Estallians, Araby and Kislev just waiting in the wings. Waiting to be expanded.

So by all means ....



Fishmen, surely not???  :cool3:

QuoteIchthus may refer to:

    An alternate spelling of ichthys (ΙΧΘΥΣ), the Greek word for fish


Sounds fun whatever the armies are. Oh dear looks like I'll need more cash - can you do a smiley which is just my wallet emptying please?

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Aren't fishmen GW's code-word for April Fool's-style pranks?


Quote from: Pip on October 12, 2011, 06:38:53 pm
Aren't fishmen GW's code-word for April Fool's-style pranks?

Always been a net myth, but you never know.... :cool3: