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Sheffield Slaughter 2012 - 28/29th Jan

Started by fatolaf, October 09, 2011, 10:48:54 pm

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All very good points being bought up.

Now I know that I will never win best sports, even when I'm on my best behavouir and am likely to get the face on when I look over the table to see an army that I have no chancve against. Still, I have made a effort to try and make the games enjoyable for both my opponent and I and hope that the effort is welcomed.

I've only had 5 games that I can recall that I really didn't enjoy, and of those only 1 because of the list. The other 4 games were the opponent being just plain unpleasent, gamey, or trying to cheat (2 games were vs the same guy that had me being tempted to concede after turn 1 rather than spend any more time in their company).

I agree that some people take the game so seriously that its sometimes laughable, and unfortuately the worst offenders do tend to be interweb "celebz".

Marauder Mitch

After Slaughter was my 1st major event since the end of 7th i have noticed a lot of changes in the scene, a lot of things that was basically self comped out is becoming the norm.  The Slaughter has always been a great event, but tbh this year didn't feel the same.  Maybe not having the TNG boys and some of the NWA not there maybe.

Leggy always runs a good event in the Slaughter but the scene has moved on a lot from when me and a few of the older school gamers used to play.  OK, back in the day i took hard lists but i always tried to make the game interesting when using the Dragonline.

After playing another system for a while the soft scores are a bit of a pain, as i have gotten used to not having them influence your standings.

This is without one of the people that put me off from playing.


Quote from: Cyberactivity on February 01, 2012, 04:22:32 pm
I agree that some people take the game so seriously that its sometimes laughable, and unfortuately the worst offenders do tend to be interweb "celebz".

Not so sure about that sweeping statement, many of the so called celebs do indeed take games seriously but also are fun to play against. I have played many all of the top ranked players and all have been fine or fun.

But dont get me wrong, there are some top ranked players that I would never play , life is too short...


Quote from: Marauder Mitch on February 01, 2012, 04:30:05 pm
Maybe not having the TNG boys and some of the NWA not there maybe.

Agreed a lot of the 'old skool' player have been missing from events of late, either through rage quitting, block ticket buying from new clubs, having babies that sort of thing. Hence the Sat night was not anywhere near as good as it has been in the past...


Yeah, I guess it was kind of a sweeping statement but it was just from my experience.

Anyways, I remember when the scene use to self comp out the nastiest stuff and anyone that took those kinds of lists was treated like a pariah.

I find myself choosing events based on who else is going more often now, and then making sure that the comp is place is decent. I have no time for uncomp'd events (I know, how things have changed hey?) and want to know that my matyes will also be in attendance. 

The Trampoline

Quick question, what was Gary using?

Quote from: fatolaf on February 01, 2012, 01:24:40 pmBut we [referring to Ol & Wayne] are actually 2 of the least competitive players out there

I've played Wayne before he's quite competitive, don't believe the hobby hype!

Quote from: Undead Dan on February 01, 2012, 02:55:22 pmOn the other side of the coin, I do cringe when I play people who have their own podcasts for how they might report me.

Yeah I came off badly from a podcast report, after playing Wayne at the first Tempest he just referred to our game as negative. Just a negative game he kept saying without anything to back his statement up. It was only due to the fact I did something I guess he thought gamey. I killed his abomination and he took it off without rolling for it to come back (I'd forgotten as well). At the end of the game we had a combat where I forgot to attack (being distracted by a desperate need to go to the toilet) and I lost by 1 so fled. When I came back from the toliet I realised that I hadn't attacked and said can we roll which we did and my chariot ended up hitting enough to not lose combat and give the points. Then Wayne realised that he hadn't rolled for his abomination and wanted to roll for it to see if it came back. This had been a number of turns ago so I said no it was too late in the game, as if it had come back I would have had a chance to try and deal with it. Wayne didn't like this and said he'd have the chariot points back then. I just let it slide but this annoyed me since he'd ruled something like this against me at Pompey Pillage when playing Dan (I forgot to rally some fleeing troops and Dan said I couldn't rally for them as he wouldn't have a chance to get the points for them.)

So yeah Wayne wanting to do something he ruled against me doing at Pillage annoyed me especailly when he made out I ruined the game. Otherwise Wayne is a really ncie guy, sometimes the game gets to you and makes you behave in a way different to normal. Its done it to me a few times.

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Gary uses book of hoeth shadow high elves, if memory serves, in a block of Phoenix guard. Never played him though so just from what I've seen on tables beside me.