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Battle for Planet OG III - Saturday 15th October - 40K Tournament

Started by fatolaf, September 17, 2011, 12:40:33 pm

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Saturday 15th October

3 games of 40K on normal 6 * 4 tables

Prizes for top 3 players

To attract new players, upto 50% of your army can be unpainted

£10 a ticket, 14 places
- please pay by cash at the club or via paypal as a gift to [spoiler]fatolaf@hotmail.co.uk[/spoiler]

"As the campiagn enters it's 3rd phase, the planet's own natural defences start to to rise up against the combatants. The planet's orbit takes it into the blind side of the the 2 suns, a once in a millenium occurence. The nights last for days and the core temperature drops to extreme levels. Supplies are at a premium now for the ground based forces as motherships and support vessels are finding it hard to maintain contact with them. Survival is now the name of the game"

The Rules:

All games are to be played on 6 by 4 tables and scenery is fixed (by the TO)

1.5 K armies, using current codecs

No Special characters

All Objectives must be placed on ground level

The deployment will be set for each game as described in the mission

All 3 games will use pre-set missions and use the scoring system below

Only 'troop' choices can claim and contest objectives in all 3 missions

Scoring System:

This is how Tournament Points are calculated at the end of each game:

Primary Mission:

-10 Points for a win
- 5 Points for a draw
- 0 Points for a loss

Secondary Missions:

5 Points - If you complete the mission and your opponent does not (0 pts for opponent)
2 Points - If you both complete or both don't complete their mission

All VP's for destroyed units should be recorded as well (in case of ties), so keep shooting as every point could count. Only units that have been wiped out should be counted.


10-10:30 - Registration

10-30 - 12:30 - Game 1

12:30 - 1 - Lunch

1 - 3 - Game 2

3-3:30 - Break

3:30 - 5:30 - Game 3

5:30 - 6 - Results & Awards


The Missions:

Game 1: Supply Train

" Intel had given you a way behind enemy lines, where you can strike at his supply train, huge amounts of fuel, ammo and food are stored on their many transports. This is the perfect way to cripple your enemy as the long winter finally draws in.
The only problem?
The enemy has found yours as well......

Primary Mission:

Dawn of War Deployment
Destroy as much of the enemy as possible (the battle represents both forces going behind each others lines). The highest priority targets are the transports and tanks, anything that can house supplies.
The following Kill Points are awarded:

Transports / Tanks / Vehicles / Bikes: 3KP's
Anything else: 1KP

Secondary Mission:

Place an objective in the centre of the board, this represents a fuel dump of great importance. The player who has the most troops within 3" by the end of the game wins this mission.


Game 2: The Killing Fields

" The raids went well but the losses were heavier than expected. Your planned method of retreat was blocked and an alternative route was taken instead. This has led your forces into a strange peninsular, a giant plain dominated by huge pulsing crystals that have emerged from the ground. The air resonates with power, your tech systems start to overheat or fail, this is not a place to linger, especially as the enemy emerges on the horizon "

Primary Mission:

Pitched Battle Deployment

Each players DZ has 3  numbered objectives (placed by the TO) in it, these represent the ancient cells emerging from the ground. These cells are all 12" away from the edge and an equal distance apart.
These cells number 1-6.

No unit may Deep Strike/Teleport or Infiltrate / outflank, No Vehicle / Bike may move flat out (ie over 12")

The players will have 6 cards by their table, at the end of each of player 2's movement phase, you draw the top card. The number corresponds to one of the cells. That cell now blows up sending high blasts of pure energy across the field, devastating anything it hits.
From the centre of the objective, measure out a diameter equal to a roll of 4D6, everything under the blast radius is hit (models not under the blast, can not have wounds allocated to them).
Then remove the cell from the board.

Any Infantry model hit by the blast suffers an S5 Hit. Any unit that suffers a casualty must take a pinning test at -2LD (unless locked in Combat)

Only Cover saves may be taken, no other saves of any kind may be taken......

Any Vehicle hit must roll on the Damage table with a -2 modifier to the roll.

The player who has more of his units (any kind) in his opponents DZ at the end of the game wins the mission.

This is a 6 turn mission only

Secondary Mission:

' Get this to the Boss '

Each player takes note of one of their units , this unit must make it across the board and to the DZ and survive the game to win the secondary mission


Game 3: BreakOut

" The journey though the killing fields was worse than imagined, the carnage caused by the imploding cells, wreaked havoc amongst the survivors of the raids. Regrouping your HQ takes stock of the situation and tries to contact your basecamp. It's at this monent that news arrives, that something has gone wrong, something has gone very very wrong..."

Primary Mission:
Secondary Mission:

Due to Snotling Infiltrators, the details of this mission have been stolen. Our finest Inquisitors have been dispatched to retrieve the documents and apprehend the culprits.
The success of the mission is not in doubt, and the mission briefing has been rescheduled for the 15.10.11........



Yellow = PAID

1) Ashley

2) Sasha

3) Monk

4) Toby

5) Ben

6) Chris

7) Ian

8) Tom W

9) Craig

10) John



Angelus Mortifer

Count me in mate, though I'll likely have to conduct a campaign of persuasion by attrition against the wife - what with me being away from the 19th in NY too.

Out of curiosity, for Mission 2, what happens to Drop Zpods that can only Deep Strike - unless WD runs a new SM unit, "The Oversized Mechanicus Shopping Trolley" :)
"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to take us to victory, and wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father - Sanguinius holds it all." Horus


Quote from: Angelus Mortifer on September 17, 2011, 03:25:36 pm
Out of curiosity, for Mission 2, what happens to Drop Zpods that can only Deep Strike - unless WD runs a new SM unit, "The Oversized Mechanicus Shopping Trolley" :)

They can only drop in your DZ.... :thumbsup:


just one question about the no saves of any kind against the cells exploding surly you must be able to make a invaluable save especially if they have been payed for,

and the -2 roll on the vehicle would it be a penetrating hit or glancing with an additional -1 and with open topped craft would there be a +1 on the roll making it a total of -1

i don't know if i would be taking part in this as got Brighton doubles with annie on the 16th   
Brought : To much
Painted : not enough


Quote from: shadownova24 on September 17, 2011, 04:11:47 pm
surly you must be able to make a invaluable save especially if they have been payed for,

Cover saves only buddy, the enerby from the cells distorts any kind of ward saves...

Quoteand the -2 roll on the vehicle would it be a penetrating hit or glancing with an additional -1 and with open topped craft would there be a +1 on the roll making it a total of -1

Thought I would make it simple, no other modifiers apart from the -2


Loving it dude. Just backed from Starsmash and logged straight in to check this out ;)

Sign up Dan, Monk and myself please. Am waiting to hear back from zee German. Sasha is keen but has his daughter again (he's sure you're doing it on purpose). However she loves the geek and I've suggested he bring her along, if that were appropriate and ok with you?

Will have a proper look at the missions later and see if I've any questions/clarifications. Right now I'm ill and need some rest

Keep up the good work!
