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Help me choose a new army

Started by Annie, July 22, 2011, 11:27:12 am

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I started replying in the rage quit thread but didn't want to take over so thought I'd make a new thread.

I'd like to start a new army. Maybe not soon, but just something to ponder about, possibly buy the book and have some thinking going on with some lists to get going and keep an eye on ebay etc. I don't have much money and I won't have much time, but wouldn't mind a back of the mind project.

I have a bit of dwarves and an empire army but the empire is for Clash of Empires Wars of the Roses, and warhammer as  second thing, and will also be taking a while, I want something that makes me go "yeaaaaaah warhammer!!!!!! yeaaaaaahhhhh!"

So here's my musings on the armies that aren't vampire counts, and hopefully you can help me based on them.

Basically I want,
a change of stuff to paint convert. bright and shiny
a shooting phase!
not just "push stuff forward"

look kinda cool
don't know anyone who uses them so a bit different
so much painting brown. Bored of that with Vamps, would like more colourful
apparently theres about one list that works, so not much different to vamps.

Look very nice
cavalry based so very different
has some shooting too
take a long time to look nice and I'd want to do tonnes of heraldry, then get frustrated and insist on historical accuracy even though its warhamer and NOT REAL and end up thinking sod this and use them for 100 years war historical  :endit:
don't see much of the fluffy nice things?

very colourful
lots of nice models, be a good long painting/conversation project
multiple boobs
different sized models (dont know why this is a plus, I guess as vamps is all 20mm base)
don't flee

assumed as a WACCY army, having vamps and demons wouldnt make me seem like a nice person
no shooting (i think). I'd like to have shooting and maybe even warmachines.
can you build fluffy lists?

Dark Elves
I'm sure there are

would feel like a massive twa..... playing them
too dark, fed up of painting dark evil blergh
theyre elves FFS! *folds arms angrily*


I already have some
lots of shooting
seem quite fun to paint and fluff
not toooo many models? maybe?

Ol and Andy will shout at me
They don't move
apparently theyre boring
I see enough overweight bearded men as it is, I like to sex my armies up a bit.

High Elves
very pretty and BRIGHT to paint
generally just look nice
have shooting

again....elves....argh!!! (they upset my masculinity complex!!)
lots and lots of troops that look the same
I generally hate the army
theyre elves

very colourful
interesting, have fun looking troops
lots of conversion potential
SHOOTING! and stegadons!
lots of chaff

not a HUGE amount of variety of stuff
they dont have warmachines
When is the next book?
Whats the deal with colour schemes? I remmeber a long warseer argument where people were split on whether you can paint them whatever colour you want or not

new book soon
not many models to paint
conversion potential for lots of fun and large areas to paint

I don't get any warm fuzzy feeling of exitement
I don't really know how the army actually plays
They have moustaches

Orcs and Gobbos
very fun
colourful and funny models
lots of chaff
can have lots of variety
lots of shooting
can practice lots to see if I like them by stealing Yeos army periodically
new book so wont change anytime soon
I can blame my bad tactics on bad fate  :thumbsup:

a lot of people at my club have them
I hate the talk associated with this army  :bash;m:

Just generally like the look of them
they are pretty awesome
lots of weird special rules
would definately make a big dirty A bomb conversion

brown.....brown....brown.... I could do a white one though I guess

I have, so probably will at some point, but its firstly a historical army

Tomb Kings

undead, hoorah!
shooty undead, more hoorah!
bright coloured shooty undead, hoooorah!

undead is a con I guess.... I already have vamps
blue and yellow pretty much the only colour scheme?
They cost more than gold

Warriors of Chaos

interesting models

no shooting?
again, quite dark, but I guess I could brighten them!
I seem to play against them alllll the tiiiiimme

Wood Elves
reaallllly pretty
really pretty
skirmishy and weeeeeeeeee and prancy
There MUST be a new book out soon??

Theyre still friggin elves
Wood Elves are probabaly the stereotypical army I should play, and I'm very stubborn!
They just aren't very..... raaawr are they


hmm so this list making has just confused me further!


I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!


Basically I want,
a change of stuff to paint convert. bright and shiny
a shooting phase!
not just "push stuff forward"

Looking at that list, armies that fit the bill (as in all compete in every phase, can be bright and shiny and don't run at the enemy like Vamps and also dont need ridiculous numbers of models, which seems to be an issue for you) are:

High Elves
Wood Elves (if you don't just go boring as hell 6 shades of green and go winter/autumnal theme)
Brettonians (though I guess knights can be to certain extent "push it forward")
Tomb Kings (can be surprisingly bright, if you can drown out the bone colour)
Lizardmen (who needs Warmachines when you have  :steg001:)

I've avoided Dark Elves since they are filth and noone should play them ever. Ogres may be able to avoid the "push it forward" under new rules but I don't really know yet

Does that help cut down the list abit? Others can work on it from here
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Personally I think you're sort of looking at Elves of some description with what you want. Might be worth having a look around for any rumours of what will be in the new WE book? Although I totally understand your hatred of them being pointed eared pansies, its always been my problem with them, heh.
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."


Lizards or Daemons Annie, both have shooting, variety, great models.

And so long as you don't go down the 3 unit list, no one is going to shout at you for using DoC as they are not all that in 8th (at least compared to VC)..

But in terms of playing styles, LM would be the best bet as you would be learning a totally new way of playing WFB..

Neither army is going to have a new book anytime soon, so you now what you are getting is going to last a good few years...


What shoots in daemons? I wouldn't do the dirty lists, would try and use fluffy things that dont see the table much....

I guess lizards would be the best as I'd learn more about psychology and break tests and all those crazy things i don't normally have to do.......
I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!

Tom Loyn

Flamers! They shoot...but either lizards or Deamons would be good from a colour point of view. Wouldn't say lizards are the best army to 'sex up' though, being a bunch of dinosaurs ;)

High elves could be a great shout, compete in every phase, bright colours, small elite army (so cheap). I'd definitely suggest them.


WOC are can be one of the smallest start ups in models & cost per point value

A unit of 25 Warriors with marks/command & banner will cover your core

Superb warmachine in the hell cannon
Loads of cool monsters: Ogres/trolls/dragon ogres/shagoth/giant/spawn/two headed dragon
Small number of models in start up = less painting
Loads of opportunity for conversions & scratch builds (warshrines a prime example)
Evil as "%$&£"



Quote from: fatolaf on July 22, 2011, 12:59:13 pm
Lizards or Daemons Annie, both have shooting, variety, great models.

I'm not sure one unit of Flamers really counts as shooting, that said, a Daemon army definitely gives you options with themes, and modelling etc.
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Quote from: Meals on July 22, 2011, 01:59:29 pm
I'm not sure one unit of Flamers really counts as shooting,

Nurgle breath weapons, flickering fire from the Horrors, loooads of shooting  :wink;m::


Lizards are great if you want an army which does balanced shooty-combat-magic, and also has big raaaargh monsters! You could defintely go to town and make them bright and colourful, with interesting conversions.

They are reliable (cold-blooded) but still suffer from psychology if you want to play with something different to the VC.

Quote from: Annie on July 22, 2011, 11:27:12 am
Whats the deal with colour schemes? I remmeber a long warseer argument where people were split on whether you can paint them whatever colour you want or not

I reckon any colour scheme at all would be fine - I haven't seen the thread but I'm going to hazard a guess that those people on warseer are probably morons!

I've always liked the look of the woodies as well, but then I am a self-confessed Elf lover  :wink;m::