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Wandsworth Waargh IX - Get Comped! - Aug 6/7th

Started by fatolaf, July 13, 2011, 02:30:43 pm

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Quote from: Marauder Mitch on July 25, 2011, 04:41:25 pm
Nice so fun, so the knights play chase the wizard.  I am unsure as i have another version with a dragon in it which is almost the same as the top apart from no RBTs, no Black Guard and a few smaller tweaks and no cold one hero.

But no practice games means i will choose how i want to use it.  What do people think of dragons btw??
Not something I would normally recommend when looking for fun lists but check out the scottish Dark Elf ETC list.  Andy Potter special (admittedly abusing the meh comp on DE).

Dreadlord (140): SeaDragon Cloak (6), Shield (3), Black Dragon (320), Blood Armour (15), Soulrender (15), Crown of Command (35), Pendant of Khaeleth (35) [569 points]

Master (80): Battle Standard (25), Shield (2), Lance (4), Heavy Armour (4), Dark Pegasus (50), Cloak of Hag Graef (25), Dawnstone (25) [215 points]

Sorcerer (100): Shadow Lore, Level 2 Upgrade (35), Lifetaker (30), Tome of Furion (15) [180 points]

Sorceress (100): Fire Lore, Dispel Scroll (25) [125 points]

17 Repeater Crossbow Warriors (170): Shields (17), Full Command (20) [207]
23 Corsairs (230): Repeater Handbows, Full Command (25), Sea Serpent Standard (25), Pair of Handbows for Reaver (3) [283]
5 Dark Riders (85): Musician (7), Repeater Crossbows (25) [117]
5 Harpies (55)

11 Black Guard (143): Full Command (35), Banner of Murder (25) [203]
Cold One Chariot (100)
5 Shades (80): Extra Hand Weapons (5) [85]
5 Shades (80): Extra Hand Weapons (5) [85]

Hydra (175)

About as horrible a dragon as you can build as the guy on the back just won't die (or run away) and therefore under the rulebook victory conditions it's basically 600vps that are protected even if someone does cannon off the dragon.  But the rest of the build is a bit of fun so tone down the silly element of the dragon rider and it would probably be considered a sub optimal choice for events.

Marauder Mitch

Thats similar to what i was looking at running, but no silly items.  Just finding the motivation hard to get interested and i am seriously tempted to see what biggs comes up.  When do lists have to be ready for


Obviously the most sensible option is to run a dragon and a manticore!

That's what I'll be doing, for a bit of a laugh  :))


Love your work, Jack. My lord still needs to slay a Dragon and a Manticore   :fighting001:
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!

Marauder Mitch

That was a idea i was toying with, but i guess i am finding getting the interest to game is the hard thing.

Steve H

Quote from: Meals on July 28, 2011, 11:16:55 am
Love your work, Jack. My lord still needs to slay a Dragon and a Manticore   :fighting001:
He'll get to slay a zombie dragon too!!! :)
In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!


Quote from: Marauder Mitch on July 28, 2011, 11:32:09 am
That was a idea i was toying with, but i guess i am finding getting the interest to game is the hard thing.

I find the more you play, the more you'll start thinking about ideas and get interested in the game again.

After long breaks I lose interest as well, but after a few games the 'warhammer crack' effect usually takes hold again!


Nobody will ever heroic killing blow my mountain chimera because:
1) I blow miself up from miscast
2) I fail to cast and my sorcerer is dead dead

Thank you GW. I love warhammer again
Vive le french abuse


I will be there with my Orcs (not Savage Orcs & no goblins, dont trust em!)

Bringing a Wyvern to add to the "heroic killing blow" foder, also a giant & some trolls for optimum effect :1st:

I know its filth, but I just cant help myself :wink;m::



Awesome, sounds like this weekend is going to be monster mash!

It's a HKB Brett lord's wet dream