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Battle for Planet OG - Saturday 16th July - 40K Tournie

Started by fatolaf, June 10, 2011, 01:39:19 pm

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Saturday 16th July

40K tournament, 3 games, Prizes for top 3 players and wooden spoon

£10 per ticket, 14 places

" Planet OG, a planet newly discovered by your scout fleets. A planet rich in resources coveted by your people, be it technology, minerals, slaves or easy pickins....
An Invasion force has been mustered and you have been given your first command of such an impressive fleet, the success or failure of this mission lies in one pair of hands, yours!


The Rules:

All games are to be played on 4 by 4 tables

1K armies, using current codex's

No Special characters

All Objectives must be placed on ground level

All 3 games will use random deployment as per the 40K rulebook

All 3 games will use pre-set missions and use the scoring system below


Scoring System:

This is how Tournament Points are calculated at the end of each game:

Primary Mission:

-10 Points for a win
- 5 Points for a draw
- 0 Points for a loss

Secondary Missions:

5 Points -  If you complete the mission and your opponent does not (0 pts for opponent)
2 Points -  If you both complete or both don't complete their mission

All VP's for destroyed units should be recorded as well (in case of ties), so keep shooting as every points could count.



10-10:30 - Registration

10-30 - 12:30 - Game 1

12:30 - 1 - Lunch

1 - 3 - Game 2

3-3:30 - Break

3:30 - 5:30 - Game 3

5:30 - 6 - Results & Awards


The Missions:

Game 1: Orbital Assault

" The invasion of the planet begins as the various fleets send tide after tide of troop filled crafts to the surface. The Commanders all to aware of the importance of gaining a good vantage point from which to launch the ground assault. Orders have also been given via intelligence gained, to take out several key units from the enemies force. These are seen as key troops in gaining ground superiority "

Primary Mission: Basecamp

The 'base camp' is situated in the middle of the board and is represented by 2 pieces of ruins.

The winner of the basecamp is the one who has the most scoring units within 3" of the edge of the ruins. Non-scoring units cannot contest in any way.

Secondary Mission: Kill That

Secretly record 5 units from the opponents list (don't let them know what units you have picked).

Transports count as a single choice, as do independent characters. (ex: tactical marines squad along with their Rhino are 2 Kp)

These are worth one kill point each. The player with the most KPs at the end of the game achieves their secondary. If both players have the same number of KPs they are considered to both have achieved their objective


Game 2: Gaining Control

" The Base camp has been captured and the enemy has fled to ground less favourable. The assault was successful yet not without mishap, crucial relay equipment has been lost or mislaid, meaning comms with the ground forces is proving difficult, The key orders for the 2nd phase of the Invasion must not be lost! "

Primary Mission: Late Orders

At the beginning of turn 4 roll a D6 and consult the list to see which mission you are playing:

1-2 - 5 Objectives (one in the centre, then one in the centre of each quarter)
3-4 - 3 Objectives (one in the centre, then one in the centre of each deployment quarter)
5-6 -  Kill points

Secondary Mission: Leading From the Front

Your HQ is trying their hardest to inspire the troops. You can achieve this objective in one of two ways:

- An HQ choice must be involved in a close combat where they wipe out a unit (note: it does not matter if the HQ is the one who wipes out the unit, they just have to be involved).
- An HQ choice must destroy a unit from shooting. for example killing the last members of a squad, killing an independent character in a squad or destroying a vehicle.


Game 3: For your Eyes Only

" Disaster has befallen your fleet, as the transport ship entrusted with ferrying the much needed relay equipment to the ground has been ambushed by enemy fast attack ships. The ship managed to out run them but was critically damaged in the process. The estimated landing area is known and your troops rush to the area, ordered to retrieve as much surviving equipment as possible and not letting any fall into enemy hands "

Primary Mission: Ship Down

The transport ship is represented by a Large Blast Template.

The winner of this objective is the one who has the most scoring units within 3" of the edge of the template. Non-scoring units cannot contest in any way.

From Turn 2 onwards, each player Rolls for the crashing ship at the start of their turn as per the rules for Reserves: (Turn 2 = 4+ , turn 3 = 3+, etc)

The ship arrives from the rolling players left. Place a large template in the center of the relevant edge and roll 8D6 for how far the burning wreckage will slide along the center line of the table before crashing to a stop.

    Any unit touched by the template as it travels down the table suffers 2D6 S8 AP3 wounds.
    Any vehicle touched by the template takes an automatic S10 AP1 hit.

When the ship finishes its move:

    any unit caught under the template it takes S10 AP1 hit
    any terrain under the final position is removed from play.
    It then explodes 2D6 and any unit caught in this explosion suffers D6 S6 AP- hits

Leave the template there, or use a crater or something else suitable to mark the final position.

Secondary Mission: Which One did the Boss Say Again?

Place 2 objectives in your deployment zone, they must be 6" from any board edge and 12" away from each other.

Then in secret write down which one is the 'active' objective.

You win the secondary objective if you capture your opponent's active objective.



Your army list must be submitted one week before the event.
The 'Cheese Factor' Judges will mark the lists in order of filth, the top 4 will all play each other in Game 1, the winners will play each other in game 2 regardless of other results in the rest of the field.

The spirit of this event and the club is fun, so if you want to avoid this fate, do not bring filth.
In the event of their not being any stand out filth lists, there might only be a top 2 or maybe not any at all. The choice is yours...


Places are ltd and will only be confirmed upon payment.

Please pay by cash at the club or via paypal (send as a gift) to [spoiler]fatolaf@hotmail.co.uk[/spoiler]

Club members get priority before I advertise this on other forums


Yellow = Paid

1) James
2) Craig
3) Rob P
4) Ben Rowe
5) Ian Hunt
6) Chris Parsons
7) Toby
8) Daniel Fortnum
9) Monk
10) Tom W
11) Gareth
12) Tom H
13) Stephen
14) Mike Lock


There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Sweet, I should have finished my course by then.

And you allowed an extra 30 mins per game! That means I can squeeze more orks in!


2 hours equals a more relaxed pace especially as it is combined with special missions..


Dunno if you missed it or not, Ol, but theres also 5 bonus points for doing things like killing your opponents general etc. Means you generally never have people with the same total battle points.
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!


Quote from: fatolaf on June 11, 2011, 12:03:25 pm
2 hours equals a more relaxed pace especially as it is combined with special missions..

Now that I've had a chance to read those missions properly I must say:
1. They look AWESOME!
2. The extra half hour will be very useful to work out wtf is going on!
3. The last mission should be brutal!



Oh and also since its not a 6x4 table you'l want to cut down the 12d6 movement of the Thunderhawk down mission. 8d6 = 48inch max for a crash on the table edge, with average in the middle should eb  right.
There is no problem in life that can't be solved with Heroic Killing Blow:
Plague Furnace, Abomination, Hydra, Wyvern, Arachnarok, Engine of the Gods, Zombie Dragon, Vargulf, Hellcannon. To be continued...

If we assume that there are infinite universes, then in at least one of them, I'm banging Emma Watson. Awesome!

Rob P

Im in.  ill send you some mullah. 

and this time i will not get my ass kicked... as thorougly.


@ Rob - sorted buddy

@ James - Amended, and I have used VP's to sort out ties, did not want too many extra missions etc...