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Started by Happy Little Gekko, May 04, 2011, 02:02:02 pm

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Happy Little Gekko

May 04, 2011, 02:02:02 pm Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 02:07:34 pm by Happy Little Gekko
Flea thought about luck.  Or more to the point, his lack of it.  He understood well enough that as a man sized rat living in skaven society his luck would be very thin from the offset, but in recent days it just seemed that the world was out to get him personally.  For instance, whilst playing lustria roulette with the 5 poison cups and the clean one, he chose wrong and vomited over the grand poxmaster.  Throwing up was bad enough, but then having to escape a rageful, bloated rat with a hankering for your blood was just not fair.  Having to trek through the cursed jungle to try to find some shiny object with which he could possibly restore favour was not fair.  Then jumping through the first portal you see  only to find yourself alone on the other side facing some very surprised rat-stafarians was tottally depresssing.  Flea might as well have wrapped his own sling around his neck because he couldn't even hit a single thing as they charged him.  Come on! The f***ers were right in front of him there was no way he could miss....  Flea's second thought of the day was spiky maces hurt

If you are wondering why i have not actually posted a picture on here of the warband in question, i have the answer. (Blond model that no one can remember the name of approaches and hands over a sealed envelope) The answer is... i am lazy and need to strip the slightly painted ones already that i did when i was small and the one i didn't paint, but i realise i can do a better job of it (crosses figures behind back).
Any way, this plog will contain my rats as they progress (die horrendously is more likely - Editor) through the lustrian jungle in search of incredible posions and diseases, with which to make even nastier versions that they can then use on anyone they damn well want!!!
I will start with a simple roll call of my Boil ridden warband.

CLAN POXROT, a small and well meaning clan destined to be out shine be the better known pestilence bast*ds!

Pox master Flea (All poxrot clan members chose a name to inspire fear in their enemies, taken from the insect life the live among.  Sometimes they miss the point of causing as much fear in the enemy and just go with the first thing they think of!)
Champion Moth, Killer of snakes
Champion Butterfly Mistbringer
Initiate Mosquito
Inititate Gnat (new addition)(Tom you understand that named characters are not cannon fodder, slaves are right? - editor)
The gribblies - Plague monks with two sword because it looks cool (Ol hate hates rats with sword, Tom seems to be using the trick of piss off the other GM to win - editor)
MR Tibbles a rat
Sir Harold of Ulthar the third also a rat

At least nothing died, especially as my leader jumped straight in to the face of the other rat clan and 'sqito grabbed the artifact and then promptly jumped into the same friggin rats!!! (You will never be able to say tom's dice are loaded - editor)  Also i had no injuries minus making butterfly permanently frenzied!!!!!!!!  Yay rolepaly that one to death "charge the tree cos it looked at me funny"

Till next time (with pictures? - ed.) peace out

Flea looked up at the spinning sky and felt that if he moved, his body would not follow any order without sever reaction and pain.  He tried to rise and was rewarded with a slight crack in his back.  He layed back down, which resulted in a dull whooshing feeling in what he hopped was still his Brain.  Somehow he was not dead.  Last he counted (he can still remember all three occasions fondly) there was at least 4 other rats hitting him with various object, not lest of all big ass maces!  To still be breathing was a miracle.  Maybe his luck was changing...then he noticed the snakes!
"ohh...look... a red button-looking-thingy just waiting to be pressed....!"


Get some paint on them buddy, look forwards to the WIP shots...


Loving the background, looking forward to seeing the models to match!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Meant to add, I'm a particular fan of the self-editing - like the fact I'm hearing from both Tom and Tom's conscuiosuness who sometimes seems appalled by what Tom is saying, I know that feeling!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

Happy Little Gekko

Quote from: cunningmatt on May 05, 2011, 10:28:33 am
Meant to add, I'm a particular fan of the self-editing - like the fact I'm hearing from both Tom and Tom's conscuiosuness who sometimes seems appalled by what Tom is saying, I know that feeling!

HEHE didn't you know i had voices in my head?  i just wish they preemtied me when i want to talk to pretty girls.  Should have some painting done either tommorrow or sat....... bring on the pox
"ohh...look... a red button-looking-thingy just waiting to be pressed....!"


Quote from: Happy Little Gekko on May 05, 2011, 03:18:14 pm

HEHE didn't you know i had voices in my head?

It's difficult for an outsider to realise, unless you start talking back to them in public!

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


I do now have this image of Tom chatting up girls while arguing with himself like Smeagol!
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?

Happy Little Gekko

Ok, i know it is not a rat, but that is the colour scheme and style i am going for.  The reason that i have not posted a rat picture is (LAZY - ed.) that i have been super busy (DRUNK - ed.) at work and have not really had time to paint more than a few base coats.  I also messed up by not stripping the old modles first before attempting to paint so they don't feel right, i need some white spirti first and there is non in the house (you telling me sunshine, that you couldn't move of you fat ass to get any from sainsbury's? - ed.)  So i thought i pop up a picture to get people in the mood for poxrot, plus it means i won't forget about this plog.
Oh, i like purple on things at the moment, and with long flowing robes its perfect.

"What do you mean you had-had the shiney??"  Screamed Flea at a cowering Mosquito  "How could you drop it??"
"It was not my fault!  The other skaven beat me into the ground for it!!" Whimpered back Mosquito, trying desperatly to dig himself into the ground again, fearing some nasty reprisal from a obviously pissed Flea.
"If it wasn't for the fact that i need as much meat-meat shieldings as possible i would stik you with the next poisionus thing i see, just in the vain hope-hope that you would sweel up and burst!"  With that Flea stormed off to sulk in a corner.  Shouting at the lesser ones was hopefully distracting enough that none of the others would think to ask what happened to him.  At least Mr. Tibbles made it back in one peace.
"ohh...look... a red button-looking-thingy just waiting to be pressed....!"


Quote from: Happy Little Gekko on May 08, 2011, 12:55:48 pm
i need some white spirti first and there is non in the house

Pop down to B&Q buddy and get a can of Nitro Mors, 10000 times better than White spirit...


and 1000 times more toxic.