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Brighton Warlords WFB tournament on Sunday 12th June 2011

Started by khaosgoblin, May 04, 2011, 08:38:16 am

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What follows is the rules pack for the Brighton Warlords WFB tournament on Sunday 12th June 2011.

If you would like to attend, please let me know ASAP so I can add you to the list. Likewise, if you sign up and subsequently realise you can't make it please let me know as soon as you can. I'll keep a record of entrants on this thread.

Brighton Warlords' Warhammer Fantasy tournament

A Warhammer Fantasy Battle Tournament held by the Brighton Warlords gaming club with a maximum of 32 players. Entry is £5 for non-members & £3 for members.

To begin at 9.00am, Sunday 12th June 2011 in The King & Queen pub, Malborough Place, Brighton, BN1 1UB.

Event Organisers

John Humphries will administer the event organization. He will be the point of contact on all matters pertaining to the event and his decision is final. He will not enter the tournament, and will act as an impartial referee.

Army Selection Rules

Armies are selected in accordance with appropriate army books up to a maximum of 2,000 points (not a point more) using the usual limitations laid out in the 8th Edition rules. In addition, the following restrictions apply:

• All up-to-date official GW FAQs will be used.
• No special or named characters may be selected (although their models may be used to represent normal characters).
• Your missile-armed troops may not make more than 100 shots per turn combined, and your army may not contain more than 5 template weapons.
• Beastmen and Ogre Kingdoms players may take 2,100pts rather than 2,000pts.
• There will be a maximum of 50 models in any single unit, alongside a cap of 450pts maximum. This does not include any characters that join the unit.
• All items that force miscasts or affect the miscast table are not allowed. If there is any doubt, please ask.
• The Power Scroll and the Folding Fortress are not allowed.
• All models must be fully painted and based correctly (this means at least 3 colours per model and with painted bases). Any models that do not comply with this minimum standard will not be allowed on the battlefield.
• All models must be reasonably WYSIWYG, particularly weaponry.
• All army lists should be printed as a fully-detailed roster and a copy needs to be emailed to John Humphries at the email address found at the bottom of this post. In the event of an army list being illegal, all games up to that point will be turned into Massacres against the owning player.

The Battles

The game will be played on standard 6 ft by 4 ft tables with scenery placed by the referee using the 8th Edition rules.
All four rounds will be played using the Battle Scenarios in the 8th Edition rule book with the exception of 'The Watchtower' (due to limitations on club terrain). The scenario will be decided by the tournament referee at the start of each round.
Half VPs will be awarded for reducing any enemy unit to 25% or less of its original unit size.
Competitors may not move the terrain prior to the battle's commencement.
Additional features such as any Wood Elves' extra woods should be supplied by the competitors.
Any terrain moved as part of the game should be moved back to its starting position after the game.
Scouts do not affect the +1 roll for finishing deployment first.

Event Scoring

Generalship Points
00-80 Points will be awarded for the army's performance over 4 battles as follows:

00 Points per battle in which you suffer a massacre (lose by 1500+ VPs)
03 Points per battle in which you suffer a solid beating (lose by 1499 – 1000 VPs)
06 Points per battle in which you suffer a minor beating (lose by 999 – 100 VPs)
10 points per battle you draw (99VPs or less difference)
13 Points per battle in which you inflict a minor beating (win by 100 – 999 VPs)
16 Points per battle in which you inflict a solid beating (win by 1000 – 1499 VPs)
20 Points per battle in which you inflict a massacre (win by 1500+ VPs)

Victory points are earned as described on p.143 of the 8th Edition WFB rulebook.

Sporting nominations

Whilst this tournament is free of banding and comp scores, we still expect players to participate with the correct cheery disposition of grown-ups playing with toy soldiers! To this end, we will reward players who are acknowledged as good opponents with soft scores for sportsmanship.

00-15 Points will be awarded for general's sportsmanship as follows:
5 points for 2 'most sporting' nominations.
10 points for 3 'most sporting' nominations.
15 points for 4 'most sporting' nominations.

These points will be factored in after the 4th battle.

The 'Best Army' Award

Please note the absence of the word 'painted' in the title. All players will be invited to nominate an army that is well modelled, converted and painted.

The winner of this award will gain a soft score bonus of +5 points, as well as a certificate & prize at the end of the day.

Proposed Timetable

Each round will last for 2 hours.

09.00am: Arrival & Registration
09.30 am: Announcement of tables for Round 1.
11.30 am: End of Round 1.
11.45 am: Announcement of tables for Round 2.
1.45 pm: End of Round 2.
1.45 pm: Lunch and voting for 'best army'
2.30 pm: Announcement of tables for Round 3.
4:30 pm: End of Round 3.
4:45 pm: Announcement of tables for Round 4.
6:45 pm: End of Round 4 and submit 'Sporting nominations' forms
7:00 pm: Awards Ceremony and head home!

Contact Details

John Humphries - PM on the Brighton Warlords forum

Please email me your army list by the 5th June to the following (long-winded) address:

john_humphries-1 (then the @ sign) stnicolas.brighton-hove.sch.uk

The funny layout above is to stop my email address being picked up and spammed by web-trawlers.

1. James Jeffery
2. Simon Hyett
3. James Harding
4. Mike Harding
5. Dave Hanson
6. Soja
7. Jamie Robson
8. Sean Demario
9. Luke Vincent
10. Tristan Landi




Can you count myself (john Rose) and Grant Alexander in as well please.
2011 Record
Orks            W3, D2, L3
Empire         W1, D0, L6
High Elves    W1, D2, L4


I could be tempted by that. Will have a think. Not been to Be-Right-On before.

EDIT: Yeah! Meeeee!
I may have the body of a weak and feeble Annie, but I have the heart and stomach of a ghoul!

The Dice Bag Lady Hand made custom dice bags to order!

The Trampoline

I might be on for this, need something to fill in the gap before Cardiff.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


I'm a big fan of Brighton, definitely keen on a daytrip down from London.


Quote from: StarDragonFTW on May 04, 2011, 09:34:22 am

Can you count myself (john Rose) and Grant Alexander in as well please.

Hi John, Its not my event mate, was just posting up on their behalf, just drop an email to the TO his email is in the first post.

Three of us from MK dropping down & a horde from hydra so its filling up quick.

C U guys there, this may well be an expedition for the Forest Goblins.



Anyone know how many tickets left for this?

Gonna try and get the Channel 4 News Team down for this. Probably about 4-5 of us.
Mohammad Ashraf. Follow me @Channel_4_News


Brighton does have a very good Shakeaway, it comes highly recommended!!

Sorry I know this section of the forum isn't for me, I'll get back to the inane banter part  :spank:

Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146


Quote from: khaosgoblin on May 04, 2011, 12:58:22 pm
Hi John, Its not my event mate, was just posting up on their behalf, just drop an email to the TO his email is in the first post.

Three of us from MK dropping down & a horde from hydra so its filling up quick.

C U guys there, this may well be an expedition for the Forest Goblins.


Sorry Mark, yeah already dropped the other John a mail so should be in there.
2011 Record
Orks            W3, D2, L3
Empire         W1, D0, L6
High Elves    W1, D2, L4


Quote from: cunningmatt on May 04, 2011, 01:27:21 pm
Brighton does have a very good Shakeaway, it comes highly recommended!!

Sorry I know this section of the forum isn't for me, I'll get back to the inane banter part  :spank:

I Walked past it on Monday and thought of High Elves!!
2011 Record
Orks            W3, D2, L3
Empire         W1, D0, L6
High Elves    W1, D2, L4