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Post-SCGT Project Log - please Vote!!!

Started by Steve H, April 13, 2011, 09:29:44 am

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What army should I choose for my post-SCGT project log?

Wood Elves
4 (23.5%)
0 (0%)
Dark Elves
2 (11.8%)
Re-done Empire
2 (11.8%)
Re-done Orcs and Goblins
4 (23.5%)
5 (29.4%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Steve H

Chaps, speed painting/dipping my lizards in less than a month for SCGT has totally killed me and taken all of the fun out of the building and painting aspect of the hobby. Therefore, I've decided to have a bit of a fresh start, using my lizards in tournaments (because they're nails!), but getting rid of the rest of my WFB stuff on eBay to start up a nice painting/ modelling blog to regain the excitement about the creative part of this game.

Regular guys at the club will know that I change my mind daily, so that's why you guys need to help me choose which army to go for and support my efforts by commenting on the blog!!! Let me know what you guys would like to see!!! Oh, and bare in mind these will be fluffy builds based on cool models... No mindwazor!!!

Theme suggestions readily accepted too!!!


In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!


I vote Beasts, ace models, fun to build (apart from the Bestigor  :endit:), lots of conversion potential, fun to paint and fun to play with, and seriously fluffy...

Tom Hale

I haven't voted because in all honesty long painting and modelling  projects should be determined by whatever models you find the most engaging which is subjective. I would however advice a new army rather than a redo (with the exception of Orcs as they are so diverse)
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn


O&G, most diverse there is and great painting / modelling potential.
Ogres 15-11-18
Dwarves 11-1-5
Space Marines 1-1-0
In the middle of a rage quit


Procrastination by Numbers - Update 146:

I'm painting classic Dwarfs!! PbN Update 146

Steve H

Sorry Steve... Removed a post - can we keep this roughly on topic before my thread descends into farce please!!?
In the style of Tom Hale... F*ck Ushabti!!!


2011 Record
Orks            W3, D2, L3
Empire         W1, D0, L6
High Elves    W1, D2, L4


Quote from: cunningmatt on April 13, 2011, 10:18:32 am
What upset you about assembling them?

The arms, nightmare.... :endit:

I voted for Beasts as they will be new army for you (apart from the couple you made), do you really want to start a O&G horde again???


Hopefully on topic enough, but are you sure a fantasy army is the solution?

I find it's not really the speed at which I work on an army that tends to burn me out for it, but the volume.  Painting 100+ figs for an army (as pretty much all of them are these days) tends to result in an amount of burn out regardless of how they're done.

My preferred solution is:
1. Don't sell your old stuff, it's almost always better to keep a couple of different army options available.  That way if you do get bored of the lizards playstyle you can switch without needing to compromise your current project
2. Work on a couple of different armies at the same time if you're going to do armeis, that way you keep the diversity in what you're doing and are using a couple of different colour schemes rather than churning one scheme.
3. Side projects - Bloodbowl team, necromunda, malifaux (in my current case) or just one off figs that you like.

From the armies listed my call would be between the DE and the O&G.  The reason being both can field quite a variety of units that will paint up quite differently.

DE - Dark riders and Cold ones are totally different styles of cavalry, BG, cors, xbows, spears are all a bit samey but witch elves are totally different, and shades to an extent too then the hydra and bolt throwers for some variety

O&G - Gobbos - 2 styles - forest vs night, Orcs, Squigs and spiders.  With a mix of cav, monsters, infantry and war machines.  Should be enough to keep it from getting too stale but don't be surprised if that big night gobbo units kill you!  I'd go for a dip job on them and then spend some time to get quality out a rank or two for the front of the unit.  Then spend time on the other more varied stuff.

If you don't mind doing samey models but with different paintjobs then the brets could be fun.  But painting horses is something most people hate.


i went for empire, as i think you could do some good themes there (church of sigmar, cult of tzeentch, Ulric's warbound etc)
Painted total 2012: Bought:15  Painted: 74
Quote from: NickAnd thus the true evil of 'Palmer, Hobbykiller' becomes clear...
At night he prances about like some sort of bearded West Country metalhead pixie, planting pink horrors in peoples' army cases and cackling while chanting his mantra, 'it's double sixes my love, take them off, just take them all off'
Quote from: Chris TomlinWho knew a Jager obsessed madman could be so creative?