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Tempest III - 28/29th May - Stockport

Started by Steve H, March 07, 2011, 11:24:55 am

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Undead Dan

A teeny tiny request, does anyone (Well, Tom or Dave) have a hexagonal flying base? It's about 32mm wide, and the right size for the Doom Diver template. I can't find one, but would be very handy to have- as it lets the Doom Diver hit more than one unit... especially if opponents are lax about the 1" rule!

Tom Hale

cheeky bugger! i don't have anyway but like hell i'm letting doom divers get any better!
HKB list: 2 STank 2 grey seers 2 furnaces warlord 4 Abomos Drakenhoff BSB 2 stegs GUO 4 BoN 2 gorgons goblin lord+LV4 4 Billys ogre bsb warshrine hydra 10 mornfang 3 slaughtermasters black+Star dragon great brayshaman 2 ironblaster 4 maneaters DE lv4 krox necro knight 7 DGKs luminark 2 huricanums war altar emp peg bsb 2 hellcannons skullcannon 2 Brett Lords The Green Knight kharibdyss Black Orc Warboss Peg Paladin nurgle DP Stonehorn


Should have a few hex bases about from various junk I've bought, though I tend to chuck them away as they don't match either 40k or fantasy bases normally, I'll see if I can find one tonight.

Undead Dan

Thanks. And yeah, exactly, that's why I don't have mine any more. I found a small round flying base which will probably be ok as well, but it's bigger than the hexabase and I don't want any unfair advantages :wink;m::

Tom, when the book first came out someone said that the Doom Diver actually hit ALL units in the path of the D6" redirect (potentially all units in an 8" line therefore!), after talking with the design studio... sadly (or not) the FAQ put a stop to that one! So be grateful :endit:


found a hex base (and a small round flying base) so tossed them in my bag.  Hex had been sprayed white but don't suppose that matters to you.


May 30, 2011, 11:14:12 am #55 Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 11:49:26 am by fatolaf
Well that was a jolly fun tournament (as usual).  Sadly didn't catch up with the OG massive terribly much at the weekend, which I'll have to remedy next time we're at an event together.  But I did have the pleasure of a good long chat with Mark in round 6 while we sort of pushed some WE at each other but only got in 3 turns which suggests we weren't the most focused on the gaming  0]]

Overall performed pretty well, I won 3 games, I contended 4 of the first 5 games (played like a muppet in 1) and most likely would have lost to Mark in round 6 had the game played out, the volume of shots is ridiculous but then the impact they have on skirmishers in woods at long range is equally ridiculous (60 shots = 2 dead dryads).

Variety of opponents wasn't great - 4 warriors, 1 HE and 1 WE but the Warriors armies were relatively varied so didn't get too bored facing the same thing over and over (and it was 4 games in a row).  Think I was quite unique in getting so many of the same as generally there were a good range of different armies.  Ogres only had 1 player but everyone else had a couple of armies turned up.

Other stuff - Painting standard (as everyone has been moaning about it recently) was exactly the same as it has been for the last year.  There are a few nicely painted armies, a lot of ok armies and a few dogs.  To be honest I don't think it's vastly different to how it has been since I started touraments, the one thing I would say is that the 'top' armies are possibly not quite as nice as they were when I first went along.  Something I did notice was that of all the top army nominations only Matt P's HE were a bright army, everything else was quite muted.

Nominations were:
Matt Perriss - HE boat army (judges choice, which is good as he's not taking them any more)
Neil Peckett - Skaven
Rob Downey - Nurgle themed Daemons
Ben De Bosdari - Sourcelit Skaven
forgotten who- Warriors of Chaos (lots of nice conversions but quite a muted paint scheme but fairly well painted)
Chaos Dwarfs (used as dwarfs) - Mantic models with a lot of conversions (all the war machines) and good filler models/champion conversions in all the units, very nice looking while again being quite muted. won best painted.

So Rob's army has been around forever and I'm not a massive fan of the spore mines for horrors, Neils had his skaven a couple of years and will be changing to TK,  Matt is retiring the HE, the source lit skaven are a bit marmite and the other two are lots of nice converting and a solid but not amazing paint scheme (obviously all my opinion).

Sports went to Chris Appleford (2 in a row).

Comp & tournament rules - I really like the system, they encourage proper armies and the change to magic was actually quite refreshing.  The usual thing of it favours some armies and hinders others but I never heard anyone complaining about it.

Scenarios I don't mind, made for 1 pointless game in watchtower, not helped by my opponent. We had no building but he wanted to use a bit of 40k ruins as a building, I couldn't be bothered arguing so accepted and he then shoved 18 warriors with a flaming banner in there and shoved a bunch of other large warriors blocks at me.  I was never going to overcome that to win as I couldn't get 1000 vps off his other stuff so had to try and take the building.  Failled badly and got utterly smashed.  That was my one bad opponent of the tourney too, moaned for 2 turns after his hellcannon got a direct hit on my treeman and he rolled a 1 to wound.


One question though, How on earth did Ben C's army get through that comp, 2 units of BG, 2 Cauldron's for example...

Total filth...


Quote from: fatolaf on May 30, 2011, 11:50:31 am
One question though, How on earth did Ben C's army get through that comp, 2 units of BG, 2 Cauldron's for example...

Total filth...

Glad to hear he got into the spirit of the event and didn't just exploit obvious loopholes in the comp.

Oh wait...

The Trampoline

We are talking about Ben Curry here.

Follow me on twitter @Andy_Trampoline

spikyandy on the Warhammer Forum


Quote from: fatolaf on May 30, 2011, 11:50:31 am
One question though, How on earth did Ben C's army get through that comp, 2 units of BG, 2 Cauldron's for example...

Total filth...
Ben picked up the pack and went out his way to take the nastiest thing he could, until he looked at it nobody had considered 2 cauldrons (I didn't even know you could, assumed they were 0-1 choice).  The pack generally restricted armies quite well but there will always be a few people who push them as far as possible and find the loopholes.